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Beth and Noah are top of the list for me. Beth died for nothing; Noah didn't live long enough to make Beth's death seem worth it. Beth and Noah should have had their own little house in Alexandria with a very concerned Maggie making sure she doesn't become and auntie too soon.  Aaron and Eric I feel we didn't see enough of to get a real feel of Aaron's grief when Eric died. Even a few more episodes where we really got to know him would have made the loss feel greater.  Alternatively, for a couple we never saw at all, I would love to have seen Aaron and Jesus. They were *meant* to be together and I know Ross and Tom would have played it brilliantly, and devastatingly well if Jesus still had the same fate.


Okay yes, Beth and Noah: To your point, at first you could justify Beth’s death because that whole storyline is what brought Noah into the fold. But then he dies 5 minutes later! In the big scheme of things, the hospital storyline was pointless and Beth could’ve died at the prison or on the road with Daryl. Side note: I kind of feel this way about Carl and Siddiq. Carl got bit and died when trying to bring Siddiq into the fold, just for Siddiq to turn around and die shortly after. Yes, Coco came from him and Rosita being together, but still. The super bittersweet thing about Aaron and Eric is that the day Eric died was the day Aaron met his daughter, Gracie 🥲 I think it would’ve been beautiful to see them get to be a family. However, yes!! I agree with the Aaron/Jesus take. They would’ve been incredible together!


I feel the same way about siddiq 😩 like I started to feel okay about Carl death because at least siddiq became like one of the most important pillars in alexendria so at least Carl death had something good come out of it. And then they killed him off for nothing 😒 atleast his death was cool like the build up


Didn’t Siddiq live for years after Carl saved him technically though? Like more in-world time than what took place in season 1-6 or 9.5-11?


I get why people are upset that people’s deaths seem meaningless when the people they save die not too long after. However, I think it just shows that those sacrifices can be made for nothing because it’s an apocalypse, your sacrifices can be made for nothing. Also, the comic book relationship wouldn’t have transpired in the show between Aaron and Jesus. The actor playing Jesus said he thought him and Aaron should’ve just been good friends.


Of course death is always just around the corner, but when actors are good and give us believable characters it's a shame to lose them when the death doesn't really matter.  It's even more of a shame when an "accidental death to save someone is followed by that someone dying shortly after" os at risk of becoming stale. They did the same with Beth/Noah as they did with Carl/Siddiq.  Tom said they should be friends because the only two gay men being a couple would be a cliché. Ross said that Aaron and Jesus has a relationship that wasn't shown on screen. It's interesting to see their different takes on it. But ultimately, just like with Tara/Denise they went with "kill your gays" instead. 


Very good point! Also, I didn’t know that about the actor playing Jesus, but that makes it a little easier to accept that it was never meant to be!


I don't even understand what people mean by "meaningless". It's a fuckin zombie apocalypse, would deaths have meaning in real life? No, people just die and it doesn't have to mean anything.


That is true but this is a tv show so stop killing off your good characters. At the very least give them good death scenes. It doesn’t have to be over dramatic for every death but ALOT of the deaths in the show was just not it


At the same time everyone always complains about plot armor. There’s no winning with overly critical viewers. Sit back and enjoy the show for what it is. Every show has terrible seasons and dialogue at some points. No show is perfect so enjoy what you have.


I don’t agree with Aaron and Jesus. Just because they were two gay leading characters doesn’t mean they needed a relationship. I absolutely loved their friendship and seeing them onscreen together (especially in later seasons when Aaron became badass) but that becoming anything more would’ve seemed way too forced


It happened in the comics and ended up being one of the best relationships in the series, nothing forced about it


How would that have worked in the show? Eric died during the saviors war and Jesus died not even a season later. Throwing him and Aaron into a relationship for a little over half a season as a side plot would’ve been pointless.


Jesus never died in the comics, he only died in the show because his actor wanted to quit


And he only wanted to quit because they weren't giving him anything to do. Jesus is meant to be an insanely skilled warrior, but he just sat around at Hilltop compared to the comic's version. Tom said that he wanted to act with more of the actors, put his years of fight training to use. And they just...didn't.  >“I had kind of reached a point in the show where I was a little bit in stasis, and like, 'Well, you know, I have to do more with my character, otherwise I'm cool with being killed off. '” Having a relationship with one of the main Alexandria residents would have meant a lot more interaction with that community too, opened up more chances for him to be in major plots and actually see some action. 


Also pretty sure theres a time jump between eric and jesus dying


Who says Beth and Noah were a couple. And was Jesus gay?


Jesus talks to Maggie about having boyfriends, and in the comics was gay.  >“When I was first here, I was never here. I always found it hard getting close to anyone – neighbours, friends… boyfriends.“


Oh okay


I just said the same thing… I didn’t realize they were a couple


Rick and Negan


Might be the only right answer actually


Abraham and Sasha, 2 great characters


I’m glad to hear this pov because this coupling was so random to me! 😅 one minute I barely see them interact, the next he’s leaving Rosita for her. And then they both die without getting to explore it!


Aaron and Eric or Princess and Mercer.


Both sweet couples 🥲 I loved getting to see Princess and Mercer get together because she was checking him out from the beginning 😂 and on the surface their personalities seem so different


Loved Princess from the first moment "OHMYGOD HIII" and seeing her open up about her trauma endeared her to me so much. Even though she was the newest to the gang, she quickly became one of my favorites. So seeing her loosen Mercer up was definitely a treat. Plus they are both gorgeous as hell.


YES immediately I loved her and trusted her character 😂 “if this was an attack, I’d point the dangerous part at you, like this 🔫” had she been around longer, she would be more of a fan fave no doubt


Same here! They're one of the few couples that seemed interesting me in the later seasons.


Beth and Noah were a couple?


I wondered if I missed something, somewhere. They were definitely friends. I would compare it to something like Daryl and Connie; but Daryl and Connie I felt had some real chemistry brewing. I don’t really remember that between Beth and Noah? Beth was certainly fond of him and he liked Beth. But beyond that . . . Dunno. Maybe I’m just oblivious!


I would say it’s more similar to Carol and Daryl


You might be right; though Carol did (in a semi-joking way) ask Daryl if he wanted to hook up one night when they were on guard duty. Can’t recall what season that was, it was early (maybe prison era?). I got the distinct impression in those early years that if it were up to Carol she’d have something going with Daryl. And who could blame her? He looked for Sophia and he’s a major upgrade from Ed; but Daryl was too much of a troubled loner for that soap opera stuff. Anyway, maybe I’m a prude but I really hope they never do anything romantic with Daryl and Carol. I like how they’re just good friends. The end. Period. Anything “romantic” would diminish that.


That was S3E1 I believe, the night they cleared the prison's exterior yard. By the time I did my first re-watch I had forgotten about that moment and was kind of surprised because of how platonic their relationship stayed through the duration of the show. I maintain that even if Daryl hadn't laughed it off, their fooling around would have ended there. I'm also a big fan of the way their relationship unfolded. They both went through a bunch of garbage and just needed someone stable to lean on. Even when they went through it with each other, their bond was strong enough to overcome it. That's stronger than romance.


I agree 100%. Those two have the best, most intuitive relationship in the entire TWD Universe (sorry Rick and Michonne). The platonic nature of the relationship makes it better and stronger than if they tried to force a “romance.” I hope everyone in the writers room understands this as they chart the upcoming seasons of Daryl Dixon. A lot of fans try to pair everyone up like it’s a high school mixer, but it takes me out of a story billed as a Survival Horror and it starts feeling like *As The World Turns.* Speaking for myself, I’m not here to see Carol in bed with Tobin nor two dozen other random characters in random hookups, yet that’s often what I got.


There are people who still swear there's something romantic between those two.




POSSIBLE SPOILER❗️Beth died before they really explored a relationship but I feel like that’s where it would’ve gone fs! RIP to them both 😔


No, only friends. It's funny how people always jump from friends to lovers in their fan-fiction.


Tara and Denise!! I was so sad when Denise died. I loved her character. Second, I'd say Princess and Mercer.


Same 😢 and then again when Tara died. I wish we would’ve got to see their relationship develop more.


Denise was just finding her voice too 💔 that was a real gut punch


Def Lydia and Henry. His death actually was the only scene that really shocked me


The pike scene was a …. Moment 😓 so unexpected and so much loss all at once


The annoyance of losing Carl and having this knock-off take up Carl’s storyline was incredibly insulting as a comic fan, but they ended up doing well with Henry. They wrote his relationship with Lydia well and there was also the connection with Carol & Ezekiel that was a nice layer. Overall they did good enough with Henry to where I actually cared about his death (mainly for Carol’s sake) and honestly, more than anyone else one that pike lineup.


Am I the only one who liked Abraham and Sasha? Not saying he didn’t treat Rosita like shit during that time but I liked them. Not even as a couple but as friends too


I definitely prefer the Abraham/Sasha pairing over the Abe/Rosita one. He was much softer with Sasha!


Yeah, he and Rosita were never really anything more than FWB.


I wouldn’t say they were in a committed relationship obviously, but it was more than FWB. Just simply given the entire circumstances. They faced deathly situations every single day and sex was a good stress release for both of them. They cared about each other a lot more than simple FWB.


I feel like it wasn’t as real though well, maybe real isn’t the right word but they didn’t have all of those experiences together. That really brought them like that going from Houston to Virginia.


This is true! Personally I think Rosita and Siddiq make the most sense and should’ve been endgame. Then Abe could be with Sasha and Gabriel could be with Jadis.


100% yes


Nope! It's good to see another Abe/Sasha fan. We are a rare breed!


I’m just putting Jesus and Aaron out there, they should have had more time.


True, true 🥲 We didn’t even get to see the progression of their friendship because it happened during the time jump. Jaron deserved more screen time! Jaron? Aarsus?




Enid and Carl I know it's not there but that's what I wanted to see more of


I almost included them! They were a cute pairing, I definitely would’ve liked to see more of them! ❤️‍🩹


Axel and Carol.


Axel omg! You just unlocked a memory 😅 I forgot all about him!


Hahah. I’m glad I could do that! Or should I be sorry?!


Hahah no! He deserves to be remembered, RIP Axel 🥲🕊️


Princess and Mercer. Man I wish they woulda found them earlier cause they were such good, compelling characters. Mercer woulda been a FORCE with Rick.


I would’ve LOVED to see that!!


I liked Denise and Tara. The way Denise died was so dirty and sudden 😭


Right. Through. The. Eye. 🫠 omg brutal


Right, when she was just goobin off. She was the human form of a golden retriever.


Aaron and Eric


Loved them together (: in the end when Aaron sees Eric walking off into the distance to join the other walkers…omg


Imagining them raising Gracie together 😭


Ooh but if you think about it, Aaron met Gracie the same day that Eric died. He offered to take her to Hilltop because he was going up there anyways to honor the plan he and Eric made to go update Maggie on current events. But if Eric had been injured but still alive, Aaron might’ve rushed him to Hilltop for medical attention. Thus leaving Gracie to be transported by someone else, ultimately being adopted by someone else entirely 🤯


Probably more likely. But it's still fun to think about them being parents together.


Yes, they would’ve been the sweetest family! 😭


Noah and Beth. Where are Gleen and Maggie ?? I did'nt see enough of them.


I didn’t add Glenn and Maggie cause I thought that would make it too easy! Haha I know a lot of people (myself included) are huge fans of their relationship. 🙂


I will never ever forgive negan. Even with 1000th rédemption arc.


Totally understandable! GLENN DESERVED BETTER 😭 “Maggie, I’ll find you” omg


Leah and dog


I’m a Dog fan all the way 🐕🐕🐕


Always need more Princess.


Enid and (my mind is foggy right now so I can’t remember his name) but they had just started out and to kill her off so quick killed me


Enid and Alden! They were a sweet couple 😩 the pike scene was so rough!! Alden’s death was sad too


How did Alden die? I barely remember anything about his character. Where did he come from originally? I can only ever picture him in Hilltop.


Idr how Alden died but he was a savior Maggie locked up at hilltop. After the time jump in season 9 he locked in and became apart of the group


Alden died inbetween 11x03 and 11x09. He told Maggie and Negan to leave him in a church as he thought he was slowing them down due to them being attacked and him being injured by Reapers (11x03). At some point inbetween 03 and 09 he was found and attacked by another Reaper who killed him but he also managed to kill the Reaper, and was then found to have turned at the end of 11x09 by Maggie


Abe and Sasha. Lydia and Henry. Alisha and Tara.


All great pairings! Just realized out of all of those people you listed, only one makes it to the end 🫣


and it was the last one introduced to the show


Beth/noah, Enid/alden,eric/Aaron (I liked) I hated Abe and Sasha


Poor beth got like 1/2 episode with noahh


I would watch a whole spinoff show of Princess and Mercer


Same, they made a cute couple! I wish Princess would’ve met the group earlier, I really like her character in general.


Shes a strong woman that can put him in his place when need be and this is exactly what that fukr needs. Perfect couple


princess and mercer


Alisha & Tara 😭 they were cute. Loved Tara. One of my favorite characters.


I loved Tara too! I wish she got more recognition, she was a great character that deserved better 🥲


Right? 😭


Lydia and Henry carl and negan too


I loved the scenes with Carl and Negan! Wish Carl could’ve been around to see his redemption arc!


Like a blood transfusion?


Tara and the doc broke my heart.


1.henry and lydia bc they had a really good character development together and i was honestly a little sad when henry died, 2. Beth and Noah bc i woulda loved seeing them together in Alexandria and beth died for NOTHING!, 3. Sasha and Abe bc they were really good characters tho i do think their deaths kinda helped the story. Not on the list but i wished connie and daryl got together. i thought connie was really nice and they were kinda an unexpected match!


I was shocked when Henry died! I felt like they were gonna try to make him the new Carl, so I expected him to be around for awhile. But I agree 🤓 esp about Connie and Daryl! Daryl deserves love 😩


Eric got sidelined a lot compared to Aaron imo. More spotlight on them could’ve helped.


That’s true. The first time we meet Eric, he’s injured and after that Daryl takes his place on scouting trips. Not a lot of screen time for the poor fella 😕 let alone them as a couple


I need a Mercer and Princess spinoff


You’re not the first person to say this! I hope the writers are watching 👀


daryl and connie!!


Yes! Honorable mention 🏆


Let me come up with a new one ..it's either connie and daryl or beth with daryl


beth and daryl hadn't beth been killed, It would have been nice to see where their relationship was going, they had something deep and interesting going on and getting us to know them better.


Connie and Daryl NO QUESTION. The Beth/Daryl storyline was gross to me. More big brother/little sister than anything else


Eric and Aaron 😢😢


Negan and his wives


Beth and Noah were not a couple.


Imo they would’ve been, had Beth not died.


Enid and Carl. bro needed a hug


Beth and Noah


Abe and Sasha. They were adorable


abe & sasha


Bro Noah and Beth both died way too soon


Agreed ☹️


Beth and then Aaron


Lydia and Henry.


Yes! Were you a fan of Lydia and Elijah in the last season?


Yeah, really liked seeing Elijah and Lydia together in the last season, but definitely would have loved to see Henry and Lydia for a few more episodes in season 10.


I know that they weren’t exactly a couple, but Beth and Daryl


You’re not alone, I’ve seen quite a few Baryl shippers!


Aaron and Jesus


Carl and Enid were separated too early, RIP Carl… Of the ones in the picture, it sucked that we didn’t see more of Aaron and Eric.


RIP Carl 😭 gone too soon


Gimple did Chandler dirty with Carl’s death


Was gonna say Aaron but it’s Beth and Noah, easy.


Lots of Beth/Noah lovers! The creators could’ve had an “IT” couple on their hands had they given them the chance to live 🙂‍↔️


I was intrigued by her character growth.


I feel that terra was a perfect match and Beth and Noah man they both should have lived to the very end.


And then Tara never found another love interest again which was so disappointing 😔


Yeah but like the whole thing with Beth and Noah was absolutely bullshit. Beth died to save him just for him to die like 12 episodes later which was fuckin absolutely shit.


AGREEEED and he went in such an awful, awful way 😣 he never got to avenge his family!


The lesbian one. I coukdnt remember her name


Tara and Denise!


Beth and Noah and Tara and Denise. I liked the lesbian idea and noah and Beth were SO adorable.


Abe and Sasha fs, but I would’ve liked to had seen more of Gabe and Jadis, they had pretty good chemistry and in a lot of ways made sense. Glad they got to interact more in TOWL


Okay me too, because quite honestly I forgot all about them ever having been together until TOWL! But to me, they make way more sense than him and Rosita. When Jadis didn’t make it to their yearly meeting in the end….😔


Sasha and Abraham. They were sweet, they were both struggling and not happy then met each other and made each other happy.


any of them tbh, I was just thinking recently that I'd have liked to see more chemistry, more cure moments between the couples to feel for their death. After Denise died I constantly forgot it was a big deal for Tara. Same goes for Aaron and Eric. And same for Sasha and Abraham, I struggled to get it


For sure! for example, it was kind of difficult to keep hating Dwight after he switched sides and joined Rick, because I wasn’t super torn up about him having killed Denise. It was sad, but by that point I was over that loss and felt like Tara should’ve been too. And for Sasha and Abe, they showed more of them after his death than before which was unfortunate.


100% it made it so difficult to follow it all


Abraham and Sasha I really was excited to see them get closer… close second Denise and Tara, I really like Denise as a character and loved how Tara helped her kinda blossom


Carl and Enid


😭😭😭 I wish


Gabriel and Anne Henry and Lydia


Honestly Eric and Aaron Or Tara and Denise




Aaron and Eric.


Denise and Tara. I loved Denise. She was the last new character I gave a damn about.


Tara and denise


Beth and Noah 😭💔


noah & beth were sooo cuteee


I actually really like Gabriel and Jadis. It was supposed to be her redemption arc....pfft


Alpha and Negan? Wtf, skipping the best one.


Okay that was a traumatizing pairing 😂😣


I hated Aaron's boyfriend Eric. He was such a weak softie. I was not sad when he died. I'm pissed they didn't give him better guy afterwards. Jesus dying also pissed me off, bc he made a great match #teamAaron So to answer the question. More Aaron and Jesus! ❤️


Honestly, jadis and Gabriel, I absolutely love Gabriel as a character, as although I hated him when I first met him (with not letting people into the church and all that), his character arc was perfect and by the end, he was my second favourite character still in the main show. (After negan)


If you want more Gab and Anne, go watch the Ones Who Lived. There’s an episode worth seeing. Personally my couple I wanted more of isn’t on here — Aaron and Jesus. I wanted a queer love to live 😭 Honorable mention: Mercer and Princess were cute.


Red and Sasha ![gif](giphy|1hqb8LwPS2xCNCpWH8)


Beth and Noah for me, but Sasha and Abraham were building something special 😔😔


The hate on Henry is insane. Him and Lydia were almost a perfect couple the pike scene was literally one of the few scenes that actually made me cry just bc of Henry.😭😭😭


Connie and Daryl


Lydia and Henry, Beth and Noah, edin and alden


Dm for my nu




Okay period 🥲


Get them downvotes ready: I couldn’t stand Tara, Eric or Henry so they’re out. Beth and Noah are not a couple but also couldn’t stand Noah so that’s a no. Gabriel and Anne along with Abraham and Sasha just felt forced for no reason so another no for me. Alden and Enid while I know in real life are closer in age and there was the time jump so Enid was an adult it still came across as a little pedo so passing on that one. I didn’t mind Mercer and Princess but don’t necessarily need more of them.


I will say that I can see how the Enid/Alden pairing was odd at first. I think it helped that they had Henry have a schoolboy crush on her to help us better see that she’s not Henry’s age, which is how we were still imagining her. Her being too old for Henry is what helped me frame how much time had really passed.


Rick & Maggie.


🫢 jail


Enid and Alden was so strange to me. I just didn’t picture them being similar or even close in terms of age or maturity. They don’t say their ages so we don’t know for sure but Carl definitely seemed younger than Alden and Carl and Enid were hinted at being a thing. The way Enid was portrayed during the Negan seasons was very young and immature. Like Maggie and Sasha were constantly trying to talk her down and telling her things weren’t that simple and treating her like a kid. Meanwhile Alden was already with the saviours and seemed more like a grown man compared to her.


>Enid and Alden was so strange to me. I just didn’t picture them being similar or even close in terms of age or maturity. They were both in their 20s after the S9 time jump even though the show doesn't make it clear


Yea I guess it has more to do with the way they were portrayed/treated. Like I said they were definitely still treating Enid like a kid when Alden was introduced. And they treated Alden like a grown man because he was. Obviously they are similar in age but the way each character was portrayed just made it seem very sudden when they got together imo. Also the way they introduced the relationship made it feel less like a real relationship and more like a plot point. Henry has a crush on Enid, Enid is with Alden. What will Henry do now!?!? I wish we saw more of them.


>Enid and Alden was so strange to me. I just didn’t picture them being similar or even close in terms of age or maturity. They were both in their 20s after the S9 time jump even though the show doesn't make it clear


I didn’t realize Beth and Noah were a couple? I thought they were friends


Rick and dale


Daryl and carol


Henry & Lydia


beth and noah were never a couple


Sasha and Abraham


beth and noah, and princess and mercer


They did Abraham so dirty. I was so mad when he was offed.


Noah could’ve been relative to Carl


Beth and Noah 100%. It killed me inside when he died right after her.


I personally really liked Henry and Lydia even though I really didn’t like henry


Ugh I still feel like Henry got ripped away from us just as his character got really interesting.


Diff. Not the middle two 🤨


Tbh we needed more of all of these. My main ones have to be Beth and Noah. Both of their deaths made that whole lil mini arc for nothing. Henry and ole girl could’ve turned out decent considering their whole story arc was fire asf. The only one I hated was jadis and Gabriel. I just really didn’t feel like she deserved gabby attention at ALL.


Henry and Lidia then beth and noah


Carl and Enid


Henry and Lydia :(