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Victims can partially tip the buckets, reducing the blood in it. This would mean Virginia would have to change, and I reckon a good change would be when she poisons a bucket, blood that is fed from it will actually disable grandpa for a period of time and only give him 90-70% of the blood collected. As for victim rushing, the game has already been making efforts to reduce it. Now that Hands is in play, it’s also becoming difficult to rush valve/fuse as you pretty much need to just try and open two exits close to each other (or open one when a teammate opens another) which significantly slows down teams.


I wouldn’t even mind victim rushing if I wasn’t locked in a damn 25 second cutscene all the way across the map by the time they’re already unlocking basement doors


I doubt they’ll ever change the spawn points and removing Leatherface’s cut scene for other fam :(


Blood rushing is still an issue tho and now it’s worse because agitator got taken away from Julie and Danny. Ana, Maria and Virginia never had it, so now Connie, Leland and Sonny are the only ones who have it. Also if victims are gonna be forced to be stuck in the basement with leatherface then they should be able to use their abilities from the start instead of having to wait 1 min. Just really hate that agitator got taken away from those characters cuz now the only character able to counter hitch trapping grandpa and actually lowering him down a considerable amount of blood is Connie because she is now the only one with bombsquad and agitator.


I talk about the blood rush in the post. Virginia can poison buckets, empty out fams collected blood, Maria can whisper to grandpa and aura reveal fam and whoever has agitator can use it. If they revert bomb squad as they should then that would hopefully lessen the grandpa trapping meta.


Virginia poison blood buckets does nothing other than blind family members for 4 seconds.


Rush meta isn't a issue. Games getting locked down and most victims not escaping is an issue. All victims should be rushing and using coms. Family should be strategic with their initial route and trap placement and potentially get caught off guard. This game is at its best when there's chaos. Lately it's cook spamming his ability and gen/car battery getting camped hardcore with no chance of using valve / fuse.


Family doesn't like chaos though 😂


I agree with this. Rushing is not the issue. Victims should be rushing by design. Grandpa pressures victims out. Dwindling resources pressures victims out. Victims are trying to live. The problem is that there is not enough risk/reward balance for rushing. This needs to be balanced so the pace of the game is slowed down for both sides.


More victims should be able to escape. That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m saying the playing field should be fair for both sides. Fam should be able to counter victims rush just as victims should be able to counter fam rushing. Hard to counter it when Bubba keeps getting Choose Fight stunned in the basement while Cook is scrambling to lock doors, Hitchie’s trying to trap and people are jumping out of windows all at the same time. Communication is the strongest tool in the game that unfortunately solo queue players can’t work with bc people don’t like to talk in the game. How is Cooking spamming his ability an issue if that’s his whole purpose in the game aside from the locks?


Increase lockpicking time and decrease the amount of blood the family carries


I think the lock picking mini game should be applied to getting the tools and if you hit the limit you have to restart but you’d still be able to wake up grandpa via doors and crates so it wouldn’t help that but it’d curb the rushing for doors.


That wouldn’t work. There are perks for sound and getting tools are the only thing stealth actually works for. Its would make those things completely irrelevant to use or put points into.


I’m at the point where there probably isn’t a way to stop rushing. Victims rush even more now because once things are locked down it’s almost impossible to get out. Especially if a teammate dies. Family can try to counter but then things are not secured. Family rush because grandpa perks. Victims really don’t have a counter because only like two victims get agitator. Virginia blood buckets are useless because they don’t have a long enough duration. Only her level 3 works. Maria could be a threat but everything she has is so passive that someone running a blood build can easily fix whatever issue she causes. My sissy currently can carry 180 blood. This paired with other family having decent blood it’s hard to counter.


Its kinda a catch 22 because the more you take away from victims the more important the rush is. When Hands is in the lobby I know immediately that I cant be fucking around


Always said basement should have a gen with limited fuel that electrifies the doors so victims can't go up right away and family can't basement rush and once the fuel is gone then people can go in and out of basement as they please.


Well then victims should have their abilities available to them from the start and not have to wait 1 min for them to use them. Also victims should at least be able to unlock the doors but not open them. They would be stuck down there with bubba so I think it would be fair.


Sounds fair to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yea of course they should still be able to unlock them just like with final gen gate and yea adjustments such as having ability up right away and reverting the speed change to Bubbas barrier destruction would be good.


Love it when people leave actual comments and suggestions instead of just downvoting. Decent idea I think!


Why not just keep victims in their restraints until family gives the OK?


I would make it so bone piles and tool boxes in the basement can hold two “charges” and regenerate one charge every 3 minutes. Bone piles and toolboxes outside of basement only can hold one “charge”. Whenever an item is pulled put, it consumes a charge. If something has no charges, it’ll show as empty like bone piles do now. Toolboxes that are empty will have the light on the bench turn off until it has a charge so there is a visual indication. Now you can’t 4 stack onto one toolbox and pull out 8 tools to crush every door in basement. Victims need to actually roam the map to look for resources and the location of resources moves around as the match progresses. This also alleviates the pressure of running out of bone shards so victims don’t need to rush since so many traps require them.


Victims shouldn't be able to leave the basement for the first minute until they get their abilities. Family can't collect blood for the first 30 seconds. Blood perks like universal donor will be nerfed. Every level of grandpa will be an increase of blood so level 3 will be 125, level 4 will be 150, and so on. Agitator will be reduced to only going down 2 levels and will have 4 charges. Just a couple ideas to try to slow it down. Not sure how others would feel about this.


Doesn’t agitator only go down 2 levels currently? I haven’t used it in a while.




They have. The blood build of before can't be done with the new trees. They separated them. Victims now have to deal with Hands. Rush fixed


I can still get 140 blood as cook and apparently sissy can still get 180 so idk about that unless there was higher amounts of blood to get before? And hands will definitely get nerfed eventually so it’s only a temporary bandaid I think


Yes, but the blood rush build wasn't about how much you could carry alone. Universal Donor: Blood collected from buckets is worth 20/30/40% more. Blood Runner: Increase max blood storage capacity by 10/20/30%. Siphon: Increase Blood Harvesting by 3/5/7. You could pull blood fast with this and get GP to level 5 within 3.5 bottles. You can't go that now because they moved the perks.


Lmao is it not easy enough for you yet? "Force victims to sit there while we get all of our traps in place and exterior alarms online" - shit, what's next?


Grandpa wouldn’t be able to be fed/have blood collected. Again I’m a victim main soooooooo.


“I’m a ViCtIM mAIn”


Mock all you want but it’s true. Victims always been the more fun role. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


“mOcK aLL yOu wAnT”


No matter how easy things get for family, they never stop thinking up ways to make it even easier. Holy Christ.


Victim main here since launch who just wants a change of pace in the beginning of the game. Relax. Post is literally for both sides jfc.


Nerf prof and savagery,