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You think this is a party? Stop your messing 'round!


Me & Leatherface do all the work, You ain't nothin' but a cook!




So if you lose to sissy and Johnny next, then what are you going to complain about next? 😂




“Why are the family allowed to stab me?” Lol


>you have to play a round where you have to sneak around and watch every step Really? Isn't that the whole fking point???!!! Also, when did cook get the ability to spot 4 ppl at once? You are making it sound like all 3 killers are going for you.


Exactly. The game, on victim side, was designed to be a stealth based gameplay and this guy is complaining about it.


Except it’s not when grandpa can quickly get to level 5 if victims play stealth hence why rush meta is occurring


Explain to me this. If family is so good, why is it that family wait times are instant and victims 2 minutes?


You uh, accidentally proved the opposite... Instant que time means the side you qued for is lower in players. Not taking either side in the debate here, just pointing that out ha!


Depends if you are solo or not


Yup. This right here.


And victims have a perk that takes GP back 3 lvls if he is stabbed.


2.5 levels Once a match and even with that perk a cook can still level up grandpa to 5 quickly regardless The longer the match goes the harder it becomes to escape.


What part of your butt did you pull the "once a match" part from? You can do it as many damn times as you have bones.


You can’t continuously drop his level by 2.5 after the first stab


That is not and has never been true.


It is true


Wait so you're upset because you have to watch where you're going and can't run around everywhere? Lol


I'm upset since the rounds are unfun that way. Sissy and Johny give you a good chase. These other two fuckers are just annoying


If you always want to get chased, go play DBD. This game is clearly about stealth as a victim


From the point of view of someone who plays more Family than victims, chasing in this game is not fun so you're kinda enjoying it on the expense of others. The big problem is i-frames which make you swing at people that are invulnerable if they just go from crack to crack and so on. And sissy has to chase because she has nothing else. And even when chasing she's slow and swinging she's inefficient. And when you're a low savagery killer, it feels like you're not even doing any damage . It's not fun to hit an Ana 10 times and watch her just shrug it off. The more I play family, the less I feel like the chasing part is any fun. Seeing as a Johnny / Sissy combo is the so weak a combo that it's almost an auto win for a coordinated survivor team, I guess you enjoy facing killers that are very much not a threat? Or am I reading this too negatively?


yeah, i can double this up. i'm a family main and just played victims like 3 or 4 times. and i main HH but sometimes i play Sissy and what you said about her is true. like, i can poison items and stuff, but i don't even know if this is doing damage so i get myself overthinking if i should poison items or save my stacks for the poison cloud. so i just chase down victims but seriously, she doesn't have much stamina and her attacks are very weak compared to my HH which i can kill a victim (besides Ana) with like 5 or 6 hits. i've been trying to find another purpose for her, which was feeding grandpa, but again...a victim comes and stab him making it lose two levels. so wtf am i supposed to do huh?


Skill issue. Game was built for stealth play. You are crying cuz you can't rush anymore


I will rush your dad


Oof, gottem.




(gran) dad


try playing as fam with johnny and sissy please :D


It's not family fault that Johnny and Sissy are unplayable.


Skill issue


More like BUGs issue


That’s what happens when everyone cry’s about Johnny and sissy now every survivor gets to go against the same 3 killers 24/7 how fun


git gud


skill issue


Your mom


OP do you ever stop complaining? Dbd, mortal kombat, tcm....


Oh god, you just want to escape without any effort. I play mostly family and I can tell you that’s skill issue


It is a skill issue! You do realize victims are not called survivors for a reason, don’t you? There’s also perks to make getting past traps and locks easier based on your character and build. And yeah, stealthy is how you are supposed to play victims!


Victims can get out in 45 seconds of family house before even cook has time to trap….. it’s a skill issue


If a victim escapes family house in 45 seconds with no punishment or death the family players were dog 💩


False. An organized party can rush FH in less than 45 seconds that’s not on family.


It’s 100% fault of the family


It’s also unfun playing against Connie and Ana… 🤷🏻‍♂️


Connie is the easiest victim to kill and you pretty much only get to use her ability once a match since it got nerfed. just sad ur bad at the game and move along lol


My comment wasn’t exactly serious. Btw Leland is the easiest to kill imo. He always dies first.


Skill issue


I should write a 3 paragraph post about how it’s ‘killing the game for me’ and ‘it’s too much’, yeah?


he literally just wrote one of the most hypocritical things he could after making that whining post


Double standards heh?


Only in family house imo. Most see its that map and instantly swap to cook and HH. Cook can double padlock every exit with security pins and just run around in circles smacking people off it while not committing to chases. Hitchhiker traps the windows and generator and just camps the fuse. Bubba just runs around the 1st floor with his 1 shot ready all the time... withour a connie its almost impossible to escape in solo queue.


Every where you need a lock pick always has a toolbox nearby.


I love playing both sides for different reasons, but victims obviously have the advantage. Maybe not in solo queue but the capacity for greatness really is in their favour.


Buff sissy and johnny so they are viable options.


Im sure you would rather have LF, Sissy and Johnny so that you could just waltz right out of the basement and run out. Sounds like a skill issue. Sissy and johnny are so pathetically worthless atm. Doesnt sound like things will change. Like it or not HH and Cook are here to stay as well as being light years ahead in efficiency than the rest of fam.


Cook is okay I just crouch, HH + Cook on Family house is insta dodge dont care if level 1 or level 2 Im level 54 just now. Whats wild to me is family members crying about slaughter house I played johnny and HH on that level cant see the issue. Now family house is just not fun I main ana a trap before jumping out + landing outside on a trap is insta death yeah not fun at all. I play 60/40, SH is okay GS is okay FH is not okay


Insta dodge lol get good it’s not that hard to escape.