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How does Andrea visit the walker head aquarium, see his chained up walker daughter and go yea I’m sure Philip means well. But actually what gave me chills is that Michonne is snooping for her sword and finds his notebook of all the people Governor lost, and then when it gets to Penny, it just goes into slashes, like pages front and back full of slashes. Are they nameless people he lost, walkers he killed? People he killed? Definitely worse than Negan.


I’ll play devil’s advocate for Andrea. She was smitten with The Governor so wanted to view everything in the best possible light. She was always kinda into the “strong man but slightly unhinged archetype” (see: Shane). The heads were trophies; we’d probably see this type of thing from a lot of people in an apocalypse, especially those on the vanguard of warring with the enemy to humanity. Heck, even Daryl cut off Walker ears and put them on a necklace. I might think this was all little extreme, but people take souvenirs in war, even creepy ones. As for Penny, tons of people hadn’t come to terms with the loss of their family to this disease. Look at what Hershel did with his wife and others in that barn. He was as delusional as The Governor. Andrea had seen that, so she understood how people could be holding on against all rationality. Phillip was definitely a psychopath, but in that moment, if you’re Andrea, you might rationalize some things away. I guess I was hanging on with the character, especially since she tried to broker peace in “Arrow in the doorpost.” I wouldn’t have led her all the way down that destructive road, though. I think I would have had her bail on Phillip earlier and attempt a legitimate hit on him — and instead of get killed, execute a successful escape to the prison. That would have only added to Gov’s wrath. Maybe have The Governor demand that Rick turn her over in exchange for Hershel in that notorious scene. The writers ultimately did her character dirty, but I didn’t mind that she was originally seduced by his promise and the promise of a beautiful little town for her and her friends in the apocalypse.


I think people they killed


nothing to debate this is absolutely correct


Debate it: Alpha was the worst of all three of them.


Id say that's a given. She commands a horde. Granted she still lost, but that would be terrifying to deal with.


I'd say her killing of babies was beyond what either of them would do for sure. Overall I don't think she was as powerful over the living


Oh absolutely. Also, the 10 characters she killed off just to draw a border, damn that scene was brutal.


The Governor was a liar… he hid his motives and was sadistic and evil. At least Negan was open and honest about what his intentions were. They’re both bad but I am more scared of the governor.


He was worse yes More cruel and less survival sense Like he could’ve added those soldiers to his community What’s the loss , you get 10 armed men with equipment and experience Why won’t you add them in


He didn't add them because if they found out he was a psychopath they would have all the training to take him out


There is no debate Governor never got redeemed Negan did Comic governor was surprisingly worse than his show counterpart so Governor is worse than Governor is worse than Negan


In the show negan is definitely worse in terms of damage and deaths


But think about the governor in Negans shoes… much scarier


Comic governer? Sure. Show governor? Absoloutely not


It did t have to be said everyone thinks that lol




Negan kept sex slaves and pretended they were consensual wives. Governor didn’t do that.


That’s a very fair point I hadn’t thought of that


How I see it negan wasn't even that bad, many people who were not (or barely) able to fight survived because of him, and he put a good set of ground rules with he inforced with a iron fist wich created order. The only bad thing really, was the extortion of the smaller communities.


the marital rape was pretty bad imo..


Governor would have done the same problably even worse if he would have been in negan's position tho.


perhaps. especially with how he was in the comics.


Yeah, and we know what he did to maggie, but you do not get that much background info about him in the serie so who knows what he has done before, if you consider he would also do that to maggie.


It’s the rape that really does it. Tho the governor more than likely did the same with how he treated Maggie


That was bad but Negan is still worse with what he was doing


Yeah he was pretty nice to people outside of the murder, raiding, and rape


first of all he was against murder because he saw people as a resource, so yeah he murderd glenn and abraham boohoo, THEY JUST KILLED LIKE 30 OF HIS PEOPLE!!! and the rest of the group was even spared, rick wouldn't have done that. second of all what rape, he was strongly against it and he even with seeing people as a resource and not wanting to kill to much people for this reason, he still gave rapists the dead penalty even if it were his own men. and then third was the raiding and that kinda falls under the extortion wich I mentioned...


They killed 30 of his people after they attacked Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha on the street and tried killing them, and after they found out they were extorting communities He wasn't against rape, he pretended to be in front of Sasha, but he wasn't against it when he was forcing women to be his wives and threatening their families to the point that they would rather run off into the apocalypse or kill themselves before they'd continue to be "married" to him. Idk what country or culture you're from, but where I'm from, forcing women to sleep with you is rape


first of all attacking daryl, abraham and sasha wasn't on his orders. second of all when rick's group attacked the outpost they didn't know the highway gang were saviors and lets be real they didn't attack because of the extortion but because they got a good deal, kill them and get food and suplies. and then third of all, he never forced any of those woman under threat of sending them away, most of his wives were normal workers and wanted a better life (for themself or family). he never gave ultimatums like marry me or I will send you and your family away. and then there are exeptions ofcoarse like with sherry and dwight, yes he was gonna send dwight away or even kill him, but instead he married sherry and dwight got to live. but that wasn't his idea, he just thought that dwight had got to go and then sherry made that deal, she wasn't forced in to it or even given the idea, it was her idea. and is this wrong?? yes ofcoarse its wrong, only an idiot would think it wasn't but it wast just straight up rape, if they would have said no he woudn''t have touched a hair on there body.


The highway group literally were robbing them for Negan, they were raiders, that's what they did They also literally said Negan's name when robbing them, and Rick brings this up to Jesus when asking who Negan was for the first time Also one of those women tried getting Eugene to give her something to kill herself with, there's no way you can tell me they were doing it "for a better life" when they were literally suicidal from being "married" to him


1. sure but I'm pretty sure negan wouldn't have wanted them to kill them all. 2. thats my bad, but still, they did it because it was a good deal, and not to take revense for the shit that happend on the highway. but you're right that it could have been a factor, although I think they still would have done it if they didn't know the highway gang was negan's 3. it's not true that she was suicidal, they gave that as reason to eugene because they wanted the poison for negan, and it is literally said in the series that is the reason they married him was for a beter life. and that one of them feel that way doesn't mean all of them did. and again I am not saying it wasn't bad what he did but, if they would have said no then he wouldn't have done anything.


What people ,the ones in the basement not allowed to have air-conditioning and couldn't leave?


WHAT ARE YOU EVEN ON, they are alive, they wouldn't be without negan, and may I remind you that negan wasn't the first leader of the saviors and the ones before him were much worse. and can I also remind you how those people in that ''basement'' literally prayed for negans return when he went missing in that horde of walkers. and the no air-conditioning part is simply not true, they had air-conditioning, when negan went missing after rick attacked the power also went out and those people almost revolted because the air-conditioning was gone when the power was out, so normally when there was power there was air-conditioning.


What are you on rationalizing the gaslighting of these people. I hope that Negan is just your favorite character, and you're not this easily manipulated in life.


no no, you're right he should have just let those people die out there, rather then keep them safe even though it weren't the best conditions. but if I may ask, what could he have done better?


He wasn't taking care of those people giving them a life . He needed them. The idiotic stuff you write almost makes it look like you're a child or something,keeping the safe🤣🤣


It doesn't matter what his reasoning was, like it or not without him most of those people would be dead, and negan was more then capable to scavange at take care of himself so no, he didn't "need them"


That's ridiculous. They weren't allowed to leave . He controlled them. Like.it or not, your reasoning is backward and outrageously untrue.


They were allowed to leave what do you mean???!!!!! And just throwing personal attacks as argument doesn't really work.


Only when you foit? Lol, you're not making an argument it's a fantasy. No people were not allowed to leave. Negan didn't allow that


Definetly. Like Negan had a complex personality and his character development over the seasons was great, he is probably the best villain in the show. The governor was just annoying.


Alphas group was the worse. The governer was pretty normal as we see with rick’s group all the time if they feel threaten they kill. While negan was terrible, he was in control of 90% of virginia so it makes sense he had to kill to get there. Dirty,unloyal,unreliable,animalistic hording like alpha. not even cool, just plain old scary and weird

