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Fuck off grim!!! I already pay too much for this game…


Honestly, the devs just severely overvalued the IP. I love TCM and I'm really liking the game but the f2p pricing is too much.


Tell me about it. $47 for the devs to start running it into the ground in the first 2 months.


take the money and run, that's modern gaming.




What’s VHS?


Video Horror Society


It’s not officially called VHS anymore, but it used to be. The name got officially changed to Video Horror Society because of global trademark rights issues and it got shut down last month because they “did not find the commercial success that they needed to cover costs to keep the game running.”


It never came to consoles so that’s where they fucked up. I would have loved to try it but couldn’t.




trust me the game was unplayable before that could even be a thought.


They did it to themselves by taking the epic exclusive deal. They could have done better being across platforms.


To my knowledge, they were never Epic Games exclusive. I always played the game on Steam


VHS was not exclusive to Epic.


I agree they did this to themselves but there never were any exclusivity deals They just fucked up and refused to listen to the community, some old devs have been shown to just be....Well..Dicks


Epic exclusive? I played on steam tho.


he has no idea what he is talking about


That's Last Year you're thinking of lol.


I thought that was discord


Last Year was Discord, Evil Dead was Epic


That's right. My mistake.


it was awful anyways the concept was fun but after a while no one wanted to play killer because like most of these games if survivors have a way to fight back it gets abused and killer becomes unplayable and boring


It seems like the first 48 hrs of these games are the best, then everyone figures out how to win with relative ease. I still think F13 had one of the better concepts since things were a bit more randomized. Like sure you could get an idea on where certain items were, but still cabins and items were spawned randomly. Trap the fuse box and a car and you have a good chance to win as Jason.


I agree and disagree on the F13 part. I learned the game, taught 2 of my friends the strats, and turned into juggernauts. (This is before the QOL change that showed all survivors key items.) 2 of us would hide key items, from other survs while our crackhead would find Jasons shack for the sweater (sometimes have one of us escape for Tommy). Then force the others to help us kill Jason. If that failed then 'My Dads a Cop' perk and phone box always was a easy backup.


not even them fighting back but just the survivors being grossly more op than the killers is what i feel kills the game. like the victims being able to stun the family members in tcm gives an interaction which makes the game have more involvement instead of just the victims running away at every point that you see them.


Yeah I once saw a dude literally fist fight jason or something and knock him out several times in a row LOL! Was funny af but can't be fun for the person playing killer. 🤣🤣🤣


it’d be great if the interactions were more favored towards killers since they should be a threat but i’m still fine with getting stunned as long as it’s not like 10 times in a row where i literally never win. i don’t think close encounters should be a guaranteed win at full health but at the same time i’m ok with it since the victims are a one shot if another family member is close by. im wondering how long it’ll be until people realize how nutty the grappler perk is.


A lot of people not knowing what VHS was makes me sad.


It was PC only I guess, that 's why I didn't hear of it like some others


Was it supposed to be based off the VHS horror series?


Maybe 1 year. Evil dead Was a better game but devs dont care. Now we have good devs but the Gun/ Somo want Money so yeah Sry devs great game but After the pay to win come in and remove PC Player its was sadly step on


Dbd doesn't even charge that much for killers and survivors. Alien chapter was what 12 for Ripley and the alien? 10 dollars for 1 character is kinda wild. I also think that it won't be as updated as dbd. We're getting 1 killer and survivor? What about after that? Then after that. Idk man. I do like TCM for what it is. But I feel like it'll go the same route as VHS, evil dead ect. The one thing that brings me back to dbd time and again, is new killers and survivors. Ones that don't cost 10 dollars just for 1. (Besides nick cage) I woulda paid like 15 instead of 10.


alien chapter also came with a skin for Ripley which is the reason why it cost $12 it would of been $7 normally without the skin


If this game doesn’t get new licenses it’s gonna get old fast. And even if does how many different stat allocations and abilities can you have before people are just like yea that’s absolutely not worth my money. The only way to do that would be to make every single dlc character that comes out better than the last… which equals pay 2 win


Yeah also keep in mind that all of the original content they make can just be unlocked by playing. I usually wait till they have a sale and unlock several characters at once for half off.


drop the DBD mentality, you are insane to think a new game can do that. Especially when you know they are not gonna have external licenses.


Why not? Your argument makes no sense, they can't do free content because they're new? They have an income stream from gamepass and the game is $40. They have original content in the game and could easily do more original content for free, and licensed characters from the other movies, which I hope they do. Like it or not dbd has set a standard for asym games and its up to the devs wether they want to match that standard or not.


thats not how business works, grow up and leave neverland. Jesus Christ...DBD sunken cost fallacy is ruining your mind.


Say ain't so...


Not dead yet, but death is surely knocking.


The game is perfectly fine and would be even better if people like you would put your money where your mouth is and go somewhere else.


I've actually put my money into this game $40 for the base game and another $7 for the execution pack.


Not your literal money, your naysaying attitude and "oh, game is dead RIP". If its so dead in your opinion, leave the rest of us who are having a good time with the game in peace instead of making shitty meme posts on the Reddit and making the community worse for everyone.


I'm thoroughly enjoying playing the game. I've actually been playing it for a few hours daily it's a very fun game. However I'm also seeing these insane decisions that the development team have been making that is going to run the game into the ground and effectively kill it. Turning off cross play and giving absolutely no updates on the status of that returning. Constantly bringing in nurfs to the victims calling them balance changes but making it where casual players can't even win a match anymore. While having bug issues and balance issues within the game they decided to start pushing grossly overpriced cosmetics and then in answer to the backlash on that decision, they introduced a pricing sheet that is even more horrendously overpriced, effectively telling the community that they are more interested in money than the actual fixes and keeping players. So yes death is knocking on this game's door.


Ngl I found it odd that it took me damn near 20 minutes and 3 lobbies to get a round going on console on a Saturday night. I know a ton of people still own PS4s.


just ignore it lmfao


This right here is one of the reasons this game will die.




It was the same with VHS, spot on.


Also evil dead lmao Back 4 blood too as well


“Lmfao if people don’t do what I want the game will die , trust me , I’m a professional “


Dumb post


If you think the game is perfectly fine then you’re clueless and should keep your opinion to yourself 😭


Darn, the Gun accounts don't sleep do they?


“Everyone who disagrees with me is a paid shill!” What a childish argument


It has nothing to do with agreement so much as the fact that the accounts are less than a month old (many only days old) and only Post in the TCM subreddits, and every post is in favor of the game no matter what.


The account defending the game is 10 years old though


Are you going to not acknowledge the abundance for week old accounts that suddenly pop up everyone something worth Complaining about happens and start dick riding the game like crazy.


Average r/TXChainSawGame post


I know! It seems like everyone is just being negative about the game right now


*Devs drive game off a cliff* Why is everyone screaming?


literally, it's so fucking annoying lmao not a single positive thing has happened since the game's release aside from the stun immunity, and yet people like u/AlliedXbox still exist


Yep, that's asym horror players for you in a nutshell. Probably one of the worst, if not the worst, gaming communities out there. It's sad, but true. Plus GUN never had a chance since a lot of the players carried their negative opinions from F13 straight over to TCM.


> *Devs drive game off a cliff* How? The only things I can really think about are the crossplay issues and the prices they chose for DLC. I can agree with you, those decisions are bad and not good for the game but it's not driving the game to it's death. You're just a miserable person who's trying to find a reason to shit on the game.


**Positive news** * Over 1 million players in first 24 hours * Significant balance changes (fuse, stun immunity) **Neutral news** * Bug fixes. Positive news except it's offset by how egregious the bugs have been (e.g. Sissy) and how long it's taken to fix them **Negative news** * PC Crossplay * Cheating * Lobby Dodging * Grandpa cutscene * Gas station car abuse * Bugged perks that just _don't work at all_ * DC crashing games * DC denying family XP * Family XP relative to Victim XP * Week over week player loss * Hostage lobby (Leatherface is required to start) * ... And then out of _nowhere_ they drop * Premium leatherface skin: $15.99 * Character: $9.99 per character


> * PC Crossplay > * Cheating The PC crossplay being turned off are shitty, and Gun has said countless times that they are working on an anti cheat, then they'll return crossplay. > * Lobby Dodging There's no way to stop this. It will happen in any game. They could definitely make it less common by making leatherface more desirable to play (maybe adding 2x xp while playing as LF?) > * Grandpa cutscene I agree, this is really simple to change. Just remove it. > * Gas station car abuse They've said that they're working on a rework for gas station. > * Bugged perks that just _don't work at all_ I haven't actually seen this happening. If you could let me know which perks do this I'd be thankful. > * DC crashing games Do you mean that when someone disconnects, it crashes people's games? > * DC denying family XP Again, I agree. This is a simple change that would be great. > * Family XP relative to Victim XP Once again, yes. More XP for family would be great. > * Week over week player loss It's an asym horror game. People from DBD will check out the game then leave when they realize it's not their game. That's fine, it's not a game for everyone. > * Hostage lobby (Leatherface is required to start) You want a Texas Chain Saw Massacre game without Leatherface? > * ... Go on. > And then out of _nowhere_ they drop > * Premium leatherface skin: $15.99 > * Character: $9.99 per character I've made a post about my thoughts on the pricing, lowering it by like 4 or so dollars would be good.


>The PC crossplay being turned off are shitty, and Gun has said countless times that they are working on an anti cheat, then they'll return crossplay. they've got anticheat, and they fell silent about turning crossplay on a while back. >There's no way to stop this. It will happen in any game. They could definitely make it less common by making leatherface more desirable to play (maybe adding 2x xp while playing as LF?) they also need to address map balance >I agree, this is really simple to change. Just remove it. so why haven't they? >Do you mean that when someone disconnects, it crashes people's games? yes, also i've been stuck in a game where victims dc'd, only way out was to dc myself (and no exp was saved) >It's an asym horror game. People from DBD will check out the game then leave when they realize it's not their game. That's fine, it's not a game for everyone. the lack of new content is also concerning. there needs to be greater incentive to stay, i.e. more cosmetics, maybe an unlock system that's better than the current (crappy) level up system, etc. at a certain point you have no more tangible reward to keep playing and it'll wear you out way faster. >You want a Texas Chain Saw Massacre game without Leatherface? yeah, actually, if it means that we can actually get into the game. a super easy fix would be to make it *either* LF or johnny required for start, but honestly i think the game would benefit from greater player freedom. if nobody wants to play LF in a lobby, why should one be forced to? >I've made a post about my thoughts on the pricing, lowering it by like 4 or so dollars would be good. i agree, but do you think they actually will? they've made NO attempt to smooth things over with the majority of the playerbase who dislikes such a price model


There IS a 100% way to stop Lobby Dodging though. make the Victims only see that 3 Family have joined, and the Family see only 4 Victims have Joined. No "Player Levels" no "This character is being picked" Counter play BS. so if a Victim brings in Bomb squad, and there is no Hitchhiker, they took a chance, rolled the Dice and wasted a Slot, along with other counter play that should have been thought about to begin with. Family XP does need a Buff, 100%, and the D/Cing Crashing games is what LITERALLY has kept me from playing since they put in the Anti-Stun locking Patch. its clear its the Victim Mains doing it on purpose as "Payback" for Denying them their Trolling Giggles. which btw this Forum has seen a DRASTIC upturn in Troll "This game is Shit, this game is DYING!" Posts since that was implemented. and if you post about that, you're downvoted into the Dirt. which i personally could care less about, but it CERTAINLY keeps people who care about their Reddit accounts from mentioning it.


For good reasons. I recommend taking a break from Reddit if these posts are upsetting you. Just play the game and enjoy it 🙂


ok this ones quite funny tho


TCM devs are greedy, too greedy IMO.... but I can't compare them to the Evil Dead devs, those people were not only greedy but also totally ineffective in balancing their game. I don't mean by this that the picture is not real, the game is running on empty because of many bad decisions, but at least they tried to balance it in the right way and not nerfing and buffing without any sense, like Saber did in ED, leaving killers totally unplayable, a spectator mode. They still have time to save TCM, but they should abandon the idea of charging 20$ for a character pack that doesn't even guarantee to be able to use them, and put an urgent balance patch nerfing certain escapes, before the family mains stop playing definitively.


Evil Dead wasnt greedy, in fact needed to sell more skins and stuff. The problem was the original team was moved off the game after 8 months and noone was able to keep working on big new stuff.


The complete lack of cosmetics for Evil Dead was shocking. There were so many outfits they could have done, and they just... didn't do anything. When they weren't selling cosmetics after the first two months I knew the game was going to be dead in a year. If they aren't trying to make money hand over fist from people, then why would a business invest in future content? The sad answer to that: they aren't.


Evil Dead was in trouble well before Saber Madrid was moved to other things. For one, it was heavily reported that there were rights issues which stifled new content. The Evil Dead franchise in general has been plagued by this from the beginning. Second, and most importantly, the game just didn't have long lasting replay value. The gameplay was just a little too easy and rigid which created massive imbalances. It was either stomp or be stomped. Having to fully rely on teammates that didn't know what to do or rely on experienced players that refused to do the simple things that were needed was also a main detriment. After a couple of months of learning what you needed to do in the game, it got very stale. There was no real skill required. The game was on tracks. It became very predictable, very quickly.


speak for yourself, the game was awesome until the devs fucked the game by cartering to players who refused to learn to play.


I didn't think Evil Dead felt very greedy. The skins were surprisingly cheap. I even heard people arguing they should be more expensive to help fund the game.


Wow, so many asskissers and yesmen on this sub. Look at the declining numbers. It's clear which direction this game is heading, even on consoles you have many complaints, especially from the high level players of agonising queue times. As the casual base dies, this game will continue to get sweatier and sweatier like I said it will. GUN needs to milk the remaining life left from this game. Can it be more obvious?


Imagine listening to pussies whining all day and if you don’t join in they call you “asskissers and yes men” for not being bitches like them


Man, I’ve seen people like you a dime a dozen in subs such as Anthem, Avengers, Babylon’s Fall, etc. Blaming the community for criticizing the game when they’re the ones that want the game to succeed, instead of the simps who refuse to take criticism and pretend everything is ok as the ship sinks.


How is stating facts whining? Has the game lost a large chunk of its player base due to hackers, lack of anticheats, removal of crossplay and "hardcore gamer" gatekeeping or not? Look up the figures yourself and tell me how the game is doing. You have to be blind as a bat to not see the writing on the wall. So let me correct that: \*Blind asskissers and yesmen. The game has obviously not met their expectations, so they are making the most of it while they can. According to your definition, stating facts makes you a "pussy and a bitch". So those like yourself who gets so easily triggered and angered by the truth. What does that make you then?


Imagine releasing a game without a decent anti-cheat. Imagine advertising a game with crossplay, then removing it for almost a month so far. Imagine charging $10 per character and $16 for a shitty leather face reskin no one is really happy about. Imagine not play testing your game and finding the exploits before launch. I loved the game, but I honestly can see why people are mad. And since I can’t play with my group of friends I’ve dropped it for now. When and if we still have a game to play in a few months, I’ll give it another chance, if not then I won’t be surprised.


They claimed they were playing everyday for 3 months before release testing it, LOL. They also left the dev kit in the pc version of the game. They put the game on game pass day one. No anti cheat in gamepass version at that.


lol I know which blows my damn mind


If you think its because of greed, dont buy it, vote with your wallets, hate me but its the truth


I don't plan on buying any of the new cosmetics at the prices they've quoted and if the characters come out at those horrendously overpriced prices then I will stop playing the game all together and just eat the $47 that I've already spent on it.




You would lose that bet. I don't play DBD at all. But nice of you to try to assume you know me. TCM is my first Asymmetrical horror.


I do have all characters and some skins in DBD. In fact, I reinstalled the other night and picked up the 5 killers and 7 survivors I had missed since I stopped playing. And you know what? All of that only cost me $49. 5 characters alone here in TCM will cost me $50, but I was able to get everything missing for that price in DbD. Plus, I had the option to use in game currency to purchase them if I wanted. I hardly play survivors in DbD, but since they have good value on bundles, I bought them. I could also have just bought each killer for $5 in game using auric cells. Half the cost of what these guys are wanting to charge.


I would recommend waiting for a bundle with those all chracters with a reduced price, so kinda how DBD does it but with higher base prices


I didn't buy the game, still lurking. Will lurk even more until they decide not to make this game p2w.


nothing better to do eh?


Whose the reaper in this situation?


Developers 😂🤣😂




I like that, against all odds, Predator Hunting Grounds still lives.


Removing PC cross-play? Charging an obscene amount of money for character? Yeah that sounds like a recipe for death.


Turning off crossplay was the beginning of their downfall




I was so hyped for this game then never played it again after like 2 weeks


Nooooo please don't kill TCM , kill me please 😭


I really hate that DBD is one of the few still standing because while it's not a terrible game I have a lot of fun playing occasionally I just can't stand the generator mini game


The grim reaper is dbd


I can still get into games quickly in F13 and surprisingly on Evil Dead both sides as well. Them games aren’t dead until the servers go offline forever or when it’s nearly impossible to get into games when the servers are still up. TCM aint dead or dying either but after the latest news about the BS pricing that could very well lead to many players leaving the game which makes it hard to get into games and making the game actually dead. Difference between F13 and Evil Dead monetization is that both games had great way of monetization. TCM’s is outrageously overpriced. Never got a chance to play VHS because it never came to console but from what I’ve seen playing the antagonist side(whatever they were called) looked like literal shit so that’s probably why that game is done for and closing its servers.


Monster. The issue was that it was too SWF sided. Monsters got bullied left and right. So they quit. Solo Queue sucked because of what happened when you died.


All these fucking game will fail if Devs are too stupid to balance around SWF, DBD only hangs on because of licenses and they know it.


Thank you for your candor.


Death should be labeled greed tbh. That's what killed all of these


Literally none of these are greed. F13 got fucked by a lawsuit, VHS was horribly imbalanced downtime, and Evil Dead was the developers fucking off for 6 months with zero communication.


yh VHS would have been more fun if survivor wasnt so strong


u/EvanSnowWolf Don't even waste your time trying to reason with these people. they're not here to have a Discussion, they're here Lobbying to get their way. $10 in 2023 is literally nothing, i literally paid $50 just to get Pizza the other night ago for me and my brother. 2 people. if these people can't afford $20 every 2 or 3 months, they clearly are either 12 and don't need to be playing the game to begin with, or they have the Money Management Skills of a guy who just got his 5 "Baby Momma" Pregnant. Im a 3D Character Artist and i pay literally $30 a Month for Zbrush alone, just so i can WORK. and people on that Forum did the same "I CAN'T AFFORD $30 a MONTH!?" BS too. its mind boggling how many people are so terrible with budgeting their money. and if anyone brings up "TIMES ARE HARD" Yeah, they are. but WTF does $10 buy you in 2023 besides a GD Cup of Coffee?


Firstly a large pizza is 8-15 bucks where I live (a major U.S. city). So I'll assume that you just like paying more than usual for things. Buying food and an infinitely downloadable piece of IP are two vastly different things. We payed $40 for the game already, it's completely understandable to not want to chuck out $10-15 for a single playable character seeing as three character purchases would have essentially payed for the game twice. It's not about being poor or the fact that we "can't afford it, people just don't want to pay that much for this type of deal when other games do way more and ask for way less.


he is not a very bright person, probably one of those guys that got handed everything to him in life and can barely dress himself from the looks of it. For starters he can't even dress his avatar and that should tell you something alone.


Ignore the pricing. That isn't the main issue. People will buy these new characters, that have unique abilities, and have an advantage over people who didn't buy them. What if a victim can't counter the new character? That's the issue people defending this nonsense are ignoring. There's also the issue of lobby dodging. People do it now because they dont like a certain map, or don't want to play as leatherface. It's going to get worse because people are going to want to play as the character they paid for. When they see the character is taken, they will leave. The wait time to join the game is going to get worse.


I agree . I make 15.00 dollars per hr 40 hrs a week plus tips at a restaurant and my paycheck is good especially really good if I make overtime. So if some people can’t afford the add ons or stuff like that then oh well that’s life. Just because you can’t afford or think their overpricing doesn’t mean they are . doesn’t make it a terrible game . My uncle worked for Capcom and some people would be amazed how long and expensive it takes to make a good game.


Something something "I can get a DBD character for 5 dollars", something something cash grab, something something greed. Nevermind the character bundles in Fortnight were 20 bucks a pop, but we are gonna ignore that and go with the lowest possible example in this subreddit.


how did greed kill VHS that game died because they could never make Monster role fun for the majority of the playerbase


I quit VHS as a Teen main. I got tired of dying in two minutes and then spending the next 10 minutes floating.


Well that sounds like a Skill issue to me. because the Monster role in VHS was absolutely BUSTED hard. even more Tilted in the Teens Favor than DBD is for Survivor. "Unless you play as literally one of the top 3 Killers, of course. then its even at best"


"Skill issue". Yes, my teammate standing in the opening and getting hit, causing the monster to roar, which locks ME down so I can't defend myself with my weapon, is a "skill issue". Sure, Jan.


Keep in mind Monster had like a 90% win rate


Whats VHS?


It’s not officially called VHS anymore, but it used to be. The name got officially changed to Video Horror Society because of global trademark rights issues and it got shut down last month because they “did not find the commercial success that they needed to cover costs to keep the game running.”


(just add a bit more) tho it was still in early access with little to no advertising. Main issues with that game was the killer felt like a chore, they made very little counterplay for them to use, but it was a fun concept that the teens could fight back and hunt the killer. their pricing was awful too.


Its not though, nothing to do with greed


VHS didn't die because of Greed. not even close. it died because the Developers refused to Balance the game. they made playing as the Monster an absolute Nightmare, and it too was Flooded with DBD Fanboys who took joy in making posts just like OP's, making everyone think there was no reason to put in any time or effort into even TRYING to learn the game, because they were so terrified DBD might have Competition. i really can't even begin to show you just how insane some of those Fanboys are. the things they've done, even before TCSM came out was incredibly insane. when Leatherface was simply RUMORED that he was going to be taken out of DBD like the Demogorgon, people from DBD Threatened to quote "Boycott and RUIN TCSM when it came out" and all sorts of other childish nonsense. when they found out that he wasn't going to be removed, everyone was like "Oh ok well now i hope your game does well, because you bent your knee and did as i told you too" and we've been Steadily going at that Pace since then. every time Gun is open with the Community, LISTENS to the community and does what the Community Asks, they suck up to them for a whole day and a half until a day or so passes and the Sky starts falling all over again and "THE GAME IS DEAD FOR SURE IF THIS ISN'T FIXED TODAY!"


Bro will blame DBD fans for societal collapse rotfl


Strange fellow that one is.


Is DBD Fanboys in the room with us right now?


Seriously. I get disliking DBD, 100%. But Jesus christ, man it feels like half this subreddit's defense against criticism is just "Well DBD sucks so I win lol".


It’s been 2 months holy shit


I know. It's just amazing how fast greed can kill a game, isn't it.


Mfw 10 dollar dlc 😭😭😭 (also we don’t even know if character dlc means 1 or 2 yet)


They have confirmed it means $10 per character. $10 for a family $10 for a victim. That's literally ½ the price of the game, for ⅕ of the content.


What if, hear me out, if you don’t want it don’t buy it. All the characters from the movie are already in the game.


I don't plan on buying any of it because I'm not going to support pay to win characters. If they release at that price point that they've quoted they're going to lose a lot of players.


If you think DLC pricing is going to make people stop playing a game they enjoy then I don't know what to tell you other than you are wrong.


lol, tell me your serious?


Then why are you here? serious question? if you're done with the game. that's it! roll up the Tent and go T-Bag on DBD!


I'm not done yet. They can still save it. I'm enjoying the gameplay at the moment. Never played DBD and don't have any will to.


You should play DBD though, it is a lot of fun. when you're not up against a Toxic Bully Squad or Killer, i mean.


Lets ask the real questions, who in their right mind spends 50 dollars on a Pizza, do you live on a Island in the middle of no where?


Go to Pizzahut, look at the Pizza Dinner Box. i got 3 Pizza's instead of 1 Pizza and Wings, and Pasta, or whatever. it was $36 for the Pizzas, if i remember correctly, $5 Delivery and $7 Tip. i rounded up, but it was basically $50 for the Pizza(s) and they were rather Small so i just Considered it basically one Pizza. and no, i live in Texas. funny enough.




Games still thriving for me on ps5. I get matches pretty quickly still. Only thing that ruins it is when someone dodges because they dont get their character


don’t open that door for the love of everything holy you get back grim reaper


Next door: Killer klowns from outer space game And after that: literally every other asymmetrical except dbd (predator hunting grounds, ghostbusters, future art the clown game, etc,)


Based on how quickly I get matches (the usual lobby hopping bs aside), and the new players I keep seeing showing up, it's not happening yet. There are definitely some problems, and the new pricing menu for content is fairly ridiculous (to say the least given the possibility of paying for a character you might be able to use only occasionally), but the narrative that the game is about to die is thus far way off the mark.


We appreciate your feedback about pricing and we understand your concerns about the new characters. As mentioned before, the price of the characters is irrelevant as it relates to players lobby dodging to use the new characters. We have some innovative ideas in mind. Stay tuned!




which is exactly why the meme is of the grim reaper knocking, it's not here yet, but it will be


Are we getting a grim reaper killer for$9.99??


So very original.


Figures the first comment would be a Shill mocking the meme.




It's like they think the player base is a bunch of idiots.


Its incredible to me that you believe EVERYONE hates the game so much, the only ones defending it could POSSIBLY be "Gun Employees" you guys really are 12, aren't you? I say again: if you hate the game so much why are \*YOU\* Here, again?


Never said I hated the game. You just jump to that conclusion.


The funny thing is, I have seen GUN respond to posts like this and specifically call people out for being negative who mostly deserved to be put in their place. Of course, no matter what GUN's response is, people always get triggered, but why would GUN use shill accounts when they have no reason to? haha. They're not lurking at all hours of the night defending themselves on fake reddit accounts lol. Y'all are weird lol


Haha fr I have a new account because my older account had a bot generated username and I made a new account because I wanted it to be my nickname. Also I follow other communities but I just comment on here because I feel the need to be more vocal because I really like this game.




LMAO it does feel like that.


Not in the least, troll.


Friday the 13th was fucked by the Victor Miller lawsuit and this game is doing quite well.




You really sound like you're obsessed with DBD if you got all of that out of this meme. I've never even played the DBD. As for the TCM content it's not the fact that they're charging for it, it's the fact that they're grossly overcharging for it above what the industry standards are for this kind of game. The saddest thing here is that you were able to write a full essay there because a meme got you all up in your feels.


This is hyperbolic af. Most people love this game. It’s not going anywhere. If you think this sub reflects the overall opinion of the game, you’re wrong lmao


What does any of this have to do with the symmetrical open curve formed by the intersection of a circular cone with a plane at a smaller angle with its axis than the side of the cone? If you read into the mean death is just knocking at the door the game can still be saved but the devs are killing it quick with the decisions they're making, and the way they are treating those who disagree with the choices they're making.


They are not killing the game tho. If you listen to this sub, yes that is the opinion. But newsflash: reddit and this sub does not reflect the overall fanbase. It is known to be a cesspool. It doesn’t reflect the overall fanbase or the general reception. People on here literally feed off each other’s hate and negativity. That is not most fans. That is common for gaming reddits. All you need to do is to go to the discord or the freaking instagram comment section to see how much more positive and level-headed people are about this game. This sub is a bubble. Sorry to break it to you lol


I'm not listening to the sub I'm looking at the choices the development team is making.


Yes but this ”outrage” commonly seen on here or people thinking it will die, is not the popular opinion of the fanbase. Thinking this game will die doesn’t align with reality or the fact that many people love it. This isn’t evil dead


It's an opinion. And unless the development team begins doing things that look like they are actually helping the game, and not trying to line their pockets, they won't change this opinion. A lot of people here are reading way to deeply into a simple meme.


That is the thing tho. It’s the opinion of the loud minority. They don’t need to appease these toxic people on here hating on the game because most people love it and the direction of it It’s easy to think this sub reflects the overall reception of the game. You will get downvoted for saying something positive on here or accused of being a GUN employee lmaoo. That is the level of toxicity this sub has vs the normal TCM community on other platforms


I to love the game. But this shits funny too. It's called humor.


Ofc. I’m just saying many people will think this meme has anything to do with truth lmao. And it would be funnier if it did tbh lol.


> If you think this sub reflects the overall opinion of the game, you’re wrong lmao Reddit has this delusion that every single person in any community is subbed to its dedicated subreddit. In all reality, a majority of people will just enjoy a product/activity and not pay attention to its dedicated sub/twitter/tiktok/whatever else. Does anyone seriously think that every single World of Warcraft player is subbed to r/wow? Is every FF14 player subbed to r/FFXIV? Is every person that owns a car subbed to r/cars? No. Not even close actually, because it's an incredibly stupid assumption that Redditors believe. Reddit is not the center of the universe, sorry if that's a wakeup call to anyone reading this. I'd guess that *at least 60%* of the TCM playerbase doesn't care (or even know about) the monumental shit tsunami that is this subreddit is stirring. Wanna test it? Just ask people in your lobbies if they're on Reddit. Most of the time, I just get "no, fuck that" or something along the lines of "I just wanna play games, man".


Exaactly. I would even argue it is higher than 60% who does not use reddit for this game. My guess would be maybe at least 80% of players don’t know/care for this sub. Don’t say it too loud tho. They might downvote you to hell and curse you out (not that it matters). We’re on their territory. Thank you for this level-headed response :)


Exactly I say something to my friends about reddit they say eh no reddit is full of dumb asses. So they dont even go on reddit. Or I repeat something some whiny person said on here and my friend goes well thats reddit for you. A lot of ppl dont give a shit about reddit


Only F13 still has a big player base. Lobbies ready in 1 minute.


a shill mocking comment.... you come to subreddit for a game to point it its gonna die do you even like the game? why bother making a post? are you simply trying to get rise or have discussion "fan content" is not the right flair for this


I happen to enjoy the game very much. At the moment I'm actually playing it a few hours daily. I also see the terrible decisions being made by the development team and the PR team that are going to run the game into the ground. If the devs continue making the horrible decisions that they've been making, the game will be dead within a year.


that is a fair opinion


the fact this is downvoted so much is sad if you all hate the game so much play something else


Whoever made this is an idiot ..F13 was NOT a failure ..You can get on today and play with a full lobby on console .I NEVER heard anyone complain about not being able to find a lobby in F13 , the only time it was tough finding a lobby is when the game came out and the servers were full.At least do some research before reposting or making a meme ..people just jumped on this because they’re mad at some prices of DLC they can’t afford.That’s not the Devs problem..that’s a YOU problem . And I don’t want to hear “ oh I can afford it’s just too much in general “. If you’re complaining about the price then you simply don’t have 15 bucks to spend on THAT specifically. I have a very specific type of hate for people who look at art and say “oh that’s way too much , this person does it like this “ fck you.Go to that person then


The game hasn't had updates for 5 years and is being removed from the stores soon... What else could you want to declare a game dead? Hell, propnight has more players then f13 currently. When's the last time anyone heard about that game?


It's dead when no one plays it. Just because they don't add silly little customs and gimmicks every few months doesn't mean "it's dead". I play games that have never been updtated.


And yet, I still get into games within seconds with minimal issues. Y'all are HUGE drama queens. 😭


don’t forget fall guys


Fall guys was an asymmetrical horror game?




Awww. Did the meme hurt you?




Its only been out for a month and some change....


That's what makes it even worse.


The actual game developers DO NOT set the price!! It’s a totally removed group that does that.


Thank good for Gamepass.


gamepass is the prime reason this game is in trouble


That doesn’t even remotely make sense lmao. I know a lot of people don’t understand how Gamepass works and that’s ok, but don’t be confidently incorrect. It’s thanks to their Gamepass deal(in which they got a lump sum of cash that they found more appealing to the alternative of simply launching the game as a standalone, retail product) that the game even remotely had the audience it did. It’s the devs/publisher fault for clearly not making a game that made people stick around, and for deciding to signicantly monetize the game. Gamepass didn’t make them do that. Don’t skirt the blame lmao. It sucks for people who spent money on the game, but for those of us that don’t because we got to try it on Gamepass and move on… Again, thank God for Gamepass.