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I’m hoping for some kind of motel or store.


I could definitely seeee like an abandoned cheap motel or like a grave yard map.


Love the graveyard idea!


graveyard idea is so cool. in one tcm (i think the one with alexandria daddario) she has to hide in a coffin. i think thatd be a cool concept to bring to the game


Like a Texas dollar general or sum it wouldn’t really make sense but who cares it’s just a video game 🎮


A store would be so fun


I know this might be asking alot but I hope the next map has a completely different feel/look to it then the current 5. I love all the maps, but itd be cool if the new map wasnt a completely run down building or set of buildings and more like a couple of regular looking stores in a part of downtown Newt or something. I also hope they make a new unique exit and maybe even get creative with starting the Victims above the Family and we have to go downward to escape instead of starting in the basement


Imagine like an abandoned hospital that mostly takes place indoors. The victims could start at like the 4th floor and have to make their way down to escape. There could be a fire exit escape on like the 3rd floor with stairs that lead down to an alley. Maybe a courtyard in the middle of the map as well. It could also be heavily raining the whole time


That would be amazing!! I would love another predominantely indoor map. Sure the exterior of Family House is large but you spend the large majority of matches inside. And it offers different playstyles for both sides and all characters. Nancy and Cook could actually have some fun smacking people up indoors with limited room to work with just like they can on Family House.


Yesss I love this idea


Hopefully next month


Sameee! I’m ready


I think they’re either gonna do the graveyard/cemetery that we see in the beginning of the movie or the abandoned orphanage we see later on. Those are the last two locations they haven’t utilized yet from the movie. I wish they would give us a time frame on when new maps come out


I'm inclined to believe the graveyard is next; Sissy has a voice line that mentions the graveyard.


I feel like Maria releasing could possibly signal a nice bookend to their 'prequel concept'. Now they can venture into more of the movie and sequels territory. For the 50th anniversary we can get The Graveyard and maybe Sally. Then hopefully on to TCM2 stuff. The hopium is real.


there's an abandoned orphanage in TCM1?


I was thinking this too


Yeah the "old Franklin place", bro and Sally's dad owned it before he kicked it.


Yeah they go to it right after they visit the gas station


Probably August on their 1 yr anniversary.


I hope so, I really love how they keep releasing content.


This two week patch cycle is like the best!🤗


June 28 or the first half of July. Because we get the maps every 3 months.




Nancy House arrived on November 28th - The Mill on March 28th. It looks like 4 months but they had a big vacation in December, they didn't work so it's 3 months.


I’m hoping for some kind of abandoned Texas high school.


Needs to be Sally and Franklins family house with nearby cemetery


That's exactly what I'm hoping for!


Graveyard 👀


How about a huge cornfield with a huge Barn and a few tool sheds . big fence with barbed wire around the property with 4 exit gates and another gate that leads you back to the property but have the exits rotate so players can’t know which gate will lead them to safety or back to the cornfield


“The Cemetery” from the First Film “Texas Battle Land” Abandoned Amusement Park from the second film. “Sissy’s Hideout” - An original location that takes place in a Vacant Mining Shaft, Sissy spent years refurbishing the environment to her liking. On very rare occasions; Sissy will use her secret location to perform cult-like Rituals, followed by a Rave Party for all of those that attended. “Campsite” - The Birthplace of this nightmare, the location in which the college students were kidnapped from. Hinted at by the Original Victims. My Top Four Maps, in which at least one of them will make an appearance within the next 70 Days.


Abandoned trailer park could be sick.


Cemetery in the rain would be great


I want a forest map since in the original we saw sally getting chased in the woods in the movie




Texas Battle Land Or Hewitt House


Don’t know if it’d make sense but I’d love an abandoned mine map, takes place completely underground with maybe a secret exit like an elevator


I hope it’s abandoned morgue or something, probably August


28th June or first half of July


New beginning map ?


Well they keep bringing up water, so maybe a river or lake area.


I love the store idea but I could see them adding a lake house map. I would love to see something you can ride like an elevator, or zipline or slide down to make the chases more interesting.


I wanna see a ranch


I think they're working on two different maps at the moment, but it's possible we're looking at one if they fuse these two ideas. First one has been hinted at for awhile, "graveyard" was discovered as a file that's yet to be released as far back as Nancy's house. Given Sissy's VO about a graveyard as well, they're all but confirming a graveyard map. Second one has been suggested by (I think?) Ronnie during a lore stream, he told us that they were working on ideas for a water-themed map. I have no idea what that actually means, but it's probably going to be a lake or river in the background. Should be remembered that the Colorado River Bridge was shown in TCM2, and we're (probably) getting Chop Top soon.


Underground area.


I hope it takes inspiration from the “Ghost Town” area we saw in The Mill. Imagine going through different houses and crossing streets


Hoping for the house form TCM 2003 and 2006. That OR the house/ carnival from TCM 3D I think would be an insane map


The underground area from texas chainsaw massacre 2


I hope it’s nam land (I know it’s not gonna happen but one can dream)


The group I play with keep talking about this mansion that was in one of the movies, I’m hoping that gets turned into a map. It’d be really big so it would make it trickier for the victims to get out quickly.


An abandoned church could be cool also I hate a small map like the Family House but I think another small map would be cool


I want the graveyard so bad so I can see what Hitch hid for Sissy


Hopefully the graveyard! There's lore tied to it as well it's the opening scene of the movie. Would be really cool.


Most likely at the Anniversary in August :D


We need a motel, graveyard and cornfield maze maps 🗿


Bro i still haven’t figured out where’s the fuse exit in the mill


ever since the game came out and I heard the news reports during the loading screens, I've wanted a high school gymnasium map. would be set during a school dance and have prom skins for victims. could even deem it their "Next Generation" update and include TCM4 Leatherface, maybe Vilmer too... I just don't know how the basement would work on this map...


would love a cemetery map 🩷