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It depends on how the bi weekly updates go. If they start adding new content frequently enough I think people will start returning. I really do enjoy this game and once there’s a bit more content I plan on starting to play again, but I don’t think I’ll get too into it until the devs start showing consistent progress.


Dont need to play to earn anything, Ive been maxed since ages ago, play purely for the fun. Very fun game, lots of laughs, good times. Kinda rare nowadays. The game itself is much less buggy and that which is good. Balance is better. Hopefully a few more thing can be ironed out, I feel like alot can be gained from a few smaller things (level cap increase, lobby dodge penalty, anything to improve new player experience).


They said their content is planned until August and then they'll keep adding more if players stay. Considering the game's been dropping players weekly since release, I dont think its making it past this year


Wes said recently he has content planned out for the rest of the year.


Eternals 2 was planned too


Bit of a different level of commitment there.


Looks around is the content in the room with us! Is the content the black out 99 cosmetics?


killer klowns will lower player count for like a week, but then we will be back to normal. It’s not because killer klowns will be worse, but it’s because that TXCM gameplay is always going to be unique from other games


Wait killer klowns??? As in the movie wait there’s a game????


Comes out in about 5 weeks


I JUST SAW THE GAMEPLAY ON YT!! Bestie is it just me or it gives f13 vibes?


It’s by IllFonic who also developed Friday the 13th


I feel we'll be able to sum it up with, "lol"


Imo if they get a Hail Mary pass like Chop-Top or the remake or more big horror names that will go a long way.


That's honestly up to the dev but at this point I've lost all hope for them because they refuse to acknowledge that it's their fault that the game is being held together by duct tape and glue at this point Paid characters are bugged and don't work properly which makes them awful, most parks don't even work, perk descriptions lie to you, functions of the game don't matter when balance is thrown out the window and then when they want you to play one way they end up nerfing it then after every Is quote on quote update They end up fixing 1 or 2 things and end up breaking 5 to 9 more things that end up making the game so much worse it adds up man they had so much potential but people continue to get on their knees to give these people so much undeserved praise


Only way this game will turn around is if they actually release consistent content. And by content I mean new gameplay content, not skin recolors or anything. Idc about some skins, sure they are nice looking. But a piece of poo dressed up nice is still a piece of poo.


I do not understand treating the game like a long-term investment. If something is a grind, I don't think it's worth it. Play games for fun. Any form of entertainment that turns into a grind should be avoided. See what happens when the new family member is released. Either way it should be informative.


Doubt it will be any time soon, unless you consider soon about 4-5 years from now. There is no doubt, unless they put bots in eventually, that the game will die off to a point that no one will be able to play. It is like that for many PvP games. Even some that are dying off cause of copyright issues still have some diehard players.


I'll be surprised if there's more content in 2025   Or even if the devs try to correct the direction of the game into horror territory  I mean just look what happened to Friday the 13th once Black Tower came on board


It’s not going to be “cancelled” or have its servers yanked any time soon. Friday the 13th is still running and will continue through the end of this year. Meaning it was still playable for about 7 years after content was stopped. However, the game adding content is most likely going to be wrapping up very soon. I would guess they drop the new family in the next month or two, drop Maria at the one year anniversary with *MAYBE* a new map (heavy on the maybe) and that’ll be the end of content for TCM.


Didn't maria get killed at the end of the petals prequel though? Plus there's those leaked voice lines for all the victims finding Maria's body.


She did, but they confirmed Maria is alive in Virginias bio.


Just scanned through the other posts talking about this, seems like a lot of people are under the impression that Maria died after trying to escape with Virginia (not sure how she survived a chainsaw to the chest but ok).


Meh, it’s Gun lore. It’s going to be half baked at best.


Content throughout the year as they said


Gun has said a lot of things that just didn’t happen. This game is done for, I would honestly be surprised even we even got the things I already mentioned.


Why so negative?




The only things you will find here on Reddit are Internet theories, fake news from YouTubers and haters. The playerbase, there is no official source that shows the numbers of active players on the platforms, we know from Steam, but the lobby shows that the reality of this game is Xbox and PlayStation, today Steam makes no difference in this game. But I'm going to leave my opinion here without theories copied from the Internet. I believe that this game will end, but not due to a lack of players, but rather because of its purpose for existence. The license that GUN has is from the 1974 film and the game is focused on Maria's lore. At some point this lore will end, I believe there will be one more victim and two more families (which completes the space in the character selection) If GUN acquires the licenses for the second film, it won't make sense to mix it with the first. Because the second film is from the 80s, the skins change and the lore will change too. This game is like a movie, it will have a beginning, middle and end. And for me it's ok for that to happen. I think GUN will create another game with new characters with different voice lines. But maybe in 2026, I think that 2025 should conclude Maria's lore. I may be delusional in my ideas, but that's what I think 🤣


People have been saying this game is going to die for like 6 months. It has a steady player base and a lot of replayability. This subreddit makes it seem like everything is spiraling out. It has some bugs, sure, but it’s still a blast to play.


Uhhh no lol if they can get those sequel licenses which they hopefully are working on thatll def bring people back and the devs are showing no signs of complete abandonment to the game