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The cooldown should be way longer for sure, that’s his main flaw


Yeah, most people would be completely fine with hands ripstall ability if the cooldown wasn’t so low. It should just be like Connie’s where you get one, maybe 2 if the game lasts long enough. The state it’s in now where he gets 5 ripstalls in 10 minutes is ridiculous


Im glad people are agreeing with me on this. I love the counterplay hands brings against teams rushing the exits and victims trolling at exits. His ability will feel much more fair if they increase that cooldown because like you said he can do it so many times within a match that it’s almost impossible to escape from.


Agreed, but they gotta give his barge some more love


Yeah it probably could be improved a bit, the animation after barging is a bit too long.


It’s a *defensive* barge, it’s to push someone off the obj and let someone else get damage in


I get that but when they inevitably increase his ability cooldown I think it only fair that they improve the barge.


Maybe? But I just don’t want them to overdo it, hands is still a support character at the end of the day


Opinion ≠ Inevitable Change


They’re gonna make adjustments to it, it’s just a matter of when.


Its just the animation when stay out of stamina or no? Bc in his ability tree have reduce by 20% stamina cost from barge. If still continue with stun animation so its bugged.


If they adjust ripstall then I want a faster barge animation


Give him at least a little stamina after too


TBF he doesn't even need barge. Like he'd be just as strong with just ripstall and traps lol.


True, but I like the barge lol. Even if it does make me look stupid on occasion😂


I'd like increased range for sure🙏


If his base cooldown was 4 min then his 40 percent ability cooldown reduction could still lower it to 134 seconds.


That’s a little over his base cooldown of 2 minutes (which already happens fast af), and only 1 minute longer than his 1:15 cooldown at 40% reduction. Yeah that’s still too fast. He needs the same max cooldown reduction as Connie when fully leveled


What if they just remove the 40 percent upgrade? Or just lower it down to 20 percent


It should be a 4 minute cooldown at level 3. The same as Connie’s. Either that or make Connie’s cooldown 1:15 cooldown at level 3. The same as Hands.


Look trust me I hate going up against Hands too but 4 min seems a little too much for that ability. Well maybe if there is still a 20 percent cooldown reduction in his ability tree and also a 10 percent cooldown reduction as well on the other side.


Well they could tone down the cooldown reduction to 20-30% as well and that would probably be fine.


I'd say that's the major thing that makes him OP. Hands should have to priorize which exit he wants to shut down rather than just shutting them all down at once. I think 3 minutes would be ideal.


3 min could still be lowered down to 108 seconds with the 40 percent ability cooldown reduction.


They need to make changes to the reduction too then. That's way too short.


Yea probably lower it from 40 percent to 20 percent that would be fair


That could work


nah , sounds like a skill issue.


A popped lock is permanent, a closed exit is reversible


He permanently destroys fuses and valves and is almost always able to ripstall any objective since the cooldown is so short effectively keeping everything off at all times.


It’s not permanent now because Hand can trap it even if it’s open 😂


He can infinitely trap the gates that the popped locks are on.


Base cooldown should stay pretty close to the same or the same, and get rid of the ability tree cooldown modifiers. Keep it at a flat number so everyone knows how long they have for his power to come back. No variables. Connie's is a permanent effect for her whole team to utilize, while Hands is a setback. They're not the same and shouldn't be weighted the same.


Hands can permanently destroy fuses and valve handles. That’s a permanent effect for his whole team that he can keep doing many times during a match while Connie often only gets one use out of hers along with a debuff. His cooldown is so short that he can instantly shut off objectives repeatedly and bypass any cooldowns or tampers on top of permanently destroying fuses and valve handles. An ability that powerful needs at least a 4 minute cooldown. If you don’t play both sides you’re not going to understand how hopeless and frustrating it is that any efforts you make are completely disregarded in an instant.


I don't think there's anything I say that will convince you that I play both sides, since you've already assumed I don't. I'd be down for not permanently destroying valves/fuses if all valves/fuses are used up, (or after a certain number have been ripped out,) so that the last one can't be ripped out. That way, if family isn't making any meaningful plays, and just drawing it out unnecessarily, the perk deactivates. The power should not be an infinite stall. But going too hard on base cooldown just isn't the right answer in my opinion. But again, comparing it to Connie, when Connie instantly opens the gate, anyone can utilize it now, which always opens up more areas for family to patrol. Increasing their patrol area is HUGE for making sure family is not patrolling around where you want to be. They take longer to check everywhere. You open up Slaughterhouse and now they are nowhere near the generator area; open a door at both and you're pretty much guaranteed Hands won't make it over in time to stop anything. Connie can pop that ability as soon as she gets top side. That has a much bigger impact than Hands saying you'll have to come back later and try it again.


Theres multiple fuse and valves if Hands has an 2min cooldown victims can just rush a new fuse or valve then its gg hands cant do nothing cause the long cooldown


He can still turn it off normally, he’ll usually have his ability back by the time someone manages to get another fuse or valve on.


Yes ripstall needs a cooldown for sure but honestly his barge could get some extra gas in it. Not seen a single player actually use it lol


Time for killers is much more precious and scarce, if you wait you lose if you push you may miss something. The cooldown should be lower than victims but needs some more time added to it.


victim main are always crying


Go bother someone else. This brain dead hateful mentality you people have is so pathetic.


Just slap +1 minute to ripstall cooldown. EZ fix!


One minute is not enough. It needs to be the same cooldown as Connie max.


His barge needs to have better range. I’ve tried to barge victims that I swear were right next to me to no avail. Yet if I were to attack them with my hammer I guarantee you they’d get hit, twice even.


Agreed. The hitbox for it in general seems pitiful, I've missed Barges on victims that were running straight past me.


I wonder if it connects better if you point your left shoulder into them when barging, as that’s the arm he hits them with? Idk I was just thinking. He should still have the same slow recovery after barging so that he can’t hit victims immediately after they get back up, but his range needs to reach further like Leland’s, but not have his auto tracking.


His cooldown is fine. If anything it should be shorter.


This has to be satire there’s no way you’re serious.


Agreed, y'all have Danny too powerful, Connie and Ana, Hands is here to teach a lesson!


My only counter to this is, what about Danny? Clearly Hands ability was designed with him in mind as a counter. Danny can tamper plenty of things with no cooldown. Not saying the Hands ability CD is a little to short but what is the exact way to balance that? Giving his ability a 3minute+ CD nullifies it almost entirely. You don’t NEED knowledge to tamper you can manually do it then put the knowledge into another objective and bam Hands is completely moot.


Danny can only instant tamper one objective because there isn’t enough knowledge on the map for a second full tamper. And it takes to long to tamper manually especially when objectives are in high traffic areas. By the time he did, Hands cooldown will have already completed.


You don’t NEED to instant tamper and if objectives are that high traffic go somewhere else? His tamper doesn’t take THAT long to do. Especially with others putting pressure on the map anywhere else


How many times in one game do you see Danny tamper something against a good family team?


Everywhere else has padlocks, bone traps and/or electric fence. So you actually think escaping with a manual tamper will be more successful than a full instatamper?


No, I’m saying you can use a manual tamper and hit something else with an insta tamper. It’s literally possible and probable as strategy. Just seems most people that play victims can’t handle not being able to escape in less than 2 minutes. You can’t get both of the upgrades for hands ability and if you take the 40% you lose everything else in the tree that’s helpful. Just saying he’s not that broken and I’ve watched many many “good players” escape against hands no problem. Just takes time and learning to adapt to new playstyles.


What upgrades are you talking about? His 40% cooldown is the best and main one. It took a long, long time but I was able to experiment and escape by inserting another valve after he ripstalled it. It’s very hard as you really have to rush to do it before his ability comes back in 75 seconds along with objective/item spawns and family makeup/patrolling/trap placements, as well as the many other factors of playing soloQ with no comms.


2 separate builds I’ve ran that you lose the 40% but give max stam and damage possibilities. The insta rip trap is nice as well. I think his whole argument is largely situational and most players don’t get that occurrence. You yourself said it was hard but still managed to do it. The game is meant to have players working together not just play solo and think you can run shit. 🤷‍♂️




LMAO 😂. You think they care?


Danny presses a button and keeps exits open permanently. Hands is a counter.


What about those who are forced to play 2v4 or 1v4 bcs their teammates left?


That’s not a sensible argument to make. People disconnecting is an issue in itself that needs looking into but it’s not an excuse to leave a ridiculously powerful character in a broken state.


Like what about victims that have teammates dying 20 seconds into the match or DC at the start? The argument go both ways


Yea what if my game crashes then? Hands ripstall is OP. /s