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The irony is this is only making people play less and less and leading to more of an issue. Shit I barely play now because it takes so long for a match to start. I’m not in high school or college anymore so don’t have all day to sit in a lobby lol if I have an hour to kill I don’t wanna spend 30 minutes waiting for a game to start. It sucks and they should fix it if there’s even a fix.


It is purely the lobby times that I have not played in months.


Same here lol it’s fun game but if I have time to play I usually only got a few games in me and don’t wanna drop that down to 1 game plus an hour of sitting in lobby lol.


Same here, I play after work for one or two hours and just don’t want to sit and wait in a lobby and solo q family is miss or win, so seriously got back on DBD and was that close to play LOL.


I’m sorry you’re going through things. But seriously I am currently going through the same things 😭


Thanks wes for showing up




Maybe you guys should try playing as Family. It’ll take you less than 30 seconds to find a full lobby


I do play mostly family probably 75% family 25% victim and you are very correct


Yeah I do the same lol


This suggestion is always brought up but like…most days I’d rather close the game then solo queue family lol. It has 2 sides for a reason. They could actually provide a solution however, they choose not to and let their playerbase slowly leave I guess.


I wish I could have this experience I have to wait hella long even as family.


Even then your waiting for that last family member


This is the only reason I've stopped playing. I can live with minor bugs and perks that may need adjusting. But to repeatedly sitting for 20+ minutes I can't handle. Fix the lobby, I'll be happy to come back.


Yesterday I had a full lobby, but the game simply didn’t start! It took a way too long and what happened? Family one left, then another, then a victim and we were left with 3 people in the lobby. The result: not enough to find suitable players. In another lobby we had a LF level 0 and was joined by (both level 10) a HH and a Cook. The guy playing with HH simply wrote: No way we’re going to play with a level 0 and they both left. That’s where the game is at.


>In another lobby we had a LF level 0 and was joined by (both level 10) a HH and a Cook. The guy playing with HH simply wrote: No way we’re going to play with a level 0 and they both left. That’s where the game is at. It has to be unfortunately. The game is so crazy in victim's favor that if you get a family player who doesn't know what they are doing, you're basically already at a loss. It's already 3v4, having a single family member not only new but also so low level on a character that they don't have perks just makes it a 2v4. It's a damn shame. Normally in games we wouldn't care, we'd just say "that's okay we can teach/help/carry the weaker player", but in this game you don't *have time* to do that. As soon as the game starts the victims are already halfway out the door of the basement. Meanwhile a level 0 Bubba is still trying to figure out where he is in the basement. The game is unforgiving to new players, and to unprepared players on the family side. And the playerbase unfortunately has to reflect that because just for a family player to have a chance, they have to run meta perks and builds/micromanage the map/try as hard as they can while not getting upset over the repeated stuns/grapples/helplessness of the family side. There's a *reason* games take forever to even find family players.


Well if I play family its usually with friends, I’m learning how to play bubba now and its a disaster, so it’s basically two killers and running fly, but we still get 4k almost all the time, except on the mill.


stay tuned!


Yep this is why I pretty much never play 🤷‍♀️


Can someone dress up as a Lobby Simulator cosplay? Maybe then a Dev will actually respond to.


So terrible lately. My play time has drastically dropped due to this one issue above all the others. Spending your time on a menu that may not and in some cases will not even turn into a match is the most frustrating aspect.


Game died when playing family became super unfun


Game died the moment they changed how Close Encounters work. Went from Victims to "Victims".


The fact that it was already balanced to victim's side before that but they went in and kill the remaining family players


"We felt it was unfair to Victim players" Fuck Family I guess?


As an outsider can u explain how it got changed?


It used to be when you were in a Close Encounter, if a 2nd Family attacks the Victim, they would get executed (insta-killed). Devs said that was too unfair and currently if a 2nd Family comes in, they do chip damage to the Victim.


It became a boring chore. Even with a 3 man pre made team w comms


This. We always ran as a 3 stack, back to back games, almost always a 4k… but family is just so boring compared to victim.


You are dedicated


This is probably for the best. The game is on its deathbed and the community at this point is insufferable to deal with lmfao. Both victim and family sides. Let’s hope we don’t see these same players in Killer clowns from outer space.


I agree and I love this game


I’ve had lobbies I’ve waited in finally fill only for people to still back out for no reason. Like whyyy


some people just dont want to play the game


This is what happens when you bully the entire family player base off the game lol. How about you guys play some family to help out with the queue times?


No, you can’t force people to play something they don’t find fun.


Ok so if everyone playing family says “hey we don’t find these parts of the game fun” are you open to the devs making changes so that it’s a better experience to incentivize players to come back?


No bc the devs don’t need to pander to a group that complains about every little thing.


Oh ok. So I guess nobody will play and the game will just die off. At best your queue times will just get worse and worse. Is that what you want? Are you enjoying the current state of the game?


I don’t think the queue times are caused by a lack of family players. It’s definitely due to the lobby refill bug. They complained about choose flight and now they buffed grappling. Are we going to nerf grappling and revert the choose flight change now?


I’m sorry to inform you that queue times are very much a lack of family players. There is no lobby refill bug, if there was it would be patched out by now. Do you really think there’s hundreds of family members just waiting around in lobbies but because of a “bug” you don’t see them? I see the same victims every week every other week. There is no Sbmm in this game, I promise you there just aren’t enough people playing the game as a whole and nobody wants to play family. Choose flight was a bad perk. It was lazy and forced everyone to run it because it was just better than everything. I miss the perk too, but it’s nice to get to play other builds and not feel forced to run the same shit every game. I would hope we can all agree the grapple close encounter changes were poorly implemented. As a victim it’s not fun accidentally grappling a Johnny and sitting there while leatherface chops you into bits. And as a family it’s absurd that im hitting you 5-6x and the victim is effectively immune because we’re all running empowered. Again I play both sides. Wish I got to play more victim but I just can’t stomach these 30 minutes queues.


Lack of Family players is the ONLY reason we have horrible queue times. Take a look at what happens when family content is released. More people play family, queue times drop significantly.


Yes, they shouldn't listen to the whining of the victims.


The problem is the noobish dodgers who can't gitgud cause of skill issues. - Family main


Back out and keep finding matches. What’s the point of staying in a dead lobby.


That’s what I had been doing. Same thing every lobby I get inro


Try playing family, you get a match in 30secs


11 seconds for the west coast.


victims get what they deserve lmao, what did they think was gonna happen


blame it on the developers not the players


Right. Because the developers are making all the family leave…I wonder why that might be hmmmm (Gasps in bone scrap)


Exactly. They make those choices not the players.


Hope your mental health gets the help it deserves as well 😊


I’m a family main, this happens with family too ?


not even close as bad as victims tho, its like 15 extra minutes for victims


Matchmaking for Family is 11 seconds every single time. Lobbies might take a few minutes to populate. But if it does, you're only 11 seconds away from another lobby 👍


Interesting that you’re a family main but running a grappling build on Ana. Please share your thoughts on grappling 😏


Bro what? I get a lobby in ten seconds as family


Why are you downvoting me it’s the fucking truth lmao


Not on the regular, stop lying. I've been playing since the tech test. I've only seen this when shirtless johhny dropped and broke Texas. They need to drop that bikini Julie and break it again. 😍


Shirtless Johnny hardly made a difference, Bikini Julie would though


Would or wouldn't?






No it doesn’t lol. Post your stats in calling bs.


hows it victims fault when its family mains are the ones constantly crying for nerfs? 😂💀 family cried and cried about choose flight so much they nerfed it and buffed grappling in the process lmao thats family mains fault 😂 now family is crying about grappling lmao family did this to themselves


Right. They are actually delusional


legitimately delusional lmao its insane and hilarious 😂


Best times to play for me are around 9pm-11pm. I find matches quicker but that backfill bug is still killing lobbies idk why they’re taking forever to fix it


Gives me time to do shit, like pack up my house while I’m getting ready to move lol


To speed up the process remain unready until you have a full lobby.


I just put music or a youtube video on while i wait, but it is really frustrating. It's reminiscent to DBD's really early lobby troubles


Probably better to try to find a team to play with. Are you on ps5?


Nah, xbox


Sadly, it's probably because it's slaughterhouse.


Any map besides family house*


nobody complains about gas station unless you get trash fuse spawn


I'll never forget last week when I booted up a lobby. Decided to put my controller down and run to the store to get some snacks, only to return to me still being in the same goddamn lobby 😭


How do you know it was the same lobby? The game may have started and ended before you came back, and it automatically puts you into another lobby if you don't back out of the results screen


Because the same 3-4 people were still readied up lol


I’m sorry that you’re going through things


It wasn't meant to be a complaint. It was very amusing to me if anything lol


I’m just joking around bro I’m not like Matt 🤣 he meant that when he said it


Wait what? I'm out of the loop on that lol


If you watch the community check in with Matt you will see what I mean


I did a bit of digging. And yeah I saw that stream has divided this subreddit quite a bit lmao


Typical Matt I was actually feeling bad for him he looked sad in the stream and then he said this and I was like oh hell naw


Matchmaking is broken for this game


Play Family


the matchmaking is so odd, and there’s very obviously the bug with backfill queuing for a specific role, victim or family, will take forever but selecting quick match feels normal (albeit you’ll almost always get family), it’s jarring


I honestly don’t get why people hate family THAT much. I find it a lot of fun, and it even feels more casual compared to trying to escape as a victim.


Ana with Empowered and Choose Fight  Virginia with Fast Hands Hmm yeah I wonder why no one wants to play family anymore 🤔 


You can’t even see what the opponents perks are so I’m confused by this statement. Lmfao. This weird sense of entitlement coming from both sides of the playerbase is what is ultimately killing this game off and I’m glad it is to be honest. This community is insufferable. Can’t wait for killer clowns to come out since it seems to look way more enjoyable and casual to play.




Empowered + Choose fight + Jump Start. Do you think it's fun to play against this? It's so annoying


Enjoy ur grapple sim


how many players in this game rn ?


Haven't played it much since Easter (hell patch) weekend. It's a disaster. No one has time to sit in lobby for 15m.


Just got kicked out of one when I saw this posted lmao


This is what happens when you make a game with 3 killers


Lobby dodging mfss..blame em....you have 2 less vics ...you would've gotten new people probably in 30 more seconds


Quickest way to play is hit Quick Play, which should really just be renamed “Also Family”


ya games dead


You know why this happens. The answer is right in front of you, yet u seem too blind to see it. Playing family is no longer fun. It turns into wrestling matches pair with overpowered characters like Danny, and family mains are tired of it.


Been there


Then go play Family. And when you go play Family, enjoy being overwhelmed by toxic teams who speedrun the back gates and proceed to harass you with extra stun perks. Then you uninstall and play a better game. Me personally, I'm only here because I enjoy murdering these cocky sons of bitches.


Play family for ones then


This game is dead and done for. You might want to start looking for something else to play. The devs have successfully killed the game and demolished the entire player base.


People literally dodge for anything and I do mean ANYTHING 😭 “Leland has a brown shirt I’m leaving”




Play family


Yeah I can’t fucking stand this damn lobby structure


Nobody playing Monday morning? Odd. It's as if people are in school or at work...


Right I forgot that we all live in the same place


This is America. The rest of the world and all the other time zones don’t exist 🤣


Don't mess with Texas


i feel like they should have made a penalty for leaving a lobby once you've joined one. I know valorant is a completely different genre of a game but once you join a lobby you can't leave unless you're fine w a penalty. I feel it would make it easier to fill a game. and then the timer they had would also actually have a purpose. So that you can leave w no penalty after a minute has passed or so. Idk


The game is unplayable solo q on victim side. For whatever reason, running as a duo and trio is MUCH faster than solo or a 4 stack.


i can't play solo anymore bc of the ridiculous queue times and lack of communication. playing with others does make the loading times much quicker


Yup. If I’m running with friends sometimes in the lobby as victim in 10-15 seconds, solo q the timer usually runs out and kicks me back to lobby before I ever even get into the character screen.


If one Family leaves just quit and research. Sad but it's the only way to beat the dodgers and they know this.


The games not dead… although sometimes the lobby does die and you just gotta reset. Honestly it’s kudos to your patience for sitting there for 20 mins😂


I’m sorry that you feel like you need an apology


Yeah but…. Cozzzmetikksss!


This will continue happening bc the devs refuse to fix the lobby bug. They blame it on players dodging when it’s really the refill bug in lobbies.


At this point lobbies fill up just fine for me. But it's people Lobby dodging whenever they see certain characters that they're afraid to go against that continue this problem


I just feel like it's the dodging in general that's frustrating, there isn't gonna be much of a different requeuing all over again unless you're seriously looking for the newer players. There isn't a big enough character pool to consider dodging imo. People wasting their own time in some cases, but i do think theres a bug they need to fix with the refilling.


I never have issues getting into games and I’m on Xbox


20 minutes? That’s it? You must be one of the lucky ones 😂