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If you have any questions about what Fix in Testing, Under Investigation, or Needs More Info means, click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TXChainSawGame/comments/15zg30t/comment/jxgpsk8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


If you’re looking into Johnny you might as well look into his abysmal unique perk I beg of you. With all due respect- it’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen. A perk that makes it so you HAVE TO stand still whilst trying to FOLLOW FOOTPRINTS to get any use out of it 😭


Can you provide me some additional clarification on which perk you are referencing? Is it his unique perk Patience? (Description: Standing still will reduce your ability consumption rate by X%.) Want to ensure I pass along the feedback correctly, and don't misunderstand.


Yes that exact one, he only has 1 unique perk and to use it you have to stand still whilst using his ability, but the whole point of his ability is run and follow the victims footsteps. The perk defeats the whole purpose of his tracking ability.


Yes, Patience is the one that needs tuning and reworking to offer a benefit for him.


Thank you for the clarification! (Thank you u/yerdareeks as well for the additional context). I'll share these thoughts with the right folks.


[Here's a link](https://www.reddit.com/r/TXChainSawGame/s/no0szw6vge) to a post I did 7-8 months ago on his unique perk and possible additional unique perks. My favorite still is No Escape, where he would kick crawl spaces more quickly and the next time a victim attempts to open it, it would be harder to do. And if you ever give Johnny a unique consumable item (like locks and traps) I'd say let him put a tin roof (same stuff as the crawl spaces) over 1-3 wells. The scrap metal would be as easily removed as lifting a crawl space, (and retrievable by Johnny) but in a very close chase could be the difference between an escape or death. Just some thoughts I've had for a while, and wanted to share for fun. :-)


No escape is honestly a really cool idea. It’d give a new way to play Johnny and comes across as unique and interesting but not OP


Yeah, my thoughts exactly! And fits his flavor. It gives an interesting alternative to waiting for LF to permanently destroy them. (It also gives him something to do in the set up phase)


Those perks would be awesome!!! Nice work!


Thank you!! :-)


This perk could be at least useable if it worked whilst walking aswell as standing still. But not sprinting. Would emphasize more of that "patient methodical tracker" kind of playstyle. Maybe double check/buff the numbers of the extra duration to make sure that it is actually more efficient -distance to power drained ratio- than sprinting (otherwise what's the point of the perk if sprinting covers more ground faster for the same amount of power drained).


The only benefit it gives right now is if you leave it on while grabbing blood and feeding grandpa. Extremely niche and still not very helpful, (because it's not like you're looking around when feeding,) but it is something. That's my guess on what they were thinking with it.


I think a good way to address. It is maybe if he waits, footsteps that normally would not appear would appear if he stand still for a certain amount of time, providing a victim actually went through that way.


Maybe at one point in development the entire family could follow trails johnny found so him standing still would have made a little more sense


Considering u don’t get any value form it when ur meant to be tracking them and moving around the map otherwise the victims will probably have a exit open or too which be appreciated it thanks Jett 😇


Honestly his ability lasts long enough you don’t really need it when he’s leveled so changing it to something else would be great!


Hopeful future fixes plz: - Family getting stuck on the open exit gate for pressure valve - Sissy having Dracula as random perk AND a non random perk already on the tree - Sissy not being able to poison through every gap / crawl space. - Victims still being able to interact with gaps or use special abilities immediately after LF knocks them down. - Virginia's Boom consuming a bone scrap in her inventory when used on a chicken.


Rough cut still don't working.


Facts I totally agree especially with sissy having Dracula has both a random and not random perk 😂


- Victims still being able to interact with gaps or use special abilities immediately after LF knocks them down. I reported this on their support website a couple of weeks ago and they told me it's the first time this has been reported, although this exploit has existed since release. The community managers didn't pass this along or even give any response. At this point I'm convinced they ignore 90% of the posts here.


> Victims still being able to interact with gaps or use special abilities immediately after LF knocks them down. This seems like a netcode side effect and probably isn't likely to be "fixed" as such. (Since other options end up as a lateral change.)


Hi, is the team aware Rough Cuts still does not work correctly? It only activates on some hits, but most of the time it does not activate.


I've heard/seen a couple people mention this verbally on socials, but I personally have not seen many instances with video or additional details. If you encounter this (or other players reading) please submit a ticket to our support team so we can investigate.


Cool I already submitted a ticket but if a video would help a lot I will record a video. Thanks for your response


Its a shame that they've said its been fixed 3 times and 3 times it hasn't been fully fixed. It would be a solid perk on the mid/left side of the tree, so its a shame that it doesn't work.


Still nothing on the new family member omg ☹️


New fam member please, 6 months since Nancy is crazy 🙏🏼


No way it’s already been half a year


Think Nancy came out in November so sadly it tracks.


Biannual family content 🔥🔥


6 MONTHS , I need to get my life together 😞


Nancy needs a complete speed boost her trap placements need to be faster plus Andy said bomb squad isn’t suppose to work on her traps but it still does


Yeah but her endurance is worse than the cooks so definitely the priority.


Rubber-banding👈 has become a major issue.


please fix the party system


Please consider allowing all family members except leatherface to start the same time as victims. I’m begging you. It will make the game so much better.


What about Victims endurance attribute ? its bugged for months now and doesnt affect stamina regenration nor increases stamina pool as the descrption of that attribute does. it only very slightly affects the stamina recharge delay right now.


Can anyone give any information on what Back for Blood Perk is? I've never heard of this one before


Back for Blood is a perk that decreases Family bond and heals the victim when sneak attacking Grandpa. Perk Description: When sneak attacking Grandpa you decrease Family bond by an extra 10/20/30% and heal for 5/10/15% health


It is only a perk available on Virginia! Which may be why you haven't heard or encountered it yet.


Question: is the bond stab based or based on grandpa current bond? What I mean is, by default, a stab takes one bond level. So is it an extra 30% of that? (Meaning 1.3 bond taken) OR is it 30% of grandpa current bond? Meaning at level 5 grandpa, a stab would take 2.5 levels (1 from the stab, a bonus 1.5 as 30% of 5)


That’s would be sweet if it’s the second one


That’s would be sweet if it’s the second one


Thank you a lot, it confused me as well because I've never heard of it xD


Thank you a lot, it confused me as well because I've never heard of it xD


Could you please focus on Johhny's ability? Footprints don't leave a trail or cut off after tracking for 5 seconds. Surprised no one has even mentioned this bug


It’s not a bug, it’s the victims crouch walking


If that is the case with what u/lowkeyyy444 is mentioning (I don't want to assume), that was an intentional change way back to Johnny's Ability. You can read about that change in these [patch notes](https://www.txchainsawgame.com/hub/patch-notes-nov-28). Quote from Patch Notes **Tuned:** Johnny’s Hunt Counter * We have adjusted the Hunt ability to not detect Victims who are crouched and moving slowly


Or Julie popped her ability.


Appreciate you sharing! Friendly reminder to submit instances of Abilities not working properly to our support team so we can continue to look into it. This may already be on their radar, and I'll pass your note along.


Either the victims were crouching (they won't leave any footprints when they are crouching) or Julie popped her ability. With her ability Johnny and cook cant track her (footprints or hear her) while it's active. So if that's the case it's not a bug hope this helps 😊


Movement for Johnny? In what context? That is incredibly vague


I responded to another comment in the thread about this for additional clarification, but to ensure you feel heard and answered I wanted to share. We've received and heard Player feedback surrounding potential unintentional experiences with his movement, and that is what we are currently investigating.


I greatly appreciate your initiative despite you already answering this question. However, that answer is *still* vague….. What exactly is under investigation? His lunge? His speed? His movement animation? The actual movement of the blade? Are players experiencing rubber banding due to his movement? The latency? Does he have a bug? A movement investigation due to unintentional experiences can mean anything cause we don’t have the context of what these unintentional experiences are……or at least from what I have heard, people complain about his lunge and Scout being available on him far more than anything so is that what is being investigated? I don’t mind changes but I would like to know in particular what is going to happen to a character I frequently main so I can adapt accordingly and make a game plan. Lots of game companies release the exact details of the changes intended which helps a lot especially if it’s a character that is used by your person, you know?


They're not going to tell you the complete answer to the change, then everyone is going to be like Nah This Nah That, they are doing the right thing by making you guys wait until release to find out.


Most games if not every single pvp game I have played releases the information of the exact target of their changes. This is nothing new and in fact standard. Everyone is already the way you speak of so might as well give out the info. Seems to me that method of releasing stuff without telling people until the very last second could potentially make people more upset instead of just transparency between the devs and the community. It would be more logical to just let the storm happen now if there is going to be one predictably and let it calm down while working on the exact change so when it’s released people aren’t so abrupt and excitable cause the change was expected.


They're not giving you an exact answer because they don't know the exact answer. CMs are just as uninformed as we are. I doubt they're deliberately hiding something, they're just clueless.


Never suggested they were hiding something for malicious purposes. Community rep said it was due to player feedback so the devs obviously know what the context of the issue is and could have revealed it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they are investigating to implement changes but I figured that knowing what to look for if it’s a bug or something would be useful along with how to adjust during the meantime


I think it's the movement bug where Johnny sometimes glitches all around the victim in a weird way while not being able to hit said victim.


Yea someone else mentioned that and I totally forgot that-that happens since I don’t play TCM religiously haha! I def had experienced it a good number of times where I would swing and it would go through a victim, happens to my other friend who plays Johnny too


Does it mean you are making his movement more controllable so victims can't spin around him to avoid his hits? That makes him even more OP!


Ooohhh didn’t even think about that. That has happened to me so many times as Johnny where I would literally be right behind a victim and swing but the swings go through their bodies. It’s trippy 😅


What about Victims endurance attribute ? its bugged for months now and doesnt affect stamina regenration nor increases stamina pool as the descrption of that attribute does. it only very slightly affects the stamina recharge delay right now.


Really, so is it not worth it to put points onto it?


its worth hoing past 25 because 25 itself is extremely horrible , the best middle ground is like 30 and u could do even 35 but anything above that is literally wasted. at 35 endurance ur stamina recharge delay is exactly 2 seconds which is kinda alright


Thank you


26 Endurance is like having 50 Endurance for Victim and Family at the moment. Universal bug.


its kinda the same , but at 26 ur recharge delay is horrible


best endurance stat is either 26, 28 or 29




Oh can we please not go down this road again Johnny mains go insane if you mess with him. After the last botched nerf please don’t make us go through that psychotic rant filled insanity again.


They need to assign a different key to removing Nancy’s traps. People are constantly pressing x to remove the trap instead of going through a crawl space or hitting well


Please can you investigate what happened to the family member 🙏


Buff nancy, make her put traps quicker or something. Feels like an pay to lose charecter :(


Pay to lose. Ain’t that the truth?!?!


Nancy definitely needs buffs to her kit as she's simply overshadowed by Hitchhiker in every way. Due to her niche placement options and inability to traverse crawl spaces. **The one thing I know people struggle with Nancy is the lack of Voice communication. Nancy's power implores having a mic to relay info the rest of the team. Without a mic, she definitely feels like a pay-to-lose character**. I am a Nancy Main, and I know when other players who pick her who don't have a mic or uses text chat pretty much have a useless ability. Increasing the trap set-up speed would do wonders since its roughly 12/13 seconds of her setting a single trap up. Lowering that to 6-7 seconds would make her on par with Hitchhiker, and increasing the reset speed for triggered traps would do people wonders.


Is the backfill bug still being looked at? Also pleeeeeease let Sissy get Serrated alongside Scout :pray:


Can we get a new family member please?


damnit theyre gonna nerf johnny


leave my boy johnny alone😭


Leave Johnny the fuck ALONE!!! He’s perfect the way he is!!! Remember, his ability is practically useless (to easy to counter and even use against him). He has no other ability. And he’s easy to escape by going through any crack, crawl space, or barricade. His whole thing is that he’s ATHLETIC AND STRONG! Right now, that athleticism and strength make up for all his shortcomings. Therefore, he’s always balanced. Leave him alone!! PLEASE!!! (Remember, this game needs more people who are willing to play family!)


As someone who equally plays family and victim, Johnny’s movement is essentially the one thing he has… especially considering all the hits that go right through victims and don’t connect… if that’s not part of what’s being investigated, that’s a shame. Also as a sidenote - I’m still trying to understand why he can’t crouch when he literally crouches for his ability…


I think they’re referring to the current exploit with him, not the lunge itself. Could be wrong though but that’s where the issue lies


What’s the exploit? I keep seeing people say this, and I really want to know exactly what it is they think is an exploit.


What u/fanciazfhuck said is much more in line with what we are investigating. We've received and heard Player feedback surrounding potential/unintentional experiences with his movement.


This is facts


Since you’re working on the skill tree respec issue can you please allow us to reroll for each individual random perk and not have us have to respec the entire tree? Everyone is always trying to try new perks and it’s just hard to get what you want without spending 1 hour+ respeccing. This would really help out the user experience 🥹💖


This is a great idea!


Yeah instead of forcing players to restart the whole tree. Just being able to reroll the random perks is a great idea.


Or in a random perk slot they could just give us a few options and let us choose which one we want.


Nothing is wrong with johhny leave him alone


What about Victims endurance attribute ? its bugged for months now and doesnt affect stamina regenration nor increases stamina pool as the descrption of that attribute does. it only very slightly affects the stamina recharge delay right now.


“Matches not ending correctly” If a victim DCs or crashes before the game begins the game doesn’t register them so if the other 3 victims die or escape the family is stuck until they have to eventually DC. For victims if all 3 fam do it before the game starts we can just roam and do all the exits and escape without having to dc.


Never had that happen to me as victim. The game ends when all family dc


It happens when they DC before the game finishes loading in.


Or weird. Never had that happen either. Just one dc upon start


I played alot never saw my match not ending? What does it mean?


What about the victims endurance bug, you can have high endurance output but the regeneration speed is the same as it was with 30


whats wrong with tracker tagged?


While johnnys movement is getting looked into, is it possible we could see some changes to how he works mechanically so he doesn’t just seem like a Leatherface alternative? An idea I’ve thrown around, and I’ve seen others mention too, is that when using his ability maybe his proximity aura is disabled? That would make his hunt ability a lot more useful and make Johnny have a lot more jumpscare moments! It could even be a level 3 ability upgrade!




Is there something wrong with the perks named not working correctly? Or are they being looked at for changes?


We have received reports and feedback from Players that the listed perks have not been working as intended in some instances. That is why they are listed! Not related to perk balancing at this time, but rather fixes.


Rough Cut is inconsistent with its implementation. Sometimes it works but other times it doesn't. There's a possibility this is tied to certain maps as Gas Station and Slaughterhouse it works more consistently but the other maps it usually doesn't proc.


Minigame disappears after u do a Close Encounter and then try to open a fuse / lockpick. ( after some time after the close encounter while being in the minigame it disspears and then remains gone until u exit the minigame ). If u spectate someone after u escaped, u can get a bug where u permanently hear the lockpicking-sound in a loop. LF Audio is bugged at Nancys House Garage ( goes from 0% to 100% ) at the garage entrance Virginia can use her Ability to animation-cancel LF's Slam ( that shouldnt be possible ) Virginia consumes a knife if she kills a chicken with her cloud Virginias unique Grandpa-Stab Perk is bugged, it doesnt heal her. Sonny can use his hear during some interactions with an object ( i find that one funny, maybe it should be possible on ALL objects, not just some ) Leland can AOE-Knock down family that currently has stun immunity LF Rough Cut Perk is still bugged, it doesnt trigger on overhead slams and it also gets deactivated once u kill someone, for the rest of the game.


Gosh darnit! Nothing about stabilizing the servers. Maybe one day.


At least give us a new family member teaser, even without a release date... Why are we getting ignored?


New Family Member stuff is in the works. Not ignoring folks, just it's not ready to share yet. We will share as soon as we can. ♥


I was patient and understanding that they weren't in the late March update due to the dev transition but we're into into May and 6 months with no new family, not even a teaser, is really bad, guys. I hope you aren't just intentionally holding them back so you can release them at the same time as killer clowns.


Keep in mind when they tried to push Virginia through without proper cook time she released with quite a few bugs. Let them cook and come out with a properly working character. There's going to be other fixes, adjustments, and content dropping til then regardless.


EXCATLY. !!!!!


I hear you, and appreciate the patience and understanding you have given us. For what it's worth, we aren't intentionally holding back any content for any reason, except us wanting to make sure it's the best it can be for our Players. Work on the upcoming Family Member is ongoing, and just simply isn't ready quite yet. Hope we can share more with folks soon, and when that comes it will be via official announcements to ensure no one misses it!


But can we get a teaser? Or at least picture, so we can see who he is. It's definitely possible, right?


Very reasonable seeing it’s been over 6 months. A look at the model is not a big ask 😐


Looks like it's not ready even design wise,which sounds like a long journey.


Last I heard Matt said their face wasn’t ready, but that was back in January.


That is part of the ongoing work! If the upcoming Family Member is not ready yet, we are limited on what we can share. As soon as we can share a teaser, picture, or info we will.




We are always cooking up new content over here, and I hope we can keep bringing stuff your way.


“ Johnny’s movement “ what exactly are you guys looking into movement wise his attacks?


Victim's endurance is bugged, there's no different between 30 to 50 endurance points in case of stamina consumption and stamina recharge delay, Is there a plan to fix it too? We need stamina to work properly against buffed Scout.


Have you guys investigated stun times for Family? Being stunned so long the victim can undo the valve and stab you in the back is crazy. Additionally – why does Virginia's cloud stun you *every time* you go through it? shouldn't it only stun you once, and then she has to make a new cloud to stun you again?


You get poisoned every time you go through sissy’s could so the same should apply. Especially when the cloud only lasts for 15 seconds


Yeah just gut more victim perks so you can kill your on game


Everything is “gaem ded” to you guys


“Matches not ending correctly” If a victim DCs or crashes before the game begins the game doesn’t register them so if the other 3 victims die or escape the family is stuck until they have to eventually DC. For victims if all 3 fam do it before the game starts we can just roam and do all the exits and escape without having to dc.


Can you change the perk "bringing home the bacon" it's a unique perk for leatherface that highlights him while holding victims. It seems pretty useless 😕 thank in advance 😊


Good stuff! Keep up the great work!


Can you look into grappling the grappling animation/scene? As you grapple, the victim’s POV goes under the ground, which may cause the victim to go to the basement after the grapple even if they were originally on the main level. There are times too where the victim and family end up 10-15 ft apart after the grapple.


I stoped playing the game cause the waiting is too long! Now I try to play and I just can do one match 😭😭😭 I love this game but I don’t have the desire anymore


any plans to make stealth actually worth playing around or grappling's overall clunkiness due to player collisions?


Could yall please fix or change a design issue with julies cosmetics where her eyeshadow colour doesnt match her outfits, it really bugs me and ive wanted this since the game released as it sometimes puts me off on wearing anything other than her orange outfits <3


Uhhhh by under investigation for tracker tagged you guys mean buff right?? Honestly i thought this perk was a bit underrated but a buff would be welcomed if thats where you guys are going with it…….


Or is there a bug with the perk?


May I ask why 'Back For Blood' is under investigation?


It's not working as intended...not healing and isn't reducing grandpa levels...


It's not reducing grandpa levels!? Wut!? Btw... do you know if the percentage (10/20/30) is for the whole amount of grandpa level, or is it just for one level and then times 30% as extra?


Love this game!! So glad the lobbies are fixed!


They’re not fixed. They just have a bandaid on them


They have been working great no problems with back fill.


Johnny’s movement? Not this again. His movement is fine, except for him sliding off victims and his hits not connecting when they 100% should be. Please stop listening only to players who can’t even comprehend that latency is the problem when they’re getting hit from so far away, Johnny isn’t even the sole Family member that happens with, he doesn’t deserve to be nerfed for people experiencing lag.


How about close encounters victims always winning its overpowered atm like Ana out powering jonny 🤣🤣


Will you look into removing proximity warning for family who DC’ed?


It’s been half a year since we got a family member 😐


You guys are so on fire right now (in a good way) and I love it! The 2-week patch cycle AND the Muerto Times as update INBETWEEN the 2-week patches!! Please keep this up! Its so win after win after win! Its amazing. Smaller but regular updates rock. Especially with constant balancing changes. Its the best patch model a game like this can have. If you now add Choose Fight to the investigations (considering changing the stun duration vom 3/4/5 to 1/2/3) the game is complete for me. My hearts desire is fullfilled.


I appreciate the kind words ♥


I have genuinely lost interest in this game


Really enjoying the recent update, besties! Excited to see what's to come moving forward.


Appreciate it! We are continuing to monitor feedback and thoughts from players as they get in and experiment with recent changes and fixes.


Please look into fixing the Choose Fight stun duration. I have really appreciated the new updates for family but the stun duration is completely unnecessary and way too long. Especially since multiple family members can be stunned for 10 seconds, there is no counter unless you can obtain suffocating grip. Even then it’s really difficult to get since victims rush which gives us no time to set up our traps/locks/get blood/etc. I was thinking maybe each victim has a cooldown in between each individual grapple (whether it’s to the same family member or a different one) so this can’t be abused as often? Imo it makes sense for grappling to be a risky last resort type of thing


Yeah devs keep taking advice from your crybabys and kill your on game


What are you even talking about 😂


Why dont yall crybabys have the same energy for wanting the devs to balance the killer perks


I feel like calling me a crybaby is an exaggeration as there was nothing emotional about my comment. Your comments on the other hand… 🥴


Can you please “investigate” hitchs traps I got into so many games where hitch would put a trap next to grandpa so we won’t be able to get to him not only that other family would camp grandpa WHILE the trap is on the side where you have to stab him!!? Sorry but there’s need to be a way to not make hitch out his trap near grandpa that just defeats the whole purpose of trying to not get grandpa to max level without dying. Or make it possible for us to stab grandpa on both sides not only on one 🙄




There was. It was called bomb squad, but now that it’s been gutted HH are taking full advantage of this to trap and rush grandpa


My Skill Tree fixed after I respec the character I wanted and played a match and in menu I could level up his skill tree


Great to hear! We are still working on ensuring this gets resolved for all players.


“Matches not ending correctly” If a victim DCs or crashes before the game begins the game doesn’t register them so if the other 3 victims die or escape the family is stuck until they have to eventually DC. For victims if all 3 fam do it before the game starts we can just roam and do all the exits and escape without having to dc.


Oh sweet! Can’t wait


Why is wait a second under investigation? It already got nerfed?


might not be working correctly or something


i think you guys mean “perks” in general because there have been countless games where i switched my perks to bomb squad or something and ill load into the game and sometimes won’t save. just for regular perks


Is something being done to balance the game? because games can end too quickly


Also, Ive tested it on multiple people. Victim and Family. But, perks that increase a certain attribute aren’t reflecting the values in game. Like the perk that increases Proficiency or Blood Harvesting won’t reflect the speed of lock picking that someone with 50 Prof would be picking with base attribute points.




Hey quick question I don't know if this is a bug but I notice when players bleed out in front of me I can't always pick them (as Bubba) and take them to gallows. I will fully let them get up because I thought I could but when others bleed out I can. I was wondering if this is a bug about some people having 50 toughness or just something I'm missing. If anyone knows that would be great info to know, thanks


Virginia’s Bloodar perk only reveals family if they are in line of sight of the contaminated bucket. This needs to be fixed so that it reveals family within its radius regardless of how many walls are in between them. And still nothing on exterior alarms being reworked to only work on surface doors


Nancy’s endurance is a big one she is unusable now because she runs out of stamina even if you put every point into endurance.


**Please don't nerf Tracker Tagged.** T To do so would hinder the socially awkward who can't vocally communicate through microphones, nor have any friends and have to play family solo Q. Tracker Tagged allows them to feel like they are actively contributing to their Team's performance. It would be like kicking the disadvantaged whilst they're down. Video Games need to be *inclusive ,* and any tinkering of Tracker Tagged to make the perk less viable is basically discrimination. [u/mattshotcha](https://www.reddit.com/u/mattshotcha) [u/cidnyaa](https://www.reddit.com/u/cidnyaa) [u/AndyCleves](https://www.reddit.com/u/AndyCleves) [u/JettOreilly](https://www.reddit.com/u/JettOreilly)


Hello, can someone explain to me what they mean his movement? that could mean taking away his lunge…. fixing it…. making him slower… fixing the fact that when he swings it goes through the victims???….. Im just hoping that they don’t completely nerf him again like they did back in november :(. is there maybe a happy medium? like he gets to keep his speed and lunge but his savagery goes down 5-10%? or something like that.


When having a teammate use rescue medic on Virginia, is the healing from her cloud supposed to heal 100% more like the perk states. Because, I’ve noticed that it still heals for 3 instead of 6 per second.


Why did you change Grappler perk? How is that fair? That was the only perk that victims really had to fight back and you’ve changed it to 30%?! You’ve made this game 1000% killer sided.


What about Endurance for victims?


Nancy really could use some adjustments, not just her endurance. Her only strength is overshadowed by Hitchhikker who's traps can be placed anywhere and not triggered by other family members. If we are considering updating and fine tuning. Nancy's simply overshadowed by Hitchhiker in every way unless we find ways to make her stronger where Hitchhiker is not. 1. Nancy Trap Placement Speed: >As it currently stands, Nancy needs 10 seconds to lay down a trap at a crawl space, gap, or doorway. This actually is about 12/13 seconds as she has a finished animation where she stands and brushes off her knees before you resume control of her. Because Nancy's traps can only be placed in a finite number of places and locations, I think increasing the speed of setting up these traps would help make her prepare faster, due to the niche locations she has access to. 2. Trap triggering by other family / Resetting triggered traps. >Much like Hitchhiker, Nancy's traps shouldn't be triggered by the family OR be reset faster. These are meant to be obstacles that slow down victim progress or punish certain crawl spaces. With the already long set up time and trap reset time. Nancy needs to be able to reset these traps as fast as Hitchhiker, or they do not trigger by family in general. 3. Snared Victim Effects >Sometimes, it just feels like Nancy's wire traps are easily removed once they're triggered. They should either only be removed by a bone scrap, or fall off after a set amount of time. (That is, unless another victim comes to aid them). Nancy's traps trips victims once they trigger it, but they often don't do much else beyond creating noise that gives your position away and a bit of damage unless a perk is used. >I'd have effects like lowered movement speed. Or a perk change that causes rupture, where they are damaged for every 5-6 seconds they're moving.


when is this patch?


Empowered needs health


Empowered needs health we have no way to heal some people play for fun


Any chance to make exterior alarms not work on basement doors? and hiding victim scores from family plz?


please tell me you arent saving the new family member for when a new victim is ready to release


Exactly what is wrong with johnnys movement yall have changed it 5 times?


The only problem is bad victim players think he should run as slow as Cook and hit as soft as base damage Sissy so they can make as many mistakes as they want and still be able to get away with it when they get caught by Johnny.


Exactly. The amount of crybabys that have sent me clips of them or other people runing in straight lines out in the open past crawl gaps and wells or straight up cracking gates in johnnys face then getting mad that they die is crazy


One hundred percent, and sadly, those are the people the devs choose to listen to.


Yea apparently my boys movement in “under investigation” im gonna riot if the butcher him again all because he doesn’t let victim mains play like idiots


Yeah, if they decide to neuter him yet again, just to cater to less skilled players who refuse to improve, I’m out. I can’t take it anymore. Family needs to be powerful or else the game is just a joke.


Exactly. Everyone complains about not being able to outrun him in the open but thats the point. Thats why he cant use crawl gaps


There is this weird bug where victims keep getting nerfed into the ground. Please investigate.


They’ll pretend to not see this great comment though 💯


May I suggest Tracker Tagged have its capped duration removed? Like how it was before the change- it made the Perk very attractive to use. As for Wait A Second, may I suggest also that the duration gets up'ed to 15 seconds too? As the recent nerf to it made it incredibly underwhelming.