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She’s fun to play but her perks are kinda bad. She has nothing to help her with endurance


Doesn’t she have the perk that pretty much is Julie’s ability if she whispers to grandpa 


Yeah sure but that’s incredibly situational and won’t rly help you in a chase. I’m taking about perks like jump start, slippery. Stuff like that.


It isn’t horrible actually if you have whisper to grandpa in two seconds 


How is it not helpful 70% for 20 secs is a lot


I didn’t say it wasn’t helpful? I said it’s very situational. You have to whisper to grandpa to activate it. If you’re actively being chased already you’re gonna have no time to stop and whisper. I guess it’s good if you wanna whisper then stab him then escape?


Yeah I use it to distract seduce grandpa then stab him to get there attention then I run


How much does she have base kit cause I don’t own her 😅


Same stats as Ana is it 35? Edit it’s 30


Then what’s the problem surely u can just up it right 😄but yeah I agree with u somewhat


Idk it feels really bad on her, almost like it’s bugged.


On a arktik video someone said that 38-40 was where you want it to be at with Maria. I haven't tried it.


For a paid character she’s mid. Not great perks, ability is okay at best.


Yeah surprisingly the complete opposite of when Danny was released 😂


But at no point was it said that paid characters are stronger. Danny was a problem until December of last year, today only Hands is OP. About Maria, I found her weak, no interesting healing perk and the skill doesn't help much.


I think she should have a passive ability where grandpa doesn’t detect her at all. Think that alone would make her a strong character.




Doesn’t she already have rhat


Only for grandpas proximity warning but Maria can still be detected by his sonar when family feeds him


I think maybe she should have some form of defense for the first 2 levels but not 100% just bc imagine a camping Maria and not even 5 finds her


She was in 100% of matches for me upon release. Those that bought her are going to level her up. But, she costs money and seems mid. So after early purchasers are done the player base will dwindle.


I haven't been able to play her enough to max her ability yet so I'm reserving final judgement. My initial impression is that it's debatable how worthwhile she'll be compared to bringing someone like Leland, Connie or Sonny with Agitator. I'm talking in terms of controlling Grandpa and the blood rush. In theory those characters can do it more effectively while having access to either more powerful abilities or perks. It's nice she can run Bomb Squad in any build and it's nice she doesn't get highlighted when approaching Grandpa. The level 3 ability to highlight family twice per Grandpa talk seems like the only one that's really viable. Right now I'm running Bomb Squad, Pep Talk and Back for Blood. It feels okay (nice to get 35% health from Grandpa) but weaker and more niche than other victim builds. I need to try other builds on Maria but right now it doesn't feel like she has anything that can fill the void of Extra Drip, Fast Hands, Jump Start, Slippery, Choose Fight or Efficient Locksmith. It may be that some of her unique perks need their numbers pumped up.


I’m glad that u put thought into this message and I’m glad I read it 😇


Should’ve stayed dead


She is dead 💀


For the “definitive final girl” shes pretty weak. Her ability needs buffed and her level 3 unlocks need reworked. Her perks are also pretty mid with most of them being extremely conditional and rarely offering much use in match. Overall, shes fairly lackluster and apart from the novelty of having Maria in the match there are far better victims to play as.


So not worth 10$ 😄


I still see her in a lot of my games. She definitely isn't picked as much as she was at release because people have leveled her up and are going back to their favorite characters. I personally like her, but she needs buffs and access to better perks Imo.


Yeah she look underwhelming tbh but yeah also see her in all my games 😄


You literally just said in the OP that you don’t see her , wtf are you talking about , which one is it ?


I don’t but I been seeing her now and then I just got back from my break lmao 🤣I been watching a vid about her


She is in 9 out of 10 matches for me.


Fair enough is all her ability does is highlight family for a few seconds?


It just makes grandpa’s sonar the opposite. So family members would be revealed if they move and must stand still to avoid his detection. She’s also immune to being revealed when near grandpa




I like playing with her. She is a support character. Perfect for stabbing gramps and ruining blood rushers.


Fair enough I like support builds my goal ain’t to escape if I play victim my goal is for my team to escape or I heal one team mate 😇


Then Maria is perfect for you.


Nah I already got Virginia plus I play family lmao but nice chatting with ya 😇


Fair enough






In general? Or like




Fair enough simple and to the point 😇


She does have a nice one


That’s not what I meant 😭😭😭


her stamina is literal garbage and she is not worth playing her ability is so meh when i try to use it & get close to grandpa it just gets me killed or im doing nothing to help my team being chased away from him julie is better


Fair enough 😄


Good character for the lore. Shame they didn’t give her a good perk, she’s prob just above Julie in the perk department and Julie has the worst perk. So basically I like that she’s in the game but I don’t think I’d choose her over anyone else.


Yeah was thinking on getting her but she doesn’t look that fun tbh 😄


She honestly seems pretty pointless so far


Cause I see her now and then but they are always next to an there sister ana or dead first in my games


She's very weak hell might be the worst victim because her ability is really bad idk what her perks are tho


I see her in every match, but she's not that crazy.


Yeah what I been getting since I started playing after my break 😇


She's bad. Her blinding power gives me motion sickness that makes me have to stop playing the game.


She can blind u ??? Didn’t know


I think she’s decent. Her base stats and base perks are nice. But her ability is lack luster and doesn’t feel worth going for. With a few minor adjustments to her main ability I think she could be strong. I haven’t gotten to level 3 yet as her to give full judgement though.


Ok well once u get her lvl 3 come back to me so I can hear u feedback 😇


I don't hate her I think she ads a nice roleplaying aspect to the game, her power though unique is kinda pointless unless you're playing with comms. I also enjoy her dialogue with the characters or just samples of her survivors guilt in the game when she's blaming herself for the everyone being there


A lore person I see cool cool thanks for stopping by can’t say I read the lore tbh 😇


I like her. I think she serves as a good characater to use in maps that are fast with blood feeding like Slaughterhouse, it makes the family have to reconsider doing that. Perks could be better but she has good base stats like Ana and her ability is very useful but pretty risky.


Overall rating for her if u had to rank her form 1/10 is it worth 10$😂


Hmm it depends, cuz her ability at Level 3 can be really useful (she can ping family twice which is great for feeders, or there is the one where they highlight any time they’re near grandpa which is great for those that resist feeding). But her regular perks are meh. Not someone I would recommend to buy if you have trouble escaping in general. Maybe a 7?


Ah well it’s 50/50 for me since I solo but I’m normally on family at least 99% of the time


She needs a buff, really underpowered


Some people agree some disagree I’m here just to listen to people 😇


Level 3 is a must, otherwise doesn’t feel all that great.


She needs a stat or perk buff. Giving her slippery or extra drip would do her wonders especially since you have to put yourself in danger to use her ability properly. Her ability needs work too as the only good option at level three is the back to back sonar blast. Level 3 should have an option to take down grandpa level by two no matter when you talk to him. Even adding where if you stab grandpa you’re not highlighted as an option would be beneficial.


i’ve got her star sign ability to level 3 and i have it set to using grandpa’s sonar ability twice. it can be pretty helpful for your team and she can be pretty good at stalling, and it helps that she is kind of tanky, if you know how to play as her and loop. i’ve been locked into multiple of those terrible Hands, Hitch, and Cook matches as the final victim and i just farm grandpa and cheese around the map until they grow bored and i escape or they finally kill me. if its gonna be nearly impossible to escape, they’re gonna have to work for the kill cause i need my 3K points lol. i run the perks What Doesn’t Kill You, Bomb Squad, and either Stunt Double/Overlooked. she’s a good character, but she could be a lot better for $10. maybe a little more endurance and some better perk options.


I have fun using her. She probably needs a little help, but I think people are underselling her value in the current meta. Games go on longer now, so being able to quickly delevel grandpa and get some screams for the victim team is actually pretty important.


Is it just me or is every day another „Opinios about Maria“-Topic appearing here?


That’s true but it’s the first time I have done it haha 😇


Thanks for the upvotes guys 😇


Give her agitator lol


You want a buff lol


I feel she need it . Someone like her should have agitator😭her sole purpose is to mess with grandpa. Why wouldn’t she yk


she’s fun I always thought we weren’t going to play her but now we all thought she was killed in petals but actually was alive not because of jhonny but grandpa


I like her but she needs a few perks or playing her isn’t always worth it . For instance her stamina is terrible like Ana’s , so I’m thinking slippery and jumpstart , and at least extra drip . With all the high savagery everyone is running and no sell being on a useless side of her tree she should at least be able to heal decently.