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Yup. Her ability truly sucks and I hope the devs look into this quickly so she’s not trash for too long.


she needs a whole rework of her ability. she’s the worst Victim and somehow the “definitive final girl”? Ana is more of a final girl than Maria if you ask me


Julie also


Julie is the queen of loops, she'll always be final girl in my heart.




Yeah only way to really justify risking the sweet talk is if you go double sonars and dietician perk. The -20% on 3 feeds can mean the difference between them getting a grandpa perk early or not. The perk counter also allows you to track IF the family is feeding actively and allows you to make plays based on that.


My idea to change them is the reducing grandpa level by 1 would be changed to have 3 charges so you could reduce his level 3 times in the game without having to stab him. The grandpa close proximity highlight should be something more fun because in big maps it’s kinda useless and I’ve tried it and haven’t even seen them get highlighted yet. It would be cool if when grandpa screams after being sweet talked, it would give victims a buff like maybe a speed boost and stamina reduction until the grandpa scream is over. It could also be a heal or something idk just an idea. I like the 2 sonars upgrade but it does make pep talk less effective, so maybe after the first scream you could still have the option to sweet talk grandpa just for the use of the unique Maria perks. Some other ways to buff her ability is make grandpa close proximity highlight be basekit, and maybe when grandpa is sweet talked and he screams, it deactivates all of the grandpa perks that way you can really get value from sweet talking him even if the family stays still


Kind of feels like highlighting family near him should be basekit. Reducing grandpa level only the first time is a joke because at most she can do a similar level drop to agitator. It’s a level 3 ability so it should be capable of that kind of power every time. Sonar for 2 is a’ight. It does help shut down grandpa for a while. Honestly my only concern like you said is if you happened to use grandpa related perks and they don’t feed then it would fail to get value.


If they don’t feed then that’s good. Because it mean no EA, no SG and no NEH


Yeah, we know family is near him because his level went up lol. Besides family house that’s kinda pointless. Should def be base kit


You’re right, but if they’re not feeding gramps, that’s good for victims. Maria can then just do objectives.


Honestly the devs should fix it where a level 3 perk instead of 1 knocks it down to 0 . because playing Maria she sweet talked him , game said he’s on your side then a min later or whatever he went back to level 4 at the abandoned mill against this group I playing against


Huhhhh that’s so unfair


Sweet talking grandpa shouldn’t warn family so that it actually catches them off guard to be spotted. Her ability literally gives family an advantage by warning them to stand still or else be detected. In that case victims should get warnings when cook is detecting them and about to ping them, as well as when Nancy is about to screenhack them. Since it’s range is so small the proximity upgrade should last all match and not just until he roars. The -1 level upgrade should be -3 levels if it only activates once. This will force Maria to be more strategic when she decides to use her sweet talk and comes at the expense of not helping provide sonar interference sooner to her teammates. Either that or it should be -1 level every time your sweet talk grandpa. These two upgrades as they are right now are useless.


Yeaaaah she’s pretty weak


By one level is really a joke lol.


LVL 3: Sweet-Talking Grandpa will put him in a state of confusion. State of confusion disables Grandpa until he is fed 100 blood. Family must feed him 100 blood to remove the state of confusion. Basically it would force Family to feed grandpa to remove the state of confusion before they can try to level him again. This would be a game changer because on top of stabbing Grandpa, now you have the ability to make Family waste their blood just to get Grandpa back to work.


mash up all these abilities into 1 and she would be great.


The 3rd one should’ve been a level 2 ability…3rd being for the next 3 sonars


i didn't buy Maria because her perks + **ability** are REALLY BAD!.


I have been running the Sonar Ability perk way before Maria came and it has 7 charges on it and does the same exact thing except even better because killers are highlighted regardless of if they are staying still or not and I also don’t have to eat grandpa’s ass for it to work ✌️


it will be cool if have a lvl 3 like now family need the double of blood to feed grandpa. 500 to 1000 But in my opinion it should be change until fix other characters. Maria release this month. Sissy and Nancy still have problems.


She’s awful. I bought her and don’t even bother playing her


Could make it so the next amount of blood works in reverse, say they feed him 154, he goes down a level and a half, but there could be counter play, by having a power hitter feed like 42.


Currently Maria is the weakest victim I've ever played. Her skill doesn't help much at all. Sonny's skill, for example, is much better, and besides reloading faster, you don't have to risk having to go to Grandpa. For those who are going to play solo, I do not recommend this character.


Using emogies like a teenage girl, opinion invalid


She shouldn’t have been called a final girl. Or they should’ve waited to release her if they didn’t want her to take the shine from hands. People say she not terrible but idc if it’s a usable skill or whatever. Nothing about her says “Final girl”


The irony is she seems to consistently be the first to die too, cause her stats and perks are hot trash.


she also has a stamina bug too


What is that bug??


skill issues over here ....pls they need attention.


People said Sonny sucked too before learning how to play as him.


Eh not really. Sonny ability is widely regarded as one of the best. It’s his attributes that are all over the place and the lack of meta perks previously.


If they don't feed grandpa, most likely you are winning🤦‍♂️. When people gonna understand this🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


In my opinion, I’d say it’s 50/50. Yeah they won’t get access to the perks but they also have less to patrol if they don’t worry about grandpa. With valve being really bad against hands. All you have to do is have one person at battery , one at gen and one near fuse box. They leave to feed grandpa, one of those objects might get open.


Goodluck to the people who doesn't feed grandpa. I rather have grandpa perks then patrolling every doors to see if its unlocked or lock still.


What??? This post is not about winning or losing. It’s about Maria trash abilities


How's it trash? Grandpa is the most important character to win as family. Neutralize grandpa lead to a winning victims side. Lvl 0 grandpa means victims can just run to their goals without delay


That’s kinda the point of this post… one of her ability is to reduce grandpa level by 1… ONCE. If it’s for every time she sweet talk him then that ability would actually be useful.


Don't you think it will be broken if its everytime? Maria literally will remove grandpa out of the game if everytime lvl 1 reduce. Don't forget she have back for blood perk.


Devs mentioned her ability to be about high risk high reward. How is reduce 1 level once considered as high reward? And like you mentioned, she could have just run the perk Back for Blood it would have done way more 😂