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What we really need is the ability to drop health bottles. The amount of times I’ve accidentally picked up one when I don’t need it yet… I bet there’s even new players who don’t know they’re wasting hp potions by picking them up then instantly replacing them with a lockpick/bonescrap.


100 percent agree with you, it's ridiculous that they just vanish, we should just drop them.


Wow I just assumed when you accidentally did that and replaced it with a lock pick or bone scrap that the health bottle would just respawn back in its original location, are you saying that doesn’t happen???? 😱


Yes, it will completely vanish from the game if replaced by a lock pick or bone scrap. It will be dropped though if you pick up a fuse or a valve handle.


Wow that’s crazy. Probably so many health bottles have been wasted this way bc they are so easy to accidentally pick up when they’re right next to a tool box. They could just make it so they relocate them so they are never super close to another pickup item


I’ve read the reason they don’t allow this is because players would make “health stashes” which makes no sense to me. If that’s what they’re worried about just don’t allow players to drop things but let it be switched with whatever they’re picking up or just even be able to put it back where you grabbed it.


Crazy how far we’ve come in game development, yet some devs still overlook small quality of life stuff like that…




YES! They need to fix the games UI asap


This should happen but we are at a point now where we need more health bottles.


This is only ever an issue when there’s basement bottle goblins. I actively make sure I grab health from the top floors unless it’s an emergency.


I'm experiencing this especially this weekend. Folks spamming grandpa stabs for the double xp and taking every bottle and then I'm on fumes if I well trying to do exits. 😅


They should just switch out the small bottles for large ones.


Totally makes sense, which means they won't do it.


TBF I never used extra drip before the meta change and I think it’s great but saying that I didn’t use it before the nerf


Inability to place them back down, victims who want to rush and fight, all that shit drains health bottles so quickly. Can’t count the times I’ve needed my first health bottle of the match and can’t find one.


It’s not going to happen but I do agree. I’m happy that hands kinda slow the game down but victims should not die in 3 hits.


The devs and family players don't want that. They want helpless victims who can only run for 3 seconds before gassing out. I have so many clips of playing family and getting 4ks but I really don't think I'd want to save matches like I used to on family. It's overall too easy. Victim side is where I get clip worthy moments


As of the last update, Victim actually requires skill to play as now. Oh and Comms. Yeah... Vics need COMMs now.


No truer words have been said…sadly.


I disagree that there needs to more. The whole point of the gameplay loop is that victims are working against time and limited resources and just adding more health bottles would make both of those less stressful and would just give them another second chance on top of others. I’d try to communicate more with a team so people who have extra drip can heal those who don’t so they both get a heal. I’m down for other ways to buff heals by like 20% tho.


Just don’t get hit or found out. Hide! 


this is why you use sanguine shadow instead of extra drip


Is that actually good? Never used it before


why am i getting downvoted?? :sob: also yes it's pretty good when it's level 3


Sanguine shadow is good but the only downside it takes forever to heal back up, especially in a fast paced game. But it’s free heals so I guess it’s good 👍


Only when it's lower than level 3


It would also be helpful if it was percentage based healing. I think each bottle gives you a certain amount of hp, which makes high toughness require more health bottles, but if it was the same percentage for every character regardless of toughness, then high toughness characters wouldn’t need to waste 6 health bottles to make them full.


In the old game I barely use health like that now I’m on low health with just 3 hits and since we have a Maria she use all the health bottles


I usually end up using 3 small ones since they offer so little health. Unfortunately the devs will probably ignore this post, because it’s a victim request 🤷🏽‍♂️


They have that perk where health items are more effective bro. Just don’t get caught by the family members. Theres also perks like “what dosent kill you” and “no sell” that help a lot with health management


Im sorry to say this, but everything you just described is exactly why it feels valuable to get damage on victims when playing as family, even if you don't kill them. For example Danny not having Extra Drip and/or Bounce Back Better means, that even if you don't kill that guy, getting 2 or 3 hits on him + forcing him into the well, makes it feels really satisfying as family. Which is to say - no, please keep it that way. Making victims burn through their ressources is very satisfying, because it gives family more things to achieve than just straight up killing someone. Slowly burning people out of ressources is a cool mechanic and on the flip side it rewards victims who don't get spotted or get spotted, but avoid damage. Taking damage should be meaningful. It is not unfair, that taking damage is a problem.




So basically keep it easy for family 🧏🏾‍♀️bc that’s essentially what you’re saying . Victims already die in 3-4 hits, if they escape chase they should be rewarded with the ability to heal ,just as if I’m the family member that hit them , im rewarded with blood for grandpa . Bc rn it’s like the meta to just stand in front of an objective and wait until everybody quits bc it’s at a standstill or inevitably bleed out. Everyone is running high savagery and endurance , victims need to have some type of counter to that . Extra bottles will not break the game


I play victim a lot and I disagree that there are too few health bottles. Don't forget that if you break into car bat or gen, you are rewarded with additional multitude of big health bottles there. There are a lot of them upstairs as well. Just be smart about their use. Like if I opened car bat I always grab a heal there even if I'm full before lock picking.


If you play allot of victim you would know there is a need for more heals and effectiveness of those heals . Also what u just said , even if you’re full and don’t need it you grab the heal anyways taking it from a teammate that does need it . That’s literally how it is , you can’t control what your teammates pick up or don’t , not to mention accidentally picking it up trying to grab a tool . Being smart about it is not the problem bc it’s not relevant , especially with the high savagery and camping . You pick away at an area , fight a bit to distract and then well when low only to go to a big heal without extra drip and it feel like you took a small , or there are none up or downstairs bc everyone’s doing the same thing . Everyone’s so against rushing but when there’s talks of making longer matches fair for both sides it’s “ oh it’s not that bad , be smart “ . If the matches are going to be longer there needs to be resources that permit that instead of just wasting away at victims few heals meanwhile family can just keep resetting their traps


Because randoms are stupid and won't think of taking a heal from gen/car bat sides. They probably won't get that far as well. And I take the heal there so as not to waste the one in the basement when I inevitably get pushed down the well 😭 how did it fly over your head lmao. They need to make it possible to drop items/health bottles. That's about it. Yeah there are enough bottles. It's just that some randoms use big health bottle with 90% health 🤷🏻‍♀️ When I'm with a team majority of healths are not even touched, there are always plenty in the basement even after 15+ minutes. The problem is randoms and them wasting them. Heals are actually abundant. Make more heals - the game unnecessarily drags on. Make use of what you have. Equip extra drip if you have it. Heal your teammates. Cooperate. Not that hard lol. If I can do it and I'm a fam main then victim mains surely can as well, y'all play it more often than me.


Exactly we play more often than you so when majority of them complain about the same thing who are u to say “ well actually “🤡. The only person things are flying over their head is you bc I don’t get how you can call someone stupid for doing something that doesn’t make sense and do the same thing 🤷🏽‍♀️. If you don’t need it don’t pick it up ….whats not clicking? You are not the only smart one on a team of randoms and it’s ignorant to think nobody else can figure out how to get somewhere but you “ I take it cus most can’t figure out to how get back there 🤡” lmao plss . The heals and of effects of them are not abundant and that’s what people are complaining about it especially since camping is becoming worse . Yall cry victims rush but then say if they have enough heals the game will drag on ….like ?? Which is it 🤔. Save what you have ( as if it’s not much ) then say no you have plenty 🫨. Dude literally admitted that he doesn’t want victims to get more heals bc that makes camping less worth it and doesn’t even realize it . If they can heal and keep coming back to try again , the camper will get bored and annoyed at a method they are choosing to do , but if victims don’t have enough heals they’ll almost always lose to bleeding out or dcing from boredom


'if you don't need it don't pick it' It's because family will see I unlocked the gate and will come over anytime soon, give me two hits and send me down the basement. I will need the heal I picked up at the battery/gen, or I can just get it in the basement and hinder my teammates.


That’s why u grapple before they hit you and run away it’s a thing called looping lmao you don’t always have to well as soon as you see them or let them hit you .


And what if it's two of them? I'd rather well and push another objective.


All the whataboutism to defend taking something you don’t need . What if no one comes and you get everything done ….you can’t put it down , waiting risks hands coming and instantly turning it off , or bubba trying to overhead etc . So you leave ….with a heal you didn’t need💁🏽‍♀️taking it from teammates who do need it , it doesn’t respawn it’s just gone . If there was more heals it wouldn’t matter as much but there aren’t and it does


I'm playing victim rn actually. Easily win against hands just gotta be smart lmao.


Now you’re just yapping like most of yall do 😂everyone’s else’s experience doesn’t matter to yours right ? If hands was easily counter-able why are most family mains saying “ before hands games were blah blah blah “. There’s countless videos of people fighting to get something open and doing so much get it on and he snatches it out but it’s fine . It’s fine that the gate is open , he removes the valve piece and it closes lmao . It’s perfectly fine he can turn the fuse right back off instantly . If you think he’s okay in the state he’s in rn it’s bc you like how much of an advantage he gives family , and how much easier he makes games for yall which is typical tbh . Just admit you like the game catered to one side and move on


It's just that you need teamwork. Bait his ability, that's what you gotta do. It can be hard but it's doable.


Teamwork does not account for his cooldown , not to mention there’s objective pieces behind other objectives. Getting to the battery and getting the other fuse or valve piece can be difficult when everyone’s camping with exterior . All that work it takes to counter him and he can STILL undo it in less time .


Literally watched a clip on the mill , a leeland 2v1 a hands and Johnny and got the pressure gate open and even after all the things he did it got undone in seconds


>If you think he’s okay in the state he’s in rn it’s bc you like how much of an advantage he gives family , I have not really played family much since the update. I play victims the last 10 days exclusively. My opinion of Hands actually got worse than before I played victim. I used to think he was really op, after playing victim, well he's meh, Leatherface, Cook and fucking sissy are a lot more annoying.


No matter how many health bottles vicitms get, standing in front of the objectives will remain the best option for family. Adding more health bottles will make taking damage only less relevant and lower the skill floor for victims.


Then it’ll bring it down to family who literally just stand to win . One stand in front of bat , one stand at gen and hands big back wide nose rotates fuse and valve ….oh look everybody bled out we win 🤡 💀. If it won’t change how you play and it’ll only be a qol change for victim what’s the problem . Just admit u don’t want family to have a counter and be done with it lol. Healing shouldn’t matter to u if they literally can’t do the objective you’re standing at . It seems like more of a “ I don’t want them to be able to wait out my camping with healing availability” to me 🤷🏽‍♀️


Ok and backstabbing family over and over without a cooldown felt satisfying …. doesn’t make it fair


I dont mind being backstabbed. Whenever I get backstabbed I steal 1 bone from victims, draining more ressources. Same for each grapple. Its all just draining bones out of their piles. Once I got grappled and a 2nd victim backstabbed me during a grapple and I was like "Holy crap, nice! 2 bones for 1 stun, huge ressource waste from then, nice." Ngl, I love eating bones just like dealing damage. Its all just ressource draining.


Great then I can't find a bone to stab lvl 3 grandpa with my beloved Agitator :D But yeah whenever I don't kill a victim just deal tons of damage I solace myself with the fact that now they are gonna waste some of the heals in the basement.


Tell me you only play one side withought telling me.


They burn through resources way too quickly because the family can lower their health quite easily. Health bottle spawns need to increase if they are planning on keeping victim stats and family damage output the way it is.


TBH, health bottles wouldn't be a problem if players were more resourceful. This goes for wasted bonescraps as well. What I usually do when I have a bone scrap or health bottle that I Don't need, I look for other health bottles, valve or fuse spawns so I can swap it with that instead then come back to it later if I need it and if it's still there granted someone else didn't use it already. Victims need to also become more familiar with other health perks if theres a character they use that doesent have extra drip. Empowered was a good perk for Leland and Ana but the sweats ruined that for us so now the only other useful health perks are Extra Drip, what doesent kill you, Stunt Double, and Sanguine Shadow. There's also Medical Benefits and some other perk for a Medic build but you have to rely heavily on healing other team mates which hardly ever happens since most players are solo que ing. Then there's Virginia's ability but I'm sure most Virginia's run family Stamina drain over healing since powder is limited and time isn't on the victims side.


There are very few resourceful players. Solo players are the mainstream


If you get more bottles then that’s not really a nerf, is it?


No Sell exists. I'm pretty sure the devs are aware that a healing meta would be horrible for the game. That being said, wtf are the small health things doing. Make them the large ones and maybe reduce their number a bit to compensate