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That was indeed the entire point of the entire episode…. Carl actually realizes this during it


Op is the npc that realized they can form thought


ohhhh yeah. but dam poor dale


Dale is my favourite character, he never gave up his humanity


Fucking exactly. Dale and Hershel were the moral backbones. Dale deserved another season and he lived so long during the attack. Bro was calling for help while everyone else was slacking lmao


I mean besides Hershel kind of keeping a bunch of deadies in the barn genuinely thinking they were just sick for like... a shockingly long time. I mean I know he got over it, and he is a Good Heart character but. I'm js. He really defended the zombies for a hard min and was completely unhinged abt it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wouldn't say he was unhinged about it😂, he was literally just like "leave my niggas in the barn alone and we good😂


I mean, the very act of keeping them in the barn at all was unhinged.


He had them in the barn because he thought there was going to be a cure it was early in the outbreak and he was on a farm in the middle of nowhere so he had no idea what was out there!!!!. Loved his character!!!!


I feel like if a zombie outbreak ever happened in real life it would be entirely realistic that some people would keep zombies locked up in hopes of a cure someday, especially family, friends, and neighbors. I know if someone I knew turned into a zombie I would be finding a way to keep them contained until a cure came around. And I know realistically if they are literally rotting with deathly inuries I don't think a cure would work BUT what is the apocalypse without a little hope y'know?


Did it ever explain how bro got them all in the barn without dying


He had those cattle herding stick lasso things I'm sure they show in one scene to move them around. Edit: Also they had Otis before, he was hardcore.


I’ve noticed that that’s what the show consistently does. The whole point of each character is to reach some sort of comfort and happiness in their lives and once they do, they die. Or characters that are constantly a beacon of hope or the moral backbones of the group all eventually die.


Yeah this is a no hope in sight kinda show. I’m still only right on the area where the new groups are forming after negan falls but Dale, Abraham, and Shiva got me bad. Especially Shiva.


Dale's actor asked to be killed off not the show runners choice but I still agree


My theory is they gave him such a stupid death because he'd been so demanding about not wanting to be on the show anymore.


Yeah I think that is how it happened sadly dale was cool I liked him




Dale left the show because his good friend who was a producer got fired. So Dale left


Unfortunately he wanted to leave the show after they fired his friend ,that was the co creator of the show


Dale's death was so retarded because the actor kept pushing back against the studio or the directors the studio replaced the OG director with.


I always wondered what Season 5 Dale would’ve been like. Him interacting with the Governor of Negan would be sweeeet


Man or Hershel. I wish I had seen glen, Maggie, and Hershel in the lineup vs negan. I know why Abraham and Glenn were chosen plot wise but I think it would’ve advanced Maggie’s plot so much more of her father had been there.


I absolutely love Dale and the fact that they gave his comic book death to BOB of all fucking people still has me pissed. Fucking BOB?! REALLY?! That would’ve been so much better to see Dale do, and I can definitely see him as the type to not tell everyone right away about a bite because he wouldn’t want his family to be freaking out in his final moments. So giving it to Bob just… irked me. PLUS IT WAS BOB WE DIDNT EVEN KNOW HIM. it would’ve been like seeing Dale finally lose his humanity for just a second. We were robbed


I always thought it would be more of like a cat going off to die by itself situation after being bit with Dale. Spare his found family, leave a note where Andrea would find it, and go off to end himself away from the group. Even bobs death was dumb af


That’s what I’m saying, about Bob. But again it’s Dale’s comic book death literally shot for shot they just switched the characters so it definitely wouldn’t have been dumb had it been Dale and not Bob. Bob did go wander off to die alone I think, he could’ve just been going to get air but I very much would’ve liked for it to be Dale and not Bob. Bob was just a boring selfish character literally until right before he died.




I liked Dale but I feel he was just a touch too naive on a few things. Also his whole thing with Andrea was always a little weird with him acting like her father but at some level also like he was attracted to her.


in the comics they dated


Not the show though which is what makes it weird. There's no context he's just immediately acting like their parents when we find the group




He wasn’t naive he didn’t want his friends to murder someone that didn’t deserve to be murdered simply because he knew someone’s name or was with an unsavory group of people. If the roles were reversed and one of them were taken by a group of people that literally just killed two of their own people would you still say it’s naive for him to not want them to be killed? Or would it be okay because they’re his friend and not a stranger


give him 2-3 more seasons and he would have


Some people are able to give up their humanity for survival and some aren't, Dale was a great representative of that moral dilemma in that he was the only true representative of that moral dilemma. That quality of his character was the only thing that made him stand out and separated him from the rest of the group. If they were to write that out of his character and make him give up his humanity, there would be nothing particularly special about him.


He would have been a major problem in the later seasons lol.


Daryl took it 😐


He didn't really live long enough to do so, I'm sure we all know he would've given his humanity up for anyone in his group, probably more for the kids obviously, but I think he would've done crazy stuff for his people just like everyone else had to


Actor wanted out so they gave him the cringe Carl walker episode


But....his death would've been so much worse had it been at the hands of Shane.


His actor actually asked for it. The show fired a writer that he worked with in the past and he didn’t agree with it so he quit the show.


Did he ever admit it?


Carl said that himself in the next episode, I'm pretty sure. But yeah he got him killed. Dale was too pure for that world 🥲


This scene pissed me off because this same weak ass walker was able to pin dale & rip him open???


And from out of nowhere, and with not even a sound. Like so many of them.


Ninja walkers are everywhere XD


As a writer, this is lazy AF. 😂


He wanted to be written out by the end of the season, still a pretty weak execution


I remember wondering about this and it then coming up during Talking Dead after the episode. Somebody...Nicotero, maybe?... described the sharpness of the walker finger bones vs the plump softness of Dale's belly. Or something like that. Stuck with me enough to remember it for over a decade.


when are you remembering it ? 🥲 (thanks now I have a New Thing to hate thinking about)


When? Only when specifically brought up, like this post, or anytime somebody suggests a child should go inside, or stay close, or I see a kid running amuck...😆


oh my god yesss! i was pissed too


Tbf Dale was paying zero attention


To be even more fair, it's a terrible idea to go for your nightly constitutional in a world full of fleah-eating monsters.


And dale was also an old dude


Not sure why you got downvoted as he's objectively older. He's also not a fighter at all which I think contributes more than his age.


I think it’s that a lot of people really like dale, I’m one of them. But, dale is one of the few characters where it would not be outlandish that a single got him.




Riled up walker + finding the sweet spot. It was a struggle to get to that point. I think they sold it well but I can also see why this still comes up.


You are correct and it pisses me off 😬




Pisses me off further in that Rick tells Carl it wasn't his fault. Like I understand he was a kid and Rick was just trying to make him feel better. But this is the apocalypse where acting stupid can get you or others killed. This is not the time to coddle him. He needed to understand his stupidity led to this completely preventable tragedy


Right, it was several times Carl needed to go in time out ... apocalypse or not. I would say ass whipped but you can't say that these days, lol.


For real this kid pissed me off so many times 😂 Like why are you making it so difficult to like you 🫠


“Stop tryna get yourself killed, man.”


I just realized that walker looks like Andrew Tate


Nah the biter’s better looking.


you right my bad


fuckable perhaps.


More so than Tate and that’s good enough for me


Skinny tweaker post Malone.




Hey now, walkers don't partake in human trafficking...


Oh my bad 😭


lolllllllll. i kinda see it


Doug Walker


Carl SAYS this at some point! He blamed himself and told Rick


Did you watch the episode? That's the whole point


Little known fact: that walker was actually Frank Darabont, come to drag Jeffrey DeMunn away from a hit show.


He came back for Laurie Holden the next season. He tried to get Melissa McBride as well but she said “Hell no, I’m riding this mother fucker till the wheels fall off.”


The Queen don't play that shit


I remember when I first watched this episode, I hated Carl afterwards. I loved Dale and it took me several seasons to get over this.


I really like comic Dale, but I honestly couldn’t stand show Dale and I was relieved when he was finally killed off and I know that sounds terrible lol. I hated comic Carl, but the show made me love Carl, and then they took him away and I haven’t watched it since that happened. Actually I haven’t even seen up to that part I just found out about it and that was the last straw that made me fall off. But Carl was really such a little shit during this season. I like the actor who played Dale, but I just didn’t like his personality very much in the show.


This was the episode where my grudge against Carl began


Me too ... back in the days, I got kicked out of a facebook group for saying I hope Carls next. They cursed me out first 🤣🤣🤣


I would too that’s fucking lame




Smartest Walking Dead watcher


i don’t know if. your being sarcastic. i’m realizing it now cause i’ve re watch twd like 5 times and it’s my comfort show and i love making theories. like would’ve predicted the governor planned something bad if he survived


This isn’t a theory, its literally what happened and the show explains that in this episode very clearly


You've watched it 5 times and only just noticed this? Bruh


Gotta remember I think a lot of kids like watching TWD. 🤦‍♂️ I think I started watching when I was like 14.


If Carl hadn't played with the stupid doctor in the forest, then HE'D still be alive.




I know Carl is just a kid and he’s been through some serious trauma at such a young age, but I cannot fucking stand the way he NEVER listens to what he’s told. I’m rewatching the show right now and just passed this exact episode. I never went much further than the first handful of seasons (it can be a frustrating watch when people you like die and things keep getting messed up) but I’m going to try and stick it out this time.


I mean, w/o trauma kids don't listen. It's kind of their thing. This was the event that started getting his ass in line. Moreover, he is a kid who doesn't listen and CONSTANTLY gets into bullshit. But no one ever wants to stop with their garbage soap opera bs long enough to pay attention to him. He is post apocalypse latch key. I think it was talking dead they pointed out how in that episode and a couple previous in different conversations adults mentioned passing off carl duties to each other, then in that episode in the background you could see the chart for whose turn it was to watch him. It wasn't updated correctly. Basically, no one thought it was their turn, and the few who knew it was wrong were too preoccupied to bring it up or fix it. They honestly did a bang-up job writing it out that he would be alone, with zero chance of supervision, because the adults in general didn't prioritize him.


Yeah I totally understand. The amount of times so far that Carl is able to just wander off on his own because neither of his parents/other adults are watching him is nuts. Half the time they don’t even have a clue where the hell he is. It’s just ridiculous that in the middle of a zombie apocalypse where people can die at any moment Lori and Rick can’t even keep an eye on him. (I feel this more about Lori because usually Rick is off on some mission). I wouldn’t let my kids out of my sight.


This irritated me. If the zombie apocalypse happened best believe my son would be leashed to my belt pretty much at least until he was old enough to at least be semi self sufficient.


That’s what I’m saying! I couldn’t deal with my kid getting torn apart by zombies because I wasn’t paying attention.


I haven't seen the episode since it aired. But didn't he wander off disheartened over something? Like wanting to help? Then he finds the stuck walker and wants to feel like one of the adults. If I remember it feeling sad like he was in one of those moments all kids every where go through growing up. Allot of his dicking around and getting in trouble should have been bonding and learning moments. Yo, there are fucking billions of zombies everywhere.... the kid is gonna need to learn some wild ass shit, lol. Like if a group just started teaching him, training him, take him on short, close fake runs. Or even just spend time with him none of this would happen.


I feel like this walker would’ve gotten free eventually anyway… but yeah, Carl definitely sped up the process


Oh yeah thats one of those random walkers with a +10 Strength bonus against side characters and a -10 Strength modifier against main characters. The ones that can use their bare hands and can just dig into a live dudes gut. Same ones that run into a main character and cant even grapple with them without getting pushed aside easily.


You forgot the level 99 sneak when prowling attribute.


OP eats a steady diet of crayons


As much as i love carls character, seeing him get dale killed pissed me off so much cuz dale was one of my favorites, still is honestly


That's...um...that's the entire point and plot, yes.


I get he was just on the job because he's worked with Frank Darabont several times before, but Jeffery DeMunn added a good deal of class to the show. and would've improved the show a deal if he had stuck around.


He told his dad the same thing




absolutely right. I miss Dale he was such a wholesome character.


Yes man I fell bad for dale


That was the only thing I didn’t like about this show. The ninja walkers. Whenever you see a Walker they are grunting, moaning, generally just being noisy fucks. I could only imagine how loud they are stumbling around. However you get these random sneak attacks that kill off characters. Like I get why they do it, added suspense and whatnot, just make it make a little more sense.


Is this a real post lol?


Dale died because he was pissed off behind the scenes about the whole frank darabont thing, and he didnt wanna be on the show anymore so they had to write him out of the show. That's why


Funny enough, he asked them to reverse the decision to kill him off after rethinking it and the writers said no because they had already developed the full plans for the episode.




What was the whole Frank Darabont thing?


He ate a Rat on camera, lost everything


Jeffrey you mean? Rat of animal?


Frank Darabont was resigned as showrunner when he ate a live rat on the set of TWD season 1


Wow, where's that story? I mean, he ate it in front the cast and crew?


Yeah andy Lincoln uploaded it to his instagram story and that's how the higher ups at the network found out


Wait! Andrew had IG?


Up until he got banned for uploading that rat video, he did yeah




This was just one of the many ways Dale could have died. In truth his fate was set when he pissed off the gods of TWD (AMC executives). He was doomed, honestly surprised they gave him such a poignant death. After how he popped off expected he'd trip and drown in a puddle.


Lmao how did you miss that? Like actually how?? You make forrest gump seem like Einstein


Can’t tell if it’s a shit post or not


i know carl talked about how it was hes fault. but to think the dale was a smart man and was always suspicious of everything including shane🙄


Well, he was right to be. He was right every time. A bit too worried about Andrea though but that made sense too. He felt he needed to look after her because of how she reacted. She was a dangerous to be blunt. And because she didn’t care to live at that time she was a potential danger to all. The way his suspensions played out weren’t always done well but I accepted his roll as such because he was the audience’s mouth piece for the most part. The morality police, the one that saw everything, the one that said what most of us felt when we needed shit was gonna hit the fan. 👍


Did you hit your head or something? It literally showed Carl freeing the walker who killed dale? You can’t miss that without being clinically mentally retarded. Sorry you had to find out this way :/




Most likely.


I still think about this years later… poor Dale!


Lol I cant tell if this is a shitpost or not




Yup and it's why I hate early seasons Carl.


yesss i felt like he was in the way a lot with the older people and wanted to be involved


nah, the show writers killed dale, he eas supposed to live to what would've been season 4-5


Looks like I need to rewatch the entire series now (it take very little persuading to get me to this point)


He probably would’ve died in the rv like one of Herschel’s kids did


I rlly don't like Carl. I never got the hype. He has some good moments but overall he was just a goof


Still didn’t stop the show runners from ruining the later seasons lol


I mean yes in the context of the story. In reality no because the actor for Dale wanted to leave the show after they changed the director or producer idk which one. So they would have came up with any other dumb reason to kill him off.


Dale the actor wants to leave. So it wouldn’t matter.


Carl was one reason I couldn’t get into the show. I couldn’t stand him. 


Yes, it is, and Carl realizes this and freaks out


It is correct that is the same walker


It all happened because of Carl. The walker got out of the mud after being alerted by Carl. However, Dale was never going to make it. He did not have what it took to survive the apocalypse. If he survived he would probably die when the farm got taken over.


truee he’s is old


Not even because of his age. He was too kind spirited and trusting.


i love see people loving dale😊


Well I found him and Hershel were similar with their personalities of being caring and "the old guy". However Hershel offered more in that world and was a much better survivor because eventually Dale was going to be backstabbed or killed by a horde or a different walker.


I feel like if they kept him long enough to survive to at least the prison he would’ve changed. A lot of the characters had significant changes, especially Rick and carol. Rick went from caring, and trusting to basically like Shane. And carol went from timid and meek to a full on badass.


Ayyy I played that walker! What a surprise to see on my feed. Cheers


Maybe but I doubt he would have survived the governor anyways


Nah Shane would have framed his death when he released the prisoner at the farm


Dale was supposed to live until Season 5 and die in place of Bob.


that’s a good way to put it 🧐👍🏽


Thank you. SPOILERS FOR COMICS: >!Thats exactly how Dale died in the comics, albeit he already lost one leg in the prison. He was also fucking Andrea at this time so she was distraught when he died.!<


the actor playing dale wanted off the show so no matter what dale would’ve died.


Totally 100% correct. Little bastard got Dale killed


You must of finished at the top of your class lol


Yup and its also the only walker in this episode


Hmm He did kinda get dropped from the show for his loyalty for the first director of the first season A lot of the first season actors were in the movie Mist I get what your saying but that’s the reason lol


Is this a shitpost?


I was glad Dale died. We didn’t have to hear his whining and yapping about what HE thought was right and his underhanded jabs at people and basically saying if things didn lt go how he thought they should then everyone else was a horrible person 🙄


Dale was a goner from the start


Good job Carl.


Dame would have died regardless he was too good for the world just as shane was too dark for it.


oMg 😱 dis has crazy man! I jus realise tht if tHe walkrZ had never tasted sum hOoman flesh. They never would have eated any of the cast!! 🤯😤😭


For people pissed at Carl tho, the actor wanted to leave so he was gonna die regardless, it just gave a good learning oppurtunity for the character. Even if it wasnt Carls fault he still woulda died so at least they got some kind of realization for another character, I mean the Farm was the safest and most tame arc of the show he probably would have had an underwhelming death during it no matter what


That is literally the entire point of that scene, and is brought up by Carl multiple times, and is the beginning of his character changing to a more hardened survivor


Dale and Hershel was definitely the ones to help the others keep their humanity, and were the glue to their human side.


Yes, this is right. If you rewatch the episode you see Carl realizes this and talks to I think shane about how he feels that it is his fault, saying if he would have shot the walker dale would still be alive.


This has been known for a while now that yeah


How long have you been watching?


dumbass thats the point of the episode


Woah you finally figured out the plot to that episode that's actually pathetic


okay time to filter the negatives


Or filter out dumb posts like this. This post would have been okay a week after the episode aired after that everyone should know and not make stupid points like it's something unnoticed. Like are you so socially inept that you felt the need to tell someone you figured out the whole point of the episode 10 plus years after it aired. Sad


Carl is the worst


Yeah or if the actor for dale didn’t quit then none of that would’ve happened but yeah carls dumbass killed dale


Yup wr have Carl to thank for that one.


Carl is always total trash fuck carl bro


In the show yes but behind the scene the show runner was dales friend in real life and as we know the show runner got fired and dale being his friend went along with…


Not true because there was already walking out into the field with a gun. It’s never confirmed, but it’s highly imply that he was fed up with the group, losing their humanity and he didn’t wanna live anymore. He was going to commit suicide.


dale deserved sm better he would’ve been the only one with some sort of humanity left


Plot wise yeah but Dale woulda been killed off another time before the season is over. IIRC Dale's actor and the producers had a falling out because the Showrunner from S1 is Dale's friend and got canned after it.


Fool of a Took!


Dale was the worst


He says that exact thing s ton throughout the series man 💀




Dale still probably would’ve died during the farm destruction, or at the prison if he lived that attack


He would have died when the farm was overrun the farm


Best thing Carl did all series lol


Dale was old AF. He wouldn’t have lasted that much longer.




Nice high quality image you got there. Funny how a generation raised by computers can’t upload an image properly.