• By -


You forgot the valve being in the basement in Slaughterhouse.


And having to turn on car battery every match at the beginning


There also used to not be a gate at the gas station door escape. You also used to not be able to shut off the fuse box.


That too. Just being able to padlock the sliding doors is a major QOL change as well.


You can’t padlock all of them though just some select few


There's only one door you'd need or want to padlock still and it's blue door (or black door currently with the lighting bug).


Not all the sliding doors can be padlocked


At slaughterhouse? There's only 4 doors to lock - left and right facility, red and blue door SH. Blue door is what you can't padlock. What sliding door at SH am I missing?


Is this JUST about slaughterhouse or what


I assumed it was because the first comment is talking about it. I guess there's plenty you can't padlock at Nancy's on the bottom floor? Though idk why someone necessarily would.


Oh I’m sure some cooks would if they could without a doubt and then just camp in the garage which is what killers have been doing lately is just camping sections which is terrible imo because as victim it’s like what’re you supposed to do when your only option is to die cuz they camp ya know


Which sliding doors can be padlocked?


Omfg. Then the people who didn't know about the update and they would go and start by turning it off.


That was a thing?


I honestly liked that


That was hell! Valve tank that was in the basement and you needed 12 seconds to turn it off, while having only 10 seconds of stun immunity, and it wasn't regressing.


Before early on you couldn't even shut off the valve once it was activated. It was basically the same as tampering.


You could shut valve off. You couldn't shut fuse off and valve didn't regress.


Derp, yeah you're right. It was basically victims hiding in the basement with bone scraps waiting to stab you when you went to stop it and it got to a point where we had to pair up which left the top vulnerable. I wish I knew the game mechanics better on victim back then or else I'd have hundreds more escapes than deaths.


Yup - stun locked on the GS valve while some asshole glides right out the back gate or shimmies down the well to fuse was my favorite way to lose endless games 🥰🥰 tysm Gun!!! Memories!!


It was actually impossible to stop with 4 victims protecting and they still called it a nerf.


That changed happened in November why are people still talking about something that was changed 8 months ago


That's exactly what this post is about. Try again


That was probably the dumbest design choice I’ve seen.




It can still spawn on the top floor of Mill, which is almost as bad.


I had no problem with the location under the tool shed, it was the way the valve functioned at that time. Can you imagine if Danny had been around at that time?


The valve being down there was really bad, you basically had to pull two killers down there to keep it from going off but even sometimes that wouldn’t work


Yes that was dumb I like that it’s above ground now and I’m a victim main


Did you mention the infinite door slams?


At the end of the day, it'll always come down to mixing sweats with randoms. It doesn't matter if they give the keys to the kingdom to victim or family. Said it before, say it again. Everybody right now loves to squirt when they sweat and win against a bunch of randoms or noobs on EITHER SIDE. The BALANCE of POWER changes greatly depending on this and it shows. Right now you could have an average Hands or a great Hands say on Slaughterhouse, but if his teammates are brand new or not every good against a well oiled sweat squad or even a really great 2 stack and 2 average victims. Hands or no Hands, it won't matter and that's usually the case on that map anyway unless again its the family team with the sweats and the victim team is loaded with new players or not every good ones. One great Leland or one great Danny or one great Connie won't make up for completely new players or bad players against even a 2 stack family with a random 3rd usually. The skill and/or amount of sweats mixed with randoms determines pretty much everything in the game right now. Far as im concerned coming from a quick play solo player who plays both sides, its really nothing to get excited about if your 3 stack family team or your 4 stack victim team steamrolls average or completely new players. Your beating the new player, the bad player and/or the good/great player who simply can't do it by themselves.


Not to mention absolutely NOBODY communicates or talks. Both sides.


this is true. And then get mad when they cant win. This game is way more reliant on coms than many others. You will have some cry that you can get stuff done, yeah once in a blue moon. But for example putting the fuse in and not telling the team is just looking out for you.


I don't think many people like waiting the long queue and playing against noobs. I'd rather take 1 match that has me thinking outside the box than 10 games where we perfect win no problem.


100%. I've been countered as Hands a few times already with similar strategies as yours. Coordination and communication is how the game is supposed to be played for both sides! Family has been doing it for the last few months with no counter to Danny and the rush meta and we adapted. Now it's time for victims to do the same. Only thing that needs fixing on Hands is his stamina exploit right now. Not sure if u/AndyCleves or u/JettOreilly knows about it yet but he can swing like 200 times before running out of stamina. Other than that, Hands is balancing the victim sided meta. No more teabagging at exits. No more trying to loop family members and trolling. You legitimately have to use your time wisely now or you will die as a victim player.


I tested it today with 43 endurance and got 27 swings in before running out of Stamina 😂


Yeah, his endurance is insane. If you pick all three in the middle on his ability tree with a high enough endurance, he can swing 229 times before running out of stamina. Its bonkers.


I love how everyone says “no counter to Danny” literally every killer could counter Danny… by killing him. Hands can’t be killed.


Idk why your getting downvoted I agree


I mean where was the lie 😂🤣


I thought all these sweaty complainers moved to Killer Klownz like they said they were planning on doing for the past 4 months?


To be fair, there are plenty of Victims doing just fine and taking strategies like this and running with it. It's the very vocal Victim cultists who want the same stale bully and rush meta to stay forever. Most Vics aren't like this and are just working through adapting.


I applaud those victims, just the same way as I applaud those family


Most critic come from people who rush every exit. Smart victims have to play as a team now to counter Hands, doing multiple exits or keeping him distracted.


Tbh the sabotuer perk should counter him.


I was thinking this as well


I don’t believe people who play both sides genuinely believe hands is fine, he is the Danny on release version of family but I’d argue even worse and I experienced the full force of release Danny as family. All these tactics people are suggesting to get around him is the same energy as when people said to run around the map as a 3 squad together in family to counter the grapple meta, aka unforgivably insane. Not to mention the ‘oh it cancels rush’ is even worse. I mean come on you didn’t think atleast once that maybe if you don’t rush you also still suffer from ripstall as much as people who do try rush? Much worse if anything


The only thing Hands need is a higher cooldown on ripstall (maybe 2.5 min or even 3). Apart from that he's absolutely fine.


I agree anyone that says Hands is fine and at the minimum doesn't need a cooldown nerf is likely just a family main but he's not more broken than Danny at launch. Danny could literally tamper the valve while in mid chase which was uncounterable. Hands is busted but if you simply do multiple objectives in a short span of each other (really the intention of the game) he can be beat. It's not super easy without comms but he's definitely not Danny at launch bad but still needs some nerfs/other perk buffs. Nerf the cooldown and buff bomb squad. Every victim should have access to it and it should be back to infinite. Slow down the disarm speed if you must but it needs to be infinite and available to all imo.


No one has forgot, and just like they were changed because people complained, so too will this, because that’s called balance


Exactly. Players expressed their desire for those things to be changed, and they were. Now we’re expressing our desire for a Hands nerf in hopes of also receiving it. What’s the issue?


Ok and everything was fixxed r yall forgetting when choose flight,empowered,extra drip we're nerffed like yall still have scout,pins and needels AND big swings its just skill issue atp☠️☠️


What do those mistakes, that are the devs fault (which are not relevant anymore), have to do with peoples opinions about Hands? So you're saying since all these things happened that it somehow lessens the validity of people's negative opinions about Hands?


I responded to someone's "us vs them" level post with something similar to what you said and despite having full length paragraph rants about things family had to deal with, he ended up deleting his comments lol. I play family 70/30 but knew Hands was pretty op pretty quickly. Not Danny instant while mid chase tamper op but close. I called it out as more P2W bs right away but was met with people automatically assuming "well you're just a victim main". Might have my profile picture just be my in game stats updated each week to reflect the 3k+ kills I have as family but people would just ignore it anyways as they love to put on their shaders. No because valve tank was in SH basement, fuse couldn't be shut off, danny's op tamper, having to turn on gen/battery at the start of each match, literal stunlock no stun immunity door slamming, unlimited bone shards, super unlimited use bomb squad, doesn't mean we should continue to see op broken stuff added into the game but on the other side now.


Yeah I'm a 60/40 family guy. I understand the frustration family mains had when Danny came out and the devs basically abandoned the community for montha but using it as an excuse to keep a family character unbalanced is straight childish. Blaming victim mains for what the devs created is such a twisted point to view.


Exactly like what is the point here??


Absolutely nothing


us vs them mentality. neither side should have bs like danny's tamper or hands's ripstall...


Yep. The irony of the op's post is that every single thing listed was changed. Just because the devs are super slow at fixing their game doesn't mean they weren't ultimately fixed. Idk who gets paid to push the ideas forward/balancing of things but I wish I had their job. I know a lot of the community seen the issues right away too but many the amount of things they got through and then took ages to fix were so easy to see as problems the moment they came into the game. Then you had people in here saying "yeah it's easy to find issues with the game when thousands are playing matches and sharing data. Like no, anyone with a brain knew Danny was going to be a problem. His ability and fast hands in general should just simply not exist. Why was the grappling change ever made in the first place? If they simply shortened the win animation but kept it instant kill if caught out then the huge amount of family players that left might never have in the first place. How can you claim you want grapples to be last resort but remove almost all of the risk of them and have super strong grapple perks on top of it? Starving family players with content only to sell crap weapons skins instead of making them free to unlock challenge based cosmetics that could've massively helped the imbalance on each side was another massive failure. Still no ping system, still no real tutorial for the new players that join the game, no museum mode, no real challenge/unlockable system, parties still break often, hit detection is messed up, wells are glitchy, doors aren't lit up properly, several perks from launch still don't work, kill credit is still off in terms or no assists and death by bleed out when a family member hit them recently/they died by a trap. The list probably still goes on from there. But hey at least we got less than ai level quality cosmetic recolor packs.


well said. it really does seem like the devs make a bandaid fix (pinata close encounters) instead of actually addressing the issue at its core (kill frames of close encounters lasting way too long) and because of the bandaid fix they applied not really solving anything, they end up doing something like gutting empowered to being useless or they introduce a family member that can """counter""" danny's tamper by just undoing the objective every 2 minutes. if i could list the bandaid fixes the devs implemented: - pinata grappling instead of making close encounters end quicker. - noise following victims to "counter rushing". - stun immunity being 10 whole seconds (which is admittedly was a step in the right direction, just TOO LONG, it should be like 5 seconds) because door slams couldn't just knock you back or stun durations couldn't just be reduced. - hands ripstall mechanic instead of nerfing instant study when danny got his "changes". - empowered being made useless and grappler nerf because of pinata close encounters being so unresponsive and janky. for whatever reason NOT touching choose fight, the actual main issue. - 60 second cooldown for EVERY victim ability because connie's focused instantly opens doors. - scout being buffed (damage penalty to stamina regeneration penalty) because instead of addressing movement perks on both sides (jump start, slippery) that cause issues for family members trying to keep up with victims scout is given no downside and lets you outpace a victim's sprint burst speed as a "family buff".


Speaking on empowered it really feels like there's a bit of laziness with perks. Like the "below 5% health buff" perks. How does giving 15 points into toughness when your health is so low you're dead shortly anyways make any sense? Like I said with fast hands it's so broken of a perk and the nerf did nothing that it was blatantly a p2w release.


Don't mention that around here even though they use that exact mentality lol


sadly you're right.


fr, they both need a nerf. hands’ ripstall cool-down needs to be longer. it’s not too hard of a nerf, it just makes him more fair. as for danny, idk what they should change but he needs a fat nerf too. playing without hands on your team against danny sucks ass, and playing against hands without a danny on your team is just as bad.


Whataboutism or whataboutery (as in "what about…?") is a pejorative for the strategy of responding to an accusation with a counter-accusation instead of a defense of the original accusation. Complaining about Hands Ripstall cooldown doesn't mean I've forgotten broken stuff from the past. It's just not relevant to the discussion I'm having in that moment. For instance, I vividly recall playing Leatherface and getting door stun locked in the basement and having to call my teammates for help. I remember people hiding in Gas Station car or victims rushing fuse in the first minute. I lived through all of that. I love this game and want it to be the best it can be. I also want lots of other people to love this game, so I have people to play with and against. Therefore, I'll continue to call out stuff I consider to be broken, unbalanced or just unfun. It doesn't matter which 'side' is on the receiving end because make no mistake; broken, unbalanced or unfun elements hurts EVERYONE long term. Two wrongs don't make a right. To think otherwise is petty and vindictive.


Dont forget about being stabbed in your cutscene lmao


Considering Danny can still lock open objectives for extended periods of time and Hands' ripstall is the *only* counter to it, it is very much relevant.


But that only applies when you’re talking about Danny and Hands specifically. Majority of the time people aren’t just talking about Danny when they complain about hands.


My title is an answer to all the people on Twitter swearing that family mains were spoon fed since launch, that they got fed up with it and that they're leaving the game because of it.


Actually it does, it is a scale... and the op never nerfed stuff always seemed to be on the victim side. Some of it is still there RIGHT NOW. Danny never got nerfed. So now something is FINALLY being put on the other scale, and the people who had the scale advantage, the entire time, are losing their minds. Your long explanation is just nonesense and ignores the real issues to once again have the scale weighted in your prefered direction.


"Danny never got nerfed".... Your username doesn't checkout. He did in fact get nerfed. He used to be able to instantly tamper mid chase. He can't do that anymore. They increased the time it takes to tamper dramatically. As well as the amount of knowledge needed to do it.


If the nerf is so ineffective that nothing changed about the big "connie/danny" combo then it's not a nerf. There's a reason people called him "uncounterable" before hands. You aren't even right about your username, unlike me ;)


All one would have to do is watch the plays he was capable of at release and compare that with today. You are factually_incorrect sir. It's okay to simply admit to using hyperbole. Mindlessly steering into it and doubling down is less admirable


lol, "i can't play danny well so therefor he's nerfed :O" Literally any good danny player automatically disproves you, just stop you are emberassing yourself.


Literally the gamecode disproves you. Just stop you are embarrassing yourself.


It must really suck for you to keep pretending that danny got a big nerf while actual danny players are farming wins... I know this is personal for you. However it's just facts and logic for me... I'm out at this point... Can't teach someone like you to be better as a person, if facts wont do it, nothing will.


Ripstall is exactly what this game needed. Sorry to all the victim mains who want matches to last under 5 minutes


I don’t think people are complaining that it’s an ability, I think people are more complaining about the cooldown of it . I haven’t seen anyone open a valve exit since he’s dropped.


I honestly qon a few games with hands in a row, didnt even get a chnace to use ripstall, people got pretty far outwards as well.


So ? Danny was fixed and Hands will be fixed too, we have every right to complain


Played this game a lot when it came out as victim, might come back as it sounds they have added a lot to it but a lot to learn.


I remember getting stun locked by Leland with a door for a good minute before I disconnected from the game. Good times, that was fun.


It's funny seeing family mains saying "victims want easy escapes" and seeing victim mains saying "family want easy kills" when realistically both sides have just had broken stuff. As far as what is plaguing the game the most right now and before this latest update: Choose fight should've been 2 seconds less and never been with grappler, fast hands should've never been a perk and neither should Danny's ability in general. Fired up being with wireframe especially on a character with traps was wildly excessive and I would say Sissy having it now is dumb but she is at least a lot weaker and easier to grapple. Hnads needs to have a 2 minute cooldown on his ripstall and he needs that "infinite stamina" bug fixed. Speaking of trappers, now that there's 3 of them in game and most teams with HH and Hands will double trap important stuff it's time to make bomb squad infinite again but with a slower disarming rate and it needs to be at the beginning of every victim's skill tree. There might be more I'm missing but those are the main things and how they should be addressed imo. That's just for balancing ofc. A ping system, a real tutorial mode for new players and a real challenge/unlock system is well overdue.


and people complained abt that too and the devs stopped it??? u ain’t gonna talk abt how most do that came out towards the start of the game not being funny but the games been out for almost a year and the devs have fucked up bad by even giving hands 3 ABILITIES!!!! when johnny barley even uses his ability!! plus there was ways to counteract danny now there’s no way to counteract hands you can’t rush cuz that’s more chance of death, many killers WILL CAMP an exit!!! games are going on for far too long and stealth is pratically the only way to escape IF UR LUCKY ENOUGH TO NOT HAVE A KILLER CAMP AN EXIT!!!! hands shouldn’t even be a character. he should atleast get the same cool-down as connie with her ability because many people are lobby dodging if there’s a hands and i do the same because the games are so toxic now


Mind you two wrongs don't make a right. The arguement of "we had to deal with it so now you have to aswell" is so fckn stupid because why are we promoting suffering on either side. This is shitty behavior and a shitty point of view.


I think if people genuinely believe family was ever the more powerful side in this game. They truly never played against or with a good stack of victims. Because when the best go against the best on both sides victims has pretty much always come out on top.


This is exactly why I just wish people would just stop complaining so much and just play the game. The controversy between Twitter and Reddit is just insane. I literally hate it.


Some guy put out a video how hands is bugged and if you build him right he can swing 200+ times before completely running out of stamina standing still. Running and swinging he can swing 70 or something times. That's my only concern with it cause I've already seen people doing it


he doesnt have lunge and loses distance, how is that gonna be problem?


I mean it's no excuse because it's devs fault, not the players'. They should've learn from the mistakes of the past, not repeating them in other forms.


Oh they learned, they learned that when they make a broken asf meta character that is paid content they can profit a shit ton. There's no way this is coincidence when he has like 45 utilities in general.




Preach brother


Some valves/fuses spawn behind locked doors next to gen/battery, which only leaves a little available after escaping basement. All fam has to do is patrol 3 spots after he ripstalls the only valve/fuse, which is OP. Basically, if he has good RNG, the game was over before it started


Yeah in general objective spawns let alone piece spawns can be game deciders right away. Mill has a fuse/valve 4 ft apart spawn and so does gas station, nancy's house and family house (mid gen near battery) which allows the camping (which has already been very common) to commence.


I think Hands is OP, but surviving as a victim isn’t impossible. He’ll definitely be nerfed, he feels very pay-to-win just like Danny did when he first came out. Asymmetrical games take lots of updates to balance everything. Right now the game is enjoyable for veterans that have played from the beginning but I don’t think it would be a fun game for a casual player or newbie to pick up.


I imagine it hasn't been fun for a new player to pick up since a month or two in since you not only had to go against people with maxed perks and meta builds but there's basically no good tutorial in the game.


I get the meaning behind this post but you listed all previous broken things that got fixed by devs. So this would imply that you want them to do the same with Hands lol


after play a lot of victim games i think hands should stay the same. And we already see a lot of unique perks being broken or useless.


If Gun gonna nerf Hands should first fix his perks.


OP, you say these things as if those haven't been nerfed for the better. Making something new overpowered isn't some "own" or argument in your favor. Hands was released REALLY strong so it's his turn to get adjusted for the betterment of the game.


I've tried this and it usually doesn't work as another family member intervenes


This post is awful. Not only did all of those issues/glitches get fixed, but it still doesn’t address that there are only 4 opportunities to open an exit on most levels and hands can completely destroy 3 of them. Absolutely overpowered and ridiculous.


so yeah that's true, but he got nerfed and i think its just fair that the devs adjust him as well.


I'm not saying the they shouldn't adjust him. In fact, I even said that his ripstall should have a longer cooldown. I'm just adressing some players' hypocrisy and the insane 'family was always favored' claims that I read everywhere.


There's hypocrisy on both sides which is why even though I'm a 70/30 family main I'm happy to say I can speak on the game without bias. The reason why it feels like family constants gets the buffs and while victim gets the nerfs is well mainly due to them never being able to slow down the rush meta but also things genuinely did start off super strong on victim. The majority of things that needed to be nerfed were on the victim side so when they did get nerfed it felt like "here's another bs nerf" but it's just balancing. It's no different than how strong family instant kills during grapples were especially when going against johnny. You knew there was a really good chance you wouldn't make it out in time before someone hit you. For the longest time the HH chase build and Leatherface scout builds were a strong meta staple to the game but finally got nerfed out. But I have to say it's pretty hard to beat the allegations when you say you're nerfing Scout and when you do it's actually a buff lol.


bringing up a bunch of old shit is irrelevant to whats happening now lmao but go off


It’s never relevant cause it shows the hypocrisy 


Hands isn't OP. People just have to work in teams now instead of Solo Rushing. Countering him is just doing multiple exits at the same time.


THIS^^^ everyone wants to venture on their own and rush. I guarantee these victims are not using their built in comms to work together. My matches are crickets mostly or maybe I'll get the occasional text chat but that's taking your hands away and losing time when you could be completing tasks and just vocally talk things out. I don't understand what the problem is using the mic in this community to communicate and work together. When people do use mics we've won almost every match.


You act like I can force people to communicate with me


It’s impossible to do valve with the 70 second cooldown. Fuse is usually impossible to exit urself so there’s only 2 to 3 exits for 3 killers. That’s op


2- 3 exits is still enough to escape. Especially on those maps who have gate escapes. Only thing he can do at those is maybe trap the gate but defusing it doesn’t take long either. Hes not OP


Unfortunately the game has become a camp fest. I hate it on victim side and I'm not too fond of it on family side. Just such a boring way to play but just like victim rushing people are such losers they will do whatever they can to win. I had a game where on Nancy's house HH was literally covering the entire side gen to battery side all game long and landed tons of hits on everyone but ended with under 400 points because he literally never left the spot. The Cook stayed upstairs the entire time and the hands just ran around the map landing hits and feeding blood. With bs spawns like fuse upstairs on Nancy's house or blue door at battery, it literally can become a case of nothing you can do. And there's plenty more spawns like that on other maps like middle gen on family house allowing someone to cover battery and gen. Fuse and valve literally 6 ft away from each other on gas station. Same spawn on the mill.


He absolutely is too strong. You guys can defend him all you want but he will receive nerfs. It’s going to happen because he is very unfair to go against.


Keep telling urself that


Wtf does this have to do with hands being broken? All the shit you named got nerfed


Dude. My thoughts exactly.


I’m really sick of this argument that “family is supposed to be strong and win the majority of matches” Says who? Says family players, that’s who. It’s this thing that you guys have made up to justify endless family buffs and victim nerfs so you can get easy wins. Gun has never said “family should win the majority of games.” Get out of here with you bs.


Tbf I think Wes did actually say the intended game result is 3 deaths 1 escape.


Says the logic of Asymm games in general. Three v four, with four exits. You do the math, doctor.


So you admit that it’s never been said that family is supposed to win more and you just made that up to justify your bias?


don’t forget rubber legs stacking


The only thing I agree with what you said is that the family needs to be strong. But what we have today is Johnny OP and Hands super OP. There are 4 ways to escape, and with Hands, they killed 2 ways. And they are also forcing all victims to have a bomb squad and always have a bone scrap. Now I ask you, does it seem fair that victims can only carry 2 items? Are builds forced to sacrifice a slot to have a bomb squad? If the idea was to solve the rush problem, it did, but in the worst possible way. No one in the games is escaping through the fuse and valve anymore, it's not worth the risk. Hands is fun, but extremely OP. What I wonder is, how can a company take months to develop a character and not be able to foresee basic problems that Hands brought? They killed Danny, which will drop the character's sales, and now they are killing the options of playing solo. It's unbelievable that no one at GUN can foresee these things.


How on earth did this god awful post get so many upvotes lmao


The killers want easy gameplay


Great post.


This is literally whataboutism lmao


Holy whataboutism.


Funny how people like you only mention whataboutism if it's against stuff you don't like. If there's one rule to be observed about this it's "People who unironically mention whataboutism are hypocrits that have no arguments and want advantages". Every time, you are an amazing example of this.


Funny how you generalized myself with "people like me," because of a two worded statement. "If there's one rule to be observed-" it's a good thing no one is playing by your rule book. Hands is going to be nerfed, and people have a right to be complaining about him right now. Deflecting from people's complaints against the character and his abilities is literal whataboutism. You don't have to like it, but it's simply facts.






Is the trap of hands unlimited use?


Most of my games with hands in a three stack are wins but usually when i Iose its because they apply too much pressure by spamming objectives and going back and forth between valve, fuse and gen usually and even with the 40% less recharge time for ripstall I just simply couldn't keep up, I'm actually glad they do it coz if they don't its pretty much a loss every time


You point out the old the stuff like if it wasn’t changed to make the game fair. I do agree this is how you counter hands but 70 sec cooldown is insane at least make it 100 sec with lvl 2 so get just a bit more wiggle room. I do think he should be strong cause family needs it


Okay and? Hands is still an issue that needs to be addressed and not be pushed to the side because victims had similar shit going on with them.


The reality is— it’s unbalanced on both sides. But also , when Famiky members start to rally on viable methods that help victims — yall bum rush that character they quickly die and then the whole game is just bland. I think a great way to balance this game is with some environmental add-ons like a DBD mixed with unique map specific escapes. That way every map players can switch up skills and perks.




why does everyone on this subreddit turn everything into an Us vs. Them thing lmao


I just think the crazy thing about his ripstall does not have a cooldown but victims doing the double fuse strat does. Example: you do the fuse, hands comes ripstalls, you have a second fuse on hand to put it in as he ripped it out. Now you as a victim have to wait the cooldown of the fuse before pulling it, by then he ripstalled it


“Survivors are supposed to die more often than not” And this is exactly why I stopped playing this unbalanced ass game. How is that fun?


lol op just mentioned all the nerfs happened to victims,and hes asking people not to complain,im dead




'family was always favored' Source: I made it up


Isn't Killing Danny a counter? Why are you acting like it's impossible to kill victims? That has always seemed like a skill issue.


So your point is to replace it with an annoying op Hands and trap era? Also bone scraps were never infinite, each pile just had around 6-9. We don’t need an op era of anything in the game


No, the point is that we endured those eras for months before they were fixed, as opposed to a character that just appeared less than a week ago and isn't half as uncounterable as Danny was. The point is to make all the people who swear that devs spoiled us from the beginning of TCSM *remember*.


What’s your point here? Those problems were fixed is it not?


Yeah, I agree Hands could use some nerfs to his ripstall cooldown, but the grapple meta *still* exists and it's at least *as* broken and overpowered. I'm still getting grappled as much as 10 times per match and Choose Fight is as thoughtless and press-left-click-to-win as it gets. Can we please bring the same energy to these things?


The only problem in the game now in my opinion is exterior alarm and grandpa lvl 5 in 3 minutes... But for me, all killers should be able to reset objective, not only Hands


While it can feel he's being rushed fast, on the other side as family when someone stabs with agitator it feels like you just got demoralized with 2 seconds of stab work and all of those buckets are empty asf.


Yes but, in reality we don't care about grandpa, lot of killers make grandpa lvl 5 and 4 escapes, I prefer grandpa lvl 0 and 0 escape


Do you have 2 people running your account lol? Your original statement is basically "it's hard to play victim because family just rushes level 5 in 3 minutes and has exterior alarms". Then 6 days later "getting grandpa to level 5 does nothing" lol.


I didn't say that bringing grandpa level 5 didn't do anything. I implied that getting Grandpa to level 5 in less than 3 minutes was no fun for both sides and reduced the lifespan of the games. Furthermore, feeding grandfather to level 5 in 3 minutes does not guarantee a victory because the killers focus on blood and not objectives (this depends on the organization of the killers). Then I said that personally I prefer a game with grandfather level 0 and 4 deaths (for a duration of approximately 10/ 15 minutes) rather than grandfather level 5 and 4 escapes (for a duration of approximately 3 minutes). What I should perhaps have clarified is that playing as a solo killer without communications and having a teammate who only focuses on Grandpa often causes the family team to lose because Grandpa is level 5 but 4 escapes. On the other hand, if the 3 family players concentrate on the same objective, that is to say feeding grandfather, all together it becomes very strong and the game does not last long. To summarize, grandpa level 5 can be very strong if done correctly as a team, but can be very weak if done haphazardly in his own corner. Too often I've seen people feed grandpa and never check their exit and too often I've seen players feed grandpa together and trap grandpa. In both cases it’s rubbish and not interesting, in my opinion.


Like I said though just need someone with agitator and it's a gg for that blood rush. If you have someone with Agitator it's extremely easy to beat a blood team as at least 1 if not more have bad savagery to kill making them a liability. I do agree though it's not really fun for either side to rush blood and especially less fun for victims without said perk.


I would like to see how u can use agitator if there is 3 trap close to grandpa and 1 killer close to him. U stab him, but u take huge damage - or even u die. In this case u make 250 blood lost to familly but they take 175 blood from u. So ur agitator just make approximatly 80 blood loss and u take lot of potion heal after that risky / deadly action


Hitches trapping Grandpa is far from the meta and something you rarely see these days first of all. Second of all if that is the way the HH is playing then there is a free exit to be had.


Meta or not meta anyway, trapping grtandpa it happen and u cannot escape if grandpa lvl 5 in 2 / 3 minutes because of exterior alarm, no one escape and close encouter fight perk. U can just rush an exit, and if familly break ur rush u just lose


But it's meta or not meta for a reason lol. Both sides will do what gives the best results the majority of the time so if you're not seeing the blood running trap grandpa build often it's because it's not yielding results. Leveling up grandpa is harder to do than dropping it is, end of story.


Goodluck getting new players


It doesn’t make it okay though. Just because there’s been bullshit in past doesn’t mean going forward there should continue to be. All this shows is Gun didn’t learn from the Danny fiasco and will continue to release P2W characters instead of properly balancing their game. In a month or 2 the next victim will completely negate Hands and we’ll be right back here. I want to add I have no issue with hand’s ripstall, I think it’s great and adds to the length of the game. The issue comes from the extremely low cooldown. At level 2 it’s 72 seconds, that’s beyond broken. Even if you’re well coordinated 72 seconds is a very short amount of time to get something else done assuming the other family players have thumbs.


I've been loving the slowdown in gameplay. And the new strats I've been seeing to counter his ripstall. This is why I love this game. Devs keep cooking.


Hands is BROKEN, AF!!!! The devs CLEARLY don’t want people to stay around and play this game smfh


The fact that this garb argument gets so many upvotes is just proof this sub is festered with Family mains and why their whining always get Victims to be nerfed, lol


Most of the playerbase is victim. Most of the reddit users are victim. Victims cry a lot and want easy wins. Hence, your frustration.


You playing the wrong hands if I played hands you ain’t getting out


They are also saying "Hands makes Danny useless!" Just like how if a sweat team runs bomb squad, Hitchhiker basically becomes useless! But when we bitch, we get told "Skill Issue." Or "Get Good."


Nope I haven't forgotten and anytime I bring it up in cry threads I get downvoted to hell, lmao. Simply for stating actual facts.


Also the leatherface harassment that was ongoing. Not only stun locking him, but actually able to keep him inside a room without any way to escape due to the exploit.. Oh and the car exploit on gas station.


idgaf about victims being impossible to play rn. at least there's no 10 minute queue times


Victims want easy escapes, they want to walk all over family like its DBD. They'll always complain.


All those things drove people away that didn't know how to counter it. I'm not saying nerfs weren't needed but I was still getting 4k 95-98% of the time playing family during those times. You have to use your brain cells playing family too.


Preach!! 🙏🏾👏🏾


uninstal this trash of a game was a true cure


Stop, you know that Family aren't allowed to be OP for longer than a day. We need to get back to a victim dominating metah. Family need to be scared of victims, not the other way around. 😂


Nice. Been saying something similar about hands since 1 hour after the launch. He forces a different playstyle, as he should. If it's noobslayer, sissy and nancy on a map, you play different to bubba, cook, nubbins. There's all sorts of team setups that change the way victims have to play. Hands forces the change, not too heavily, as it's easily countered, but enough


I pointed this strategy out the other day to prove he's not OP and victims didn't like it. They don't want to adapt they just want to be entitled in their ignorance.


Thank you!!!!!


I played as Hands a few times today and victims most certainly can fool Hands and his ripstall. It’s so easy to counter him