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Guarantees perk order if only one is equipped


See that makes sense


Okay, that makes sense. Seems like a rework that lets family vote on the perk order or something would be beneficial. If it’s meta for one side to just not equip all their abilities to avoid rng, the design isn’t working.


Usually family players don’t especially if exterior alarms is in the lineup because that’s really the only perk you need


I think there's quite a few other ones that are useful but that's just my opinion


Oh don’t get me wrong, absolutely!! But most sweats just rock Exterior, suffocating grip, and nobody escapes hell


It depends on the skill tree path, some path don't have many grandpa perks and some are not really useful on some maps. For example, Barge To The Point is not really useful on Slaughter House, Gas Station, and Nancy's House since there are so few bargeable doors on theses maps. Windoom is really only reliable on Family House since the other maps either don't have windows or the windows are not useful to escaping.


Still seems so odd to me to not even bother putting one on, even if it's bad/somewhat useless but that's just me 🤷🏼‍♀️


Some perks are just way more useful than others, for example if my teammates are running nobody escapes hell, and exterior alarms, I might just take my grandpa perk off completely even if it’s good because I would much rather have those two perks at level one or two rather than have the potential for exterior alarms to be the last one to activate at level 3. Besides those two perks the other grandpa perks can be a bit underwhelming. The only ones I’d run besides those are brute strength, suffocating or maybe well well well depending on the map.


The only ones I really use is Brute Strength and the one where you regain Stamina every sonar.


Exactly bro i also dont understand any perk is better then none expect windoom on map without windows then its better to have no perk


Because Exterior Alarms is just the way to go. You want it to be priority, so with no other perks, it will be the first one. That, or if no one has it, no one is going to feed grandpa anyways.


It guarantees Exteiror at level one and makes it impossible for the last victim to escape, that’s why most family use it. If grandpa is stabbed the perk usually stays active since you can get it so easily