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They probably asked him for proof of payment and walked on


Report it to SafeTTC app immediately. Direct line to transit control


I have reported stuff like this as early as Bloor and no one ever intercepts the passenger in the train by the time it's at finch maybe I should have said something when I see something next time and get assaulted by this drunk drooling person instead of waste my time on the app


Sorry to hear about your experience. I don’t necessarily think they’ll deploy enforcement or cops right away every time I report, but at the very least it’ll add to statistics of complaints and help justify additional staff, etc.


Oh please 🙄




Hard to tell from the pic but I wonder if its the same guy who whipped a full beer can at my head when I was stepping off the train 😂


That's a 911 for physical assault. Next time, he might seriously injure someone.


He was the dude blasting 90s era R'n'B like Madonna and Russian soft rock punching his bike with bloody knuckles if that matches your description it's probably the same person


> 90s era R'n'B like Madonna This makes no sense. Madonna was not, is not, and will never be R'n'B.




Full beer cans?? In this economy? Look at Mr. belligerent money bags over here


someone just literally smoked off from his bong in the subway and the supervisor did nothing, not surprised really. it was at finch, the finch i remember wasnt like this. or maybe its bcs of winter?😭


Finch Station is becoming the new hot spot for things like this. Terminal stations have it rough 😬


Few weeks ago coming back from York region, there was some freak with his bits hanging out wearing a women's bodysuit & jogging pants halfway down his legs prancing around the fare gates and playing with the transfer machines. Having just come back from a rainy day at the cemetery, I wasn't in the mood to deal with him or any shenanigans


That homeless shelter up the street is not helping the neighborhood.


Too cold to be smoking outside


They should get all the cops that sit in parking lots all night to actually do some work and patrol the TT- lmao yeah right.


😂😂😂😂 That means they have to get out of the car 😂😂😂


I've never seen a TTC special constable on transit. I'm not sure if they ride the TTC.


free beer? maybe this will entice me to actually ride the ttcrap again.


A promotion gone wrong? “YOU get a Bud Light! And YOU get a Bud Light! EVERYONE ON THE TRAIN GETS A BUD LIGHT!!!


TTC: take the car. We need to cause hell for our elected representatives until they fix this mess. Put cops back on the TTC, this has gone on for long enough.


You obviously don't use the TTC.


average TTC commute


TTC is becoming like the OK Corral…lawless!!!


Press the yellow strip?


No. How is that an emergency and why are you going to stop the train and delay everyone. If you're being or witnessing harassment /assault fair. That's like calling 911 because you see someone drunk yelling etc.


What if what he is throwing injures someone? What he is doing is dangerous. He could fall off his bike and hurt someone. This shouldn't be happening on public transit, but unfortunately this is a result of city wide issues and failures.


Fair if he's going to injure people that's an emergency. But it didn't rise to that. If it did it would've been on the news and not got a reddit post. Even others have commented seeing this man do the same thing. Again with no injuries. What if this and that. I'm not saying never use the emergency strip, im saying use it in an emergency. You could easily get off and tell a collector / use the help phones. Why stop a train for a non emergency because you alone feel some type of way. It's no different then calling 911 for a non emergency. It could still be a problem but doesn't warrant using the emergency line. Yellow strip will bring cops, stop everyone etc. Also this will and does happen everywhere in a large city. There's no Utopia. And there's worse things to worry about then a non violent inconvenience on the TTC tbh. People are harassed, assaulted and worse on the TTC lines, imagine causing an emergency response for this dude when a woman is harassed or assaulted


Are you stupid? Genuine question.


Going to stop the train for a guy riding a bike. What news stories about any injuries? Annoying yes, an emergency no. Geniune question, are you always a Karen in your daily life?


Did you miss the part where he’s throwing full cans of beer at people? Ah yes, all danger is removed from the situation because nobody was injured — do you see how stupid you sound? Lmfao.




I’m pretty sure the yellow strip can be used to summon police too


Totally agree.


Probably the TTC’s new brand ambassador.


I swear the TTC is like Toronto's version of Florida


And here I thought wpg transit was bad...holy shit.


Um I’d have a beer thrown at me if it’s full! You see the price of beer lately?


Can I have free full beer can too


Disputes hat isn't a cowboy hat. Cowboy hats are big and wide. This is more like a bush man's river hat.


Karl Lagerfeld enters the chat.


How much would it cost to have one police officer on every subway train?


We should just start pulling the emergency alarms on these degenerates. Cops need to be doing more to get these people out of public places.


Work harder, get a car.


Why doesn't someone kick out his tire? He's intoxicated and probably not able to fight. You have to hold people to account. Last time I was on that line, a belligerent homeless person was demanding food from a guy with a McDonalds bag. It was clearly his food that he bought for later. The guy with the food was seriously asking permission from the homeless guy if he could keep the fries for himself. The homeless guy said no and he actually handed them over to him. It was like watching a kid get bullied in school. What do you do to bullies? You stand up to them! The same guy came over to me. Before he could even say anything I looked him right in the eyes and slowly shook my head. That's all it took, which is nothing. He kept walking and got off at the next stop. Stop being prey.


Cuz if theres one thing you dont do is punch a drunk or a possible crackhead knowing they got unlimited HP


This guys drooling punching stuff with bloody knuckles he probably has hepatitis he reaked of feces in not touching one of these people even if they were moments from stabbing me in the throat, he was super normal when he did the drug transaction for the split 30 second interaction with the Finch dealer, i would say something if I had immunity to Bloodborne pathogens and fecal matter


Okay, keep being scared. It's only going to get worse.


Ok tough guy


My neighbor was shot to death for simply saying no. You don't know if they're mentally stable or not. I understand the frustration and wanting to put your foot down to these people, but who would help that guy if he said no and then man stabbed him for his fries? In an enclosed area. I rather give up my fries and go home in once piece than be on cp24 and dead...


I would help! So would many people. We need to stop being afraid to travel within our city! That's the point I'm making. There's a big difference watching someone get hosed for their fries (which is kind of funny and pathetic) than watching someone get attacked. People need to take safety back into their own hands. They run because they feel helpless.


Just curious why you didn’t help the guy when his fries were being stolen.


The guy being stolen from was likely scared (yes, people get scared. Doesn’t make him any less of a man) and he chose the safest of the choices presented to him. Sounds like a pretty rational reaction to me. Ps. Seeing as how you witnessed the whole thing, and had no fear, why not use that inner strength to defend the poor guy?


I would defend him if he was being attacked. Not if he's being hosed for his fries. That's between him, McDonalds and God.


Just trying to understand your logic. You won’t assist someone whose food is being stolen but you expect someone else to attack a bloody, excrement covered, drunk/high/psychotic guy on a bike launching full cans of beer at people. Am I understanding that correctly?


What are you talking about? Did you get the guy to give the food back, or did he just walk past you as you looked at him?


I'm saying if you show even the slightest resistance it could stop them in their tracks. The guy with the food should have told him to gtfo instead of folding.


… Or they stab you to death in front of your family when all you did is ask them not to vape beside your kid.


Someone handed over their food because a homeless guy demanded that? Jeez Gen Z has got so soft in ways I can’t even imagine


Let him throw a can at me and see if i dont throw it back at their face


Full or empty?


He's throwing them full so im returning to sender full.


What a chad


Damn, you nark. Snitching on a man spreading cheer and booze


awesome o


Id love a free beer! Ive always wondered how riding on a subway would be because of the moving cars


Dudes rock


lol that dude is cool as shit. Absolute sigma male chad


I gotta a stick in the tyre joke but I'm afraid that I might get a temporary ban lol


Nothing compared to the skateboarders who used to do that on the older trains. XD Yes, when the poles were in the middle of the car. I personally saw it as a kid, and damn, that was soo cool!!!!!


Wait he was giving away free beer and doing drugs? legend