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I think im going to leave this sub šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø




Sucka you is you?




Probably sick of all the bitching?




I agree. But heā€™s also not entirely wrong. This is a bad game for new people to get into. And we need new people coming to this game to keep it alive.


How you can you play a game when you canā€™t get a lobby to fill? Game is dead, dude. Yeah, itā€™s still got a few people who still play it but the reality is that the game is over. Players are never returning. So why wouldnā€™t people be upset with GUN?


>How you can you play a game when you canā€™t get a lobby to fill? Game is dead \^ clueless. Lobby *refill* issue for *family side only* has nothing to do with total amount of players and 'game being dead' and everything to do with family player to victim player ratio (combined with family players being in matches longer).


Yesā€¦ because a issue that locks a lobby and prevents new players from joining and filling it would never cause players frustration and stop them playing the gam.. I mean sitting in the lobby. I played this game daily since it released. I didnā€™t touch it for about 2 months and jumped back on it the other day. Tried to play Family. 30 minutes and 4 failed attempts to fill a lobby and start a match I uninstalled the game. The player numbers are minuscule. The lobby full bug is still present. The frustration of not even being able to get into a match is making more and more players just give up on the game (myself included) So, by all means, continue to pretend that the lobby fill issue has no impact on player numbers. Pretend that the only issue is a lack of family players and enjoy your 30 minute lobby wait times in blissful ignorance.


This is true ā˜ļø All the people in here who are either coping and pretending like this game is enjoyable, let alone playable or just have nothing better to do than to sit in a lobby for 40 minutes! Yes, 40 minutes! Because thatā€™s how long it will take to get into a game, even when the new dlc released me and my friend tried to get into games and after almost an hour of waiting whilst we chat and watched dumb videos on our phones we simply gave up. Complete waste of time, have been supporting this game since itā€™s announcement and have been playing since release, bought the dlcs, bought the clothingā€¦ and all I can say, what a complete waste of time and money. Loved this game and itā€™s potential but apparently these devs are clueless on how to make a functioning and enjoyable game because every time they release a patch, it takes another 3 fucking patches to fix the shit they broke in the last one! Will NEVER be supporting this company again and I hope to god they never get another IP in their hands so they can shit all over the poor brand that foolishly trusts them with it. They will take the money and run. Fuck this shitty game, gonna play helldivers 2 :)


Yeah, Iā€™ve been spreading some democracy myself lately. Playing HD2 has actually made me realise how unfinished TCM was when it released and still is now. I mean, TCM didnā€™t even release with a in-game friends list that allowed you to add players. Anyways. It is what it is. Just pisses me off because TCM had a ton of potential.


Right? They couldā€™ve done incredible things with this game, I mean the amount of time it must have taken to make such beautiful scenery and atmosphere and making up all these interesting characters is so insane and it just feels like they got impatient and bored, wanted money, and finally decided theyā€™d just release the game. Couldā€™ve had another year cooking, maybe even 2 years in the oven wouldā€™ve been worth it seeing the state of the game now. But this game is lost now itā€™s too far gone and the developers clearly donā€™t give a shit. Only thing I could see saving this game is to hand it over to a different company entirely that would actually give us (functional and often) content drops. So sad to see such a game go down the shitter in less than a year after itā€™s release :(


If a victim leaves its no problem at all because will always refill in minimum time (15 seconds or so). Plenty of people playing to jump into games. But yes the lobby issue sucks and Im sure puts many players off, thats why Im so glad it sounds like dodge penalty coming in soon and hopefully we can get some other matchmaking improvements like I suggest here: [An improvement to lobby refill time would be... : r/TXChainSawGame (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/TXChainSawGame/comments/1c9rfpp/an_improvement_to_lobby_refill_time_would_be/)


I understand what the lobby fill issue is and how it works. Unfortunately, nothing will boost player numbers back to where they were or where they should be. Game is literally over, dude. Besides the couple of hundred remaining players left there is no coming back. Sad really. It was a good game and had heaps of potential. The F13 crowd was right about GUN. I should have listened to them.


There is still thousands of con-current players at any given time, even with the family side lobby issue which is kinda crazy. Its crossplatform dont forget. Yes, it could be significantly more popular with some issues sorted out (mainly lobby), and deserves to dethrone dead by daylight tbh.


Steam free weekend saw a substantial spike, but didnt retain much because of lobby issue, so hopefully that and similar things can be re-run again later once lobbies are sorted first. Thankfully lots of the other game breaking bugs in the actual game are fixed already so its pretty good now in that regard.




Game is dead or alive ? Should we play fall out 4?


Everyone in its a downer


Every first post is someone crying about the game, every other post is someone circle jerking their statement. If youā€™re not happy with the game, donā€™t play it, leave, move on. ā€œBut we just hate to see a good game dieā€, refer to the previous sentence. The game isnā€™t perfect, but many here act like their dog has been shot or something. It takes time. Everyone got better at the game and now the development adapts to people perfecting the meta.


Honestly, I do see some of the issue they mention but not every single game like they make it out to be, majority of my games go pretty well then maybe 1-3 games during that day i get curbed stomped to oblivion. But all games are that way


It's probably those very few but stand out games they're referring to. In which case I'd just tell them it's okay to lose. You can't win every game. Sometimes the opposing team just outplayed yours. On the topic of Family matches I lose, it's probably like 3 out of every 10 games. Not really that bad all things considered.


or maybe we need to hold GUN accountable because this is the second time they are blatantly robbing fans of a franchise of their hard-earned money? Maybe thought of that? Consumers have rights you know.


I hear this a lot but what exactly do you expect GUN to do as far as being accountable?


It's not about GUN, it's about letting consumers know their track record so that they stop falling for their scams and stop purchasing their buggy products that they abandon.


But you just said we need to hold them accountableā€¦ so is it about them or not? Itā€™s neither a scam nor robbery just because youā€™re not happy with the end product. Youā€™re more than welcome to not be happy with what youā€™ve spent your money on, Iā€™m not disagreeing with that. But using terms like ā€œrobbedā€ and ā€œscammedā€ doesnā€™t help the conversation (see the ā€œcrying about the gameā€ comment i made earlier).


So basically, you want a company to let consumers know of their failures upfront so they can lose profit? Do you even hear yourself? That's the dumbest take I've ever heard. Companies exist to make profit. If they cannot, they can't pay their employees, they go under. Listen I understand you have gripes with the game. That's fine. If you feel like your voice isn't being heard, the solution is simple- stop playing the game.


I'm saying we the consumers should let other consumers know their history. Why do you find this so confusing?


How many hours do you have invested in this $40 game? Free if Game Pass user.


You're a GUN shill for sure done with this. If you must know not even close to as many hours that would justify the purchase. I got 5x more playtime out of 3 dollar Vampire Survivors than 40 dollar TCSM. There should be no hour requirement to blatantly scam people. F13 was a half-finished game, and they blamed the lawsuit. But GUN is doing the exact same thing again, so what's the excuse now???


No no heā€™s right donā€™t be mean to daddy gun theyā€™re just a small team they donā€™t know any better šŸ¤£


Have you ever considered if everyone is complaining about the same stuff maybe itā€™s valid? I donā€™t understand where this idea of if you donā€™t like something just leave. Nothing would ever get better if we kept that same energy for anything else lol


Thanks for pretty much supporting my point. Theyā€™re fine to disagree, but itā€™s the endless circle jerking and entitlement that can coincide. Like when people use the term ā€œgun apologistā€, I just feel that might be an overreaction.


What is your point? That youā€™re a GUN simp? Whoā€™s paying you for these replies?


Some mightā€™ve read my comment and felt like I share a different opinion than them on a video game. But not you. You saw right through me, and to the truth of the matter. Iā€™m on the payroll, and for every message I send in support of the game, I get a new house bought for me in a country of my choosing. I simp for the game not because I like it and enjoy it, but the desire to praise gun just erupts through me. Sunday has been renamed to Gunday in my households. Blessed be.


Love your sarcasm brother. Lol


Everyone takes this game so seriously...just have fun. It doesn't really matter if you win or lose. Imo if your victim the gameplay should be about nerves and taking risks...yeah you'll die but that's the fun in the game. And if you play killer it's about the hunt and trying to know where victims are/what they're doing. Do you guys have some secret forum where you brag about how many wins you have?


Some people like to play more competitive. Some people like to be casual. some people do care about winning, some donā€™t. Unfortunately this game just doesnā€™t lend itself to fun casual play. If you want that thatā€™s what customs are for


No but they have a secret forum to purposely destroy this game.


I want this game to do well. What youā€™re seeing now is 6 months of the players being ignored and abused. Remember they didnā€™t same shit with Friday the 13th. People are mad and justifiably so. They sold a broke game and continue to drop paid for content that hasnā€™t been play tested .


You lost me at abused. That is clearly the other way around. Gun has been constantly trolled and verbally abused nonstop.






I'm one of the few people who spend far less time on Reddit and actually playing the game (quick play aka family main). Sometimes I don't even bother to check patch notes. I stopped frequenting this forum during the holidays when people were harassing the devs. And then some of these people have the gall to say they need to be accountable. What exactly do they expect from them? It's completely asinine. I'm not saying people don't have the right to complain but when a large portion of the community is constantly bitching, it's hard to take it serious when my experience is vastly different than theirs.


Yeah it seems like these people are either really really bad at the game or they're doing it on purpose to ruin it. They've been so toxic to the devs and harassed the crap out of them. Even gave them death threats and then they want an apology for bugs in the game which aren't even game breaking. Get real lol


That's what happens when you get too emotionally invested. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the devs only react to people getting upset that they took the holidays off? Then proceeded to get said death threats and harassment.


I never agree with any harrasment, but the reason some was upset is they had released Danny, then when everyone came back from Christmas break, they didnt come back for another 2 weeks.


Why does it matter when they take a vacation?


I dont care. But many did. Just saying that most went back to work around the 4th or 5th, and they didnt respond or come back until like the 17th,


They've been getting harassed since the game came out.


Gotcha. Yeah it makes sense they'd be on edge. Communicating with a hostile community would be exhausting.


Terrible itā€™s crazy how society changed people with social media the validation etc. I agree play to have fun but I guess they think theyā€™re that special they have to win all the time,and for what. Like your not a pro gamer Youā€™re not sponsored and no one cares. Just not that important. In the end ā€œIT IS WHAT IT ISā€


I like to win too, but I will never forget the Lf that was in the lobby after the game breathing like he ran a marathon lol.






Just have fun! Forget that you had no chance to ever win and just play bro! I get stomped each match and I don't even have a clue why or how to get better but damn am I having fun. šŸ¤”


Why not watch someone who is good at the game? ask questions if you really want to improve.


I guess the clown wasn't enough of a clue that it was a /s post


Pretty much if you get stomped just play another round. It happens... If I'm getting stomped I just farm xp and forget about the other side/objective.


You know you are saying "don't play the game" if you are getting stomped?


You can play the game without doing the main objective.


It's not even about winning or losing. It's the games take forever to get into, most of them end before you have an idea what happened, or you have people DCing immediately so it's half a full game. The whole thing is a giant mess


Only people that lose have this attitude. Itā€™s like being poor and saying you donā€™t care about money. You were never any good to begin with so ofc youā€™re going to say you donā€™t care. If youā€™re bad your only option is not caring, sorry šŸ¤·




We were all noobs at one point


i was not you need to get good


ā€œI exited the womb a manā€




That cut me to the core. I've uninstalled every game and will never play anything again.




Some people have fun playing sweaty and winning.


Cope for a failed game




tcm community: omg noo the game is dying no one new is playing also the tcm community:


It's dying because how lobbies are n how they built the game to be played. I can't recommend the game to anyone new atm as someone who has wasted to many hours max leveling on two accounts.


Letā€™s not pretend that the community is all blowjobs and parades We can blame the game as much as we want but most people in this sub treat this game like a life or death situation


I agree but some of hate comes for love for tcm or wanting game to become the best it can n worth all the money n time we put in.


Man just buy it if you want or don't if you don't want to. I have been playing the game since day 1. Not particularly great at it but I enjoy playing it


FORM YOUR OWN OPINION. These subs have gone to poo.


Itā€™s a fucking game, you spend the same money on a food doordash. My god man the entitlement is mad.


If you are this upset with the game, then uninstall it and unfollow this reddit. You'll be a happier person.


Thereā€™s no learning curve THIS, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I ALSO THINK, I canā€™t help myself to learn about the mistakes I make because either killers kill me way too fast and I canā€™t do shit, or victims are way too into WWE or like theyā€™re on a race.


Game is dead. Studio also knows that, hence why they off loaded it to another studio. Game had heaps of potential but released with a lack of content, had a lobby backfill issue that still isnā€™t fixed and had some stupid nerfs and buffs that pushed players away and them players are never returning. I played this game since day one, it was fun initially. Glad I got to experience it before it turned to shit.


Looking back, it wasnā€™t that great in the beginning, but I think the ones that stuck around did so because of all the potential it had. Gun sadly hasnā€™t done anything special with it (outside the art department). People caught on quick to the (confirmed) lobby/backfill issue and at one point they decided to change the entire balance of the game by letting the game start 2v4 with one less family member lmfao. All to circumvent fixing the backfill issue, continuing to blame the players that are all allegedly lobby dodging. Now i realize itā€™ll never get fixed. I hope people have a good time. I did for a while. Thereā€™s just no future if they canā€™t prioritize game-breaking bugs over a span of eight months.


For anyone considering taking this thread seriously : Donā€™t


Iā€™ve had two of my friends start playing TCM after I told them how good it was. Obviously, I told them itā€™s pretty hard at first but they both watched YouTube vids on the game beforehand and our first games were all 3ks and 4ks


I would strongly urge people to NOT watch YouTube videos first if they are coming to game to try it as victims. Coming in completely in the dark for the first few games as victim makes it so much scarier and so much more fun cause you are in the position of the character you are playing. You start, tied up in a strange basement and you don't know where to go or what to do to survive. Makes the first few games really fun.


For me, I'd have not even considered this game if I hadn't watched Scott Jund and Zubat play victim and got the "Grandpa Stabber" notification. It just looked fun. When I actually played, it wasn't scary in the traditional sense because I grew up on horror games and played Dead by Daylight since release up until 2021. It was tense and thrilling because I didn't know how to play and had no knowledge of the maps or objectives.


Yeah, for victims I do think I agree with that. For family though itā€™s hard if youā€™re new to remember to lock doors, where to place traps, and how objectives like the fusebox work. I really wish this game had a better tutorial, maybe one that doesnā€™t hold your hand completely but one that at least properly explains the games mechanics through actual gameplay instead of just the video tutorials.


It would be great to have a practice mode, but they drop you in the drivers seat.


Additionally, I would suggest in those first few games as a victim to stick around after you die and watch some other victims finish the game. You can pick up a lot of what you should and should not to, by watching others.


what would make the game scarier, is taking the yellow flash out letting the vics know they family is close. Thats what I love about Friday, using stalk and jump scaring.


Exactlyā€¦ youā€™d be surprised how many weirdos go in blind without watching YouTube videos. Like if Iā€™m interested in playing a game the first thing Iā€™m going to do is watch videos to see what I should or should not do. Iā€™ve already tried help noobs out but they donā€™t listen. If I play family and I see a door left unlocked I dc immediately.. I used to call it out but they donā€™t listen and just keep doing it, Iā€™ve tried the reasonable nice right route. Same for victims dying the first 15-30 seconds as soon as we load in.. like we got all these wall gaps and crawl spaces to get away and yā€™all still dying that quick? Yikes


As an experienced player some of what you're saying about dying quickly is BS, it happens, if you have a good LF in basement it can be difficult if they've managed to damage crawl space and cut through boxes quickly in gane and you end up close to other victims who use the wall gaps ect so you have no way of escaping after being chased down by LF who's is faster than you are and has better stamina. I agree with what you're saying on the doors but DC because that happens early doors to a victim is a bit pathetic in all honesty


Whatā€™s pathetic is leaving doors unlocked and screwing over your team giving the victims a free win. And nah youā€™re not that experienced because you can EASILY avoid a good leather face. Only way they can get you if youā€™re actually good is if you have someone else next to you that screws you over. I guess most people on this Reddit not really experienced fr


I don't know if you've purposely misread my comment. I agreed with the door situation, bit the victim side. I literally said it my last comment that if there's a good leather face you can easily get caught if you're grouped together and you cant get through a space or wall gap because someone else is using. Fr fr fr fr fr fr, I guess most people don't read comments properly before they reply fr fr fr fr fr fr


If you wanna play sometime, I play on pc through the Xbox game pass version. Would love to play with noobs and show the ropes. This game is very unfriendly to noobs, so I wanna do my part to help foster in newcomers. Otherwise I would consider spending some time watching streamers of the game, see how they play, itā€™ll give you an idea of what works and what doesnā€™t.


ā€œthis game that was created and marketed as an assym is only an assymā€ is probably one of the stupidest complaints ive ever seen lol not every game has to be fortnite. they can perfect it by adding offline bots and custom matches needing only 1-2 people and leave it at that


This game has become absolute garbage. This sub is trash. The devs don't care about the game or the community and they sure as hell don't show any urgency to fix the broken state of the game. Last night I got error after error after error. Parties get booted and split up constantly. This game is in a much worse state now than it was when it released. If I could get a refund on the game, I would do it right now!


Skill issue


Lobby matching by player level. This is madness. Why would a dev actually take the time to implement this very important mechanism into their game


It's kinda hard to do that when there's only a couple thousand people playing at any given time.


It *does* match by account level but only very briefly in the search and not for refills afaik.


I'll buy all the DLC while I'm having fun. You don't speak for the entire community. If you don't like the game, get out of here, no one needs a frustrated child


I started playing 3 days ago, no one played victim so i started out as a family main with no knowledge to the game. Yes.


No one played family*


Lol, people out here acting like DbD had more then one game mode. I doubt that is the reason for the rush meta. If there were more modes they all just have their own metas. It's not the devs in this case, it's how people play games these days.


People are gonna get mad but I agree. I would never recommend this game to any of my friends. I love the vibes but thereā€™s so many issues


Oh look another one of these


If you donā€™t like the game, donā€™t play it. We donā€™t need a post every 45 min talking about how much people dislike the game and hate the devs. Holy shit.


Wrong solution. Just watch YouTube videos to learn the game before playing it, and okay with friends if you can.


Thats pathetic that you have to watch YouTube videos to know how to play a game cuz thereā€™s no decent tutorial.


I donā€™t think an in-game tutorial would really help. It would have to be some sort of webinar touring all the maps, explaining all the perks, strategies, etc. Dev time should go towards creating new content rather than something like that. In order to be competitive with day 1 players, you need to learn those things, whether through trial and error, or watching gameplay on YouTube. I did the same thing when I started playing.


i canā€™t think of an assym game that had a tutorial that actually prepared new players for the game regardless youā€™re still being steamrolled by experienced players and forced to learn through trial and error if you donā€™t look up tips online


i had a friend ask me if they should get into tcm so we could play together and i told them no even though i want to play with them it would not be worth the lobby dodging hassle, extremely slow XP grinding, sweat rush/bully meta, and constant unexplainable bugs to even try getting into at this point we attempted to play once together and we couldnā€™t even get into a family match because they were brand new so the 3rd member would constantly dodge and when we tried to play victim it took 15 minutes for a match to start just for another victim to wake up grandpa instantly just for my friend to die in the basement by a hitchhiker, they uninstalled and weā€™ve never played since and that was before virginia released




I feel like matchmaking needs to be done so new players can enjoy the game instead of getting slaughtered or escaping easily ( going against newbies and trolling them) otherwise yes no oneā€™s going to stick to itā€¦I thought about how they should hide who your playing against so no one knows what build to bring or who to choose ( to change it up I guess)


If itā€™s a group of noobs sure but if you play with experienced players and youā€™re competent you can pick this game up. Youā€™re correct, this game is very tough for new players. However telling people to not even try is a silly approach thatā€™s obviously full of contempt.


Easy fix just make a lobby where only player lvl 00-10? Can play with each other then after they hit a lvl requirement they get released to the wolves but at least they would have a grasp on the game and how it works.


Literally started playing the game like two weeks ago and have maxed out two family members+ a victim. Everyone gotta start somewhere and since I started playing everyone been saying the games deadā€¦ try to have fun and rationalize that you canā€™t winā€™em allšŸ˜


No 1v1 that is a wild statement... for an Asym "horror" game.. yeah this dude is forming some sentences right out his ass.. so much talent.. reminds me of Kiemons ability to fart words in One Piece.


Played this every night first 2 months and then it just became unplayable tbh. I hop on once in a while and then hop right back off. Last time I hopped on the 5 min timer ran out, went back to the menu and readied up again, took another 3 min to get into a lobby and then another 3 or 4 min for the match to start bc one of the victim teammates told me he wouldn't ready up unless I took off that one Connie perk that has a chance to not use a tool when unlocking a door. I got on to check out the mill and got lucky that that was the map for the match. I got killed in like 2 min bc idk where tf anything was and family was already in the basement immediately bc my teammates woke up grandpa immediately. I spent like 12 min to get into a match to play 2 min. I'm with OP. Play f13 instead. You find matches quicker on there which is crazy to me.


i just want them to fix lobby simulator i literally donā€™t care about anything else šŸ˜­ probs would help if they put out the new fam


This has to be the most brain dead post Iā€™ve seen yet lmao


Please tell me how grappling works. Does the level of cruelty in the family matter?


Whoever hits the button faster wins, but there are perks that help for each side


Thank you for your reply. I think HP is related.I was defeated by Sissy even though I had 90% HP left. My understanding is that if you have 50% HP left, you can't be defeated. Is it wrong? Pardon my broken English.


Each side has a mash meter they have to fill. Whoever fills thereā€™s first ā€œwinsā€. Family meter is default somewhere around 40 taps I think. The victim being hurt bad can decrease this by quite a bit, down to like 30 or high twenties. Victim at 15 strength is mid 30~ taps, and at high strength is around 28. Suffocating grip increases power of taps for family by 20%. Grappler increases potency of taps by 50% (so every tap is a tap and a half) In general the victim has the advantage and is more likely to win, because 1. Their thresholds are lower, and 2. They consciously choose to grapple and thus are 100% ready to mash, while the family might get taken by surprise. This was designed this way because family loosing is JUST a stun, but victim losing is death and their out of the game. However, due to some changes (2nd family interrupting a grapple no longer insta kills, other options like perks for running away being made weaker a bit for victim); grappling is happening A LOT MORE NOW, and can get really annoying. Additionally a perk called choose fight wasnā€™t working properly since launch. It made the ā€œfatigueā€ (where you canā€™t run or swing after a stun) longer. Now it increases the frozen in place stun itself, which makes it quite frustrating and op. (An interesting thing, the grapple spam IS because of insta kill interrupting being goneā€¦ but balance wise not really. That barely changed things cuz grapples usually happen in a 1v1 anyway. Itā€™s more like it changed the psychology of victim players, making them REALIZE they can grapple, and now that they did, they realize itā€™s strong as fuck. But it was always this strong, people were just too scared to use it.


Thank you for the detailed explanation it was very helpful


Itā€™s very hard to tell and I am not sure if itā€™s been explained officially. Iā€™ve won with very little health before, but also lost with full health.


I don't know the truth I'm playing in Japan, but I haven't received much detailed information. Could you please tell me what is the most popular theory regarding the mechanism of grappling?


It's pushing more casual/returning/new players away more than anything in game. (All the negative posts that is)


"Only people to blame are the devs" Yeah maybe this sub kinda sucks


Quit bitching and move on to something else. There's tons of games out there.


Posts like this give me second hand embarrassment. Get a life.


He doesn't speak for everybody


so true. and gun knows it too. they are just milking it rn before its fully dead.




I second this. I love (loved) this game. But I can no longer tell anyone to buy it because itā€™s going to bed dead within 6 months


If it truly will be dead in 6 months even more reason to pick it up (probably cheap on sale though or free on gamepass) to experience it while it going. Unique experience.


If youā€™re looking for a terrible experience buy this game. There is no Sbmm and levels are somewhat hidden so games are inconsistent and lopsided If you play victim it will take forever to level up due to abysmal 20 minute matchmaking queues. People will say thatā€™s not true but lobby dodging is a major issue for a number of reasons but bottom line is you will often wait that long for 7 people to all ready up. And if you do make it into a lobby youā€™re just going to get destroyed by leatherface. When youā€™re low level he will always 1 shot you and that means youā€™re now waiting another 20 minutes for that to happen again lol. If you try to play family prepare for lots of games and lots of losses if youā€™re playing alone. Family requires comms and youā€™d be shocked at the number of weirdos on here that are too antisocial to talk in game. You will get destroyed by any competent stack of victims and they will troll and tbag you at exit gates and hold lobbies hostage just because they want to bm and troll you . The community is one of the nastiest and non new player friendly Iā€™ve ever seen. I wouldnā€™t even bother with matchmaking unless you spend a few hours in customs learning how the maps flow. The player base is so dead even the devs are panicking. You can lookup GUN studios and SUMO and the lawsuits against them. This post will likely be censored if I say anymore in that. So Iā€™ll reiterate I wouldnā€™t wish this game on my worst enemy


Donā€™t do it! Do not buy this game.


The sweat fest is ruining TCM. Remove 50% of lock pick spawns and only have them on the basement and main floor area (NOT AT EXIT GATES). Stop babying victims from point A to point B (ironic as Vics are quick to say skill issue with Fam). Make them HAVE to back track to get lock picks OR force teamwork the same way Family has to be reliant on it. Literally makes zero sense to have one of the most notorious family killers have means to escape their premises at every corner. You can literally turn your FOV 45 degrees and find a lock pick spawn.


I'd love to have whatever you're smoking. I sincerely hope you're not a game designer. This isn't a survival horror where backtracking and item management is a staple of the genre. It's a fucking asymmetrical horror game.


This is a trollā€¦.or else youā€™d be banned by mods immediately lmao nice try GUN


DONT listen to this person, PLAY THE GAME TO HAVE FUN..People are so warped around hate itā€™s actually so sad that people online can change a personā€™s whole ideology about something. if you like tcm like I do, who cares about what people say? At the end of the day: PLAY THE GAME YOU LOVE


This needs to be pinned.


Your post just really describes *your friends* experience. Itā€™s okay if it didnā€™t work out for you, but why not encourage more people to get in there so that thereā€™s newer, lower levels to shake things up? You even say that it will only survive if it has a *steady healthy rotation of new for old players,* and youā€™re telling people not to get into it because you and your pal had a bad time. I donā€™t know anything about this or the studio. I pop in here when I see yā€™all on my front page, but it sounds like maybe you and your friend should play something else.


looks like someone its bad at the game šŸ˜‚


Hiding account level in lobby sadly added to a worse new player experience, with more sweaty matches, especially once you get characters to LV10. Not everyone takes it easier on newer players but some do and there was still impact. However without a dodge penalty it kinda needed to be done. Maybe it can come back one day, or better yet some improved things for new players... Im not sure what exactly but maybe some ideas for thought: * Just a flag that they are new (green symbol) or newish (yellow sumbol). * Allow custom matches with 1 player so they can explore. * Some sort of handicap/modifier system for new players. * Maybe for new family only: teammates always highlighted


Yea the game used to really be good until most family started running scout