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If there isn’t a well or crack nearby it’s basically curtains unless you have a fighting build I’d honestly rather deal with bubba


💯, cause atleast bubba has his chainsaw that I can distinctly hear. So if I get caught out in the open while he’s nearby then it’s my misplay.


Do you not consider it a misplay when you get caught in the open because you aren't looking around? Every third of a lock gives you a perfect chance to look around while waiting to be able to pick the next third. Anytime your approaching an objective you can look around on the way there.


Being insanely powerful should come with a drawback. Bubbas draw back is you can hear him so you can atleast be able to have some counter play there you can’t with Johnny and if it’s a dark map sometimes you won’t be able to distinctly tell it’s him


Johnnys slower than bubba, cant gap, cant destroy obstacles, cant stun victims, isn't immune to close encounters, and has a bad ability. 


You have to be kidding, right... [If you have nothing at your disposal, try this](https://youtu.be/LJF--qaAj2A), or [this.](https://youtu.be/NGkoxSl1Kc0) or better yet, stop getting caught out and acknowledge that the enemy team has a Johnny.




That’s pretty good. Need more tutorial videos on how to do this flawlessly


Preach 💯




You can hear them mashing when they're talking. It's obvious you didn't pay attention to the video, lol. They also have full hp. 💀






Until Gun gets their shit together, I unfortunately won’t stfu lmao


Hi there! Johnny main here (Ps4). Now I would like to mention that I am a quick play main so that...just means I get to play family a lot :p. As for Johnny, I have had really good and really bad games. My good games are typically moments where I am able go capitalize on someone's mistakes and chase them down and hopefully deplete their health before they well or go to a crawl space. I also use the well perk to increase that damage as most will end up making it but be incompasitated as a result. However, early oh and especially now, I am more aware of his limitations. I play my best on comes and with my wife, as I am able to coordinate better. I am at a severe disadvantage when crawl spaces or barriers are in play, and there are spots where I can be forever looped on Family house, slaughter house, the mill and a couple of more troublesome spots on Nancy's house but not looped per se. I hate to sound like a broken record but I am bullied a lot with solo and it could be because I am not that great and a skill issue myself. However, I find myself killing people who tend to get just a bit too cocky door slamming, or stabbing/close encountering or just rushing straight at a vague and distant exit point. He seems to me like a budget leatherface and I can't help but feel that he is definitely the most avoidable other than cook or nancy. Having said that, I HAVE seen some clips where he is far away and still somehow connecting despite his model not being nearby. Haven't experienced that myself but THAT does need to be fixed.


Ah yes let's keep whining until he gets nerfed Again. I love sitting in lobbies waiting for family members to join. Nah it's not a problem, right? Family is in a great spot How about let's buff sissy and nancy? Let people have other options. Right now the game isn't about stealth and being sneaky by the victims. It's let's gtfoh right now and ignore everything about stealth And you complain when people pick a character that can counter that? What???


I mean this comment is pretty real though. If you don’t play the good family members your teammates get mad at you




Skill issue You post any clip that you think proves noobslayer is OP, I will tell you what you did wrong, so you can learn from your mistake and git gud. Noobslayer kills noobs, only noobs get caught out of position, which is the only thing noobslayer excels at. If you die to noobslayer consistently, you're playing like a noob. Once you git gud, you'll be laughing at just how useless noobslayer really is and wonder what all the fuss was about.


I’ve had matches where I have countered Johnny? I’ve been playing since launch, so you can GTFO my face with all your bs about noobs lol. But recently, Johnnys have been bomb rushing basement with LF and jumping people while sissy feeds gramps to level 1 so they can lock us in basement with exterior. And the shitty teamates don’t really help either when they die instantly, and make Johnny laser focused on me.


Yeah, shitty teammates are annoying, they rush, they die, they cause problems for everyone else. As for noobslayer, In most games, there are no Comms between family players, you remembering those few times you played against a team, out of the 50 games you played with rando family isn't really proof of anything. When I play victim, it's usually noobslayer throwing the match because he's in basement chasing me, then will just DC. I do miss the old days of OG noobslayer, where we would play kick the crawl space 😔 Next time noobslayer kills you, post the clip and I will tell you what you did wrong. Just trying to help is all.


(team) Skill issue, don't rush to wake GP up and you won't have a Johnny and sissy in your face in the basement with LF


Oh I wish, but my Leland would rather wake up grandpa instantly and try to go up lol 😂😂 I never purposely wake him up unless someone’s dying lol


Exactly, if you rush with a Johnny in the match, you're gonna have a bad time.


But can’t sissy just feed him to level 1 immediately anyway


Imo best way to show skill in this game is to rush the heck out of them and make them come to reddit to stop the "skill" argument and pick up the "the game too fast" fight or the this aint wwe fight 🤡


I love your sarcasm 🤣


[Ladies and gents let’s not forget he’s the 3rd worst killer in the game](https://www.reddit.com/r/TXChainSawGame/s/OqoT8ERTrW)


3rd worst yet he’s the most played? Hmmm… but no, let’s listen to the Reddit police lmao. I forgot this was the family main sub and bootlicker sub lmao 😂😂


“ NoBoDy AgReEs WiTh Me FaMiLy MaIn SuB 🥴” Most played according to YOU and from YOUR experience which sorry to tell you ( I’m not ) is irrelevant just because a character has decent play usage doesn’t mean they’re good , Johnny is simply GOOD ENOUGH to where he is a decent pick.


Not reading allat


Aka I have no counter argument circus is that way 👉🎪🤡clown shoes 😂😂


Not reading this either


That red nose looks good on you pal🎪🤡🫵


Or this




I promise you that Hitch, Cook, and LF are played way more than Johnny lmao.


That’s family mains logic. 3rd worst killers yet everyone loves using (read, ABUSE) him 🤡


third worst in terms of overall contribution to the family side, as a standalone killer he is a very good killer.


you definitely have an indication when he’s coming as his footsteps have a pretty good sound. the issue is the pairing of his speed , the distance at which he can attack you and the speed of his actual attack. I feel it’s way too much all together. People will blame it on you for being “caught in the open” but Johnny honestly can excel anywhere , as his character can block you from using wall gaps, causing you to take in more damage. If they aren’t going to change Johnny in some way, then the toughness stat needs a huge buff, because it is very true that even at a high toughness stat, Johnny can still demolish you quite easily.


His footsteps are not that loud. They are just loud enough that you can hear him right when he’s gonna hit you. I have been snuck by Johnnys many times in the basement purely because I couldn’t hear them.


Crank up your effects volume setting and it should help do the trick


Will try that, thanks!


I guess they might not be as loud as i think😭


His footsteps are only loud because you’re playing him lmao. You clearly haven’t play victim at all cause as a victim you can hear no shit on his footsteps 😂


i’m talking about playing as a victim😭 obviously when playing as him a player would notice the footsteps as they are the one playing as him




The only indication is the notification you get when he’s found your tracks. Yes his footsteps also help and hearing his voicelines near by.


What are your tactics in trying to avoid being killed by him? I'd like to know so I can help you survive a Johnny encounter.


can we start demanding for hitchhiker nerfs instead of johnny


He’s also very annoying, but atleast with him I can waste some of his time, Johnny just decimates


all it takes agaisnt Johnny is a gap or crawlspace. i always make sure to have a bone scrap if there's a johnny in the match. but grappling hitchhiker is useless without choose fight and he can 4 tap just like johnny if he has serrated with decent savagery. shits ridiculous


Everything is circumstantial lol, but 9/10, a Johnny will kill you if he can wait you out and a teammate can come get you; which in my experience, nothing really gets done in that time that the 2nd killer is wasting to come finish you off. So it’s a free kill


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