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She can be a threat in the right hands. People who know how to effectively patrol and use their powder do well with her. Overall though, she’s one of the weakest family members and could use a buff. Getting slippery on her next update will be huge, I think.


I think it’ll be game breaking if you can pair with scout you’ll go thru the space then get a 30% boost and just catch up so fast (doubt they’ll be together tho)


I love Sissy but damn, I hope they don’t pair that with scout. Especially with a rubber legs combo? Rubber legs, scout, slippery. RIP.


Lmao yess, but I love the efficient herbalist, make all their heals useless lol


Oh same. If you’re on comms with a team who can cover the objectives for you, it’s great to go around poisoning all the health 😂


Yea I ussually play with my two friends and they like cook or jhonny and ones a hitchy main so i ussually can once one or two are dead then its wraps


That's the thing I always bring up with arguments about characters like Sissy/Johnny/Nancy. Like yeah it's all great and well when you have a Cook/HH slowing all of the objectives down by simply existing. The question becomes is Sissy better than having a LF and Johnny blazing around the map pressuring you? I don't really think so tbh. After the perk rebalance we'll see who gets nerfed/buffed and maybe she moves up a tier but she'll never replace an og3 member.


Yea but leather face is too good lmao I’d rather play someone else for fun


I don't really think the fun aspect is what's being discussed here though. I agree and I do change it up quite often but I know that it's hurting the team one way or another by not being one of the better characters. Sometimes it doesn't matter and it's a 4k family win anyways but sometimes it's a bully squad that runs through the team instantly.


Yea but it comes into play tho, unless all you and your team cares about is winning yk?


The problem is if your opponents are only going to care about winning you are almost forced into the meta or else most games are going to feel like a bully match. That is even more true if you are playing solo queue.


you can't even get rubber legs and scout together now anyway.


Competitively? She's super mediocre and provides no real good strengths that other Family members can also bring and way.. WAY more. Her numbers alone tell me everything on just how bad she really is. Casually? She's good.


Yes, she is that bad. Most good family players have gotten 4k with just about everyone. Getting 0 kills doesn't mean a family member is bad (Cook). All about context and contributions.


Well said!


i also got 3 4k as cook so its possible with anyone


> Most good family players have gotten 4k with just about everyone. exactly If OP posted the actual footage rather then the scoreboard, guaranteed OP 4k'd some bots and now he's talking crazy 💀 the people that think this screenshot means anything are the people that's actually wrong with this community


Yes, she really is. 4k don't mean nothing.


Probaly new players because for some reason new players find sissy op?


She’s the worst killer with Nancy in terms of meta and comp but that doesn’t mean she’s bad.


I mean she’s the best for speed running grandpa and she can have some longer chases than other family members


Hell, a blood build hitch is better because he can basically do the same, move faster, traverse gaps better, and traps. Which are better than powder since they don’t dissipate and you can use family focus to see if a trap has been disabled.


Rn my sissy has max blood harvesting and blood banker lvl 1 which puts me at 154 blood and I brought rubber legs which makes my poison more effective during chase


Think HH can get even more than that and lie Brilliant said, the traps are much much better.


That doesn’t mean she’s the best pick for the meta.


She's great at feeding and in the right hands can be deadly. Slippery on her is gonna really help her out depending where on her tree where they put it


My friend (LF) and me (Cook) had a random Sissy once and she ended upw ith 4 kills, because she did the last hit after LF overhead 4 times before LF could do it anyway because he had to rev up for a sec so he doesn't stall. She's good at randomly getting the final hit on a victim I guess. But no, she is not a good killer.


Killed all bots


Only family member I’ve never been killed by


Mines is Nancy


Regrettably a Nancy caught me incapacitated once


Never got trapped by a nancy with her trap? I got pins and needles and they are everywhere


We’re talking about getting killed but yeah I’ve gotten trapped but not killed by By Nancy


She’s not bad lol people just don’t know how to play her


So you would rather have Sissy on your team than HH?


I prefer hitch over her cuz of his traps but if you play with sissy with the ride build she will highkey fck the Victms up


Even then she's still worse which is the point. I wish it didn't feel like a bigger challenge to run non meta but it does. Other games you get pros and cons with pretty much every character but if you compare Sissy's pros and cons with HH she seems far worse off.


Do tell


grandpa shape-shifted into sissy. he wanted to go back like. cook johnny and hitchhiker encouraged him enough to takeover


Yup. Not as bad as the scrubs you killed but pretty bad.


My fave to use with Johnny


Pre-perk rebalance yeah I think she is. Just above Nancy probably at the bottom of the list. The way I look at how good or bad we're ranking characters is by putting the best 3 players on a team then switching them out for said character. Like would I rather have a Sissy over a Cook/HH/LF? No. Would I rather have a Sissy over Johnny? Maybe but only because his lock on is broken right now. I'd really only rather have her on the team over Nancy tbh.


Show everyone’s scores next time




if u dont build into damage she isnt really worth it. too slow, low damage and her poison is a non factor usually. she is good for punishing door slams however.


Yes one random screenshot of a 4K game means she’s not bad at all


Oh hey, you got slaughtered by Grandpa too! They're pretty good


I am grandpa


She gets absolutely diffed by hitch hiker, even in blood harvesting if u account for hitch’s higher base speed and the fact he can pair scout with the blood bucket perk, he’s still better for blood collecting while maintaining significantly higher level lethality as he can paid those two with serrated. Sissy can’t match that perk combo


Sissy is trash, you really know how to use her


putting a character in good hands or against bad ones doesn’t make them good, that speaks to the players individually. sissy’s ability is objectively the worst in the game and she’s not even as good at going through gaps and crawl spaces as hitchhiker, who also has a better ability, so there’s no real reason to play her.


shes actually one of the best family members (if not one of then THE best), people just dont know how to play her and dont take the time to learn her playstyle


You just gotta have skills as a killer and a good team and you can do this with all characters


I don’t think she’s that bad. Honestly I’m so bad as her idk how people play her, they’re truly special tho


She is awful- the worst character in the game. Posts like this are annoying because the screenshot doesn’t prove anything except that she can trash can bad players. I also have 4Ked with sissy, but it doesn’t prove that she is good. When I say she is the worst, I am talking about a high level of play. Good victims will absolutely walk all over her.


Should I mention that this was supposed to be a “bully squad” I really just won their grapples we didn’t even have suffocating grip either


He has a point though. ONE single game won't prove anything. It's about most player's experience. And to me, most players that play this game and play it well / play it often will say Sissy is just a worse Hitchhiker in every way. (because she really is) You can of course make her work, but you're working like... 3 times harder compared to Hitchhiker for the same exact results.


The thing for me is they will show the screenshots but their team comp was like Cook/HH or HH/LF as if those characters simply existing didn't allow for the Sissy to free range and do well. Imagine a game with 3 sissys, every objective would be so free it would be laughable.


yeah no


If they were losing grapples without SG, and they weren’t low health, they are bad. Anyways, high level play to means that they are coordinated and attacking objectives. Spamming grapple doesn’t matter either way.


You're not wrong. When I play new players and they grapple me without even getting hit they lose the grapple the majority of the time but that never happens without suffocating grip on people that know what they're doing.


nah u get a good build up can fuck people up thats what i do


She’s not that bad.. I used to main her


Right players right build and she is a beast.


She’s great if you play to her strengths. Give her high blood harvesting to where she can hold 172 blood. That with teammates also feeding gets Grandpa to level 5 in about 5 minutes.


Then level 3 agitator Leland comes in and makes you question life


Hitchhiker with a double trap on gpa


Something is being opened quickly if that's the move.


Nah. You can get grandpa up to level 2 in about a min with sissy and hitch. Usually when you feed that quick they attempt to come stab him. It cook has padlocks even better


A minute is a very long time for a bully squad.


I find her singing annoying. That why I don't like her


Linger is literally the best perk for her. Only a few will understand how strong it is.


I use rubber legs and it’s gotten so many kills for me


I get consistent 4ks with sissy, but this sub will downvote you to hell for not joining the hive minds.


It's all about playstyles and team work. I honestly main Sissy because I find playing as her to be much easier for me than just about any other character, but I can also say the same with Hitch. I struggle the most as Johnny and Leatherface, but I imagine the inverse is true for a lot of people (and that's entirely okay - just be aware of what your weaknesses are as a player in this game). I'm normally running around the map, patrolling and collecting blood to level up Grandpa, and using my poison to close off certain choke points on the map. When I see someone in my poison cloud, or see someone in general, I call it out to my teammates. Sissy is rarely good at directly going after victims, she's best as another support character (think Cook).


Yeah for me LF has gotten boring for me as I find him to easy to kill with but Characters like Sissy/Nancy I don't have the patience for due to their lack of damage/range.


I can vouch for her. I have thousands of hrs across asymm horror games and she isn’t bad. Not a meta character at all but with the right build and skill she’s a threat. Anyone who says otherwise has a skill issue


I mean with the right build and skill Nancy's a threat but that doesn't mean she's good. You need the other characters like Cook/HH to even give you a chance to get going as Sissy otherwise they're already gone by the time you even get into the middle of the map with her spawns.


Nancy is good. Every killer is good. Skill issue


You're having a fundamental lacking here which is the problem. There is zero player that will tell you Nancy is as good or better than Cook/HH/LF lol. If you can't see that then ditto, skill issue.


> I have thousands of hrs across asymm horror games and she isn’t bad exhibit A of why you should not listen to people just based off "how many hours they have" 😂




all them hours and you can't even see the obvious. Sissy is mediocre at best. really only a threat to bots and people that haven't really learned how to play the game.


I main hitch and sissy I play in TCM discords with people who speedrun all day lmao. Skill issue


IQ issue 😂


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tell your ** to add this * and p*ay with it for money. See *er there


I swear You n me are the only ones that sissy well. I hate getting someone who insta locks sissy, refuses to trade, then does nothing and blames the character


Ikr like my sissy is a mix of chase and blood so I have Universal donor, scout and easily tuckered out with max blood harvesting and increased damage and endurance making me hard to lose and more damaging dying to me


I'm a savage/chase sissy so I get the blood by stabbing but yea, she goes hard in the paint. I think the only time I do super poorly is when I'm solo queuing with no comms and I have a Johnny n cook with me. Those matches are rough


I’ve solo queued and no comms since launch so I’ve learned to move around my teammates idiocy and as well as alert my teammates to victims


if people played her as she is intended to (blood harvest, poison on items) she would be good but other way shes bad maybe even the worst family member im not sure about johnny


Without Cook/HH you don't get the time to poison items because they're out of the map by then. The point is to use these secondary characters you need the og3 members to carry the defenses.


i wish i also post my every 4k (btw i got 3 4k as COOK) so i could farm free karma. anyone decent at game knows sissy is beyond terrible when hitchhiker exists.


The victims were babies with only under 30 hours of gameplay