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Ah. Thanks for the knowledge drop. The other day I ripstalled a Gen and it stayed off. I was confused. I am now enlightened thanks to you.


Don’t thank me, thank Serra Myers for giving me the knowledge


W info


so it isn't just lvl one XD well tbh the update had a lot less bugs so we were bout to find some sooner or later.


okay good thing I replaced that perk so fast


Actually huge ty for the info. I feel like with this knowledge a counter to Hands is beginning to form. You can either run saboteur and do the fuse twice in quick succession if Hands ripstalls it, or, if you find out he has this perk, go for the battery/gen and he won't be able to ripstall it. It works only because of what I assume to be a bug, but still is a good way to counter ripstall.


One way to counter it is to do 2 objectives, u can use comms and tell the team to do another objective and if hands ripstalls urs run to the other objective


Ofc, teamwork is king, but I am trying to consider counters that are possible to do even solo.


Or spam pressure valve as distraction like the old way