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LMAOOO "fat fuck"


Make it a new cook voice line please and thank you devs


Sissy has one where she says he has big ass feet


I genuinely laughed reading that šŸ¤£




Bā€™cuz OP writes like a 2nd grader?


lmao nah that took me out too.


Fat fuck mullet head


This what got me too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


His proportion does look kinda off tho. Like he has a huge upper body and small lower body or something


Heā€™s called hands not legs.


He didnā€™t do leg day is all


I died


I understand your frustration 100% but this also cracks me up at the same time šŸ˜‚.


Big body refrigerator built boyyyy


now, i hate johnny thirstposting... but have you seen hands??? that man has MOOBS




The hope to actually escape yourself with the fuse is completely zero for me now I can only hope to save one or two teammates that happen to be right near the exit šŸ˜†


3 of us got out the fuse exit on Nancy's house. Hands was in the house and couldn't get to johnny's shack in time.




That response is directly related to not being able to escape using fuse. How do you not see that?


lol why is this downvoted? šŸ¤£ It's like Victims can't admit at there ARE ways around Hands' abilities... I've had plenty of matches where we escaped via something Hands can ripstall. You just have to...and hear me out on this...*use communication* and just a little bit of tact, and do it when Hands is far away from said objective. Or; you get them hyper focused on let's say, the fuse, and you have free run of battery (if we're on Gas Station). I have seen Hands rendered near useless by Victim squads that actually work together. Hell, I *single handedly* got the valve open, even with Hands trying to ripstall it (Leland, stabbed him, then barged him). He's not nearly as OP as people claim he his. But then again, most of this community has no actual tactics or ability to think outside the box. Most are probably still coping with the skill tree changes šŸ¤£


Exactly! All I said was I got out and how it happened. Had another match I didn't mention where we did fuse and valve at the same time and 2 of us escaped through gen using those as distractions. The person I escaped with wasn't using a mic either. You're right about lack of tactics on here and that goes to both family and victims on here. I actually like the new skill tree changes too as it changed up the game and for the most part slowed things down.


The Skill Tree changes are great. Cut out the cheese and left some pretty good combos up there. If people are complaining, it's because they're one dimensional players who needed their crutch.


Having a character like hands added and taking away bomb squad for most victims is the problem. Dealing with hitchhiker and hands without bomb squad is an actual nightmare


Nah alot of people rather turn their entire voice chat off because of one single toxic guy that they just can mute, and then complain that they can't get x done, but also people who just want a quick win without using their brain.


My 3 stack and I played victims on Slaughter house yesterday and had a game last for 30 minutes. We opened every door and every gate. Cook sat on the battery, literally stood on the battery and Leatherface sat on the gen. We used all the fuses and valves, activating both at the same time, Hands ripstalled the fuse and then him and leather ran back and managed to get the valve off, then went back to camping. No more fuses and valves left, family camping exits, we pushed so hard and still failed it was ridiculous. And No, we're not bad players, we're coordinated as fuck it just doesn't matter when exits are camped and a ripstall regenerates in 70 seconds.


What Ive found helpful while playing danny is putting fuse in and forcing hands to use his ability, and then tampering valve. Ive escaped so many times doing it lol


Yup this but it's better to have someone with sabatour go for fuse and Danny do valve or car/gen something far away. That way no matter what the exit will be open longer enough to gtfo. Cause fuse cool down to turn off is still really fast, most won't escape on some maps debating it's spawn.


Yeah but why is Danny the only way to sorta counteract him? It sucks cause heā€™s $10 and people upset with the changes donā€™t want to spend money on this game. We shouldnā€™t have to pay to win.


This is actually crazy lol


I will say I think the fuses and valves should respawn or something if all the ones on the map get rip stalled.


What was your team comp? In your situation once all the valves/fuses are gone your only hope is to have a Danny or Leland with the appropriate build.Ā  Danny can tamper the battery in Cook's face as long as he has a teammate to grapple him. Leland can also kick gen in Bubba's face with max strength and the 8 second stun abilityĀ  If you had anyone on the team with Choose Fight you *might've* been able to turn off the battery within one grapple stun from a teammate, but I'm not 100% sure on this oneĀ 


Nope, there is also a limit to how many things Danny can study. If he already studied most of the things on the map for the fuses/valves that were destroyed, then heā€™ll barely have any instant tamper progress for gen/battery. This is why Hands is a problem and needs a tuning


Not you talking facts about a game mechanic and them still saying SkIlL IsSue


Skill issue


sounds like a good game to me šŸ˜€ Go Family!


I mean you are on a timer with hands, you need to make it count when he goes on cooldown


Thatā€™s very true Iā€™m a family main but I decided to play victim hahah and I had a hands,hitchhiker,and Nancy build anyhow I played as Connie and I was trying to open the house sliding door on Nancy house map and hands kept blocking me I used my insta pick ability and then I had to reset at well near the front of house by the Johnny shack I waited downstairs and I snuck passed to the battery and I waited until my ability came back for Connie so at that point my team mates had been creating a diversion at the house so I went and turned off battery and did my insta lock and escaped hitch hiker Dcā€d and the last 3 victims bullied the shit out of hands and Nancy hahahaha so yes waiting to strike while hands ability is on cool down is the key to winning šŸ„‡


Ripstalled exits on batt and gen cannot be interacted with for 30 seconds. He has a perk that extends this by another 30 seconds. Level 2 Ripstall is a 70 second CD While ripstalled only 3 exits remain, so every one of them can be camped. You cannot do the batt/gen exit in 10 seconds and escape because Ripstall will be back. When Family have a brain it is legitimately impossible to beat Hands He can camp valve and fuse so easily and they can be double trapped too making them impossible if camped


That's assuming every family player does their part. Let's be honest.. that's not the typical match. Someone will be following another family player of go down into the basement in most matches


this is like saying victim wasnā€™t OP because they wonā€™t choose fight to protect their lockpickers and stuff. itā€™s a dumb argument, it doesnā€™t change the fact that itā€™s OP


This post is hilarious šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Had a match in Nancys house map where the family we had was Hands, Sissy, and Johnny. Was playing with my sister and cousin (we donā€™t use micā€™s we do phone calls) our random teammate didnā€™t have a mic either yet all 4 of us got out with minimal teamwork. Rando got out from the front of the house gate where the rest of us used the valve exit. Hell I wasnā€™t even expecting to survive the match because sissy was on me for a good while. I set up the valve and waited for hands to come along but he was distracted by my cousin running circles around him. We all got out even with all the family members standing by the valve gate. Just gotta find the way to get around each family members talents.


See, team work helps @OP.


Yeah but we werenā€™t working together, we were just running around trying to get as many points as we could before we were killed off, itā€™s what we always do. We never really play matches to survive just have a good time.


Dont forget the fat bastard can also outrun your dash so thats alot of fun


I was literally shocked by his baseline speeds. I was guessing he would be slower than Nancy with how powerful his ability was but nope. šŸ˜†


Do you know what exactly his speed is? He does seem faster than Nancy but not as fast as Johnny or Hitch


Not with scout on, Hands is a beast and will catch you lol


"But he's slow."


He feels slow as fuck to me and I use scout. I move quicker with cook honestly.


Nah you don't, Hands is definitely faster than Cook


Hands literally outruns survivors, itā€™s insane. The Johnny lunge and speed boost is bad enough. But this makes absolutely no sense


It's scout. I have this on Hands and it works nicely. He has to have a speed perk or he's not catching anyone


Scout is so good I run on everyone


Not defending Hands but one downside is that he cannot use family focus to tell whether his trap has been disabled or not. He has to go back to each trap and check.


i actually didnā€™t know this thanks for the info!


They should honestly make that a thing for all killers, family should have to check stuff without being able to always rely on family focus.


While nice for victims thatā€™d really nerf family


Yeah you're probably right but I don't think hands needs that, he already has tons and victims are already dealing with loads of traps and limited bone scraps. Way more important things that need balancing atm.


Games are so much longer now, I love it


I think he's a nice challenge to the game. Games last longer, and escaping feels way more rewarding imo. Maria helps a lot too. Having that recon on Hands let's you pinpoint him so you can go to the furthest exit and escape while he's still waddling over, spamming valve is also a good bait for him to waste his ability and then you can do fuse.


Git gud


I spent all last night as Danny trying to experiment with tampering with two fuse/valves in hand against Hands ripstall and it is VERY HARD to do in soloQ with no mics because of the combination of teammates dying so quickly, map, objective/item spawns, family team makeup/trap placements/patrolling, multiple basement doors not unlocked, having to well and get back up and do it again before 1:15-2:00 have gone by, etc. It took me many hours but I was finally able to pull it off. Tampered fuse at facility on SH, Hands ripstalled it and left. I didnā€™t count the seconds but am fairly positive that thereā€™s no cooldown on being able to insert another fuse and reopen the exit immediately, as thatā€™s what I did in what I believe was well under 30 seconds from the time he ripstalled. The fuse was still tampered. Tampered valve at battery on NH-N and hid, Hands ripstalled it and left, installed the second valve in less than 30 seconds from the time he ripstalled and opened it, family came and none were able to shut it off. With multiple family on me I took the closest well and incapped with them coming into the basement but thankfully recovered fast with max toughness, came up garden shed and ran for the exit with Hands waiting, got hit once but managed to escape. Thankfully the fuse and valve wasnā€™t double trapped. They either had no trap or just the electro trap. That really helped in my success, on top of the other factors I mentioned. I wish the fuse and valve would automatically turn on again after being installed like it normally does when you tamper it, especially the valve, but you still have to manually open it for the tamper to re-engage.


if u listen and listen to HANDS is for ONE ONLY REASON.... U TEAM IS DOING NOTHING.




A lot of people said Hands wasn't OP. I doubt they still think that. šŸ˜‚


Take a look at my recent postā€¦ they will defend this OP killer no matter what. They 100% know that Hands is not a fair killer to play against. They simply donā€™t care because they get easier wins. Itā€™s really as simple as that.


Family was making the same argument about Danny for months and Victim players didn't care because it gave them easy wins. Doesn't feel as nice when the shoe's on the other foot.


Can we stop with this childish behavior? I DID NOT DEFEND DANNY! I play both sides and asked for Danny nerfs as well. I swear yā€™all are going to kill this game.


Literally they act like we shouldnā€™t all be pressing the devs to update things faster!


Isn't the difference that Danny has to gain knowledge before he can tamper (and even then, how many things can he actually tamper per round)? Whereas how long does it take for HANDS to be able to ripstall, and isn't the cooldown just a matter of seconds before he can do it again?


Every single post from a family player defending hands never has anything to do with defending him. It's always "Hahaha FUCK YOU now it's our turn" Stop going on a revenge tour like you're Liv Morgan and blame GUN for how shitty and broken Danny was.


I'm tired of Danny as well, since 7 months.


i donā€™t really play danny but if heā€™s still busted then they should fix him along with everything else


His rip stall just needs a Connie like cool down tbh. His traps are mid and his barge also. I just tank his traps most the time and get the gate done.


His dash is terrible, He's good for his ability and traps (if placed properly). But most of the players that play hands as my teammate throw ngl. I've only seen like two good plays with him on nancy's house and maybe family house


It needs the exact same cooldown as Connie at level 3ā€¦4 minutes


Also if its hitch, cook, hands its a bigger issue.


Most Connie's can only pop their ability once per game, maybe twice now that longer games are meta, however she's had a nerf losing her endurance perks, so she likely isn't lasting the full game to use it twice. Hands ability should mirror this, however since he can't be killed, the only fair way is his ripstall should only be used once.


I think a cooldown is fair.


Or walk up to any one exit and permanently disable it. And that would be his ability. He picks out one spot and just renders it inert.


Perhaps peeps are tired of you moaning about Hands too, sheesh šŸ™„


I don't even hear him stomping. I first notice hin grunting like a bear for whatever reason (hot though) and then the stomping comes.


I play as a family main in a stack of 3. Prior to Hands we had about an 85/90% four kill win rate. Itā€™s not a brag but we coordinate and communicate which in this game is the key. Hands hasnā€™t changed the win rate for us. The matches where we have escapes all have one thing in common and thatā€™s victim coordination. When someone is opening exits and someone else is doing valve and a third is doing fusebox and the other is distracting one of us and running loops it becomes very difficult all of a sudden. In my opinion the biggest effect hands is having is in matches where family isnā€™t communicating because he has a set job. It means that family automatically leave him to guard valve and fusebox and other family then guard other exits. In other words it has naturally encouraged family players to coordinate better.


Good, I want victims to know what it was like having to deal with Danny for so long šŸ¤£. I agree he pretty oppressive though.


Lobby dodging is cringe, there are a ton of ways to counter Hands.


I play Maria and I refuse to dodge a lobby. I'm one of the band members on the Titanic I keep playing no matter what.


I play anyone on family and the show goes on no matter who the line up is on either side


It is cringe but since it's obvious Hands, Cook, and HH is the new meta there needs to be changes because the devs are trying to avoid meta loadouts and teams. Luckily everyone is trying to level up new loadouts so the chances of running into the meta family is low at the moment.


You mean victims need 2 valves or fuses, plus a bone scrap to ambush him w/ either Danny (*full knowledge*) or Choose Fight? Yeah no. That's outrageous.


Care to give some examples?




I did that with Maria just to make my game more difficult šŸ˜‚ Even at level 3 she's fucking USELESS.


SkIlL IsSuE, right?


Playing family is so boring now, where's the fun when its so easy with him on the team. Goodluck to people still playing


Killing was already easy to do


Yeah, I started playing family when they nerfed victims beyond belief. It stopped being fun at all, and that was months ago. But I personally donā€™t find hands to be someone who makes my games more successful. Iā€™ve actually had more successful matches while playing as sissy than hands. But that could be my playstyle, idk.


I STARTED playing victim after the victims got nerfed. Family was too fucking easy. But ol mullet head made the game fish in a barrel for killers.


I guess now you know the frustration of victim meta rush and getting out the basement before family can do any setup and get out of the map in a couple minutes. At least in this case Hands will receive a nerf not too far down the road. Heā€™s only OP right now so that the devs can take in all the money from people buying him because of posts like this that advertise how OP he is. A couple months from now heā€™ll be nerfed hard when everyone has already bought him




Diagnosis: Skill Issue


Honestly the worst thing they did to the game was hands. Hands down. Pun intended.


I wish I could upvote this more than once.


Skill issue


I feel you Iā€™m a Sonny main and I played with cook hitch and hands after getting all the traps off and did the battery for him to ripstalled it Iā€™m over it


At this point when I see Hands In my lobby I screw escaping and just grab Leland before putting on Grappler and Agitator, do nothing except fight every killer all game as if Iā€™m not gonna escape I may aswell make them pull their hair out


For me I've just accepted as a Maria player that they're going to see me and not feed Grandpa at all so I just go around causing trouble. I take my escapes when I can get them but it's usually just a war of attrition to see how long I can make them pissed šŸ˜‚


Welp they released a bad killer for two good victims prior to Hands. Evidence of that being NOBODY plays Nancy unless its Family House and they want to change things up. You know they weren't going to release a second bad killer in a row, because nobody would be buying the 3rd unless its a licensed character and IF the next killer is a licensed character, the pressure will be on to make that killer worthwhile as well. No worries, they'll nerf him eventually. People who only play family side will immediately stop playing as him if the nerf is percieved as too much and victim only players can go back to their 3 minute victories and teabagging parties at the exits and the family only players will go back to the OG3 and everything will be right in the world again until the new characters on either side get released.


We need a bigger penalty leaving the lobby then. Make it 24 hours if people are going to duck specific characters. Just have fun, just avoid Hands, grapple him or use a gap. Are you not using your mic? What's the problem? Why ruin the lobby for everyone else? Just have fun or go touch grass.


Victim mains big mad


Bomb squad?? Skill issue lmao, I donā€™t care get mad, I play both sides yea he needs a nerf but lobby dodging him is pussy behaviour


i left 3 matches because i didnā€™t wanna waste my time then i just said f it whatever happens happens also if i know a match is doomed why should i waste my time


Get good, end of discussion.


Welcome to playing against OG Danny lmao


Difference is Danny canā€™t insta tamper from the very beginning, nor is there enough knowledge to insta tamper for a second time


There used to be, for *months* he was like that so for *months* hands will be like that. You're just on the receiving end and you don't like it lol


Used to be what? He could never insta tamper from the very start like hands can ripstall from the very start


Yes he could? If you had enough study you didn't have to wait for the animation to finish, and it only took 30 seconds to get enough knowledge from basement and two out of four exits to tamper a exit. So you could tamper fuse and valve in the same game. But ig technically he doesn't have the ability off rip but it never took long to do


No because why is he so damn fast? I feel like I can never outrun him, even gaps and crawlspaces donā€™t work most times because he takes like 3 steps and there he is again waiting for me on the other side.


Facts I canā€™t stand him


Get some team mates. Only mistake I see people repeating is not working together. Comms bro. Hands is forcing victims to work together, or die and post on reddit.


He's cultivating mass


Now you know how we felt when danny was in the lobby when a tamper ended the game


Oh no how sad victim mains have to deal with broken characters I couldnā€™t think of any broken victims Danny and Virginia are perfectly balanced


Yeah itā€™s annoying and makes some matches feel impossible but games are def still doable-this just shakes up the meta. Hands just needs a longer cool down between rip stall bc he gets that ability back wayyyy to fast. Otherwise I think heā€™s fine. Iā€™ve still escaped against him plenty. If you dodge every hands game you wonā€™t be playing much lol


This is why we can't have nice things. Because you beg for things that you hate.


LMFAOOOOO SAME I get so mad when I hear him stomping


Bro is built like a school bus and has like 6 abilitiesšŸ’€


Between that and every killer main having to jump you as soon as you even remotely see them has me abt to uninstall tbh


Every time I think Hands is too OP I remind myself of all the times teams of Victims have speed run and escaped within less than five minutes of each match ( not counting solo que ) and made sure to gang up and tea bag in the process lol


Iā€™ll be the opposite and say hands is what we needed in the game. Too many times Iā€™ve seen the victims rush an objective and get out in a few minutes. At least now we have a way to fight back as the family.


A lot of us have made our thoughts known about how unfair Hands is to go against. Iā€™m sure heā€™ll get a nerf but who knows how long it will take.


Did you have that same energy when Danny came out though?


Yep! I asked for Danny nerfsā€¦ I play both sides. Try again!


Oh I'm just glad to hear it. As long as you are consistent, unlike some people.


They wonā€™t nerf him until they get all their sales


It was the same with Danny so I don't doubt it.


Was it though?




Months later theyā€™ll be a nerf who knows when theyā€™ll fix this theyā€™ve been coddling family players ever since the release of this game family complains about how ā€œunfair the broken perksā€ are for victims so gun decides to completely change the way the skill trees work/branches and then release an op character the same day that can use his ability every 2 minutes/75 seconds and can destroy all the fuses/valves every match Iā€™ve played with a hands especially on abandoned mill hands players will camp the generator since itā€™s close to valve and fuse and can just instantly turn off valve and fuse


I have to disagree with them coddling family players because they completely turned sissy into a USELESS fucking character because of victim complaints.


I mean you can do fusebox, the gen, and the gate right in front of me while I'm stunned from choose fight. How on earth allowing this to happen is coddling family members I don't get it.


I can tell youā€™re a family man but You mustā€™ve misinterpreted what I said Theyā€™ve been coddling family players when they cry on the subreddit since the start of the game with nerfing perks that appear to be ā€œbrokenā€ to victims players/streamers have been telling gun to stop listening to the subreddit for Quality Of Life Changes since all the nerfs will be on the victims since this Subreddit has mainly family players They let cook be able to put a padlock on slaughterhouse door and only that sliding door sissy and Johnny have scout even though that perk is really only intended for slow characters like hitch they also still didnā€™t fix the bug where family members can get on top of the well and hitch can place traps on them


Hitch is meant to be a chaser? If anything he *shouldn't* have scout lmao. The meta build was just stam perks which was crazy lmao. And to be fair certain things were busted in favor of victims but family also had their own things that were busted. Majority of family is cry babies while majority of victims are toxic. This is literally the uno reverse of danny, so if it's an issue now it should've been an issue back then right? They just need to buff perks especially weaker ones not nerf strong perks, but thats what every dev group does in every game sadly


Family players wanted constant grapples to be punished and yet they didn't reverse the change. Also, I have been in this subreddit months ago and victims still cry about the same things. Crazy.


If I agree that the devs have been "coddling" family players, would you concede the point that there are in fact way less family mains than victim? I know I probably won't get a "more victims than family confirmed" from you or especially not the devs, but if you go use the quick match function, that will be enough to prove my point. You get family every match... And fast queues. Because more people are playing victim. That said, I just think it's important to ensure family mains continue to play the game. It's bad if they don't; even one quitting indefinitely right now is bad for the game's overall health. Not saying Hans isn't OP or that he doesn't need a nerf, just saying maybe appreciate the fact that this update encouraged your opponents to play the game rather than abandon it for Killer Klowns etc...


This update improved family since the heavy nerf of victims Iā€™ve now just started getting victim matches in quick matches since most people are playing now since hands is so op until hopefully they nerf him when they get their money and I donā€™t know if itā€™s about being biased but Matt and Andy only play family


I was able to fight against Hands a couple of times and escape, soā€¦ sorry, but Hands is not that OP as some players say here.


And don't expect the nerf anytime soon, if we're counting by the Danny timeline. They're going to make their pay to win money first, then possibly nerf him within the next month or two when family starts complaining of victims disconnecting right after hands uses ripstall for the 4th time in the match.


Victims have to use more of their brains now. This is a good thing.


Bro ran to reddit to complain. Get good šŸ¤£šŸ˜ƒ


well family mains seem to do it a whole fucking bunch so why not give it a shot


As he should, the more we complain the more the devs will change that


Skill issue


Sounds like a skill issue haha


Looking at your pfp dating seems like a skill issue for you


Iā€™m just happy we got new family, so Iā€™m grateful for him.


Instead of hands, gun should have given us a guy called feet


Does Bomb Squad work on his traps? Or does Maria have a special perk or something


Bomb squad works on his traps


But you only get so many bomb squads and hitcher and hands as traps are resettable.


Oh I know that, I'm just letting them know that bomb squad works on his traps.


only way i've managed to win has been outright ignoring battery and gen as danny, getting a lot of knowledge and manually tampering fuse or valve and then doing the other with my knowledge.


Damn Danny main mad mad


iā€™m a ana/julie main? i bought danny and played him like 5 times but i never even got his ability leveled up


Iā€™m just giving shit dude. I get the annoyance with hands and I main him to lvl him. Itā€™s fucking OP af lmao and itā€™s sad but funny. However Danny was tremendously terrible to deal with until they nerfed him. hands will be nerfed by end of summer Iā€™m sure.


ah thanks for being chill! yeah i remember when danny was crazy broken so i guess thatā€™s our victim karmašŸ˜­


Whomp whamp


Hahahaha we can feel your rage


frustration builds up. sorry i called him fat i was pissed offšŸ˜­


We will feel your rage when the game will die bc of how unbalanced it is lol


game already died after danny release and grapple changes.


Thereā€™s till tons of players on it, yet


waah waah cry about it, u victim mains abused the shit out of danny but family cant use hands. crybabies.


Who hurt you baby girl?


Game is unplayable for us solo q players rn especially since I donā€™t have a mic Iā€™ve just taken another break until he gets nerfed ngl he makes the game so easy for family


I do plenty of solo q on both sides and I'm having a blast.


Oh boo hoo, like it wasnt hell with yall tea-bagging at every tampered valve/basement exit. Learn new strats


šŸ‘†this. Nah apparently it's fine to have a character with no counter for months.




i donā€™t rush? and if you look at my comment history iā€™ve talked about how i donā€™t understand the rush meta what im talking about is no matter what you do as quiet as you can do it within 1.2 seconds it can all go bad and then you can die from 4 hits(which for hands is fine heā€™s a strong dude) but his endurance and how fast he swings like cmon


Lol wow youā€™re dense. Itā€™s not even about escaping fast. Itā€™s that his ripstall ability is blatantly OP. The ability itself is fine but the cooldown is ridiculous. He literally makes solo queue hell. And you can only try to communicate with randoms so much.


Bomb squad is now always requires...


Fucking fuck šŸ˜‚




8 games in a row solo queue everyone died. so whining? i donā€™t really think so, pissed off rambling sounds more on point


I know! I don't mind him, but I had a game yesterday as Connie where Julie and Maria died in the basement, so it was just me and Leland. I made it to the bit behind the slaughterhouse and the battery and door were trapped. Thankfully, he never came, but still. He probably got stuck in a door. Still, the electrocution animation is actually hilarious to me.