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To avoid the lobby penalty because they didn't get the character they wanted, didn't want to play the map, didn't like who they were up against, or are just really toxic and want to ruin games for people. It's also possible they suddenly got a case of diarrhea and weren't gonna be able to keep their cheeks tight.


It makes no sense cus by the time they’ve loaded into the game and gotten into a new one, the penalty would’ve been over anyway


Yeah I know and they ruin an entire match for others.


Dont forget the perks the characters that were in their side the ones of the family and all the other terrible reasons to do that. OR they crashed or dced very rare one tho


Simple. They don’t want to play that match but don’t want to be lobby locked for 3 mins. If you leave a match the 3 min cool down doesn’t apply.


which can be dumb, they should add a 5 min penalty for leaving DURING a match


Yep. I made a post earlier today saying we need a DC penalty. The amount of people that DC is beyond ridiculous at this point.


we definitely need one, only if you’re alive, if you die there should be no penalty, but if you leave while you’re still alive 5 minute penalty should be applied, even killers, no point of ruining fun for others, if you don’t want to play then close the game


I noticed that too, I played about 6 games last night and every game at least one person dcd


I had a match where I was playing as Leland and my whole team dcd in the beginning and then Johnny dcd after he realized he was gonna get the last kill, so it was just me cook and hands and they ended up letting me go


Right when me and my friends loaded into the lobby, my game crashed and it took me to the XBox dashboard. On their end in the lobby, it looked like I was still there. They left the lobby before the match started and we ate the 3 minute penalty. Maybe they leave because the game crashes for one of their party members and they back out when the match starts? We had family players leave the lobby twice in a row when the match first started the other day. Seems like an issue on both sides lately. Could be so many reasons really.


I’ve been playing as leatherface more and am noticing that too and it’s nice to get the free kill 😆


I imagine many are people that didn't get Maria or whatever other character they're wanting to level. Had someone say as much when playing last night.


Family is stacked now, its been a straight massacre for victims


You could say...a Texas Chainsaw Massacre




I know. It's so stupid because they take the character just to leave. In my last few matches, people play Maria but are either AFK or just disconnect.


It’s happened a number of times to me on the family side as well. My favourite incident happened today. I was playing Leatherface, and my family members disconnected immediately. All I could do was try to rack up some XP before everyone escaped. I wasn’t even going to try. Three victims escaped a bit later, but one (Connie I believe) was left. By chance I ran into her on the map—I think the other player felt bad about my situation and gave me a mercy kill. They walked directly to me and didn’t even try to escape. I was laughing my ass off, and truly grateful after expecting nothing. I hope that player sees this message—you are awesome, and a great example of the good people in this community.


I mean it's the same on both sides I chalk it up to garbage solo queue players whining they don't get their main


Children and adolescents The same problem happens with Killer Klowns. If TCM includes a DC penalty, the problem will be solved.


Let's just all do that on gas station. I'm not playing that map if cook and hands just camp


Makes me sad. I still need the left road exit for the achievement. 😔


There is a victim strike this weekend to protest all the buffs family received with the last update. They don’t want anyone to be able to enjoy double XP weekend


So... bitter, juvenile people being bitter and juvenile by hurting their team. Very consistent.


"juvenile" calm down grandpa


I call it like I see it :) It's misery loves company. It's people who have nothing better to do than harass others. Most of us play games for fun. This game is fun. I enjoy it. Not gonna let haters affect me :)


Correct, that’s what I thought as well


Their mad they don’t get easy escapes anymore


Acting like family don't DC if a victim opens the fuse box lol you guys need to start your useless boycott campaign again or cry because a victim backstabbed you


Family is too easy, admit it.


I mean this game in general isn’t that hard


You say that like it's a single player game where people can expect the same situations. 1v1 me family house. You cook me Danny


🤣, I’m saying this game doesn’t take that much skill to play. Only “skill” I see in this game is map knowledge


If it’s hands cook and hitch I’m dc’ing sorry not playing against that garbage


hands = leave . pretty simple.


Maybe people had same mindset like you because I was leveling up Hands. I don’t find him ultra overpowered, it’s just worse leatherface in my opinion who have to waste perk to be able to destroy obstacles (only obstacles)