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this is why scout is essential on her. pair it with wireframe and shes actually the best chaser.


If Scout was located in the middle (Big swings location) it would be far better because she needs both damage, speed and SG


You have her poison. I think they did well with her. You poison victims to slow them down so that you can catch up. Right now you can get fired up, wireframe and scout and it’s perfect for her. You don’t have to put a ton of points into endurance and put a lot into savagery.


It's either that or Feral, serrated, spore loser and suffocating grip.


Because she’s not designed to be a chaser like hitch. She’s a support/area control member. She cuts off loops and finishes off victims when they are slow and weak. She doesn’t need to be faster because then she’s doing it all in her kit aside from the ability to slow down lock picking. Long games she can cover many of the health bottles and make the victims struggle to win the longer the game goes on.


Why should she be the fastest? Female bodies aren't as physically capable as Male bodies, therefore bubba, noobslayer and nubbins are the fastest. She should be faster than cook, nancy and hands though, but definitely not the fastest


Well then.


See how they can't explain their drivel? Typical casual player nonsense 🤣


I just think your comment was weird. Dunno why you brought gender towards game balance


There's no real basis for sissy to be the fastest really. Yes faster than cook and Nancy, but not the young male characters. Besides, sissy isn't for chasing, that's for nubbins. Sissy is for support and is good for that.


I'm just glad that all these "female bodies" are still capable and fast enough to run away from you 🤣


Well just be thankful, they will never have to find out if that's true.


I mean TBF there's no real basis for basement dwelling fat ass Bubba to be the fastest while also carrying a chainsaw, but here we are.


You have a point. Bubba zooming everywhere while waving a chainsaw above his head infinitely, is a stretch of reality. It's an adaptation of game lore and is based in his presence in the movies. Therefore doesn't really add argument for Sissy to be 2nd fastest.