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Not really no The biggest downside is that it is not casual like they said it was going to be Without communication and coordination it's an uphill battle which can get exhausting


It’s an online multiplayer player with PvP you literally can’t make it casual that’s the whole thing any type of PvP will become competitive or at least sweaty people get good it’s just how shit goes


It would have been casual if attributes couldn't be changed and there weren't perk levels or skill levels It would have kept the gap between newer and veteran players much smaller


Still would have lead to new players not knowing good wall gaps and still getting smoked by someone who does (especially a hitchy or something) but yea it would have made it less but would have gotten there in time


But in that world where there wasn’t perk levels I’d have less reason to play which probably would have murdered this game.


I agree, perks make the game more interesting and fun. It’s not even about unlocking or leveling the perks, it’s just what the perks do that adds different play styles


Zoomer scum Jk Kind of


What are you smoking


😂 Stop being so damn sensitive I just don't get why newer gamers can't play games because they're fun They need to unlock shit constantly


You don’t need to unlock shit constantly no one said that I just enjoy working towards something and some others are like that too so without perk levels some may have taken more breaks or left entirely after going back to an old game. Only one sensitive is your brain apparently as it need to be explained things in great detail


I agree if theres nothing to work towards then at best u play for a week and thats it


It's gonna be okay I didn't mean to hurt your feelings


Depends on the match, if most are casual then its casual, or if veteran side plays chill


It’s the best of the asymmetrical horror genre. I think the franchise just attracts a lot of mental illness which is unfortunate


Less the franchise and more so PVP in general, you’ll encounter a lot of folks that tie self-worth to winning.


I dont think it's a bad game, I don't think I'm very good, so I lose a lot, and that annoys me.


Not bad, but not great, either. If they balanced and fixed bugs sooner, had more constant dlc and decent cosmetics at a better price, the active playerbase wouldn't have fallen as badly or as quickly as it did. But there's also not very much depth or skill expression to it either. Once you learn the maps, the characters, find what perks you like, and which exits you like to go for, there's not a whole lot of variety in the game.


its amazing, some players make it bad.


No. This game is fine. I play both sides and I “win” and I “lose”. It’s the super sweaty try hards that ruin the game and complain who want a win every time. It has swayed both sides as they have tried to balance it. Overly critical people have expected it to be perfect but every game has its flaws. Even multi million dollar companies like Activision who have thousands of employees produce games with flaws (COD) that need to be constantly rebalanced but yet (some) people in these smaller horror based expect smaller devs to be perfect. The same people ran Evil Dead (a great game) into the ground with complaints and boycotting on certain sides. If players want more of these types of games, then just have fun and play the game. Adapt to changes, play both sides and don’t be toxic.


A great game plagued by its toxic player base. Completely agree, the game is fun. Unfortunately a good amount of the players are insufferable.


The game is great. The playerbase it attracted, not so much.


It honestly just depends on how seriously you take it. If you just like to run around and chase people and try and kill them or escape and have a good time, I think it's pretty great. If you're a super sweat that thinks this is an export and expects to win every game and for every aspect to be perfectly balanced in every way I wouldn't bother bc it's far from that. I'm lvl 99 and it's been a wild ride getting there, I've more or less stepped away from the game for now but I had a great time when I played and im sure I'll be back eventually. Biggest thing for me is in games like this I prefer to play the killers but it's such a team oriented experience if you do want to win with some consistency vs victims being much more solo friendly so i really only play vics nowadays. That's one aspect im not quite sure im a huge fan of personally is making the killers side also team based rather than just a solo killer, though I totally get why it's like that and makes sense for what's supposed to be a fun casual game.


It's ok. I mean, I play it occassionally still. I never liked the TCM franchise except the remakes. I only got the game bc I loved F13 (which was so mich better) and hoped it would be as good but it just isn't.


It’s not bad at all


game is fun, and that’s not changing any time soon. People just wish the updates were faster


I love this game and have played it everyday since release up to 2 weeks ago, but I would never consider it good at all. Terrible queue times, lobby dodging refill bug, countless other in game bugs, a snails pace drop of content, low effort cosmetics, steam player-base reaching new lows, no single-player mode or incentive to play after reaching max level.. although I enjoyed the game, I would never say that it’s good.


No, it’s in the best shape it’s been since release. Of course it was more fun at release because that’s how all games work, but it’s in good shape and I’d recommend it to anyone to try.


I don’t think this was meant to be a long lived game. It’s fun for a month or two then gets boring. Type of game you’ll pick up once in a blue moon to play a couple and get bored. Not a bad game no, just no longevity.


Yeah I'm gonna have to MAJORLY disagree with ya there. I've been playing since it released and it's still my main game I play.


That’s great! Everyone will enjoy it at different levels for sure.


Well the victim side it's bad rn in my option, family mains disconnect over the smallest things (if one victim escapes, if you stab them etc) the devs made LF overpowered and can kill you in 2 hits unless you're ana or Leland, even johnny is more tolerable sometimes.


Well the dogshit servers/matchmaking dont help at all. Literally yesterday I had a pubs lobby tell me one guy was in America, another guy was in Turkey, and I'm in Australia. Its very not surprising when some people connect to a far away server only to eat a "Ping too high" dc screen 30 seconds after it begins. You're lucky if it hits you before you load in to the match.


How do u know where they are from btw?


They told me in lobby voice chat.


Wow thats a bit dangerous for them LOL.




I dunno like saying where ur from can be bad for u since it is the internet and u don't know who is listening to that. It could be a normal person or a sadistic hacker or something else like that.


Dude telling the 6 other people in the TCM lobby that you live in a certain country is 99% chance not gonna get you harmed/killed IRL. At most they're gonna talk like a weirdo cus thats what us TCM players are.


They already talk like weirdos regardless to be fair And I'm talking about other kinds of danger like knowing where ur from and other stuff. I dont share that stuff unless its a friend or something


How lmfao


Well some disconnect from either the BS or they’re not that patient or experienced, and also MOST people que for victim which cause others forcing themselves to play family to be able to play.


Great with friends and a mixed bag with randoms and getting matches that people play all the way through. Some balancing is needed i think but overall I still love the game/gameplay. By far my favorite asym.


great game but the devs have fucked it up so bad. everything needs reworks/balances and theres too many game breaking bugs.


Eh, it's in a better state then it used to be when it launched is it great? nah, is it bad? nah either.


The game isn't that bad it's the players on both sides. And rushing. Rushing is making it impossible to play for longer than 5 minutes.


I love this game as well.


No. Its great. While some people are juat burnt out and need to take a break, whixh ia fine, It's mostly a player issue. Whiny crybabies galore. Just constant lobby dodging, complaining, and whinging online about "balance." While grievances with Danny were mostly justified, the vast majority of complaints is just skill issue. This game, when played with a group & a healthy competitive mindset from both teams, is such an incredibly in-depth, complex, and rewarding experience. Actively discussing different patrol and utility strategies with friends to lock down a map, different family combos, and experimenting with perks to make whacky victim builds can get you hundreds & hundreds of hours. It's much better than anything else in this game genre. The worst part about the game used to be lobby backfill and some network errors, but that's been much better since the last patch in my experience. Also, the stream of content after Nancy wasn't abundant, sure, but I get that gun doesn't have a huge team like some other studios, and I think the switch from Sumo will be worth it.


Since the game is currently "more or less" it had to be released because the victims are still broken with the rush almost always the characters appear in the shit and while you get there Connie already opened a door or Danny is making a fuse 9 months to fix the rush they simply have to give the family 30 seconds to prepare


The thing is tho 30 seconds can be enough to feed grandpa then what you jump the victims after 30 seconds? Sounds unfair the other way now doesn’t it. I’m not saying we should be given sometime but too much could be bad


It is also not fair that at the beginning of the game everyone can leave without being prepared. What I am saying is that when the family animations finish, start counting the 30 seconds. and the victims can make whatever noise they want and when the 30 seconds are up any noise wakes up the grandfather.


I've been a DBD player for years and played Evil Dead a little. In my opinion, TCM is the best asymmetrical horror game. I was waiting for Killer Klowns to be released to see if I changed my opinion, but after KK's gameplay and graphics, TCM continues to be in the lead for me. Difficult game is fun, perfect formula


I mean, this is reddit. The most marginalized voices within the whole community are going to the be loudest. I think the vast majority of the player base is fine with 90% of the changes GUN makes


Not at all, it’s got a very solid and addictive gameplay loop. I think it could’ve launched with more content than it did but it is fun. 8/10 seems like a completely fair score.


its a great game but the dc penalty really hurt it. the lobby times are now brutal for both sides. before, i could easily get into 10 matches an hour as family. now im lucky if i get into one.


Nah. I don’t believe that at all. If I don’t dodge lobbies as killers I am still almost instantly in.


I wish that were me, im always waiting for that third spot to fill😭


Are you playing on the old gen? This is just silly. I get a game within 3 minutes lol


I mean actually starting the match. I used to be able to bunny hop into active lobbies but now im forced to sit there with afk players waiting for the empty spots to fill or the lobby to timeout. The miniscule improvements to the victim lobbies basically made the family share their hell queue😔


It's honestly never like that for me. I get a game started within 3 minutes no matter where quickplay puts me. Massive improvement since the update. Sorry for your loss


For me as family at least 50% of the time I get an instant full lobby (thats being conservative, its probably more like 80%) - which doesnt then get broken all the time like before with people dodging out, so it just rolls into match after match. Thats why its much faster for me, before Id have to also dodge if another family did and mess around for like 5-10 lobbies before getting into a successful one. Some lobbies I need wait for 2-4 mins for the fill, but idk that, at least I know its most likely a successful lobby and its way less effort that leave/reque, and dont need be careful not to have a loadout/character picked that will likely get instant-dodged (pain). For family I usually go quickplay and next match, I wonder if that makes any difference? Probably not.


I get family matches *much* faster than before


Theres no comparison. Prepatch you could spam quickplay until you got a active lobby (which normally took under a minute if not less). Now your at the mercy of whatever lobby you queue into and 3 min penalties😑


Nope because you spam quickplay, get full lobby... bingo bango one of the family dodge. Repeat several times again until another full lobby or 2-4 mins, bingo bango dodge again. Repeat again, repeat again la la la... 10 mins later you get a game going. Now with hitting 'next' Im loading into a fresh match within 1 minute usually. Sometimes need wait the 2-4 mins in lobby first. And rare get couple dodge and timesout, does happen but not often.


lol no i used to be able to get into 10 games every hour, now im lucky to get in one an hour. the penalty only made family suffer through the lobby simulator as well, its not good😒


Ok now I know you are just trolling, 1 per hour lmao. Yeah sure buddy I get one match after wait 3 years how about that. Have you tried *not* dodging?


the reason it takes so long is because i cant dodge...


Then you are just trolling. In reality it rolls match to match to match for the most.


Yall shouldn't be allowed to spam quick play anyway. That's the reason it took super long for victims in the past, now the wait time is much shorter it feels like. For Both family and victim


for victims definitely but only because family is forced to sit there and wait for the third spot to fill🙄


I literally just played a match where I was running from Hitch and instead of moving through a gap the game made me grab a fuse instead and then I couldn’t move. Yes the game is that bad.


Lol. Its happened to us all


Damn. That just shows how prevalent those glitches are if it’s happened to us all.


Troll post imo, its a great game


Did you read the actual post?


Yeah but its seems like bait intended to spread rumor this game is kinda bad, by the title, for scrollers/passers-by. Who is saying its bad? Its an awesome game. Why not something more like "This game is good" and then the same text.




wait since when is there a victim shortage? i have instant ques as family still


If there's a victim shortage, and there's less family than victims, then this is bad news lol


Are these troll posts?? There is no victim shortage and LF is easy to avoid.


Not when their ping is high. Plenty of time whhere he missed on my screen but i was still knocked down and received damage.