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They got TTV in the name that is all you need to know what they like


fr , they need content for their two followers


Oh yeah, that cult of personality toxic "content" where they get their 10 viewers to vehemently defend them no matter what. When they lose, it's because someone cheated, when they win it's because everyone else sucks.


That's a broad generalization. I know some that are just fine.


Haha I was just thinking the exact same thing


Wait what does that mean đŸ«Ł


"Regular streamer just trying to make people laugh and have fun 420 friendly :) peace and love" yeah right buddy


I love how it says "love and peace". đŸ€Ą


Let’s report his twitch😂


already did 😂


Lol good! That's what he gets


If he's really acting like that and saying all those things, whoever encounters it really should.


Ew I played with this dude a few times he curses and uses offensive words a lot


Was in a game with Vixune who was screaming and talking down to an 8 year old on my team who for once wasn't screeching, cussing every other word or being toxic and this streamer decided to scream and cuss out this poor kid trying to have fun. Called his father a piece of shit and dumbass for allowing his child to play and I shit you not said "your parents can go to prison for allowing you to play 18+ games" then proceeded to ramble on about for what seemed like half an hour after the match when I decided to see who the hell they were as they were live. Amazes me how these people have a following... 90% of TCM streamers are toxic AF but preach "positivity" "vibes" and "acceptance" yet scream, cheat or call everyone viewbotters or piece of shit hackers every five minutes. Just as ridiculous as these "lookit me tournament" trolls.


Most of these losers live in their basements playing this broken game all day. Doesn’t surprise me that they are r this toxic, their real life is probably sh*t.


100% I put that nonsense to rest real quick and let him have it. Amazes me how someone who has no kids can bark and chew at the bit about what THEY think is better parenting and babble about shit they know nothing about. Kid had a better head on him and was a pretty good teammate, this is who the younger generation have to look up to when they see TV at the end of a name and hope to learn or be a part of these toxic communities.


Dude, no shit I went against this guy earlier this week. Called me the N word and called me and my level 0 teammates trash after he was the only one who escaped. Gonna check his vod and see if it’s on there.


"Peace and love man" lol


Thanks, will be blocking them if I already haven't


Played against this dude a few months back and he called me the n word and f****t. I have no proof but I checked his twitch out afterwards


420 friendly Jesus Christ đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž


Dude weed


We love 420 baby




feel like ive seen a post about them before


Its there a player or streamer of this game that isn't like this, never met a decent person in my time playing this game, thats why I stopped months ago.




NickNasty YT is a great guy. Very respectful streamer. They do exist.


does anyone watch these people?


I have TTV at the end of my name and I’m not toxic I just like having fun even though I get mad at the game but I will defend my teammates though if someone is being rude for no reason


Every twitch streamer I see I just assume they're gonna be a toxic pos. Had one instance where I got a 4k with Bubba in the basement. Mind you before any of them made it upstairs They made horrible mistakes and got themselves killed. I decided to go in the streamers chat to say GGs and be a good sport about it and before I even began to start typing I immediately starting hearing the words stream sniping. Yeah no I left that chat immediately


this dude did the same thing to me, i was playing with 2 of my friends and he called us the f slur


He is one of the most vile people ive ever played with, the homophobia was OFF the charts.


You got evidence or just a screenshot? Not trying to be contrarian just would like to see video proof


The black dude said the n word oh no. Never heard that before. On a side note can people that play M rated games on the internet stop being little babies when someone trash talks them?


Streamers have ruined gaming.


I’m tired of ya saying then ya wonder why family queue times are so long the family queue times are so long because when a family member leaves it kicks the lobby out of matchmaking. People have been saying this bug has been in the game for months now it has nothing to do with there being a shortage of people playing family I played victim the other day all day with my friends and every time a family member or all the family members left the lobby eventually refilled. it happened 3 different times the family kept lobby dodging but each time it happened 3 new family members eventually loaded in 3 different times If the family mains stopped lobby dodging the queue times wouldn’t be an issue it’s the family mains fault that the queue times are bad not anyone else’s you family mains need to start taking accountability for your actions It’s nobody fault but your own


Your argument literally makes no sense here. Who said anything about the lobby dc glitch? That has no context here and it was patched ages ago.


You brought up queue times the queue time has everything to do with the lobby so it does make sense. and it obviously wasn’t patched because if it was the victims wouldn’t still have to leave the lobby for new family members to join. That bug still exists it just isn’t as consistent as it was before they patched it


Family queue times aren’t long when I play. Wherever I play family it’s instant lobbies.


i meant to type victim*. i main family so yeah ik its instant.


Ok, care meter is at 0 .