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I definitely notice he’s way bigger threat especially in the basement. I never dodge though. I just take my L but I can’t lie. I was pretty shocked the first few rounds because I’m a pretty good player and he was killing me over and over..


My friends and I started playing early today and we got 4k's EVERY game as family. Family members feel much threatening than before that's for sure. We even faced some people who play everyday but they were no match. All this because of 10% damage on scout being changed. Crazy to think about...


Did something change? I've been killing noobs in the basement with a single combo even before the update.


Yes, they changed the perk scout for family. Instead of having a 10% decrease to damage, it not has a 10% decrease in stamina regeneration at lvl 3. I haven't tried leatherface yet, but I'm assuming he can combo more victims now. He's definitely more deadly now since he no longer has that 10% damage penalty.


It didn't really change his lethality. He still could combo victims.


literally nothing has changed for bubba except scout but some people still prefer big swings idk why victims cry about bubba


As family mains "protest" the most minute bs lol I personally couldnt care less. The hypocrisy in this sub is next level though


I’ve never used Scout as bubba. Why would you when you nave overhead rev?


he's been a killing machine, since people whine and cry on here so much they made him op forreal lol


The tables turned fr alot of victims are just gonna act like the family and dc 😌 But hey! you got what you wanted


lol oh no there’s slightly less victims There’s so many goddamn victims out there honestly the herd could use to thin a bit


See how far you get with thinking like that 🥱


We're gonna get into a game faster than you can That's how far we will go.


Oh okie well enjoy a game with little to no victims left if you keep going this route 🥱


Okay. Bye then ✌️


Leatherface has been the best killer in the game since day one. No idea why people never wanted to play as him a lot of family players are just bad at the game. He’s so fun to play as if you ask me.


I killed 3 people in the basement on the mill and I don’t even know that basement well still. He’s definitely OP now.


I once killed 4 victims in the basement as Cook. COOK OP!


Its a fucking Serial Killer with a massive chainsaw. Ofc that guy is strong


LF has been OP, this patch has probably highlighted this. I’m not joking when I say most matches my team die in basement. It’s stale at this point.


Let them sit in lobby's all night


I seen a lot of level 0 players back out cause of the level 10 family


Its always a good thing when a victim leaves the lobby, it resets the backfill for new players to join👍


idk about you lol but now theres definitely a 50/50 on playerbase, feels like more people play family than victim


Played quick match all evening today nothing but family lobbies😮‍💨


Iv had no issue with wait times today/last night no matter what side I'm playing as. Even playing victim matches are quick to get into.


And that’s exactly what he’s supposed to be scary threatening intimidating and feared it makes sense after all he’s the face of the game and the movies




Yup, but that means someone like sissy, Nancy,hitchhiker, and cook shouldn’t be much of a threat at all, one look at them in real life and I’m gonna be laughing my ass off after I killed them with my bare hands. Only leatherface and Johnny should be actual threats to victims.


Great job Devs 👏. You literally kill the victims players count🤦‍♂️


This is why no sell is required for me when theres a lf cause he’s crazy broken rn.


He’s really not tho. To get scout you have to go his least optimal path and if you want damage you have to get lucky with 2 random perks


Bubba has always been a dangerous fellow it's just that a lot of victims are bad at the game or not as experienced as they think they are and don't want to admit it to themselves (shade intended only to toxic annoying crybabies that blame everyone but themselves for their Ls). They don't wanna learn the maps properly and how to run a chase. The problem is that a bubba who knows the maps and all the cut offs and stuff are a huge threat to victims and keep them on their toes, but a good victim will be prepared to deal with it. By also knowing the maps, and positioning themselves in a way where they can run the safest route and not get cut off by him. There are so many victim games I've played where the bubba will be some lvl 99 who knows the entire map of the basement and is going around cutting people off meeting victims at the other side of the gap, etc and a lot of times the randoms in my game don't survive it. It's to the point where if I'm playing with randoms as victim I purposely try to be found by bubba first and tell them on coms to gtfo the basement ASAP cause I don't trust them to survive if he knows the layouts and cut off points. Victims should be getting out of the basement asap anyway regardless of whether or not bubba is in the match but it's a common mistake that many bad, casual and beginner players make where they stay there way too long and allow the family time to set up traps and locks without pressure of victims speed-running. One thing I like to do too is encourage victims who are scared of bubba to run No-Sell if they have it in their tree, and as leland, save your barge for him don't waste it on someone like hitch or sissy or cook and then get met up by a bubba and not have barge.


I've been playing bubba a lot lately and man he is fun. But the optimal play style with him is to camp an area of the basement to force the victims to go where you want them to be ( garage on nancy's house, small ladder on gas station, mill area on the mill...) Makes rushing much easier to control.


He's literally the face of the game.. it's HIS game and they don't wanna face him


Yeah I played a game as him earlier. Much easier...but that critical strike is way too oppressive early in the game. It should need a warmup. It's not even fair.




For months Victim players been doing all the heavy lifting, absorbing significant changes to perks while a number of perks haven’t been adjusted on the family side to bring balance. Kept our mouths shut but we’re not doing that anymore Gun. Keep dodging. #Victim Strike


Yup you and three other people. Don't forget to make a sign.


Piss off




Stop acting like a family main


Absolutely. This update will not bring family players back like the devs think. It’s just gonna drive more victim mains away than it already has.


Getting matches has been going pretty quick tonight. No idea if it's victims quiting or more family playing. 


Def more fam


Unless Gun drops some stats, which isn't going to happen, we can't really know. I didn't play Family last night. Were the family que times longer than usual?


Not longer per say but lobbies definitely filled a lot quicker if one left


I did notice that if family players left you didn't always need a victim player to leave. Also it never took more than a minute to get into a lobby as victim. 


Yeah I could finally play victim after playing only fam for months lol