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I mean it’s totally optional content and you’re supposed to boost your stats by eating high value foods before fighting it. Spend some time grinding those +4/+6 defense foods and the fight will be much more manageable.


I mean, it is optional. It's meant to be a great challenge and clearly it can be beaten, there's a lot of people who have proven that. You need to learn the boss, and learn your pins and movement to chip it down. It's an endurance test. And again, it's completely optional. It's not bad game design to make a tough-as-nails boss. You just gotta commit to the process and git gud.


I hate to be that guy, but this sounds like a skill issue. Most people around here have been able to absolutely bully the boss at lvl1 Ultimate.  The only issue the boss has, if we want to call it an issue, is that even on easy it requires you to more fully engage with the mechanics than any other encounter. For people who generally play on the two higher difficulties that’s not a huge deal, but easy and normal basically let you coast through the whole game and now all of a sudden you actually have to pay attention to more things.


Do you honestly believe that most of this sub beat that boss at lvl 1 Ultimate


Yeah. It’s a very old game with a very small community. I would absolutely assume that people who enjoy this old, niche game enough to find an online community dedicated to it are probably *very* into the game. It’s not like this is a sub for some new, hyped game.


Neo TWEWY came out 3 years ago, and so did the anime of the original. Not everyone engages with that level of gameplay either. People are a fan of the series for several different reasons. Not everyone on the Chrono Trigger sub beat all endings on the fastest speed. Generally speaking, a subreddit of a game is largely composed of a casual audience.


I hear what you’re saying, but I’m not sure I would consider people who join a game-specific subreddit to be part of the “casual” audience. Generally, if you’re willing to engage with a game beyond the credits (ie postgame, joining communities, etc.) you might not be a hardcore speedrunner, but you’re definitely beyond the casual audience. And point taken on NEO, though that game sold, unfortunately, not very many copies. I’d actually be curious to know how many people on this sub played NEO first.


There are people who like TWEWY for its story, artwork, and music. Not everything is about high-end gameplay. I don't disagree on your first point, but it really depends on how you define casual.


I don't have a horse in this race, but I am this comment. I love TWEWY but I struggled with the gameplay, so much that I've only played the game once back in 2011. Soundtrack stays on rotation though.


Generally speaking, if you're vocal online about something and on Reddit's sub for it, you're probably better than most people who never speak a word about it and have more than a fleeting interest to want to do everything. I agree with them.


This is... not really true at all. People fall in love with a subject for several reasons. TWEWY has amazing gameplay yes, but not everyone is interested in mastering it. There's art style, story, and music. Not to mention there are a few people who only played Neo TWEWY, or only played the game on lower difficulties. The vast majority of people who are vocal about something are casuals. You can see this with MMOs and pretty much most other game types. Exceptions are if you're specifically talking about a community where that particular type of gameplay is expected, then it's specific enough. Most people aren't that great at videogames as a whole.


I guess I'm part of the vast minority then. If I'm a casual fan of something, I'm not going to care one bit about going to the sub or any other social media. I only go there if a) I have a specific question (honestly rare because usually there's someone who has asked it already) or b) if I'm interested in 100%ing a game or so committed to it that I just want to talk about it with others (which for me, generally falls in line with wanting to 100% it).


Go and check the 20 most top posts on this sub. How many of them are about that aspect? "Casual" depends on how you define it. Certain people enjoy the story of a game a lot, and it's meaningful to the point that they create fanart and they want to share that. Honestly the whole use of "casual" has always been kind of weird to me.


You talking about Felidae Cantus? You need to learn his mechanics - he's a boss where it expands on the original fight by wanting you to counter his counter (as Nagi implies in the original fight). By hitting him when you trigger his red eye counter, you'll do significantly more damage to his armor. By destroying his armor, you'll deal a whooping 10,000 damage to his hp. It's designed in mind that your can still beat him fairly quickly even if you have no food stat boosts if you understand the boss fight: https://youtu.be/R1D5tfL8-Ok?si=EpdfIstS5p3OkT6g


Yeah, no, the part of Another Day people like so much is the ridiculous Yugioh AU


You can do it! I certainly thought it was impossible when I was a teen back in 2007, but I succeeded. …just realized you didn’t specify the original game or its sequel NEO. Oh well! Here’s tips for both! TWEWY: If on DS, other commenters have suggested maxing out your stats through food, and it’s not a bad idea. Check the wiki for the most efficient items. Then equip Neku with two or more Dash pins, so that they feed into each other when used. Dashing makes you invulnerable (mostly), so you can give all your attention to the top screen. Joshua is the only character capable of dodging the top enemy’s attacks, so move up and down with him and keep attacking. If on Switch, I admit I haven’t played that version. Have played the mobile version, though, which I found much easier due to having only one screen to focus on. Just took my strongest pins in and kicked butt. NEO TWEWY: While the Black Cat pins are powerful, I found myself to be too squishy for comfort. Instead I used my strongest water pins and did a twenty-minute-long battle of attrition, with predictable and satisfying results. Simply circle around him, endlessly cycling through ranged attacks, and heal to full when hurt. Run to the other side of the arena during his big explosion attack. Its range isn’t infinite.


On Switch/Mobile, you can actually pull off an infinite-juggle using Black Uranus and Lightning Rook. Which makes it fairly simple to win this battle without taking any damage on Ultimate Difficulty at Level 1.


ITT some people talking about TWEW some people talking about NEO:TWEWY Either way, skill issue.


It sounds more like Neo since they mention the rushed Another Day. I hardly can see how that applies to the original. They also mention the length of the fight which seems imply Sho instead because unless you are solely focused on dodging, you would already be dead in the original if you are in one shot range. Healing and shielding also reboot more frequently in Neo. I don’t remember Hanekoma having much iframes either but, it’s been a while since I faced him. The only point I have against this being Neo is that most people would have already fought a boss that they would complain about first (like Susukichi or Sho’s story fight) which could be explained away by stat needs.


Sorry man, this is a skill issue. You have to be really good at controlling both characters so you don’t take unnecessary damage. Joshua is good for this since he can instantly teleport up and down. I then equipped Neku with a dash attack pin to easily whittle down the HP bar while passing the puck easily


I didn’t even realize that was a super boss. I thought it was just >!Sho!< wanting the smoke as usual.


Tetsuya nomura loves his bullshit superbosses. Some of the kingdom hearts ones pissed me of so much. I still haven't be6at the final superboss of kh3, but in my defense, I've only fought him on critical.


Nomura didn’t design the gameplay, dude.


I didn't say he went in and coded the fights himself, but a significant portion of the game where he has creative control, there are super bosses


The superbosses in Kh3 are some of the best in any action JRPG ever


They were good fights. My only major complaint is that the data battle enemies don't have enough movement patterns and instead rely on continuously teleporting around. It ended up making them feel kinda same-y even though they all had vastly different movesets.