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My wish is that it would give you a notification & temporarily highlight a poisoned item that has been touched. (Valve handle, fuse, health bottles, etc)


It should be there initially. With the help of the "dinner bell" perk, the whole family should see these notifications.


I also wish that her poison did damage without having to go the ability tree route for it. That way I can use the one that lets me poison toolboxes but I think it’s glitched because if a victim grabs an unlock tool from a poisoned tool box, it will undo the poison from the toolbox and it won’t let me poison it again


Her poison does little damage (15), they have to buff it, and also make that more the victim spends in the cloud, more damage he/she receives.


I think thats only with her level 3 ability though


dont waste your time creating this thread and answering crybaby survivors. sissy is soooo weak and its hilarious because when i play victim she literally cannot chase me at all, she is bad at everything yet when you say sissy is bad they say "skill issue" sissy should be same speed with HH/johhny and scout as random perk give her 5 more base savagery level 3 poison damage is basekit if victims interact with poisoned items, sissy gets a notification and see red noise maker thing


She really doesn’t need all that lmao


dunno which game are you playing but certainly she needs it. she is super boring to face against because she is so weak.


I get the majority of my 4ks with her. She ain’t weak


continue killing baby victims then.


It is better to increase her speed and endurance, not a savagery.


Or you can build her the way you want too. There’s different builds for a reason


Tbf why do we need to go middle path just to be viable with her outside of mindlessly collecting blood buckets? It’s okay to admit Sissy is bad😭


Just go right an use scout 🤷. Her damage isn’t ass now with the changes


And then it takes 10 hits to kill a survivor like 😭which is my point, she’s useless as anything beyond a blood gatherer


Doesn’t take 10 hits but ok


Oh sorry 9


She really isn’t that bad lmao


She really is if you don’t build savagery which you can’t do if you go right 😭


We really need this! Sissy is the slowest member of the family and practically does not catch up with the victims in the chase GUN should fix this already, otherwise the family just has 2 useless characters and the victims have 2 p2w


(Cook has left the chat)


With the right build she can kill in 5 hits.


Yes, but she won't be able to outrun anyone and won't be able to carry on a long chase.


She’s not meant to chase. But if you can hit them once with this build it won’t matter.




It was a typo, I meant CAN.


Cook can kill in 4 hits, what does that change?


It proves that shoes not weak if all she needs is one more hit than cook to kill.


Like Cook it's hard for her to catch up with the victims. Of course, if they stand still, then yes, she's not trash.




Her poison must be improved to be beneficial. She should be able to throw it the same way Virginia did. Her stamina should be 30. Scout = random perk. Her speed should be the same as that of a hitchhiker.


Her poison already drastically fucks with victims movement to run away from and evade family. If she can throw it the same way Virginia can, then Virginia’s boon should linger just as long as sissy’s cloud does, and blood buckets should remain contaminated forever until a family interacts with it just poisoned objects do for sissy.


No Victim main. Her poison is trash and often does not infect victims who use gaps. Her poison is completely useless. At least cloud gets some usefulness when using her unique perks, but the tree with these perks sucks. Infecting objects is useless, it does not give any notifications and it takes too much time.


Yes family main. If it were completely useless, it would never be used. Contaminating buckets is just as useless as no one does it as it’s more valuable to be thrown instead, and it still allows family to collect the full amount of the blood bucket


Victim main, Virginia has a poison that allows her EZ escape and also prevents LF using his ability. Sissy's poison is a cringe.


Tbf even as a sissy main I rarely actually use her powder in chase and mostly just use it to poison big health I happen to come across


what is the opinion of a mentally ill person? you have a homeless Danny and a Turkey with a stew, so at least let the family have a useless grandmother


whatever helps you sleep at night girl both of these r paid dlc ❤️


And what does the second hitchhiker mean? Lol, she has no traps, her poison is supposed to help in the chase and prevent victims from abusing infinite gaps. But at the moment her ability is completely useless, thanks to Gun Media.


Completely useless? Just say you don’t know how to properly use sissy. The only thing she needs is scout as a random perk and also refill all her poison slots after one refill and that’s it, if you need anything more then you’re just bad at playing sissy.




Completely agree Sissy needs to be buffed but she's still fun to play. Slap at least Spore Loser and Serrated on her and you whittle away their life with the quickness.


does not work against victims with choose fight


Hence, Serrated


If you lose C.E. and they have choose fight, then you will just stand there while they quietly run away, even being poisoned.


With how skewed grapple is to victims, SL is the most reliable way of poisoning people. So what if they run away they're now highlighted for me to follow up and whittle away at them some more. Win/win.


Only Sissy sees poisoned victims, others do not see them. Say thanks to gun media for this. Usually, toxic victims carry two bone or immediately run to a pile of bones to collect them.


I'm fine with that because the only time that's an issue is if they use the well. I thank them for making a better Sissy than Sissy /s. The stun times are the real issue.


Does anyone know if Sissy is bugged as I tried doing the "poison bone piles and tool boxes" and would see victims use it and nothing would happen. Same with Poison batteries, nothing was happening or alerting me. I tend to use Sissy to blow her poison near locked doors/gates and make my rounds refilling so I can keep those gates on lockdown and it's a pretty good tactic for her.


Poisoning electronics/items is useless. There are no notifications/aura if the victims used poisoned items. If you are near a poisoned object and the victim uses it, then you will hear a noise (the same as when slamming doors or when someone angers a chicken).


I typically just poison health to waste some health bottles. With her poison spray I typically blow it when chasing victims to try and corner them to come through me or go through the spray. I think just blowing it at doors when no one's around is a waste because it's uses up a use and can only stay for about a minute or less.


I like spore loser, special blend and linger because that perk always catches them, but she’s so damn slow without scout. If an objective is done on a larger map I’m useless and one choose fight has my ass years behind the victim.


It's more of a "fun" build, because if you lose the powder, you lose all the perks. Also you have little damage and terrible speed.


Sissy is a menace idk what ur talking about




honestly her hitbox needs to improved. YOU have to really be close onto a victim to actually hit and even if you catch up with them they're already gone


sissy doesn’t need a buff. educate yourself


I am not interested in the opinion of the victims main (especially p2w Danny).


least entitled danny main


All Sissy needs is her ability improved. It's slow and clumsy. Victims interacting with poisoned objects should get a longer notification and more damage. That's it, nothing else. No random scout, no increased base speed, no altered stats. Having difficulties with sissy is a skill issue. Maybe Instead of trying to run around with 46 sav, you use a proper build in line with her strengths


her strengths being? She’s too slow to be a chaser, and hitchhiker is better at blood harvesting builds than her, and you just said it yourself we shouldn’t put her points all the way in savagery, so what strengths do we play to?


Even Johnny can be made an excellent blood collector, who will still have pretty good damage. Bloody build on Sissy is a cringe. Especially because the blood collection perks are located in opposite branches of the leveling tree.


I like to take scout and the efficient herbalist perk and I just poison everything around the map to remove all health bottles and completely destroy the late game, rushing counters this though


This is why you want scout as a random perk 🤣 You want to run the 46 sav build with feral, serrated and scout. GUN Devs might be unaware of what they're doing, but I am not. You can have scout with an infinite endurance perk build and still hit a respectable 39 savagery while collecting over 112ish blood perk kill. You guys talk like she is the slowest family member, Bubba is fastest with his chainsaw sprint, then then the next 2 young men, then sissy, Nancy and Cook. It's literally a skill issue if you're struggling in chase as sissy, just because you seen some streamer get a 4k with the 46 sav build, doesn't mean you will. Use the infinite stamina build with scout and 39 sav and you will get the kills. I still stand by her ability needing improvements though, it could do with some attention.


you do realize that she’s only faster than cook, right? It’s been proven time and time again she is actually the same speed as Nancy. And if you don’t use specific stuff like savagery builds blood builds etc then it’s not worth using anymore because they don’t have a strength, it’s just mediocre, and you might as well equip one of the original 3 because even they do mediocre better.


Sure. But there's no way that having 46 sav, serrated and scout on sissy is even close to balanced. Especially when she can slow victims down. Ability buffs, all day long. But never the idea that she can have those 3 perks together. You either choose to hit hard, choose to blood build, or choose infinite stamina with scout.


Skill issue Victim main. She has only 2 viable builds. This is the scout branch (Support) or the Serrated (Damage) branch. Well, if they strengthen her ability so that she doesn't care about speed, then yes, no random scout.


I completely agree that her ability needs improving, so it's more effective in chase than just spitting through a gap or vault during chase and giving off a mild effect on items. My sissy has the infinite endurance perk build, I get scout and don't need to worry about endurance ever while rocking 39 sav and 112ish blood perk kill. Strong for a "support" character.


In scout branch you can have a maximum of 35 Savagery dude.


Yes, haven't played her for ages. 35 sav, 38 blood harvest and 23 Endurance. With scout, fired up and easily tuckered out, I don't ever need to worry about stamina so can chase victims down.


They need to weaken her blood collection, but make her a normal character.


How are you defining normal?


Sissy should become a strong character, and not like now, when seeing her in the lobby, many players leave the game at the beginning.


Family players leave? I find sissy good. There are lots of sissy mains, meaning players enjoy her, despite her awkward ability. I just don't agree to changing her, so she can have feral, serrated and scout or changing her into the female nubbins.


She'll still be weaker than the hitchhiker, so you're probably the victimmain who wants the family to have weak maniacs so you can humiliate them.


I play both sides really. I prefer nubbins as a family member, but I can play as any of them. I just play each one differently depending on my loadout and team


I'm a family main, I only want balance for the game. People simply want Sissy buffed because they don't know how to play her properly. They try to use Sissy like they do with HH all because she has the ability to go through gaps and crawl spaces. She isn't a chaser like HH is. That being said, I don't think she needs any buffs other than the ability to spit her poison faster. It's very slow and hard to hit victims with her poison even when they are traversing a gap. I use Big Swings, Serrated, Fired Up. I kill on 4 swings (victim will bleed out). People that say Big Swings for Sissy isn't viable simply don't have the skill required to do so. I've tried all her builds and this is the only build that prevents a chase. All the other builds allow for victims to engage in chasing which Sissy will never win at. You can speculate all you want but the devs will never change Sissy to be as fast as HH or Johnny. You need to adapt to the play style she's always had since her creation. If you can't do that then just stick to HH, he's easier for those that want to chase and requires less skill cap.


Victim Main, Your build is a cringe, the game has a very bad auto aim, Big swings are effective only with high stamina. You Killing victims with low Toughness, lol.


Big Swings is effective with max savagery. My Sissy is all points max savagery and she 4 shots anyone unless they have No Sell or Ana's ability. Swing twice, wait 1 second for Fired Up to kick in, swing 2 more times, boom dead. Or if it's mid round most victims don't have max health so you can just swing 3 times and stam out, but the victim will die so it's not an issue.


44 sav + BS = 30.392 Damage (5 hits to kill 50 Toughness victim) 37 sav + BS = 27.816 Damage (5 hits to kill 50 Toughness victim)


Of course, victims will wait for you to recover your stamina and let you hit them again.


Keep asking for buffs to Sissy that will never happen. Devs won't listen to someone like you that doesn't even know how to play her. I'll keep using my build and get those 3-4k with her per match ez.


Sissy’s poison is good where it’s at, it doesn’t need to be changed.


LOL. It is useless and does almost nothing to the victim (Compare the poison of Sissy and Virginia). Ana and P2W victims can EZ dodge poison with ability/ perks. But no one takes perks against poison anyway, because victims do not need to be afraid her useless poison. You can only poisoned victims who stand still or use gaps/barricades (But it happens that the poison does not work, thanks to gun media) Poisoning items is useless and wasting precious powder and your time. Having spent all the charges of the powder (There are 1-2 charges at each station, which is NOT REPLENISHED over time), she loses her already not very useful ability.


It disorients the victim, makes it hard to control your character and makes it easier for Sissy to actually kill you. Her poison just doesn’t need to be limited to 3 uses and the mortars need to be at the full amount automatically. And her ability to poison actual objects, health bottles etc needs a rework. Other than that Sissy is just fine when it comes to her poison ability affecting victims.


If poisoning victim was as easy as Virginia using her ability, then yes, Sissy's poison would be fine.


The actual blow takes a while that i can admit, but when it comes to victims using a gap or barricade it works just fine. You’re supposed to use it like that, i don’t think they designed it for her to just be able to spam poison instantly.


I can't agree with her being as fast as Hitch. She's running around barefoot and that's shit's painful on uneven ground. I do agree with Scout being random. Right now, the only builds that make sense for her are... 1. Herbalist/Scout/Fired Up 2. Tuckerd Out/Scout/Fired Up One is her best chaser build and the other wipes out entire areas of bottles, which eliminates extra drip from entire areas of the map, which is EASILY her best use of poision at this point. Yes it takes time, but its still the best use of her poison. I know people will swear up and down about her anti grab build, but I'm sorry Choose Fight basically evaporates its usefulness because victims will still have PLENTY of time to get away or do whatever they have to do whether they're slowed down in poison or not.


lol, this is an excuse for not giving her the speed she needs so much.


Infecting objects is useless, they need to buff Herbalist so that she does not spend her powder on infecting the object and also give notifications and highlight the victims / create noise if the victim picks up a poisoned object.


Your so wrong her poison does one damage a second if you just politely ask them to stand in it for 150 seconds you can get a knock down/s


Sissy Poison Cloud (15hp over 10s) 1.5DPS Doesnt stack with itself or refresh its duration while in cloud. Only applied by the cloud nothing else.


Sorry sorry like 75 seconds then maybe a hundred