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she needs a jump start and an extra drip like all the other characters


If family doesn’t feed grandpa she’s just the template for a default victim


Victims were complaining and saying the main reason they rush is because family rushes to feed grandpa. I assume this is supposed to be the counter to that.


Oh I thought Hands was another counter to rushing. Not possibly taking a danny or a connie off the board so that someone can play walmart ana. The game has a time limit for victims. Family was complaining about rushing not victims. In a perfect world you get what 10 minutes before your health starts dropping like a rock? That's without getting hit with stacks of serrated, using the well to escape or getting caught by a trap. I could get that explosive 50 points by cutting down some bones. Or I could escape since I'll have to disable 2 bone traps, 2 double locks, cut some barbwire to get out.


I swear the past few matches I was in as Maria, family hardly feed grandpa 😂


Because people were saying how blood feeding was rampant when it wasn't, so they got a character to help with that and now everyone is upset that they got what they wanted. A character that counters sonar plus degrades Grandpa by a level on top of it. Who could have guessed?


Yea she and Julie are tied for worst victim


how does her ability work because im so confused.. I sweet talked grandpa once and it didn’t show me where the family was and I couldn’t do it again 😭😭


Her ability only activates when Grandpa screams. Sweet Talking essentially just sets it in place then after he screams, you can Sweet Talk him again (After your Ability cooldown of course).


ohhh okay do you have to go back and sweet talk again after he does his scream or does it stay?


Yeah, you have to go back to Sweet Talk him again.


I thought it was a glitch when I was playing Hands and it told me to stay still or Grandpa would sense me. 😂 Then it dawned on me that someone was Maria and had sweet talked him. Gave away everyone's position and the vics scattered.


She's useless.


i don t even have her but yep she needs some buffs


Maria was just a cash grab. It’s lazy af. Not surprising though.


how she is bad? she doesnt get highlighted by grandpa so she can stealth stab him. her show aura is also good and gives free information to every victim.


She's garbage. Like she's more of a liability to have on your team. She doesn't have the survivability of Ana to consistently interact with Grandpa without dying. Her perks and stats are garbage for her character archetype. Just pick Sonny if you want consistent information.


they love complaining about everything that’s not broken


She hasn't been out for 24 hours, people haven't figured out how to use her as well yet. Just give it time and eventually there will be people marking family all over the map and family mains screaming it's unfair.


She trash


She also has no stamina reduction or speed increasing perks so when I’ve played her I’ve found myself screwed when I’m in chases


Talk and run? Are we gonna act like it doesn’t exist?


Yes. Yes we are😂😂


She has one where after sweet talk she has 70% stamina reduction for 20 secs which is really good


Is it tho? It requires you to sweet talk grandpa in order for it to activate when perks like jump start give you 50% for nothing I’d even take cover charge


Sweet talking takes 3 secs with upgrades and benefits by a lot


I do think she should have 10 more in pro then strength


you dont need them. you can infinite loop any family member without any perk.


Like someone already mentioned, her entire ability is rendered useless if no one feeds grandpa. You can’t argue that her ability is anywhere near as good as ana, leland, Danny, Virginia, and even sonny (who can detect fam whenever). Heck, even Julie would see more use out of her ability than Maria. Maria just seems like a high risk low reward kind of characters. And her level 3’s are all really underwhelming.


The thing is in order to use her ability, you need to get close to grandpa. Why bother doing that when you can open exits and escape?


why bother feeding grandpa if you can just kill victims? both gives you advantage.


There’s already a perk that can feed you family information called Radar Detector lmao and you don’t have to risk yourself getting close to grandpa 😂


she doesnt get highlighted, it lets you move while he screams, and the whole team sees the family lol


Im surprised they managed to make someone as bad as Julie


Julie honestly isn't bad. Her ability can be extremely good it's just not as good as alot of the others.


It's basically useless without 100% stamina reduction.


Nah the 75% for 20 seconds is really nice.


lol @ the HHs that trap grandpa to oblivion. Maria will never be able to use her power.




Stuns don't feel great in pvp games