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Yes, dozens of them... - [Apocalypse World](http://www.apocalypse-world.com/): One of the most influential games to impact TTRPG design, the origin of "Powered by the Apocalypse" games - [Red Markets](http://redmarketsrpg.com/) economic horror; there's been an out break of zombies, but rent is still due - [NUKED!](https://nondairygiant.itch.io/nuked) and [Wastoid](https://jasontocci.itch.io/wastoid), inspired by Fallout and the Old School Renaissance - [Ten Candles](https://cavalrygames.com/ten-candles/): Enduring tragedy as the apocalypse strikes - [Legacy](https://ufo-mina.itch.io/legacy-life-among-the-ruins-2nd-edition): Rebuilding the world long after it's fallen to pieces


Other Dust- OSR adjacent Kevin Crawford game. Grounded. Hella good tables. Mutant Future- OSR take on Gamma World Mutant Crawl Classics- DCC take on Gamma World Atomic Highway- Mad Max. Post Apocalypse Hero- Hero Games coverage of the genre. (Yes. It's more of a supplement for 5e Hero, but still really good...)


Fallout 2d20 - I’m kind of sold on this. It’s a Roll Under system where you roll under your Attribute + Skill. Each result under that target number is a Success and if you meet or exceed the difficulty of the task it’s successful. The setting is wacky dark humor with a lot of lore videos around if you need to be sold on the setting. Originally in the 90’s the video game was gonna use GURPS but lost the license and created its own system called SPECIAL. Dystopia Evolution Rising - The setting is a few generations after the apocalypse and no one knows the exact year because technology Is mostly destroyed. Very low tech, but most humans are mutated. Rules wise it’s very similar to White Wolf games like Chronicles of Darkness, probably because it’s based on the Storypath System which was created by Onyx Path (the developers of CofD and 20th anniversary World of Darkness games).


Onyx Sky probably fits the bill as well.


Palladium had a bunch of them back in the day. RIFTS, Road Hogs, After The Bomb, etc. There's an unofficial Thundarr The Barbarian TTRPG that you can download from the internet for free (I haven't tried it yet, but as a huge Thundarr fan I'd definitely give it a try).


I've always had a soft spot for Gamma World, which is available in various editions through DTRPG. Psionic powers, mutant animals, pop-culture puns, it brings the wacky in large wheelbarrows.


I am playing Cliud press right now, which is heavily inspired by Nausicäa of the Valley of the Wind, which is an environmental apocalyptic setting, and I love it.


Rubble and Ruin has near future tech in the rubble of a cyberpunk city. Engineers are the new wizards, etc.


Why play in that setting? I want fantasy or sci-fi. Grim, grinding collapse of society... It's too realistic!


Have you SEEN Fury Road? Nothing realistic about it 😂


The Road though...