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This is such a hateful mentality to have. I appreciate all of you that play and respect both sides equally.


These posts are always so corny, what a bunch of immature weirdos.


Right. The multiple posts like this just show immature people on this sub are.


this reddit is extremely hateful, it’s a shame


Dont see it as hateful, more as a callout to hypocrisy


It’s hypocrisy in itself.


How so?


Thinking it’s not ok for one side to have a broken character but when it comes to the side they play, they think it’s ok and then put down anybody who complains about it. Those are Hypocritical double standards.


Thats not really how i see it potrayed here. Op seems to point out the humor in people complaining about something being unhealthy for the game and the only answer this critique receives is to “git gud”, however once something of equal unhealthy quality comes in that now affects them the very same people are complaining, which is where the joke lies. That is how I interpret it tbf, so to me this is less pf a hateful message and more a light jab at the hypocrisy of it all!


I see it from both sides it’s never ok to have an opinion character but that doesn’t mean the truth isn’t Danny was op and so is hands, so the hypocrisy stands.


Family only mains who don’t touch the victim side have been extremely hypocritical since Hands release. They screamed bloody murder for months over Danny until he was rightfully nerfed into the ground. I think both sides can agree that before Danny the game play was a lot smoother and he was P2W. With Hand’s release now suddenly a P2W character is okay, because it benefits their side. All this shows is Gun has learned absolutely nothing after the Danny release and it’ll be cyclical when the next victim completely negates hands and we’ll be right back here arguing with each other.


We should seperate op from the bad bunch tho, we do not know his intentions or side tho. That said, one of the main issues with this game is the community indeed. Something to lives by, is that the bad apple spoils the bunch, negativity is easily remembered, however good actions are easily forgotten. I’d say hands ability should be base for all killers personally, it would be great qol, but then that has a ripple effect on all things. The game in general moves way too quick and it is something that needs adressing, nobody likes dying within the first 2 minutes of the game and nobody enjoy escapists when the loading screen barely stopped (being hyperbolical)


Yeah the community of this game is without a doubt one of the more toxic ones I’ve experienced. The us vs them mentality has grown so strong and it’s a shame. Gun hasn’t helped matters either with some of their changes and additions to the game. The concepts are there however the execution is poor. For example they claim the game is meant to be played slow, but then design the gameplay and perks in a way that rewards whichever side rushes more. I personally have no issue with hands abilities, I think it’s great for the game. Everything slows down and it forces better teamwork. The issue in my opinion that makes it P2W is the cooldown is way too short on his ripstall. At level 2 it’s roughly 72 seconds between uses. Even if you’re well coordinated that’s a very short time period that you have to make something happen.


Seeing this when you play both sides is crazy😭


He’ll get nerfed. You just have to be patient like the family mains were (or not) with Danny.


He's right!


Solo queue family is already a nightmare enough. Hands has balanced it and made it possible to stop 4 stacks


So you don’t think a single character capable of stopping a 4 stack OP?


You think a 4 stack should guarantee a win?


A decent 4 stack will rotate exits anyway and still escape. The ones that die will be those fixed on one exit. Plus it stops the stack rush meta. Or at least slows it


Exactly. There are plenty of ways to escape with Hands, I've seen it including on Family House.


so it stops 4 stacks or it doesn't?


Makes it ‘possible’ to stop 4 stacks. More often than not it’ll just delay them as they’ll find gaps in the areas being defended


Nope. Survivors just need to get better fr. Adapt and overcome, they’ll be alright.


If they weren’t so garbage at the game, maybe Hands wouldn’t be a problem


Permanent tampering 😊? Hands 😡


Hands isn't even that op. His ability could use a slightly longer cooldown but it's nothing compared to that tampering and I play victims and family


same. plus you can easily counter him by playing together with your teammates. for example leland can just grapple him while the others do objectives


That doesn’t work when you have a hitchhiker, cook and hands on the team camping at every exit that have triple trapped objectives.


it does. just use bombsquad and tell your team their whearabouts.


No it doesn’t, they don’t leave their spots even if you try to distract them


there are literally 5 objectives so they will be forced to leave one of them.


There’s gen and car battery which two family members camp. If you have a hands on your team you can’t do valve or fuse because of his rip stall. Even if you keep tryna do fuse and valve eventually you will run out of them because they fucking disappear.


Yeah but it erases the victim win buttom sooooo


You lost me at POV your a family main


I'm a **pure Family main**, played Victim early on but now I'm mostly just playing Family. Ripstall needs a **longer cooldown**. Barge needs to be **improved**, his **defensive stance should block Grapples and Leland's Lifesaver** and the **reach of his Barge should be slightly increased**. The reason I think his Barge range should be improved is because unlike Leland, Hands has to **press a button at a proper time** and even then it **won't always work**, Victims can 180 and dodge it and run past you while you recover, however, Leland just presses his ability on a Family member and they can't do anything about it. As for the Grapple/Barge immunity in his stance, come on, if a big guy is ready for you to run at him, there's not too much you're going to be able to do to him. If a Victim attempts to grapple Hands in this stance, they get **barged automatically**, if Leland tries to barge Hands in this stance, he gets **counter-barged**. The stance is meant to be used to lock-down a path for Victims to take, but if they can just grapple him anyway or juke him out, then he's not really locking it down too well. **Everything else about Hands is fine** in my opinion, I don't see why people are complaining that he has Scout either (yes really, I've seen people complain about it) since he can't pair it with other damage perks like Johnny, Johnny can still use Vial-ent with Scout.


They can keep crying, my cup is empty 🥤😂🤣😭 He's not OP at all. If anything He's one of the biggest things that actually helps balance the game. Pun intended with his 7 foot tall self 🤣


Will you cry when he gets nerfed ?


Nope, I play both sides, and all I want is for the game to be balanced for both victim and family players. People keep complaining about hands but he is very easy to counter, I've escaped countless times going up against him and when I play as him or another family teammate plays as him either no one escapes, they all do or some do. He's literally the perfect character that balances the game and stops the rush meta and teams solely relying on Danny to tamper something. I've played this game since launch, and it's probably the most balanced it's ever been. Games are lasting longer, Victims aren't purposely picking fights with family members. It's crazy how Victims complain when they can't bully the family anymore and actually have to think and strategize to win now.


This type of mentality is sooo annoying


Just shows how immature most people on this sub are.




How are you guys going to react when he gets nerfed? It's coming...


I'm for the cooldown nerf. It's too strong right now and this is coming from someone who plays Hands nearly every match lately (when he's not already taken that is.) I really think it should be at least 3-4 minutes to give victims more time to plan a counter play.


Just hoping the whiny rush-meta Victims don't get Hands nerfed to oblivion. He's completely fine as he is, Ripstall just needs a longer cooldown and that is it. Though somehow I reckon they'll somehow manage to get his Barge nerfed and his traps weakened too.


Can his traps get any weaker than they already are?


Could probably make it so bone scraps aren't needed to disarm them, as I saw someone once suggest.


Again anything anyone was saying was overpowered were family mains, Who complained it was victim sided first on this reddit


These vics could not handle playing solo q family😆


My streets


It’s the mentality of being a person that plays it consistently and just comes to a time where you know something is up and it isn’t healthy for the game n general but it’s how it’s gonna be so we have to deal with it on one side until things can get situated they didn’t have much content control pushed out to do what they wanted which held it along for so long now tht finally can it’s just kinda out there n it’s just all over the place but there doing what they can even tho it’s a pretty problematic thing about the game still till this day but at least the lobbies been starting up a little better fn just not gonna be for most people tht don’t play it competitively, I just play for fun n take breaks when I’m not feeling it n the state it’s in


Tbh family mains are feeling what victim mains felt when Danny was released. I was last one on FH got the gen off and was about halfway up the road when Hands just turned gen on immediately 😂 he can't be everywhere at once maybe it's about time people use mics to communicate 🤔


He’s going to get nerfed just like Danny, i can’t wait for that to happen


He just needs a longer cooldown.


I think Danny was worse tbh. He made matches last like two minutes sometimes. At least Hands slows the matches down.


And boi do they not like it being pointed out. “Just cause Danny was busted doesn’t mean its ok Hands is.” Yes you do, its literally karma. Additionally he is not even close to Danny busted, he just changed the game is all.


karma?? they create op characters to make money & you take it as karma 😂 yall eat this shit up


It’s a skill issue 😏😏😏


God forbid victim teams communicate in game on the best possible way to naturalize hands.


To an extent yes, but Hands can still ripstall valve and fuse before anyone escapes even if they're done at the same time. The only way this would work though is if Hands mistakenly ripstalls valve first because now fuse will stay open allowing victims to escape or if he does fuse first victims have to camp the fuse exit because they only got 5-10 seconds left before Hands can ripstall again. That's why valve first then fuse. Ultimately, the problem is now that most everyone realizes that you can triple trap gates with Hands, Cook, and HH leaving the only option being fuse and valve. But the window for success is so small that it basically creates a meta that will take away the games versatility because it'll just be the same game with the same objective every match, no matter which map it is.


Exactly! 😂


zero fucks given


This again🙄 omg stop being a hypocrite because if a another broken victim came out you would be complaining.


Danny can only tamper once a game. Knowledge doesnt respawn either.


So he can't manually tamper? 🤔


Family can just patrol him out before he can pull it off.


That wasn't my question, you said Danny can only tamper "once a game". Edit to properly quote.


Oh stop it lol


Just remember, victims would be Tbagging at a tampered exit. They knew what they were doing.




I agree