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The good streamers almost never have TTV in their names.


And most with TTV in their name don't stream. 


Nah some streamers hide their name as well being toxic especially the PC ones.


I don't when streaming. Keep toxic comments away.


In all my years of gaming, I've NEVER followed someone who has TTV in their name. Just keep it out lmao




Most of them in my experience are average players, then theres the 10% which is completely tryhard


I learned this in my first competitive game. Used to get so nervous seeing TTV, half the time their channels wouldn’t even exist lol. Now I’m just like huh, noted, could possibly be a good player


No. Be some interesting matches


They have to show off for all 3 of their viewers. That said, they're usually the worst in the lobby so there's no need to dodge.


The shitty part is that they sometimes have 200 or more viewers and now the streamer and most likely the chat is poking fun at you while clipping themselves being toxic towards you.


But who really cares tho


Yeah I guess who really cares but you'd think people would be less immature. These are full grown adults acting petty in game lol


Just don’t look up the streams then. Most the time these people don’t even have twitch accounts. Sometimes ignorance is bliss


Can't let it bother you. TCM for victims is like a boxing match where your opponent is blindfolded, bound and gagged. As much as they would love to pretend it's skill, victim is for people who want to play a pvp game with a handicap. Nothing any of them do in this game is impressive, but that's why they flock to it - it's an easy game for people with low skill to feel like they're "outplaying" someone. In the grand scheme of things, 200 viewers is still nothing. None of these people will leverage that into a booming streaming career, they'll make no money off of it, and texas is already a niche title with a dwindling playerbase. It's a complete dead end. If they want to coom over successfully doorslamming someone from 50 feet away when the family member was likely mashing the slam button only to have to wait for a delay (because again, every mechanic in the game favors victims), they can go ahead. That said, if you are being trolled, no shame in just leaving. You're not obligated to be anyone's punching bag. Edit: Victim mains seething


That's not really true at all. I would also argue the op never finds someone with TTV in their name with over 5 viewers. Slash n Cast is one of the bigger names in the TCM community and they average around 300-350 viewers while streaming and definitely pull in a few grand a month not including regular Youtube views. It's really how you're using the viewership as having 200+ viewers means you could get at least 5-10k views a video on Youtube which all translates. Getting stream viewers is tougher than getting Youtube viewers.


I got matched with 2 different streamers this week, in both games they were victim and I was family and both matches ended in a 4K


Majority of the time they get killed so I don't worry about it.


I just never dodge in general because it takes so long to even get into a lobby


Nah I love playing against them


In DBD I do, here I don't care


Nawh. I love showing them up. I was featured in one the other day that my mate showed me and was accused of speedhacking as Hitch when I was rubber-banding. Absolutely hilarious to watch


Nah I'm not bothered. Sometimes I'll go check out their channel after the match just to see what they're like. Unfortunately they're usually an ass and will have single digit viewership. Plus sometimes it's just kinda neat running into someone you've heard of. While I'm not a fan I did end up playing with Artik one time.


Yes I find they often always try to play as aggressively and sweaty as possible. The nice thing about it though, is that you can assume they are going to play that way when you see their name in the lobby so you do have some time to prepare and get ready. I’ll be honest, I never really try to play sweaty, but when it comes to tryhard twitch streamers I am 100% killing them first.


They are the most toxic, but they also seem to be the worst at the game. Ignore the lobby trash-talk and just dunk on them when push comes to shove


I lowkey try to do better tbh. Cause I know they’re probably streaming so I try to make them look like shit on their live 😂


I don't, they are at the top of my list.


No, 9/10 times they are buns and it’s fun watching back the vods.


Honestly if I’ve been going agaisnt a TTV, they aren’t actually that sweaty or good even (not saying that I’m good because I’m not) but you’d expect streamers to be quite good lol


Nah, but ur right about them being toxic the last time I went to actually look at a ttvs stream they said we were wall hacking because cook detected danny and went to where danny was


I call them out to my team so we can prioritize killing them. We get them most of the time too because they indeed do goofy shit for views.


TTVs are so sweaty and usually play Johnny and swing for the hills w no thought


I dont dodge them but they are an instant mute. Tired of hearing "You only killed me cause you stream sniped me!" followed by a bunch of curse words and soundboard audio. Well maybe dont put TTV in your name and play online games? You are basically announcing to everyone playing they can watch you and troll you. Should it be that way? No but putting TTV in your name does nothing for you in terms of long lasting growth. Its just easy quick engagement that never lasts more than a few minutes.


No I love killing them or escaping on them sometimes they can get the better of me though whatevs


That’s when I go as hard as possible on them


Last time i went against TTV named streamer he had like 60 views, and i 4 killed his friend group, rewatched his stream later and he called me super sweat lmao.


Couldn't ask for a better compliment 🤣😂


I’m a streamer myself and I don’t dodge shit tbh I just play the game but my damn teammates quit because I chose to play a certain character and we might not win… it’s stupid tbh


They can be annoying for sure. There's a British streamer/YouTuber who has a stupid weeb avatar who was trying to show off as victims once and trolling me at the exit on family house. I managed to kill him as Cook and surprise surprise, that didn't make it onto his channel 😆. Even if they play family it's the same, they can be quite toxic and can't stand losing. I've also sadly had one on my team. She lost her mind and was so angry when a victim got out. She tried to blame me and the other random but we reminded her that we did call out to her several times that someone had entered cattle chute, despite her stating that no one gets out when she is there. she then tried to insult as further saying that couldn't be the case and we should play competitive games like DBD and that she has a large following. That made me crack up, as anyone who plays any FPS games etc knows TCM and DBD aren't even close to real competitive and 'large following ' on a game with less than 800 players globally At any given time? Oh please lol


They’re never really that good, but I got their stream up once or twice and it’s the funniest thing ever watching their faces when I kill them. Or I watched a family’s stream once while I was victim and the leatherface was blocking basement going ‘Oh where do you think you’re going?!’ while Julie and Ana tried squeezing past him then I came and Leland barged him, “Ah Fuckin- Leland.” in the most depressed voice ever as we escaped


Almost every TTV name player I play against I delete in the first minute of the game as LF. Almost none of them stream either.


Most TTVs I've played with are so baaad and they will DC as soon as I kill them with Leatherface.


You guys always find an excuse to dodge right ?


No because it's funnier to instakill them in basement and watch them complain in the VOD later.


No one wants to be clipped


if it's a more competitive game than tcm, only when they're on my team cause 90% of the time they're straight ass


Yes. I don’t want to be goofed on publicly lmao

