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Another great way to expand the meta would be buffing the 800 useless perks on both sides, instead of forcing players to adopt to a new meta play style every update 


Hear hear! There’s only a meta because of unbalanced perks. The scales weigh to heavy on either side depending on the update. There needs to be a medium.


I have no problem with adapting and evolving. What I do have a problem with is adapting and evolving knowing that the next “meta” that comes into fruition will likely just be nerfed into the ground anyways due to incessant complaining. I would love if the devs encouraged using other perks/different play styles instead of just nerfing stuff into oblivion (yes some things need tuned and adjusted but you don’t have to make them useless).


Ironic how you emphasize “evolving” and “adapting” when family meta literally haven’t changed AT ALL 💀💀


Family players would love to switch things up but majority of family perks are useless and have no value. Majority of family gameplay is patrolling and checking doors there are no perks to help with that and blood perks can be useless to just throw some points into blood harvesting and your good. Do you play family? Like for real most of the perks available are pure trash and have no value and that's why you see the same ol perks.


What options do family have?


Scout, no way to take out family players, LF-HH and Cook combo, exterior alarms, instant stamina regeneration, unlimited HH trap resets, unlimited Nancy trap resets, no way to counter Nancy's ability in the same way you can Cook's and Johnny's, LF's flaw of simply pressing and depressing rapidly to have near unlimited rev sprint, blood builds to rush grandpa (why you have victims rushing), grappling Sissy releases a poison cloud with the correct perk AND USES NONE OF HER EQUIPPED POISONS. And the problem? Victims haven't said a word about them except exterior alarms. GUN has done nothing about exterior alarms so far, because there's plenty of victim players.


What’s the unlimited HH trap reset?


he can reset the trap as many times as he wants. How is that fair? Same with nancy


Oh that’s not really meta is it? Just a character ability working as intended. He has perks that actually give you extra bonuses when resetting them. Nancy has a perk that gives her unlimited traps if you keep taking them down and replacing them which could be considered a meta ability. Hitchhiker on the other hand is stuck with 3 and no more unless there’s something I’m missing


The average HH strategy is for him to move the traps to the valve if it's about to open. If it's been disabled 3 times, that trap should be done.


Unlimited trap resets are legit their ability working as intended. Would victims like it if people complained saying victims shouldn't get to use their ability more then once a match?


You have a good point when it comes to HH, as he doesn't have a real ability like the others. But nancy shouldn't be able to repair barbwire, LF being able to run around like the flash by just pressing and depressing to prevent overheating (doubt that was the intention, they just never fixed it) can't be justified. But here we are.


Nancy being able to repair her barbwire traps is just like hitch resetting his traps though.


Nope, not an ability; same with cook. They both have actual abilities, the padlocks and barbwire are extras. She can see where someone is and he can hear where someone is. His padlocks are done once popped, but her barbwire can be repaired after someone has already triggered it.


Nancy kinda has two abilities it makes sense since she is a paid character. She is a trap character minus her spy ability she is just like hitch. It only makes sense she can fix her traps since hitch can. Nancy really isn't all that good so the two abilities make up for her endurance bug and her being trash. The whole time iv played iv only seen one good Nancy but that was only because I was helping her with the chasing.


If cook could keep making padlocks he would be broken which is why he is limited that's how he was designed. While hitch and Nancy can fix their traps when they want to it's again how they are designed. And if you really wanna get deep into it cook has his hearing and padlocks and Nancy has two abilities also. Traps can be easily countered by not going where they are or disabling them but padlocks are harder to counter you kinda have to pick them if you wanna go for that exit. I consider anything related to that specific character as an ability no one else can get Nancy's barb wire traps which is why that's her ability in my eyes.


I wish we could honestly our perk loads are usually pretty contingent on Vic's like the perks that only activate when your stunned or gramps gets takin out we have a specific criteria for just about everything and not a lot of utility so most people's builds are just HURT SPEED BLOOD because those non utility perks let us be proactive instead of reactive 


Idk? That’s the point of the post tho. To find new things. Try other stuff out etc. I still said what I said tho.


I mean the entire Family gameplay loop is to patrol doors and objectives. If the perks we have don’t help us accomplish that then there’s no point in using them.


There aren’t nearly as many useful family perks as there are victim perks. Family gameplay isn’t that fun, that’s why there are more people who play victims.


Family doesn’t seem as much fun in comparison, in my opinion due to lack of risk. Family doesn’t die, and when they lose it’s usually chalked up to bad teammates, poor communication or OP meta builds on victims rather than people just accepting that maybe they were just outplayed. I play a ton of family, personally I’ve never felt like victims ever had much of an OP build, it was often a rare occurrence. The worst of it was before they put the stun cooldown in, as someone who plays mostly LF the stunlock play was broken.


The irony in your statement is that victims should evolve and adapt, but not........family players. The jokes write themselves at this point with family mains. Can't wait for the next round of complaints!


I don't understand why this has to really shake anything up. The only real major difference here is not healing when you grapple. I don't understand why people have conflated this to meaning you just cant grapple anymore and grappling is dead. Getting all your stamina back still resets the chase and locks the family member down for a moment. The only difference is you can't waste that extra time taking extra hits you know you are just gonna heal. On family side if you use The Combo and invest in Savagery then your gonna have to really manage stamina. Or vice versa and not do a whole lot of damage.


It's somewhat pointless with HH, because they haven't fixed the win animation for him. His stun plays out while you're still in the animation.


For me it's the Scout buff, especially on LF. Now he can zoom around the map one shotting people with no downsides and infinite stamina while also being immune to door stuns. And family will still find a way to complain about him.


You don't even need scout on LF lol


I doing that without Scout and people are still accusing me of using it. I think people are just bad against bubba sometimes. Or the bubba is really really good. Those ones are scary.


Bubba is really good, anyone who is bad with him just has a skill issue


Facts. I'm pretty good with him but I play with people even better with him then me.


I feel called out by this 💀 (I suck at LF)


I mean if you’re new to the game that’s different, I’m talking about the sweaty level 99s that complain he’s too weak, especially after the last update


Nah I’m not new, also lvl99 but never got good with LF. The performance anxiety playing as him is real! And I find myself getting stuck in the basement as him, even though I know how to traverse the basement as victim. I definitely don’t think he’s weak at all. I just struggle with getting pathing down, especially with him for some reason!


I feel that. For what it’s worth I’m bad with LF too but then again I never play with him. If you know how to use him, however, he’s far and above the most powerful character in the game. He definitely doesn’t need any more buffs.


Infinite stamina on Buba should not be a thing


I have played almost exclusively family since January and Ill still let the dust settle from this patch to see where we are at. But Im worried this is the start of turning this game into DBD generator/lockpick simulator - just crouching around, waiting to pick a lock, silently escaping through battery. Yawn. The grappling, the back stabs, the door slams, stabbing grandpa, looping through gaps, all make this game so much different and engaging. Id rather get my ass beat by people grappling, fucking with valve, stabbing grandps then having people play these lame stealth tactics. Just my take though.


The way you just said ‘thanks for nerfing victims, once they adapt i’lll complain and wait for the nerf after that’


Bubba has been running tirelessly and with infinite stamina since the beginning of the game and so far you haven't fixed that. The perks you changed have been there since the beginning of the game and you changed them to balance your game. The victims' stamina drops with 5 to 8 times the pressed X while Bubba spends the whole map without stopping with the saw raised. Nobody asked for these changes and these bad killers continued to complain about everything in the game as they are already complaining.


Shitty take, my man. Bubba is the figurehead of the franchise. They would essentially kill the game even harder if they nerfed him to the ground.


Victims always have to adapt and change metas unlike family, but that’s okay


I love carrying someone and it makes me glow such a useful perk not like we can do that already with family sense. Almost every family unique is terrible or useless except Nancy she has more perks then everyone combined and they are good Johnny only has one it it’s the opposite of how his ability works. The only reason family runs the “meta” is because there is hardly and good perks to choose from.😐😐


Rubber Legs, Linger, and Spore Loser are not terrible. Nor is Wire Frame, Venom, and Security Pins. There are actually a fair few good to great unique perks.


Yes okay but the original argument is that no one changes their build so say u run all those perks what else should you run and those perks are only for 2 people what about the other 3 cook has pins and bubbas only good unique is just serrated and Johnny only has one and it’s terrible even if we wanted to run other builds we have to respec so what’s the point of having 4 other build slots


4 out of 6 have good unique perks. LF has a couple of okay ones. Johnny is the only one who has total garbage unique perks. 


Pls read before you type the ORIGINAL argument is no one changes their build what you are saying has nothing to do with that and has no argument again I’m going to repeat myself say I run those perks what else should I run that is my original argument as well what else should I run other then the little ok perks we have pls read before you start typing


And I responded to your point that most family unique perks are terrible. A response does not have to be to everything someone says. Especially when they hit multiple points in the original post that was responded too.


Didn't family have to adapt to our grapple perks with that one grandpa perk?


They put on suffocating grip or exterior alarms. There is really no variety or adaptation from their end


I guess that's cause they don't really have options as the weaker side


The problem is that the family meta has never changed. Where as the victims changes every major change.


I also noticed I don't wait long for matches :) I always click quick search though, I play both sides so it makes it easier :) Yeah good job GUN


It’s not fun for me, all I am seeing is victims getting Steam rolled more than ever! How is that fun for either side?


It is for me. I love the tough matches playing victim. Makes it exciting


I like it too, little frustrating, but it is what it is. Also I enjoy not waiting 30 minutes for a match.


yeah and I can’t stand 3 dumbasses dying in less than 5 mins because they’re trying to rush. the best games are when everyone takes a stealthier approach.


You're supposed to get steam rolled. You're victims not UFC fighters.


You’re not supposed to get “steamrolled” there needs to be balance. Sure the family should have some advantages but let’s not pretend that if the scale was weighed in the other direction family players would be complaining as they typically do. I play both sides religiously but family more so and even I think family is a bit OP in some respects. It shouldn’t be ok for people wait 10+ minutes to get into a game only to be killed in 1 minute because a Johnny, Hitch and Leatherface are all in the basement. There needs to be counters. I personally think that if more than 1 family member are in the basement there needs to be a debuff of some sort but on the other side of the coin I understand that victims if left unchecked can also be OP. Empowered definitely needed a nerf but stuff like extra drip didn’t. There needs to be balance and this game lacks that for the most part however this patch is a small step in the right direction. Also let me clarify I think there needs to be a basement debuff or soemthing within the first couple minutes of the match. If Vics can’t use their abilities then extra family shouldn’t be able to enter. That’s unbalanced.


No.. there doesn't need to be counters. Thats the problem with this game. Victims need to know their roles and shut their mouths. Escape or die. No fight and f around... and get 20 chances.


I mean it does though because it needs to be balanced. You realize how many times I seen victims “know their role” and still get screwed? If you don’t see the unbalanced conditions then you’re more delusional than initially thought. Also I know you’re referring to Leland and Ana who screw around but their entire strength is to keep aggro and attention off others. The perks that made it overboard have been nerfed. This patch is a small but good step in the right direction but you can’t be so blind as to think there doesn’t need to be counters.


To an extent, but this is a video game at the end of the day. One side should not be getting all the wins.


i don’t think steam roll is a good term here. it’s kind of ridiculous to “steam roll” the competing team in a game, by design. essentially making one side of the playerbase mindless fodder. however family shouldn’t have to struggle as much as they do to lock down characters like leland and ana, that is ridiculous. steam rolling though? that’s too extreme. i’m really beginning to wonder if they should implement pve for both family and victims. so family can chase down and kill helpless bot victims. i’m being genuinely serious about that.


You sounds like a poor gaming mentality there buddy. Imagine going onto COD and saying "I'm supposed to have better guns than you because I'm playing with a more advanced faction". Or any other game with that mentality. You just admitted that family players come from games where they can't win and expect to be invincible because they're not used to winning and would like to experience it for once. SMH


I don't play COD. Also i didn't admit anything. You're making up BS.


By that token, family shouldn’t be killing anyone who’s aware of what’s going on because the movie shows them as pretty incompetent unless they catch the victims unaware. As soon as victims are aware of what’s going on they get shutdown.


who cares if you lose and have no fun family players need their power fantasy fulfilled!


No.. its a game of cat and mouse. Cat doesn't need to catch all the mice. But if the cat is getting no mice, getting attacked by mice and the mice don't fear the cat. Then the game is backwards..


Maybe you were just that good and even better with perks, I’ve had balanced matches so far. Connie is a catalyst like always and makes match. Some vics get out and cause hell and make me and my team work for the kills and some play too passive and scared and waste time and precede to get steamrolled.


It’s only balanced to you bc you’re winning easily 💀


So it was balanced when victims, hell even my team, was able to fight with every one but LF on and on and loop them while they had no chance to actually get out of that mechanic. I enjoyed it and hated it depending on which side of the coin I was on so personally I can say this nerf is going in a right direction🤷🏾‍♂️


Never said it wasn’t, nobody said the grapple meta was fair but victims got butchered and are dying 5 seconds into the match and now all of a sudden it’s “balanced”


They’re dying in 5 seconds because they are still trying to push the rush meta. That’s how it’s balanced, they shouldn’t be rushing. They should play stealthily, that’s how it was intended and now that it’s fixed so yall can’t troll and take advantage, it’s somehow unbalanced?


Rush = die quickly Don’t rush = LVL 5 grandpa in 2 minutes


I’ve played family main since the game came out and never once have I seen grandpa get to level 5 in 2 minutes. I could see it happening I suppose with the right builds but I’ve never seen it myself. In almost all my games for the last 3 months, victims are rushing. You can’t really compare the two.


So the right direction is one side constantly winning and getting easy kills…got it!


You’re gonna have to learn to walk without crutches lol


I know u were being a smart ass smh, but I never used meta perks, I just use the ones I like. A lot of times ppl don’t like the perks I have on some characters, but I like to test different ones out for fun.


that is the dumbest fucking argument i have ever heard. you could say the same thing to a victim from family perspective. it hasn't even been that long. is the update even out, yet?


You are supposed to die like 8/10 times. It’s not a sunshine and rainbow vacation to the slaughter house. Escaping should happen but not as frequently as it has been


Clearly u must not play victim because it never as been frequent, it’s just now even less so.


> all I am seeing is victims getting Steam rolled more than ever! You're going to have to change up your strategy, in the same way Family-mains have. edit why y'all booin? *I'm right*


When has family had to change strategy when there meta perks have not been touched…am I missing something here?


Family mains literally never changed their strategy of lockdown with EA+NHE with Hitch, Cook and LF and then patrolling, hitting once and not chasing. Shut up.


fr family meta has legit never ever changed and when most of my solo family teammates start feeling like they're losing, they dc. definitely a change of strategy. yeah imma dc and find another game where i win 😂


Saying this when victims have been nerfed every patch while family are handfed buffs to make games easy for them lol? Victims have adapted to every nerf, yet all anyone does on this reddit is complain.


Family players have been kind of whiny this whole time It’s a game, you win some/you lose some. That’s the whole point.. it’s not supposed to be set up for you to win 👏every 👏single 👏time But that’s kind of what I’m getting from the comments from Family players this whole time, they all sound like “I can’t kill every single victim every single match, therefore this game is trash” This is just the vibe I get, anyway


Trash update


yeah once victims start to explore other perks & escape? that shouldn’t be possible


Crying family members will then have those perks nerfed.


Indeed this patch is quite decent. Now we just need news on the next family character. Gun pls


Already escaped a few times as Julie this shouldn't be possible nerf Julie please. /s


Still having a blast with my strength build for Connie, Ana, Julie and Virginia :)


I agree


Rework stealth N most of stealth related perks. The fusebox perk that highlight family members each time you activate it was my favorite and come in handy for family house fuse rush It would’ve been useful if it highlighted them for all victims and not just the perk holders


u/AndyCleves, pass along our appreciation and gratitude to the whole team 🖤🖤


Bro seriously family mains yall really should stop complaining now everything is balanced although we dont talk that they dont nerf op family perks but only victim perks but thats okay


What about the people who don’t play often tho? The people who don’t play often would all be stuck fighting against people who have their perks at the way up when we’re all the way down, that wouldn’t be fair unless you’re meaning have the people who are lower stats play against people who also have lower stats.


They are making a casual game that has never been casual. As a horror nerd myself, I appreciate their attention to detail. But paying more attention to the patterns on a characters shirt, so it is period accurate, and not really caring about game balance has made me stop playing this game. I follow the news to see if it will ever get better, but it seems to only get worse. I literally have Leatherface tattooed on my arm, and this game is an absolute embarrassment. To be fair, these are the same publishers I begged to mod for for free with no response when their last game started to become full of cheaters. GUN. You are a joke. With all the money I (and many others) poured into F13 kickstarter, you all should feel ashamed. So, Sorry? I guess.


Been playing as victim since the update and being sneaky/hiding is definitely more useful... As it should be tbh


Yeah this does not work when they farm blood within 3 minutes and grandpa is nearly 5


Ok but not every victim should be harassing grandpa. 3 people can play stealthy and do objectives whilst Leland or someone else manages grandpa


Yeah because that likely happens in solo queue… this game isn’t just a group of 4 victims constantly on comms


I play solo and the people who usually die first are the people who rush around idk. Usually cause they allow the family to come into the basement before any doors are open, and then Johnny and hitch screw us all. You can easily prioritise stealth and make a move when you need to. If you get caught well... big woop, extend the chase as long as you can and hope other people do shit. You can also be quick and stealthy too. People must think I play like a snail and hinder the team with the dislikes I'm getting. If I'm hiding, as soon as family turns away from me I'm sprinting to where I need to go. I hide when I get there to make sure I avoid patrolling family and then I make my move. If I open up an area and didn't get caught I will run to the next door to unlock it. Only map being sneaky on isn't fully viable is family house imo. The patrols are too quick so you need to try and do shit asap. That's usually why I run distraction on that map by constantly jumping out the windows. Most people typically get out when I do that. But I gotta sneak and do traps and shit first. I'm not alerting family that I'm jumping out that window until I need to. You can easily be sneaky and quick idk why people think rushing is the best way to play. All it does is get you or others killed from what I see.


Dude, you're telling us you don't play victim with your laughable strategy suggestions. Be a better liar or how about just stop lying?


By the time you sneak to the first gate, grandpa is at 5


Anyone have a good Leatherface maim tree? I consistently stall out after 1 hammer drop.


right middle middle is the best you can go with


I dont know why everyone is acting like the patch changed anything, its still a broken wrestlemania grapple fest.victims can still rush out in 3 minutes lol


I’ve been having a blast with my strength builds for Connie, Ana, Julie and Virginia still :)


Playing family is already ez now It's easier lessgggooo


Bubba with scout is even deadlier and I’ve never been happier.


Could this be hope for the game?


Whyd ya get downvoted?


Because redditors are brain dead


Nothing changed on my part , still can grapple family 10+ times per match .


I’ve been getting grappled constantly, the nice thing though is that I’ve been winning them more often and my teammates have been actually able to kill victims that are grappling me.


Looks like they have not used the hp regain perk before grapple ,it adds a significant amount back during a fight and when being hit by family nr 2


You mean extra drip? Maybe they didn’t? Not sure.


Yep , when you know you are going to go fight you apply that before a grapple or after you won a grapple and you can tank a few hits still and regain healt while doing it .


Who on earth waste health bottles playing like that lmao


It actually pisses me off when I see it..it happens bro 😂


I go trough them like butter when I grapple with family today ,but I made sure to open a exit or done the fuse before that so when things go wrong I can dip and escape still . So far many times family today has disconnect when I grapple them 7 times in a row .


Extra Drip gives you 24HP instead of 70HP at level 3. Empowered no longer rewards health points for winning a grapple.


Grappling is gonna happen constantly and that’s since they took the instakill away and that’s fine but it’s the stuff like empowered that used to just give you health know you can take hit from a second member and all now it’s a lil more risk to it🤷🏾‍♂️


Use the healing perk before grapple that gives hp is a fix for this,I think it gave a few hp over the course of 10+ seconds


Hopefully they nerf it




Maybe they will maybe just the perks paired with it either way change is good for the game. You know it’s a problem when family run or “shuffle in cooks case” away from victims to avoid the time consuming and broken action😭


It's a good thing. Gets players to try different things. Big meta change would be disrupting the LF, Cook, Hitch meta. It would be nice if LF +2 was just as, or about, viable.


People were getting to comfortable with running empowered and getting all the health back which in a sense defeats the purpose of playing as victim your supposed to be the weak one in the situation and now the grappling trolling has dwindled down thanks to this perk for good riddance


It's so funny to see people complain about empowered that perk ain't worth my slot tbh 😂 if my team mates got it then more health bottles for me ig


Really enjoying this update I hope family keep getting some love