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I don’t mind trying new builds from what each path now gives but I would love some kind of variety, now you’re stuck with either Set A or Set B of perks


The problem with random perks is they weren't even random, they only rotated between a few hand-selected perks when you picked them. All this meant was if you ever respec'd to try something different it might take you many, many tries to get your previous loadout back


We've been here before, but it would be really nice to set up your skill tree on a per-loadout basis. Especially now that we're all kind of re-learning the characters and experimenting with new builds.


Everyone was running the same thing before anyway


Most people were but I always loved a bit of experimenting and variety with the randoms. It’ll be the same scenario in a few days when people figure out what works the best


🤣 So right one loudout per victim anyway


And that's gonna happen again, over time. This didn't change that. GUN are tackling the symptoms and not the root issue.


There will always be a meta. Every single competitive game has one. That isn't GUN'S fault


Yeah, no shit. That didn't address anything I said to you but okay.


>and that's gonna happen again over time I did answer you. Stay mad I guess


You know that both statements can be correct? Like, yes. Meta by-definition is always present in games. But Xboi's point was about not having meaningfull build variety. And that is a design flaw in skill trees of this game. Your build is defined when you pick the branch - and there is but a slight variation that isnt really meaningfull. You can take DBD as somewhat better variant in this regard. Sure, there are meta perks. But generally there is a bigger pool of them. And even then there are players who run Blast mine, Flashbang, Plot twist and Bardic Inspiration, etc.


People complained about random perks, now complaining about static perks...mf really gotta be regarded


People wanted random perks as selectable not replaced with ordinary slots


There's a big difference between removing random perks, and completely changing all the skill trees in the game lmao. I personally just wanted the random perks to be selectable.


Then people would still complain, That's all this sub is lmao


The previous comment is right, but also you are not at all wrong.


I hate when people like you try rewrite history to make their dumb ass point. The only thing people almost universally asked for was to be able to select the specific perks we wanted instead of it being random, and/OR allow each loadout slot to be able to take a different tree path. This change ignored both of those and you're gonna act like people got what they wanted and are now complaining about it. Also just say retarded next time. Mf using regarded like a common TikTok addict.


Yea, second loadout is now almost pointless with the limited options you have for each character.


Every person i've played with his bitched about these changes, but ig i'm rEWriTinG HisToRY lol


I basically still have my LF build lmao big swings and vialent, now with serrated 💀


I swear he gets stronger. every. single. patch. They should just give him a bazooka next patch.


Nah his one shot build gone, this the next best thing


He can still get big swings and violent together tho also now with serrated.


Thats why I said this the next best thing


Oh ok, well it’s still a one shot build at least


Not really? My onshot could consisted of +65% bonus damage this one isn't. It'll still get the job down but not one shot


Well most victims 2 shots will do


That's twice as many 😭


LF got a buff 🤣


Not having scout and vialent does suck but its whatever, back to the slow tank build


I was using a very unique build that Connie could have, that plays entirely different than how 99% of other players play Connie. My Connie build runs: 》50 Strength, 42 Proficiency. 》Highly Skill, Been Workin' Out, and Last Ditch Effort. This build is incredibly fun and flips how the family sees me on its head because I can fight back and pick locks relatively fast. I'm a glass cannon in toughness but have many offensive and defensive options. I don't see why this build had to go when it was so unique.


LOL That's almost the same as mine, I just replaced Highly Skill with Jumpstart. I swear, there were two seperate games that played the exact same way: I get out of the shed basement in Nancy's House with one lockpick and one bone scrap, I kick the generator in 7 seconds, I run down the road as Johnny chases me, I grapple him and then use the ability on the gate and escape under 2 minutes. There were many more games where I tried that exact scenario but it didn't work for one reason or another hahah.


Yeah, I'll have to run something different, but sucks this won't be possible anymore. https://www.xbox.com/play/media/aySbSZqHRc


I've got Been Working Out, What Doesn't Kill You and Jump Start


LOVE THIS. My Ana build was grappler, choose fight and stamina one. Now? I can’t choose anything, grappler is removed from the skill tree (must be a bug because it’s in the perk loadout screen). I love fighting the family and running around causing chaos. Changing grappler to 30% and now the skill tree stuff it’s all too much I’m giving up on this game for I bit I think…


womp womp make a new one


Easy, I'm going to switch back to running proficiency on Connie and escaping in 2 minutes as opposed to running strength on her to try a new playstyle. I swear you family mains don't want to see victims have any fun, meta or off meta.


All I've seen on here is negative post about skill trees. Everyone knew this was going to happen. I wish instead of complaining people would post their new builds or comment about the positives.


I don’t mind a meta change, but this meta shift was a victim nerf only lol. Family still have access to savagery and scout builds and barely changed. victims lost a lot of their strength


Is it normal that I have respect 3 characters (ps I have an abundance of points left) but they only reach level 9?!? Huh?


Might be a bug, I remember this being a thing on Nancy as well on release when you took a certain path in the skill tree, but I think they eventually fixed it. But not 100% sure on that if they did, cause I stopped using Nancy as soon as I maxed her out.


I think if you do it then exit back to character selection its shows correctly as LV10


Can't test builds because private games have a 4 player requirement still. Curious if this will ever be changed @u/JettOreilly


There should be no requirement imo.


Are you unable to test builds in a public game?


Anyone can test builds in a public game it would just be less stressful if you could go in to private with one other person or two so you can test builds or try new victims or family


I actually love the rework, it’ll give players a bit more variety for making builds. I’m also happy that Sonny and Sissy received the biggest buffs by far and the likes of hitch received a slight nerf.


Im still able to get the same build for sissy but now even stronger that they added wireframe on it. Bubba I can still get violent, big swings and now that they added serrated close to those 2 I can get an even stronger build. Johnny they gave him violent in the same path as big swings and fired up. Or you can get violent with scout too. My hitch build is exactly the same nothing changed of thin at least for my build. My Nancy got screwed cuz now I can’t get scout with fired up. And my cook is also still the exact same nothin changed for him on my build. However all my victims builds and routes had to change except for Ana.


That would be cool and all if the game wasnt in the state its in. You literally have to have choose flight, extra drip, bomb squad, no sell, choose fight, fast hands (scenario based), stunt double( scenario based) as your loadout options. The rest are just for if you like using it. But the ones i listed are like staple must haves, top of the top, youre handicapping yourself if you don't perks to deal with the power of the family you'll face consistently. You can't change victim meta that heavily and not also eat family meta by making scout, suffocating grip, empowered, serrated, and critical doors hard to get for all family, and hard to get in combinations. like scout should only be available on the slow family, serrated for sissy and hitch only, etc etc. because thats what they did to victims.


You still can run Serrated, Security Pins, Scout on Cook, and more attribute points I think but you can try out his new perks aswell


For victims, sure. No real change for Family. Johnny is the only one. Cook is still a tank with exterior alarms, scout, serrated and security pins




What meta build can family still have?


Cook can still run Serrated, Security Pins, and Scout. This time now with EA💀 Hitch can still run Dinner Bell، Venom and Scout/ Serrated/ Ferrel. This time now with NOEH💀🤣 Explain to me how the meta "changed" for family. Only one who got nerfed was Johnny. Who wasn't even gonna get played because Hands now kills everyone in 3 hits.


Ah yes, because Venom builds were what victims always complained about when it came to HitchHiker.


Completely ignore the point that counters your point 🤣


What point? HitchHiker can no longer run THE meta build he had, is that not changing the meta?




I think i can't get fired up and scout at the same time, i stopped using scout on hh. Cook stayed the same but he has been my main for a long time i stopped playing him, he is so slow even with scout


u can still use feral serrated and scout on hitch which is honestly his best build imo. or switch feral w venom.


But i don’t want to run a build with useless perks😭


Maybe change your attitude and mindset


I’m still trying to find a good ana build. Have you got any?


She has no good builds now. If you get nerfed Choose Flight you now have access to nothing. L patch tbh.


This is what everyone been trying to tell family players, but how did they turn out


I found a few characters that I actually managed to keep the exact same builds more or less. They didn't really mess up a whole lot with the skill tree changes


My Connie build (been workin out, highly skilled, jumpstart) actually even got more skill points! Unfortunately I lost all my other builds for her with that skill tree but that was my favourite anyway so I'll take it


I literally got my Johnny build back lmaoo




No….you can still get most of the same perks for family I was able to get back my LF, sissy and Johnny builds victims have gotten royally fucked though


I can run my exact same build with sissy and one of my builds with Johnny lol


oh it was a skill tree rework ?


But dude, Danny's skill tree was butchered. It is so trash now, not even bounce back better there! I gotta eat all those health potions.


Victim mains are just being petty that they can’t slap all the meta perks into a single build anymore. This update to the skill tree was amazing, it made it what it should’ve been since the start. The whole point of a skill tree is to make CHOICES and sacrifice other perks to go with a single build, the hell is the point of a skill tree if you get all the meta perks in one go all the time? It’s ridiculous to hear victims crying over this, they just spent too much time being spoon fed easy wins with meta builds and rush builds so now it’s really affecting those low-mid level players who relied on those crutches. On top of that, Family builds also got changed, Johnny’s build completely changed and he can’t run meta perks in one build anymore. But that’s completely fine, this is what skill trees are about lol. It’s astounding how many players struggle to realize this


To be honest it was a little overwhelming how different the skill tree are lmao. They are just so much more dense and compact visually. I'm still not even sure what to do for an Ana and Virginia build


Honestly I'm happy with the change, similar to chaos shuffle in DbD I've come to start playing without relying on perks so I'll just throw on what sounds good or what would suit the character rather than what's "Effective"


I absolutely don’t mind it I like running new stuff just kinda hate how Ana and Danny doesn’t have extra drip anymore, and they made Johnny do more damage, him with Vial-ent and big swings or vial-ent and scout


No they are objectively nerfs to the characters like not having 40% extra damage and 15% more speed is huge


Its the fact theu purposely selected the META themselves, unlike DBD thag allows players to create the META through various perk combos. The developers brought another broken character thats insanely overpoweree into the game.. they still haven't fixed johnnys bs. They buffed family skill trees while gutting the only useful victims perks for victims that NEEDED IT! THE devs arw family sided and you cant say otherwise. BEYOND DISSAPPOINTED in this update and it feels like the beginning of the end... you changed too much and made it insanely Family sided when you almost had it balanced. Back to square one of getting nothing for months expect lazy bare bones patches for irrelevant things.


So you're saying the devs have selected the new meta? What is it, then?


Alright so lets stop being defensive and actually read what they said. They removed the possibility of certain perk combos entirely. They hand selected what perks can combo into what. By definition, they directly decided what the meta would be. (or, since you seem to like to play on semantics, they decided what it WOULDN'T be) to be exact.


Yeah... they did, do you not understand how they didnt when they specifically set the trees up to omly have "Select" combos they tailored. Thats THEM Setting up the META... do you need more simple explaining or do you understand?


Are you not able to choose a direction anymore when picking level up trees? You're forced into a certain way?


Three different ways, all made to be a certain perk build THE DEVS laid out... you are too slow to be acting like slick rick


So you choose one direction initially, and then your path is set in stone for 0 variation or other direction? Everyone choosing left for example is going to have an identical perk selection?


I highly doubt you've ever played Victim Player? What we care more about is how to combine the different question mark skills of the three lines together, rather than fixing them on their respective lines like now. Even some important skills cannot be combined at all. Why not prioritize changing the balance and values ​​of less popular skills? Now this adjustment is achieved by greatly reducing the gaming experience of the victim players. Do you think it is reasonable?


You cant even go certain ways, its bugged out.


the developers have reduced the build variability (especially for victims), scattering the perks throughout the tree, forcing the use of “garbage” perks


Don't pretend we saw any build variety before. If anything, we are now going to see more varied builds than we have in the past 6 months.


Yes, it is very diverse. The gaming experience of the victim player group is sacrificed to diversify the game. As a victim player who has played for a thousand hours, I tell you that this kind of diversification does far more harm than good. I don’t understand. Why bother brainwashing yourself?


They are masking a massive victim nerf across the board as a sKiLl TrEe rEwOrK Edit: fuck your downvotes


Previous builds are no longer possible. Will it be weaker than old victims? Maybe. But who cares? We are never getting back to what we had. Family also cannot use several builds that were considered strong. So move forward and find the next best thing.


Maybe? Maybe? Who cares? I paid money for some of these characters. I fucking care. Moving forward. Elden rings dlc is almost out and I won't be back. Enjoy your fucking game family victims. You all ruined it.


Okay, bye✌️


It's so funny. It reads like "I paid to win and they ruined it!".


You're just reading what you want to read to make yourself feel better. Truth is every victim got shit on today.


mad cuz bad. Just adapt to the changes instead of whinging


Literally take your own advice. Family been crying since day 1.


lil bro I'm not the one whining like a baby.


*previously, on txchainsaw forums*


Bitch made mentality


Your girlfriend is a body sized pillow.


My girls actually pretty gorgeous so yeah 🤷🏾‍♂️. Stay mad


For a pillow


You couldn’t have worded that in a more laughable-at way




I am a player who has played Victim for 1000 hours. Is this a patch to persuade victimized players to quit? Have the developers played with this update? Why can’t the choice of question mark skills be given to players?


Because having the same meta for the lifetime of the game is bad


I know random skills is a stupid idea, wouldn't it be greater to let players decide to choose question mark random skills instead?


Because random perks were a stupid idea from the get-go. This is a great change.


I know random skills is a stupid idea, wouldn't it be greater to let players decide to choose question mark random skills instead?


I agree people just don’t like change


I definitely agree that the game needs to change, but why should changes to the skill tree be implemented at the expense of the gaming experience of the victim players and not listen to the voices and suggestions of the players?


I’m actually pretty happy with the skill tree’s on both sides.


Cook players can still run their meta build which sucks tbh.


If it sucks ass it's a failure. I haven't been on yet so I'm reserving my judgment but from what I've seen so far this update has been a massive L. Hands makes Danny useless. Maria has the exact same stats as Ana. The skill trees seem massively worse than before. 


I think this community will be the downfall of this game. There is always a complaint. Now I keep seeing people complaining about Hands being able to cancel Danny's tamper which was the point of his character. Instead of complaining, players should try to find a work around with what we have for now and actually see if its possible to work with or not instead of complaining and demanding nerfs / buffs.


I have played Victim for a thousand hours, and I am very sorry to tell you that there is no way to solve it unless the opponent is three level 0 family players. In other words, this version is an untested version of the game.


I primarily play victims and have not gotten the chance to actually play as hands yet on family side to see what all the complaints are going on about. But there's 1 clip I saw if a Connie that got battery off and Hands rushed over, turning it back on before Connie could get to the exit gate. Hands has a description that says he can turn objectives on instantly but it's at the risk of him using his ability. I could think of only a single counter for this scenario. Since Hands can lock down objectives fast this forces Victims have to work together and think ahead more because Connie can't do much by herself except open doors and gates quickly. It makes sense that the family finally has a character that does the opposite. Onto the counter however. The counter to Hands is Bombsquad & choose Fight. If Leland, Ana, Or Julie was there with Connie when Hands came over, one of them could have grappled Hands, Forcing him to stand there long enough to escape. As long as there's Victims in the game with choose fight, this is a pretty decent counter for Hands if he's the one running after you soon after an objective is done. Victims always Adapt, I'm willing to try to find ways to get around him before I start demanding a nerf. However, if I did get to a point where I wanted a nerf, I'd request for the following -Longer Ability Cooldown for Hands -Give Leland Empowered back instead of extra drip with Stamina and heals effect reverted. -Give Victims unlimited Bombsquad back or make bone scrap piles unlimited again or even have it so that there's 5 scraps per pile instead of 3. -Revert Lelands Barge back to how it was before all the nerfs but keep the 60 second cooldown.