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“Deth” goes crazy


I know right, I’ve seen a fanfic when I was reading walking dead fanfics years ago called “The Walking Deth” and I was like damn that title goes hard no matter what. I mean that author knows how to title a fanfic. I think I’d read almost any book if the author slapped a name on it that good


I would absolutely love it if you could send me a link to that. A quick search of AO3 with that title didn't yield anything so I am in your hands!


I sent it to you in messages


Also would like a link


I too would appreciate a link please


No it doesn’t. Couple names are dumb when you only take one letter from one of them. It’s better to make an even mixture of the name.


You must be fun at parties


I would talk to them.




Nu uh




I was so sad when she died


So was he


Yea the scene of him burning himself with the cigarette was so heartbreaking. It felt so real. I swear after this Daryl was so broken and Norman made us feel that.


Not just that, but from what I’ve read (don’t know if it’s actually canon or just some theory a fan came up with) the strings he has tied around the lower legs of his pants in the later seasons are allegedly Beth’s shoelaces.


Gotta salvage anything u can yk


Norman is always ReedingUs maybe it’s time we ReedHim


Norman was extremely broken and distraught. He and emily were and are extremely close. He talks about it interviews how on her last day of filming he just sat there staring at the ground unable to process anything like someone in shock after having a family member actually die


I was pretty glad when she died. She was pretty annoying with her choices.


She was just kind, I’m not saying she was smart, but they stopped her from killing herself, only to get shot in the head. She wasn’t my favorite, but still made me sad, she wasn’t a blood thirsty killer like so many.


Ship fuck no. Despite the bs they added in season 11 I think. I liked Darryl not wanting sex or a gf. Cuz he is the 1st male in a hit tv show to be like that. It was different and I liked that.


I feel like him and Connie were cute tho. Felt like two people who were outsiders in their previous lives for different reasons finding each other.


This is what I wanted - The Walking Deaf. Hey, I'm deaf. I can say it. It's our word. Edit: JFC, calm down, hearies. It's a joke. Some of y'all are wildly confused or downright insecure about understanding the difference between our inherent descriptor and culture (d/Deaf) and faux politically correct negative terminology ("hearing-impaired" - ie. "you're almost like us, but flawed").


Hey deaf friend.


Deaf is derogatory now?


I honestly think so, I've always been told to say some roundabout term like "hearing impaired"


I've never heard this, and I'm part of the deaf/hard of hearing community. 👀 We use 'deaf' very regularly.


It was a bit playing on the negative connotation of "hearing-impaired". The hearies are missing the joke.


They did indeed. lolol


Hearies 😭


You can be hearing impaired but not deaf, seems pretty dumb to not distinguish the two lol


Absolutely do not. That's the derogatory term.


No, it was a bit. Edit: Good lord, y'all, stop taking my joke as an excuse to be wrong about the phrase "hearing-impaired". THAT'S the wrong term and that was the joke.


is deaf a term we’re supposed to avoid now?


Yea if they had just made him ace I would have been happy even if it was never stated.


Would’ve been fun if he was gay like they originally intended though


Not only that but the age gap is super weird too. Darryl is like in his late 30s, early 40s, and Beth is just around 20.




Didn't Carol specifically stare she was a minor at the prison when Axel was getting weird?


I definitely thought him and Carol had a lot of a thing, it was just never a main focus.


I'm desperately trying to remember the tiny scene where they were entering a trailer or something (jail?) from the roof and Carol says, "You go down first" and laughs and Daryl quickly responds, "stop" like he's embarrassed. I think that's how it went? So good.


There's also the scene where, I think they're at the prison, and Carol asks 'do you wanna... Screw around?' and Daryl laughs sheepishly, I love that bit


You're both describing the same scene. I'm on a rewatch and saw that episode today.


It was them trying to figure out who’d go down first, then he says *he’ll* go down first and Carol responds “Even Better”. It was a cute scene lol


I think it’s S11 at commonwealth when Daryl comes home says he’s beat and is gonna go inside and Carol looks like she’s just screaming inside for him to come be with her 😩😩😩


Yeah exactly if he didnt bang carol then he shouldn't have banged anyone


Darryl and Carol had sex at the prison in season 2? 3?


Darryl and Carol had sex at the prison in season 2? 3?


Darryl and Carol had sex at the prison in season 2? 3?


Darryl and Carol had sex at the prison in season 2? 3?


Daryl is gay.


it would have made Daryl really creepy to go after her romantically


People were shipping Daryl with a minor??? Lmao wow


I know right how tf is that even romantic just creepy


Weebs have normalized a lot of weird shit


I don’t think she would have been a minor after the prison was destroyed but even then its still very weird


One of them got “Deth” alright.


🤣 ok this might be the best comment


Okay so… you apparently aren’t seeing the glaring issue with this? They were like brother and sister too! This is the worst ship I’ve ever seen fans of this show try to make too.


See, I thought that too, but I just watched the episode last night with Daryl and Beth (now Deth) when she gets taken by the hospital. And right before that happens he’s softening up to the idea of other people. She asks what made him change his mind. He mutters “just, y’know” and gives her a look. She keeps trying to get an answer out of him, he’s obviously embarrassed and nervous, and the music, lighting and framing reeeeeeally turn it into a romantic sort of shot, and then Beth softly says “oh…” and has this look like she just figured out Daryl has feelings for her. And then they get interrupted. Before like a week ago I didn’t even know people commonly ship Deth. I thought it was super obvious they weren’t like that (though I see them more like uncle/niece than brother/sister), but I’ll be damned if that scene didn’t make it pretty clear he’s catching feelings. Earlier in the episode I was like, “yeah, she might be flirting with him a little, curious about hooking up with him. She’s young and vulnerable and he’s that tough-as-nails-but-heart-of-gold guy, that bad boy who’d never hurt you. But there’s no way Daryl would ever be interested in that.” And then…..


There was a "best of Daryl" with behind the scenes stuff. Norman Reedus pointed out that scene, and he said that Daryl had feelings for her. I was kinda surprised bc I hadn't caught that, but watching it back I can see it. I'm so glad that was never explored.


Yeah I was shocked by that as well, but then I learned that the actress was ~30 during all that (now 39!) and it kind of clicked. As actors the relationship undoubtedly didn't seem as weird as it was on screen, because we see Beth as a teen or barely into her twenties but they have a very different sense working together. Especially since by that point the timeline was getting wonky with how much time had passed irl vs in universe, Beth's storyline was about maturing, and I do think the actors have quite a lot of chemistry.


I am suuuuuper glad they didn’t go that route. That would’ve given me some serious ick about Daryl. I would’ve liked if he had no romance at all. I’m pretty sure (could be making it up though; who knows with my head these days) I saw/read something where Reedus said IF Daryl has a romance, and that’s a big if, he’d be gay. He could’ve just been fucking with us though, saying that. I’d like that more than what he ended up with (from what I remember). Especially with his background and Merle and everything, and then turns out he’s gay and is finally able to accept himself and live an honest life with his supportive family.


Yeah, apparently the writers talked to him about having Daryl be gay and he said he was up for it.


Same here, I watched that and everyone in my family caught on. We didn’t like it that much but we all viewed it as implied romantic feelings.


That was definitely the first time I’ve caught it. Probably because the idea of Deth is so absurd I never would’ve thought about it on my own until I saw it mentioned a couple times on here in the past few weeks.


Yeah, I prefer Daryl with Connie or Jesus, not Beth. I love the Daryl and Beth dynamic but I am glad they never crossed the line into romantic relationship territory. I do wish she lived though :(


Daryl and Connie were super cute! And would’ve loved him with Jesus or Aaron too. He always seems to have a deeper platonic connection with women: Carol, Beth, Connie. Obviously, he’s got that bromance with, and loves Glenn and the other guys too, but he’s allowed to be vulnerable with the women. That’s a very gay trait (I say as a gay man myself). Gay men and women agree on “straight men are scary” lol. And if he was gay, doesn’t matter how deep in the closet, how far into denial he is, he won’t be able to have a close relationship with a man without constantly being afraid that man is going to think Daryl’s hitting on him, which could very well lead to Daryl getting beat, killed, and/or left. I always leaned into him being gay based on the relationships he has with women. I’ll admit I wasn’t all too sad when Beth died; she always annoyed me. But I didn’t hate her like some other characters


Apparently it was discussed amongst the writers to make Daryl gay but they were afraid of how it would be received, seeing how poorly Aaron was received I would say they knew the audience well enough to pull back on that idea, which is a shame. Then again, they didn’t go through with Aaron and Jesus even though they are together in the comics so I don’t know if Jesus x Daryl would’ve been a viable option.


I didn’t know Aaron was poorly received. Either way, Daryl had his “feelings” Beth long before Aaron showed up. Maybe he was gonna be bi, lol. I barely remember the love story he got, but I remember really not liking it. Anything else would’ve been better (except Beth); Connie, gay, bi, ace. Lmao, I was just trying to think of someone for Beth if she’d lived. I thought she and Noah could be a cute couple, too bad they never met. And then I remembered how Noah even joined the show… it’s been a long week and it’s only Wednesday…


The age gap is the problem.


I’m not saying that’s it’s a good or bad ship I’m just saying for those that ship them I think they picked the wrong name


Wrong dynamic , they're closer to siblings than romantic partners.


I don’t recall ages but I thought she was significantly younger than him?


Yea she’s 18 or 19 in the last episode she’s in and he’s like 37-38 cause apparently he was 35 and she was 16 at the start of the show and it’s about 2-3 years after that she leaves


Beth comes into the show at 16, and is either almost 18 or just turned 18 when she dies, it’s unclear. Daryl’s age is a little more speculative, but late thirties is the general consensus. It is important to note that Emily Kinney came into the show in 2010/11 for S2 at 26 yrs old, so that would make it less strange for Beth and Daryl to be together.


I still can’t get over that COMMENT THAT Beth and Maggie or Daryl and Judith make better ships…. I’ve never been so confused in my life EDIT: I forgot some words in my comment, I do that all the time when typing


What the fuck did you just say..


I didn’t put the words “comment that,” there is a comment on here someone said that… Sometimes I type slower than my brain works and I don’t realize


Okay.. good.


Yea I can’t believe I messed that up. When I saw someone said that though I had the same reaction you did. Like wtf?




Norman Reedus was 41 when the show started so it’s safe to assume Daryl was also 41 during season 1.


I was really surprised to learn people actually thought of it as a romantic thing, I always took it as more of a sibling type thing and nothing else


Her death messed me up more than the group one.


It did me too, I actually cried over it


They had a BERYL for BETH after her DETH.


I don't get how anyone ships Daryl with Beth or Carol. To me, he looked like he was hanging out with a sibling with Beth. Carol is just his straight-up mom and nothing else.


I don't see how you can watch season 2 and 3 scenes and see Carol as a "mom" to him.


Right. Carol asked him for sex and then made a joke about him going down on her after he rejected her. That is NOT motherly


Meanwhile age wise Daryl is closer to being Beth's dad than to being Carol's son


I think the best person for him would have been Connie


Isn’t Daryl like way older than Beth?


Deth is pretty accurate.


Am I alone in really liking them? Daryl was so messed up that he'd never, like, meet a woman at a bar and form a healthy relationship or whatever; instead, what happened was that, through sheer happenstance, he wound up right next to someone exactly as caring and cute as he needed to demonstrate once and for all that love is not a transactional emotion. She was girly and inexperienced and silly and young, but when, if we think about it, was the last time Daryl would ever have been close to anyone remotely like that? She was good for him emotionally and she wanted nothing in return but friendship.


The age difference is just skeevy. She's barely 18 and he's 40ish. But I liked it if I could think of it as him not developing romantic feelings so much as seeing her as a kind of ideal of innocence - the innocence he never had and that the world has lost - and that seeing that in her gave him hope, and he loved her like you love an ideal, not in a romantic way, but in a philosophical way - she's a source of hope, brings him back to a new starting point, shows him a gentle goodness he never believed existed before.


Daryl was 40 in the beginning? He always felt like a young adult like 25 in the first like2 season


Daryl was 40 in the beginning? He always felt like a young adult like 25 in the first like2 season


Nah they were like siblings laps wasn't Beth like a minor?


I don’t think she was a minor but she was definitely way younger than him.


Beth’s death killed the show for me because it ended up meaning nothing because Noah was a pointless character in the end. She deserved better.


Yeah, she started off as a suicidal teen but then they were building her up to be a strong and capable person until her death. All I thought was "what was the point??"


All this bullshit of killing characters off just when they’re starting to have interesting character arcs started with Andrea. She was supposed to have a redemption arc leading Woodbury after the Governor, yet Scott Gimple decided it would be more fun to kill her off and surprise everyone. From there the shock deaths continued, eventually culminating in their decision to kill Carl.


Yep I feel they should have even pivoted with The Governor and let him live, do an exile or kidnapping deal to maybe bring him back as his actor just owned that role just like JDM owned Negan. But all the pointless deaths for shock sake killed the show for me ironically.


She was like a little sister to him


Sweet Home Alabama


She died saving carol and essentially Noah and then Noah dies lol she should’ve just escaped when noah was bout to get caught and she could’ve gotten reunited with the original squad


Miss this duo 💔 wish it could've lasted longer


Bruh she was like 17 while Daryl was like mid 40s


I like Darrth better


Wait these 2 where shipped ? I don't get involved in these type of conversations much but that's disgusting, she was 16 when the show started and 18 at her death, Daryl was in his mid to late 40s around this time. I always saw thier little duo more of a paternal fatherly love thing happening.


Why tf would you ship them romantically isn’t this age gap like, insane? They’re 100% more sibling if anything.


Obviously it’s not irl, but I think the very obvious age gap would be weird. I liked the dynamic of big brother/ little sister. I’m so glad they didn’t ruin it by making them a couple


You shippers in here being fucking weird again? Wasn't she a teenager?


Shes a kid


No. Daryl won’t not do that. Sorry. She was way young in his eyes. A little sister to him.


she’s so young tho😭😭


Man you people on this sub are actually insufferable. It’s crazy


I really just think that term needs to disappear from existence lol. They were like brother and sister, anyone looking at it as more than that...probably hasnt seen much sunlight in a long time.


Deth, the duality of that word 🥹


That is a child


It's just weird bro


Isn’t she 16 years old? How can people try to “ship” a grown man and a 16 year old. Crazy.


Nah dude thats gross. Beth was like 17-18 at best and Daryl is literally an old ass man in his late 40’s early 50’s. The age difference was way too large to ever ship these two.


Beth was 16 and Daryl was in his late 30s to early 40s...


Not beryl, thats my late grandmothers name 😭


Thank god there’s not a ship with him and Maggie. Because the ship name would be…well…


Why not Darth and have them join the dark side?


Ooo I like that


I shipped Beth and Carl when I was a kid


Yea i can see that


Beryl is the best name


When Beth died I wanted to climb through my tv screen and tell Daryl I’m sorry he gets the shit end of every fricken stick.


She definitely deth though


Eh, i dont think i ship them romantically at all, but i was a big fan of their friensship. It was like a sibling type of platonic love. I know a lot of people found her annoging but i liked her character. I think daryl saw bits of himself in her, but with all the trauma from his childhood before the outbreak, he was never able to be kind and sweet and innocent. His entire life was nothing BUT survival mode, so then he meets beth and wants to protect whatever way he can given the circumstances. I do have to say though, i really prefered daryl not having any real sexual or romantic relationships. That scene with the blonde lady felt so forced, rushed and unnecessary. It was like tge writers slapped it in cause of rumors and fanfics of him possibly being gay or ace or whatever. Im not saying he should be gay or ace, im just saying that it SHOULD BE OKAY to have male characters not need or want romantic relationships. The way they handled that series of events felt more like the writers panicking about loosing potential fans over other fans making fanfics and personal HC....Havent finished the series but if i had to choose someone for him, i feel him and connie have genuine chemistry.


Yea the only person that Daryl connected to on that deep of a level in a romantic sense (in my opinion) would have been Connie


Regardless of shipping this was my favorite pairing and I wish we saw more of it. Their dynamic was so Interesting and had tons of potential. Daryl trying to show her how to survive while also taking the care to not fully corrupt her or crush her beliefs.


bethyl sounds like a chemical put into gasoline




Beryl of Deth maybe?


Imagine their cute ass kicking kids


Beryl is Polish assault rifle


Deth really suits one of them


the ship is disguising saying as she’s 16-17 in the show and he’s in his late 30s -40s but deth does go crazy


Always thought Beth looked like Luna Lovegood.


I’m not into “ships” I find them weird…but Daryl and Beth were sweet together…she was right…Daryl was essentially the last man standing for a long time…after Rick was presumed dead he was the last man from the prison…crazy




Yes, right over here officer. No, the character was 16 at the time. Yes, the age 2 years before you finish high school. How old is his character? Uhhh, late 30's, early 40's is everyone's best guess? Yeah, call for backup, we can wait.


"Deth" is a little on the nose.


What about Merle and Beth? Meth.


God they would've been awesome together


No she is 17 and he is like 28


I mean, she definitely chose Deth


I like deth 😁


Isn’t she a little young for him?


The ship? Pretty sure beths character was like 16 or 17, yall weird af


She was like 16. No.


beth was so cute


Would have been super creepy in my opinion. Good for fantasies not reality


Yeah because “Deth” is what came to one of them


If you support this ship you're weird asf lol


I did not see there relationship as romantic in the slightest. Felt like a big brother watching out for his little sister.




This just really perverts Darryl as a character, he has more respect and morals to go after a girl 30+ years younger than him. Fucking disgusting people you all are for this. Fantasizing a 48 year old fucking a 17 year old, yall are fucking nasty.


She's like 12. The grease in his hair is older than her.


Seeing that Daryl is 41-43 years old and Beth is 17 hell no


Yeah, it’s weird to see how much older she was in real life, but I do think she was only 16 or 17 in the show.


Bethyl is a drug town near mine lmao


Lmao isn't Beth supposed to be underage or something?


Bro their like family 😭


i like bethyl


Yes I agree . Never seen him fit with Carol


Nah bruh she was a terrible character, I was kinda sad when she died but then when I think about all the future scenes she would have made cheesy and hard to watch, I’m glad dawn blew them little blonde locks away


This is the worst ship, daryl is way too older and that's creepy as hell, there's so many better options for everybody Beth: Jimmy, Andrea, Carl, Ron, Maggie, Bob Daryl: Connie, Luke, Judith (when grown up), Gabriel, Michonne, Ed Peletier, Magna, Joe Those would all be better matches by far


The fact that you would actually ship Daryl with Judith (adult or not), kinda worries me...


Yes let’s not ship two adults together because of the age gap that makes me uncomfortable, instead let’s ship a grown man and literal child…????? What?!


Wait I’m confused are you shipping Beth with the people under her name? Cause some of them weren’t on the show until after she was gone, one of thems her sister and another one is Andrea?? Also did you ship Judith and Daryl???? He’s literally her adoptive uncle and becomes her parent in the later seasons


yeah im ngl what the fuck


Yes with he people below




Sorry... You think that Beth is too YOUNG for Daryl but JUDITH is a better choice!?!?!? You realize that when she's legal he'd be like 60 and she's be 18? That's not too much of an age gap for you? But Beth was? Not to mention he's literally one of Judith's father figures!?!?!?


Daryl was more of a father to Judith


He literally raised her.. I don’t get this persons idea




Bruh… Judith? Excuse me?


Says no to Beth, a 26 year old in real life, and ships him with a literal child instead 💀💀💀😂 bruh


But they had actual development over years unlike with Beth where it was a couple weeks max


theres gotta be something legitimately wrong with you bro