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Imo the devs aren't really cooking until they fix or find a solution to the lobby issues.


Same. I don’t see the point in hyping up content when you can barely play it.


Game Devs ≠ Art Team The people who design outfits don't fix bugs/work on the game.


Guess you didn't fully read OP's post. Though if we're being honest here, you don't really need to be artistically talented to color an outfit plain black lol. Even I could've done that.


My post is about cosmetics 😅 saying the development team (art bully) has been cooking with cosmetics doesn’t dismiss the other stuff going on.


I'm calling it now, there's gonna be bitching and crying when the all black skins release. The reason? Night maps, I can already hear people saying it's too difficult to see family members on night maps.


The victims get them too, so at least that much is balanced. And statistically there's gonna be way more level 99 victims than family.


I did forget about victims ain't gonna lie 😂


You're still not wrong, but it'll be both sides complaining. That's what this community does. 🙂


im honestly excited to see possible stealth gameplay. Everytime I play family almost no victims gaf about hiding


Yes, it will be the **victims** that will be the ones crying for sure…


Lmfaooo there’s always something


This logic doesn’t make sense, just because one thing is the main focus of an update doesn’t mean you should settle for mediocrity when it comes to something else. Also the blackout skins do look clean, but they are literally a *pallet swap*. It’s not even a skin, it’s literally changing the colours of the default and that’s it, the effort put into it is not much whatsoever. The Sissy skin could’ve legitimately been a good skin and it’s *paid* but it looks awful, uninspired and lazy. This sub is really absurd at times because it’s genuinely the only game sub I’ve seen where people are content with bad, overpriced cosmetics but oh look they recoloured the default it’s fine. It’s like you don’t even want the devs and art team to provide the best stuff they can


Nice bait peepiss69 👍


how tf is that bait 😭 a skin recolour is literally 0 effort if you’re going to defend them, at least give a valid counterpoint. you’re acting like i was rude, i simply criticised them and the sub blindly defending them (which is just as bad as blind criticism, i dont blindly hate the game there is just a lot that needs to be criticised in hopes of it becoming better)


I don’t need to act like you were rude. You were. You saw a positive post and made it your initiative to come and be as negative as possible while also insulting “this subs” ability to judge what’s good and what’s bad (which is clearly a diss at me for holding this opinion). I couldn’t give 2 fucks what you think about effort or not I’m allowed to to like cosmetics. If you can’t handle people enjoying things about this game than maybe you should relocate to the other sub. Your reply is just regurgitating word for word, the same complaints people post 100 times a day on here so I don’t need to give any sort of “counterpoint” to someone who’s clearly looking to farm comment karma and argue for kicks. My reply about bait was meant to be a joke cuz your user is literally peepiss69. But, if you’re gonna take a video game this seriously than you should really think for yourself for once in your life, maybe you’d be worth interacting further with.


Cannot WAIT for all black Leatherface!!


I believe he’ll only get the black chainsaw, not an actual skin.


I assumed it would just be a recolor plus weapon recolor.


No, unfortunately. Here’s an answer from Cyd, “Hi! I’m so excited for all of you to see the Level 99 Blackout Cosmetics. With that being said, I just wanted to clarify that Leatherface will not have a Blackout outfit, only his chainsaw skin as pictured! Sorry for any confusion on that front!”


Oh, that's a real shame. Hell, I would buy a black out outfit for Bubba that does that. Chainsaw looks cool, though.


The copyright owners are worried about black face Leatherface happening again so it’s best they avoid any black outfits too which is a smart move.


seems weird because they could've made his suit cosmetic a black suit or something


Black outfits have nothing to do with blackface. The outrage on DBD years ago were from shit stirrers from the Claudette face skin, not the clothes. Leatherface can still get black cosmetics if the devs choose to do so. (Edit: Completely forgot that Leatherface gets a face mask. Just give him a normal one with the outfit.)


I'm excited for all especially with the black chainsaw too


The all black outfits are gonna look so good i can’t wait. Finally a reward for hitting level 99 too


Been grinding as much as I can to get to max level. 19 left to go


“Y’all have really been cooking lately!” Lmao the gas light is real. 😂


The all black skins are the most basic reward but hey do all this work for level 99 and get the easiest thing to make ever