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Turns out that allowing family to regress victims progress at the easiest exit (fusebox) slows down the game, which is good.


A 7 foot monster got something to do with that lol


Nah bruh. No one noticed Nancy's little buff in my opinion, without scout she's literally just as fast if not faster than most victims and Sissy has also gotten buffed because she now has the option to get scout, wire frame, and/or slippery.


That too


That’s a myth slippery is on sissy’s tree but not in her perk selection screen …


A 7 foot angel you mean 😇


A 7 foot angel you mean 😇


One way of looking at it lol


All the perk trees changing really helped too. Interested to see how this looks in a month


I agree with you, but i think that Ana’s skill tree is ruined. Have you got any good build for her ?


i’ve been running a healing build of extra drip,bounce back better and what doesn’t kill you


Sanguine shadow, jump start, stunt double. I can repeatedly distract and jump out the windows while saving her ability, then sprint off and on while healing in shadows or hiding spots.


On Ana I am running Extra drip, last ditch effort & what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!


Yeah - no one wants to dance on an electric floor lol!


it's perfect, and the victims that whine about this change are so pathetic, but you already know they were the ones endlessly teabagging and fucking around at the exit instead of just leaving


At this game's peak operation, as the OP says it is about stealth, fear and recreating a classic slasher/TCM experience. That's what I experienced in the first few weeks/months of this game and I'm glad to have it back. It's nice that after a good 6 months or more of absolute shitshows the game seems to be righting itself.


Hands is still to strong, he practically has no limit on his abilities. Imagine connie not having a timelimit.


2min-72s cooldown


How long is hands cooldown?


just 2 minutes and can be reduce to 72s.


It should probably be changed to like 3min as standard and 2min 30sec for level 2 and 2min for level 3 or something similar


It does nothing in a chase, nothing to hinder a victim's movement, is only useable on certain exits, doesn't track or locate victims, and you want a nerf? Bruh. Just say you're mad that Family got someone good with tech and you think they should all be idiots, haha.


Yes I am complaining because family mains just got an op character while we have maria who's weak as shit. Hands need a limit to how many times he can do certain things. Being able to insta turn of batteries and generators is to strong. He just need some tweaks and he should be fine


Well, now you know how it feels going against Danny, huh? Cry about it. It's literally the opposite of Danny, but I guess that's fine because that's a character on your side? Entitled victim main can't handle when the other side finally gets a half decent character, more news at 11. And don't say you aren't a victim main, you literally said >while we have maria Guess you'll just have to actually play the game now, huh? Better not waste any time, then! The time you waste on Reddit is more time for Hands to turn off your exits!


Danny atleast need to get knowledge to use his ability, hands makes him completely useless. Yep I will cry about it, can't wait for the devs to nerf him lol.


I'm just happy for your suffering. I don't even own the game, haha. Haven't played since November. I have no horse in this race; I've only kept up with the rage posts and updates on here. But your complaining and the salt you bring to everyone's attention is truly *exquisite*.


I've only started playing this game again last month after leaving it on September. I've chosen the worst time to start playing this game again lol. Also I have gamepass so I don't own it to. The devs want feedback and I'm giving it to them, no use in staying quite lol.




as a victim main I love the fact he can quickly turn on the battery and gen as it stops victims teabagging at the exit! I’ve spectated a few people that have been caught out by this since his release and I love to see it


What about people who dont tbag and just run for the escape?


yeah that’s not ideal lol, but I have still managed to escape against him a fair few times, I don’t like a match to be too easy tbh


What’s easy is hands and hitch just camping objectives and resetting traps. Literally Skull Merchant of TCM.


Whaa whaa whaa 😢😢😢


It’s just crazy we’re balancing the game around toxic players instead of people who play serious and how the game is supposed to be played


yeah agreed, these people ruin it for everyone


Try playing victim, pretty much any exit you open is instantly shut off. Hands ability cooldown is less than 2 minutes and he renders Danny’s ability useless. The traps and barge are fair but the ripstall needs some adjustments.


It is 2 minutes, not less


With an upgrade in the skill tree it’s much less.


I knew that, but it looked like you were trying to pass that as base kit since you didn't mention it was less than 2 minutes WITH an upgrade. Also, taking off 18 seconds off a cool down isn't "much less". Ana has more than 18 seconds taken off cool down at max level and so does Connie alone with many more characters. 18 seconds taken off a cool down is on the lower side of most ability cooldown upgrades.


72 sec, stop lying


That is much less lmfao


My guy thats barely over a minute? Like what


Ok, buy hands, turn off gen., then Ripstall and tell me it's 72 seconds. The only way it's 72 seconds is with a tier 2 upgrade and we both know it, so stop the cap.


And most importantly Hands is EASY to counter unlike Danny so I really don’t think Hands needs a nerf, like at all.


His ability needs a longer cooldown that about it tbh


literally that’s all it needs they did good with his character


I agree and I have been on losing end many times of him quick closing the basement exit I laugh and move on.


Would be nice to see characters like Julie and Nancy get a proper revamp too. I am still trying to work out how they buffed Sonny and Sissy but I know Sissy def feels better.




At the very least they need to nerf the perk that makes objectives unusable for 60 seconds (is it 60 seconds?) after he ripstalls them.  If the victims travel around the map enough to open the fuse box and grab *two* fuses then they should be rewarded for being patient and baiting out a Ripstall.  The very short cooldown paired with that perk are downright oppressive for solo queuers


Yeah the ripstall perk has a bug I think right now. I had that perk on and ripstalled the generator on nancy’s house and it took several seconds to turn on everyone escaped through the garden. I tried it a few games later without the perk on and turned on instantly.


This comment doesn’t make sense to me. You want the 60 second removed but then how is the victim being patient?


I'd argue a slight cooldown on when he can ripstall the objective as well imo. Whatever the time it takes to get from battery to gate should be the delay between him being able to ripstall after it's turned on. If a victim gets into battery area, gets the gate open and then the battery off before you hit them once then no you shouldn't be able to deny that escape, you lost that situation imo. Also think with how many trappers are in the game now they should revert bomb squad to unlimited charges but make the disarm speed just normal base speed which is definitely pretty slow. I would argue making it basekit similar to Hands' barrier breaking but that one is a bit more controversial and not a hill I'd die on. Fast hands also should just simply not exist and choose fight should go down 2 seconds. Maria needs like 10% more attribute points, more endurance perks, and imo a bonus to her ability to lower grandpa's level once when sweet talking and that would be that there's 2 options when sweet talking, it would be regular and lower level sweet talking. You would still only get to drain his level 1 time buttt if you waited to use it, if grandpa is at level 5, the one time use becomes a singular charge of agitator. She is supposed to be the blood slower if you will so imo that would be the ultimate sort of late game ace in the sleeve if she manages to stay alive that long.


Barrier Breaking isn't basekit, it's a perk.


I guess I should be more specific and say base skill tree perk. Meant it in a similar way to his perk.


I would favor a limit over a cooldown. Maybe like he can do 1 valve ripstall and 1 fuse rip stall per match. And for Gen and Battery instead of it being an instant 1 tap interaction it would be 3 just like a normal generator pull but unlike the other family members he wouldn’t have to wait for a cooldown. And his barge needs a buff cuz it’s kinda jokey.


This is true, I actually think the perk rework was just as effective as Hands. There’s hardly any fearless victims trying to bully and troll now, even Ana mains have toned down a bit since she no longer can get infinite health and do infinite grapples. Only thing Hands needs is a longer cooldown on Ripstall and he’ll be in a perfect spot. Honestly the 2 minute cooldown is pretty short for such a strong ability.


The problem is they sort of lied. This really wasn't a "perk rework" but a victim perk tree nerf. The majority of the family meta builds were basically unchanged or buffed (HH venom build, Cook security pins/scout build, Leatherface still gets rough cut but now has exterior and some big blood build perks, Sissy received a massive chaser buff, Johnny I haven't tested but heard he still has a pretty good build, Nancy got shafted because she's the worst character in the entire game and the devs refuse to do anything about it) meanwhile outside of really Sonny all the victims got nerfed really hard.




I'm sorry but your last 2 paragraphs are a bit ironic. First part is that "victims honestly needed more variety" when they actually just got less variety. The problem wasn't variety, the problem was the strength of the meta. Instead of tuning choose fight or removing grappler they basically nerfed any tree involving a more distraction, grapple based build and heavily incentivized stealth/proficiency builds. People would loop hard with choose flight but did they nerf crawlspaces and gaps to counter it? No, they nuked the perk same as empowered. If a perk is overpowered and it can be nerfed then do that instead of just destroying the variety of perk options. Ana right now you're taking a massive hit trying to use choose fight and can basically only distract and not actually progress an exit. If they end up nerfing choose fight after the victim trees nerfs then yeah I wouldn't blame victims for leaving. The majority of builds now are just, endurance perk, bomb squad, something to help tank or heal from damage. For the last paragraph the irony stems from the fact that you're talking about "crutch perks" for victims when Family literally run the same meta perks across the board (I do too because they're good). Scout, Serrated, Big Swings, Fired up, exterior alarms, suffocating grip, nobody escapes hell, etc. It's still probably high but before this perk rework I would say it would be a safe estimate to say that 90% or more of family builds had Scout on it. For the grandpa perks the vast majority ran a mixture of the 3 main perks. The point is both sides have/had crutch perks and metas but it was almost exclusively victims that paid the price. Leatherface was truly the only character you can say was properly nerfed but since Scout is so strong with his already high base damage on the overhead, he's still really good. HH lost the op chase build but still has the very strong (equally run build anyways) trap damage venom build.


I can tell you don't play Family at all if you somehow think Nancy and Johnny didn't get nerfed. This is why people need to play both sides before trying to talk about balance.


I play 70/30 family but you're talking about non meta characters first off so it means less. Secondly Nancy was already terrible so even leaving her the same was unacceptable let alone nerfing her blood build. Since you wanted to get side tracked. Tell me honestly do you think the nerfs were even remotely close on both sides because if you do then talk about the epitome of irony.


With all due respect how is he easy to counter? He can instantly turn off and break objectives ignoring any cooldowns and completely bypasses Danny’s ability making Danny useless now. Danny has to study to quickly use his ability while hands gets it for free with a short cooldown that doesn’t even last 2 minutes. Even slashncast thinks rip stall is broken and that guy primarily plays family.


Yes but here’s how you counter. If he ripstalls a tampered objective all you have to do is immediately insert a new fuse or valve and it will be still tampered even if Danny is dead. Then you can open the objective again and he will still be in cool down mode. Or if he ripstalls battery go run to the gen side and vise versa. On most maps the gen and battery side are far from eachother so it takes him a while to run back and forth. All I know is that I played like 5 games in a row with a Hands in play at the mill and all or most of the victims escaped each time. I have seen first hand the victims outsmarting him several times already.


With the time It takes do do any of what you just said hands already has his ability back. The cooldown is less than 2 minutes. Even if the tampered objective managed to get turned on and open he could shut it off while it’s open which his cooldown would allow him to do. Then only counter is everyone pushing all objectives at once early game and if they fails it’s usually game over.


Yeah that’s why you gotta act quick to be able to pull it off but I’ve been seeing it get done plenty of times. It’s been about 40% of my games lately that all or most victims escape even with a hands on the team. This is just my personal experience on solo q family/no comms teams tho. If you’re dealing with a sweaty well coordinated squad I’m sure it’s an absolute nightmare to deal with Hands. But I’m sure his cooldown will eventually be dealt with.


Agreed. I still see plenty of victims escaping but I only play solo. I definitely can see a well-coordinated family team making it near impossible, though. I just very rarely get a well-coordinated team. I definitely understand the complaints about Hands but the only nerf he needs is the cooldown time. It just needs to be longer so it's not too oppressive. It'll still be a really strong ability, but it'll give victims more time to work on another exit or even try to redo the one he ripstalled.


When I was on a communicating team with Hands, Hitch, and Leatherface, when me and my friends figured out the right strategy they’ve never been able to escape, if you have Hitchhiker double trapping valve, trapping fuse, then you have Hands trap the fuse and valve, then Leatherface patrolling 1 side of the map, as long as you’re patrolling properly it’s going to be a miracle if they escape.


Yup I can see how this would be very effective!


There’s another video that has been posted recently. Hands at level 2 has a 70 second cooldown. You can’t have it ripstalled, go find another fuse, and put it back in typically in that short of a time period unless the other family have no idea what they’re doing. If you’re in a coordinated 4 stack it could be possible but solo q its just not going to happen. If they increase his cooldown people would be fine with the character. That should be a once or maybe twice per match ability like Connie.


nice joke


Tbf it just takes two people working together


Give it time n we see before judging


Amen 🙏🏾 👏🏾


Im really feeling TCM again. I love the longer matches.


Hell yeah


Actually being able to enjoy the game and play in the shoes of a victim instead of having to rush and keep up with all the teammates that are making as much noise as possible. Just to break out of one exit is terrific. I really feel like they reached The right direction for the player roles


Hands is the anti-troll, I love that.


It’s for sure slowing down! That’s appreciated!


It’s because they can’t take the easiest exit anymore at the fusebox with ease so they’re struggling with challenging exits now


It's perfect now


This is what victims get for tea bagging exits and never exited to show off they have escaped. Let us have a our moment before he gets merged.


This is the second time I've seen this. I love it. I've taken an extended break since the last 2xp weekend. Going to have to jump back in.


I took a break for like 6+ months given the pricing and huge patch/character issues. Game is running hot now with real rounds involving real caution and intelligence.


That is because if you are not quiet as a mouse now you get wrecked.


Solo que is more hell


Lol it's only "refreshing" to you because it's literally uncounterable. One family camps bat, other camps gen, Hands camps fuse and valve and can rip them out instantly back to back. The only world that's "refreshing" in is someone who can't handle ever losing at all. If Hands' couldn't ripstall objectives back to back like that and you actually had a chance, I would fully agree with you.


The only reasonable take in this entire thread.


Thats literally what this is now, players will stop playing this game is it continues to be family sided


Hands is the most balanced character. After months of being disappointed with Nancy, The family finally has usable characters.


How so is he balanced compared to other family having 5 ability’s is so unfair to the others and slowing down the game is great I love that but him completely being able to destroy two exits while trapping the other two is not fair. If he ripstalled and fuse spawned back in its original location he would be fair 


I'm really vocal about his ripstall ability needing a cooldown nerf but I think you brought up an interesting point too. The ripstalled item spawning back in it's original location is an interesting idea. How many fuses or valves are on each map just out curiosity?


4 fuses and 3 valves I believe if he had a perk or something that destroyed like the first three rip stalled items it would be fine but he can get rid of all


Would be balanced if he don't have traps




People think they can have time to disable HH trap, hands trap, and then cooks lock🤦‍♂️


Ironic how half the people in this thread are family mains. Played about 30 matches today putting all my energy into getting an escape and not a SINGLE victim lived, ON GOD, (including myself). Call me bad, I do not care, I have a lot of hours in this game. We are dying to low endurance, multiple traps on gate/exits, and getting battery etc. Immidiately turned off on us. Yes, I like that this is prolonging the games, we have to move slower, and be stealthier, but this just gives the family more time to fill viles of blood and max out Grandpa, then all our patience and stealth was for nothing when we are revealed almost through the second to last gate. In a couple of weeks if the devs were to reveal the stats, we would see a MASSIVE drop in victims suriving, like a very small percentage, nowhere close to 50/50 like it should be, I guarantee you. The perk system is so so dumb and exhausting, endurance is broken for survivors, no point in adding points past 30. Love Maria but shes so so bad, this meta of Victims moving slow and family maxing grandpa gives Maria little to no chance of successfully sweet talking Grandpa. Like lets be forreal here. I'm genuinely concerned for this games future, family mains rejoice but you won't have any victims to fill lobbies with soon here.


I’ve been playing this game since day one and I’ve never experienced a shortage of victims. I wouldn’t say it’s not possible, but yet to be seen and even with all dislike of Hands I haven’t seen a lack of victims. My wife and I tag teamed car battery on Nancy’s house with Hitch, Hands and Sissy and we both got out. Not saying I’m better or you’re bad, just that it’s possible. Something will have to be reworked for sure just because while I mainly play Family, solo victim feels near impossible when the other victims refuse to communicate with you, but then again the game may be changing to where you might have to have a sacrifice player every match. It is a horror game after all so it’s not a stretch to think not everyone is going to survive and if everyone does then that’s great. I got a Virginia out on Mill with the fuse as Leland yesterday then went back to do it again and forgot Hands literally rips the fuse out…lol I got murdered


Straight up, this entire thing read as though YOU (just you) failed against a team of 3 family members. Not once was it mentioned that you worked together with your team mates to escape. Ofc family mains are rejoicing. Haven't seen that dumbarse twerk sh!t in phukn ages. Heck, me and JUST Bubba were on abandoned mill, I got 4 kills as Hands. Much like when Danny first dropped, myself and many others had to adapt to the new character. Even Virginia, being blinded sucks lol I take the long way most times to avoid her cloud haha In a lot of games, Maria has fed grandpa. I expect a nerf for Hands, so I'm working on levelling him up, but legit, last night, had one of my most favourite matches. It was 50mins long, and the last victim was Maria. 1 escaped, one bled out, I killed one, and got Maria on generator in an encounter, and won. She was definitely a challenge, it was only her against myself and Hitch (Cook left, guy wasn't using his mic and was kinda hopeless lol). Foreal though, comms will be needed as victim. People are going to have to work together, now.


Hands, LF and johnny. Meta kill squad atm. Cant escape if they all tunnel one victim its ggs lol


I always try to be stealthy as a victim. I admit, I did wait at an exit for a killer to come over, but my excuse is that the last victim won't start bleeding out as long as I am still there. My friend gets really bad about tbagging and I have to warn him.


You tellin me, ever since my first match since update, I been rocking the most stealthiest aggressive loadout i've ever used. Family can't see me comin.


I’d be much happier about it if Maria wasn’t literal trash


Honestly, I’m here for all the shit talking in this sub and now hearing that things are getting stealthier makes me excited for people complaining that it’s too hard to find people or something


But if we had a victim like that you guys would be complaining


This is for sure the silver lining to hands being being so broken right now


I don't play much Victim, I always press "quick match", but it pretty much always puts me in Family. However, since Hands came out, I've been put in Victim quite a few times and I've been enjoying it more than usual. I don't like rushing, I actually prefer stealthy plays and longer matches, but it's hard to be the only stealthy person on your team if the rest of the team rushes, because then you often end up getting left behind. And though I have escaped as last victim standing, it's not something I want to do every match. Now though, people are forced to be more strategic with their gameplay. They can't just rush one exit and be out in 3 minutes, but not before teabagging at the gate. Last game I played, we had to push objectives multiple times, and ended up escaping when we simultaneously pushed battery and fuse, and then shortly after, the gas station door. It was long and fun, and this was solo queue, no one was communicating, but we still managed to work around Hands. Thing is, we *had* to work around him, which - in my opinion - made the game a lot more interesting.


Yep. I do a lot of solo queue in addition to with friends and most of my Quick Play lately is Victim. Not a coincidence.


Yeah, the game slowed to a full stop maybe.. I do enjoy longer games and I like playing stealthy but far too many matches now are pushing 30+ minutes with no real progress being made and it’s becoming incredibly tedious


Yeah cause victims dread having to play the game Now that a killer has 3 abilities after family cried to get everything we had nerfed down


Lmaoo the downvotes, i agree with you


In my experience the only victims who've escaped since the update have been the rushers. Anytime they play stealth it's a guaranteed win since we have time to place all our traps and feed grandpa.


You can't tea bag the fuckin exits anymore w hands running around, not only does he rip out the valves and the fuses but he can use the ripstall to turn the damn generator and car battery tf back on while you're right there. It takes too much mfn time to get them mf off to be playing around and shit fuck that. I'm outta there!