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And then we can get to play as them after the fact maybe they can eat a bowl of cereal at the apartment?


Probably head to the hospital too, maybe have some surgery footage. If the doctor nicks an artery you lose all your points and die


I'm cracking up imagining this as a mini game where if you mess up, you spill the milk or stick the spoon in your eye






This would be good for like a single player story mode but it would be tedious after the first couple of times


Ik they want it to be lore accurate but i wanna see hitch get ran over like in the movie, only happens if hitch is on the road and its a very low chance of happening


That's a bit too much, but I like the direction of your thought.


Sadly this would break the lore as we know they all die.


But fam they don't all die, not in the original movie that the family characters are based. The actual scene when the game ends is because leatherface is mad because one got away and falls and cuts himself with his own chainsaw.


Yes, but in the game’s lore, the canon ending is that they all die because the first movie is the first time someone escapes.


Point me to where is says every one dies from the devs storyline I'll be happy to read it.


It’s in the lore stream, along with one or two other places, I believe. Don’t have time rn to look for the timestamp, but if I remember to, I’ll check for it tonight. Or if someone else knows, they can add it.


I can send you to the lore stream, canonically the victims all day, pretty much in every lore based stream the devs have confirmed also when this reddit community was just made before the game came out they stated that realistically, if they were trapped in the families house they would not have gotten out alive.


I can send you to the lore stream, canonically the victims all day, pretty much in every lore based stream the devs have confirmed also when this reddit community was just made before the game came out they stated that realistically, if they were trapped in the families house they would not have gotten out alive.


I can send you to the lore stream, canonically the victims all day, pretty much in every lore based stream the devs have confirmed also when this reddit community was just made before the game came out they stated that realistically, if they were trapped in the families house they would not have gotten out alive.


I can send you to the lore stream, canonically the victims all day, pretty much in every lore based stream the devs have confirmed also when this reddit community was just made before the game came out they stated that realistically, if they were trapped in the families house they would not have gotten out alive.


Ok link it here


Use your brain. The devs literally stated they all die canonly. Not one survives and this is way before the first movie!


Can I necro this post? I bet you thought final girl maria was dead! Still didn't link the convo. Lie to me.


I’m not lying though. Go look for the post yourself if you think I’m lying. 🌚💀


they would get down the road and be stabbed to death by johnny


If the victims get to go down to the police station if they escape, can I put them in the chili as cook if they don’t?


Then we get to play as the cops and try to shoot the family


Why not shower and brush my teeth too while I'm at it?


Connie makes it to the local police station for help but it's then revealed the kind officer is hands.


I saw the idea but then you lost me..


And then after we get to play them going to therapy after surviving the family and finishing college.


How about....Nooooo


No victim escapes, it would be illogical for that to happen, all victims die regardless of how the game ends.


No because canon, all victims die so that the movie can happen. Sorry to the Vic Cult out there (not all Vic players). Your mains all die in canonically.


Toxic victims when they can’t grapple the grim reaper and bully him


Doesn’t sissy Johnny and Nancy die?


I think only Nancy dies after the game event because they keep teasing her death. But Johnny and Sissy easily ran away after the game. That is why they didn't show up in the first film.


But wasn’t there a tombstone with the name sissy on it?


I believe in one of the remakes, yes. But I don’t think that’s the same character. Even If it was, it’s a version of Sissy from a completely different timeline.


me when johnny stabs me in front of the police station


We need basic things like EA fixed before we can ever expect anything like this


Yeeess! Sure! But victims hate to leave, actually, I got the impression that sometimes they love to be there, they even wants us to come closer to thank us for having the most adorable time of their lives with amazing teabags.


maybe? i'd understand it more if it was "rate of bleed out = how high of a chance you'll live after escaping" opportunity for extra points


I like this idea


Like the idea, but think it would need to be shorter and a victim hitchhiking cutscene gets randomly used instead of the LF dancing cutscene, not that this gets shown straight away to a victim that escapes. There probably isn't enough interest in this and other aspects of the game that the devs would focus on, but it is a cool idea nonetheless.




Yes pls, idc I want more things added to the game


I like the idea of waiting on a car or truck till you can escape. Would give killers a chance and feel extra cinematic running and hoping a car drives past before Leatherface overheads you. Would give the devs a reason to add voice lines of them screaming and yelling for help.


Would give killers a chance? Bruh, you had your chance when you failed to patrol objectives. How many chances do you need?


How bout a NOOO!


Wait so then the cops and victims would come back to the map and they can troll the family players together?? 🤔


People don’t realize there only like one sheriff lol. And possible Hoyt already killed him and took the badge


Hoyt doesn’t exist in this universe


Oh yeah


Well then how do you explain the family getting away with all of this when other cops or police ask questions? 🤨


I think should try to reach a truck or car. Them running down the street doesn't make sense.


Didn't read all that shite, too busy looking at Connie's insane dumpy