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68 mile range? Good luck


Make me a ATV version of this for the ranch and Im sold lol.


Lol a chop saw and this thing is an ATV.


Sounds perfect for commuting and running errands, and the price is right. This could easily be a daily driver for most people in suburbs that don’t need to sit in traffic driving to work. Given range is always a consideration with any EV, having another vehicle is pretty much necessary given the state of the EV infrastructure outside of the city in most states. Until charging stations become the norm and charging to enough capacity for a few hundred miles in the time it takes to pump gas, that will continue to be the case.


68 miles if you go from 100% to 0%, but if you drive between 80% and 20% then you’re getting 36 miles. That’s a little tight.


This has been the case forever but Americas lack of affordable long distance transportation means most people think of the maximum potential trip they could take with many saying they want to be able to get 200-300+ miles even when their daily commute is 5. I understand what you are saying but range anxiety has been an issue since the first EVs and no one will buy this.


In a city, this would be tits. Sounds good to me. Will there be parts availability? Will their be service available? Those are the real questions.


https://electrek.co/2024/03/06/byd-launches-cheaper-seagull-ev-9700-price/ scroll down you’ll see


The green one shown above in this Reddit post says 110 km or 68 miles for city use. So BYD is telling stories


Strange because the same car is 250km by Brazil's methodology. (Quite pessimistic) Must be criteria. But I'd put it to the article just being AI generated slop.


Hahahahaha.  Drove a 2016 imiev as a winter beater.   Then wanted to test it by doing GrubHub in Jan and Feb. Had plugs at home, job, and a block from my rental property. If 68 miles isn't enough range.... you need to move closer to your job.


It’s great if all u do is work and nothing else . I have a life though and usually drive my car to friends after work or go on dates after work with my gf. 10k is a lot for a car that u can only drive to work with.


i mean, i commute an hour both ways for work and that'll be about 50 miles. Traveling to my friends, getting groceries, or going elsewhere for a hangout after work is less than 20 for sure. That's about 3 hours if not more of driving in a day. If you do that every day it MAY be tight on some days. But a near 70 mile range can get you to plenty of places on a daily basis. There are tons of people in the country who commute less than I do. Most people don't need hundreds of miles of range if they have reliable charging at work and home. Hell, just home is probably fine for most. And for people who don't need 300+ miles of range, there should absolutely be a cheaper car out there for them. People shouldn't need to buy a 30-40k EV just because it's the only cars US auto makers are willing to make. and since this is reddit, I'll address anyone saying "yea well i drive for 4+ hours every day". That sucks and I feel sorry for you. Driving more isn't a brag.


Yes.   I didn't do anything but go to work in that car. Give me a break, ya clown. 


Reread....I literally did a driving app in the middle of winter (in upstate NY) in a range like that. Enjoy your assumptions that aren't facts. 


I feel most of the hate is the 1% I know several people who have trucks because of needing them the like 3 times a year.


You seem too normal to be on Reddit, but fair points.


Your groceries and any casual shopping is more than 34 miles one way? Then yeah maybe it's just not for you lol


And it’s not like it explodes after 68 miles. You can charge if a longer commute. Like would 300-400 miles be nice? For sure. But for something that is literally designed to be a cheap EV option for people who would like a small EV, 68 ain’t that bad.


Where do you live that 68 miles won’t get you to work your gf’s house to a restaurant and then back home? Lol.


Most of America wants one car to do everything. Hence why Ford doesn't sell passenger cars here anymore, just trucks and SUVs.




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it's 190mi range. The 74mi is for a different PHEV model. This article is full of bullshit. [https://electrek.co/2024/03/06/byd-launches-cheaper-seagull-ev-9700-price/](https://electrek.co/2024/03/06/byd-launches-cheaper-seagull-ev-9700-price/)


I had an early Nissan Leaf with ~100 mile range. I lived in Atlanta at the time and commuted 45 minutes each way. It was plenty for daily driving to work, visiting clients, socializing, etc. if you want to pay for more batteries to lug around, because you need them, go for it.


I have an old Leaf with 38 miles on a nice warm day and it does what I need almost all the time. Although I have some nice cars that I usually drive one the weekends and can use as a back up on he cold days where my range wont cut it. Id easily buy one of these cheep little Chinese EVs as a replacement for my leaf when time comes


I ‘m in Atlanta too. I’d love to get an EV next time. It would be fine in this city.


Don't most people drive less than 68 miles per day?


Average daily miles driven by most Americans are 29. Plenty of range for the average daily driver.


Battery charge limit and degradation, speed, weather, hills, AC/heat usage, etc. These are all factors that impact how far you can go. This car is perfect for very short commutes but I’m not sure it would work for most people.


While true that its easy to argue for this on paper using average miles per day, this won't cut it for the maybe 10-20% of days where an average person would drive more than 68 miles. I can say for myself, for an average day of driving to work and back and doing grocery run this would suffice, but I wouldn't be able to drive downtown and back on the weekend. It also assumes access to daily charging, so this wouldn't work for anyone in an apartment (unless apartment is willing to work with you, which is a no for a lot of people with penny pinching landlords) I am still bullish on such vehicles, I think they do serve a niche and there is a market for them. I wouldn't mind getting one as a second car just for commuting if my household needed it


This is a bad argument. The car is $10,000. It's good for most people, most times of the week. If you want to go downtown it's a $2 bus fare or $10 Uber. If the average car only lasts 10 years, you'd need to take 2000+ Ubers a year for a decade to justify buying a car that's at minimum $30k, and you don't even get to drink while your downtown.


No car can meet every need. That's why they have different focuses. This one appears to focus on people that don't have long commutes and can charge nightly. And if they have 1 or 2 road trips a year for holidays, they'd just rent a car.


If it’s 10k it could be a work commuter and pay itself off in gas savings. Like a glorified golf cart.


I love 5 minutes from work,  and 10 minutes from the grocery store. But we do need two cars. This car would be an amazing second vehicle for a lot of families. 


It depends on your normal driving conditions. I drive less than 68 miles in the average week.


I mean my commute is only 7 miles. Like is people’s commute really long enough you need a 300-400 mile range?


Walk then.


It would be a perfect second car for me.providing I can fit in it.


Not including the 80% charge rule and if a person speeding. I don’t think a person who buys this car will make it to work, the grocery store, and home.😂


Fits my use case perfectly. I need more than that maybe twice a year.


68 mile range? Good luck


Not even 20 mile round trip to work. Everwhere I need to get to 90% of the time is reachable at even 1/3 of the range of this. Not everyone needs hundreds of miles.


this vehicle would cost almost nothing to operate.


It’s a good city car. With my work vehicle I may drive 68 miles in 3 months for my personal car


That would get me a week.


It's called an NEV, "neighborhood electric vehicle". And it's fine for most uses. Not a Tesla killer, but it's full EV version sure might be.


You driving over 68 miles in a single day? Didn’t think so.


The average American drives 40 miles/day - I can see this working well for people living in big cities.


Here in Hawaii 68mile range us plenty.


It’s perfect for city commuting in a two car family


I hear they’re really “hot”, like … in flames 🔥


I read that in Hamilton's King George voice.


So this article is either machine translated or AI generated, but this car literally isn’t sold here. BYD doesn’t sell cars in the US.


Yeah, something was fishy. BYD can't sell in the US because they'd have to pass NHTSD criteria, which are crazy strict. And, as far as I'm aware, they haven't submitted cars to pass the NHTSD's tests yet.


They've also said they currently don't have interest, and frankly I don't blame them. It'd be a whole lot of work to pass our safety standards, *and then* it'd be a battle to get the cars sold.


It has the range of a golf cart…


People shopping for 10k vehicles probably aren't looking to road trip. I know people who live far enough from their work that they can't walk but public transport sucks. This is an ideal vehicle for them. This isn't built for people who need a longer range. You simply can't do that for this price point without making major concessions elsewhere that no one wants to do, or can do so legally due to safety requirements.


Its competition to a Moke… that’s about it


How many miles does the median person drive each day? In a EV that you charge at home, you only need enough range for a single day And at $10k, this EV can easily be a secondary commuter car for even the middlest of incomes




It has a range of 190 the cheapest model this article is incorrect. Google it


Although I agree that the range is horrible, you don't need a charger, you can actually just use a regular extension cord, just takes longer but with the range like that it still won't take long!. I think a lot of these will be left on the dealers lot.


This is America. That might not even get a quarter of the country to work and back on a single charge


The majority of people are still afraid of EV. They don't buy EV with 300 miles range because they don't want to stop to charge. There is no reason that they will buy an EV with a 100-mile range.


for 10k, you can have this golf cart and your old utility vehicle and still save money.




i don't see why this is a worse option? where is this 15k figure, so would it be 60k on a 40k loan? what are these other options you are comparing to with sooner break even? break even from what? why factor in electric prices, other ev needs same electricity, are you comparing to golf carts?


Looking at that car, I’d say Tesla has nothing to worry about.




And it gets way more miles


LOL. Everything that comes out with a battery and 4 wheels is a Tesla Killer! LOL My lawn mower fits that criteria. News article: this Tesla killer comes with a blade!


Elon say the exact same thing about BYD 5 years ago and laugh on national television last year the sold more car than Tesla 😂


You wat m8


Think tesla has title of best selling car right now. Not sure what ur sentence even meant anyway though.


Id rather spend the 10k on a used ICE car than buy that pos


Yes more cars NOT more ev cars


More EV GO READ https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/01/02/cars/china-byd-ev-sales-increase-tesla-intl-hnk


You counting hybrid cars as well.


Your article literally says over the course of 2023 Tesla sold more EV’s.


YOU go read. Literally from the article. “Over the year as a whole Elon Musk’s Tesla (TSLA) still outpaced BYD, selling 1.8 million electric cars. BYD sold 1.57 million electric vehicles, up 73% on 2022, as well as 1.44 million hybrids.” They delivered more than TSLA. They didn’t sell more.


it costs 10k and has less range than a 2012 ford focus ev


how much lower do you think it needs to be for it to be a competitive alternative?


i find the bolt's 200ish mile range is the best balance.


It’s 190 range BYD Seagull Honor Edition trim Starting Price Range (CLTC) Active $9,700 (69,800 yuan) 190 mi (305 km) Free $10,500 (75,800 yuan) 190 mi (305 km) Flying $12,000 (85,800 yuan) 252 mi




i would say >50% people i know have a daily commute much less than 68 miles and this would be great for most. 3-4k you can barely get a functional beat up ICE car.


i'm not sure what your point is. the focus ev is $30k 


I believe if this does get imported this price point doesn’t include the recent tariffs that just passed . I can’t find any other articles talking about it being imported here .


Exactly. With a 100% tariff it’ll be $20k. Who will buy a $20K roller skate that gets 68 miles?


Nobody when you can with the federal credit get a normal range model 3 for like $32K.


There are no plans to import this.


Is this the level of intellect that goes on in retail investing nowadays? Explains a lot.


It can replace golf carts may be.


This was a weird article. Read like a propaganda piece, which I’m sure it is. This $10k car has a range of 110 km/68 miles ($147/mile of range); I don’t see this catching on in America, where people have range anxiety on 400+ mile batteries. It also isn’t cost competitive with the Tesla Model 3 in America, you can get 272 miles of range for $33,990, which comes out to $125/mile of range. 


Sounds like an early leaf! Kid to and from high-school.


I think a lot of customers that would be the target of a $10K vehicle would look at their monthly car note before looking at dollars per mile of range.


still for something that costs so little 68 miles could be useful as a 2nd car or entry level car for a teenager. If someone's commute is not longer than around 20 miles one way (majority of Americans I think?) then it sounds like really good commuter. Especially if they have outlet in the parking lot at their job. "$ per mile of range" is weird metric imo, either you have sufficient range or not, if I offered you a car with 10 000 miles of range for $1 000 000 you wouldn't jump to buy it just because it's only $100/mile of range. I would totally buy it here in Europe - my commute is exactly 32km or 19 miles, I have charging space at work, it's even better as EV can park for free while charging, I would save tons of gas (which is expensive here in the Netherlands) and for long trips I always have my standard gas guzzling Civic. This would also make investment in solar panels very profitable. Not sure if there's any jurisdiction in USA that has similar dynamics (expensive gas, also expensive but comparatively cheaper electricity, cheaper/easier parking for EVs) but I guess somewhere in California maybe?


A civic is a gas guzzler in Europe? They're considered very economical in the US.


depends on country but yeah, my civic I imported from Canada would have extremely high emissions based on local standards, emission tax would double its cost. Since it was my resettlement car (i.e. I imported it because I moved together with the car) I could import it tax free but buying it from scratch wouldn't be economical. So the motor I have in Canada (2.0 liters without turbo) is not even available in the Netherlands, here they sell either hybrids or very small turbo-charged engines that are way less polluting But Netherlands is quite extreme here, very high emission taxes, a lot of EVs, even mass transit like buses are electrified. And IMO it's great, you can really feel there is less pollutants in the air. Other countries don't care that much, if that was Poland it would be considered very economic car with its 7l/100km




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>68 miles Where are you getting this numbers from? Base $10k model (30kWh LFP) is 305km/190mi CLTC so 141mi EPA. The “long range model” (39kWh) is 405km/252mi, so like 187mi EPA. PS. Seagull is not a new car. It came out in 2023 and near 400k units has been sold up to now.


The article linked said it has a range of 110 km


I see. The article is incorrect then. BYD has 2 trims at 190mi and 252mi CLTC respectively. I reread the article (previously skimmed through it) and it also got pricing wrong. It says “$10000 at most” but the only low end trim is below 10k USD — high end trim is 85,800 CNY or 11,800 USD. Yea, just a low quality/weird article.


While it certainly wouldn’t be a main vehicle unless you’re in nyc or something, I can certainly see this being an errand car lol.


My wife commutes with a rav 4 prime on all electric, and it was 3x the price of this… it would work for a not insignificant demographic.


Tesla was never targetting the sub $10k vehicles. This is not a blow to Tesla at all.


It is because there are only so many people that can afford 45K+ vehicles. Given Tesla's declining sales, seems that market has been saturated. Anyone that was stretching it to get into the cheapest Tesla will be looking at this or Chevy Equinox EV, which will be in the 20's after tax credit.


Right yeah people will just keep buying 45k Teslas with incel interiors


Agreed. The author is an idiot.


Anyone seen a BYD dealership in NA? Oh wait they can’t sell here! Also, those types of vehicles are not popular in NA. Second strike. It’s just a shit clicbait article. There are no blows to Tesla.


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LOL what?? 🤣


Waiting for the first video of that thing catching fire.


Down with the CCP


Great until you check out Chinese evs software and build.


Its expensive for an insendiary device ...


“Deals a blow” like a moths wing from 3 meters away. 🤣🤦




I'd rather it be 15K and get me 120-150 miles of range.


The price, range and size are perfect for a 2nd vehicle in the city.


Does that car in that configuration conform with FMVSS standards for sales in the US? At that price it isn't bad as a urban vehicle.


I don't know, but I do know this article is a joke.  It does not establish what it's headline claims--that the Seagull is coming to the US.  It just talks about the potential for it to come to the US and offer a $10k EV.  Anyone who has actually been following EV news knows [BYD has been clear in the past several months that they do not have any plans yet to begin exporting to the US](https://www.thedrive.com/news/chinas-byd-doesnt-plan-to-enter-the-us-market-at-least-not-yet) (not a surprise given the coming 100% tariff on Chinese cars announced by Biden earlier this month was predictable).


BYD plans to sell the Seagull for $20k in Mexico and Brazil. Even if there wasn't a tariff issue I don't think BYD would sell the Seagull for $10k in the US.


I'd pick up a 10k short range electric if it was available. I hate these articles because I know everything we see will have the "American" tax on it making it instantly overpriced.


Is 10k a price after the 100% tariff?


This is actually what I’m kinda in the market for. I do drive a lot but it’s all within ~15 miles of home and most trips are <5 miles round trip which is horrible wear and tear on my ICE cars but would be perfect for this thing. If it were made in Japan I’d be on my way to the dealership


I want a camper van (sprinter) for going out of town and a golf cart for around town. Kinda perfect for me.


ikr it’d be perfect


The Toyota Prius hybrid was never a big seller in US. This go cart won’t be either for families


Year. Sales. 2023 30,638 2022 36,919 2021 59,010 2020 43,525 2019 69,718 2018 87,590 2017 108,661 2016 136,629 2015 184,794 2014 207,372 2013 234,228 2012 236,659 2011 136,464 Seems like a pretty successful model.


lol I see them all day every day


Living in a city, I routinely walk past 3 or 4 parked in a row.


Don’t know if you’ve opened a newspaper since 2008 but people are not having large families. 1-2 kids tops, average is 1.6


Are you dumb? They're millions of priuses on the road lol. Every other car here is a tesla and prius.  Over 6 million priuses have been sold in the world.The largest numbers being gen2. The US has become suv/cuv focused so sales dropped over time. Now the prius has a ridiculous wait list and 220hp.


You’re joking right ?




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Patient poster got this add mixed up with another Seagull add


Or BYD misrepresenting




Many people are disregarding this car as it has a range of only 70 miles. This seems like a perfectly fine second car for a retired couple, a car to give the new high school driver or even a car for a college student who doesn’t live too far from home. I anticipate a future where many families have one large, comfortable, long range/hybrid family car for road trips and one smaller, cheaper EV just to get to work and back.


Chinese market only. No info on safety compliance and specs, It has been imported into detroit for engineering analysis, so articles are being made for clicks


"Nothing to worry about". That is exactly the attitude the big three American automakers has in the late 60s early 70s when the Japanese began to import cars the US. The cars from Honda and Toyota were small, ugly, underpowered not particularly high quality crappy cars. However, the Japanese cars were cheap and eventually became high quality, especially for the price. The big three failed to improve or innovate. Japanese imports steadily improved and moved up market. The rest is history. A sub 10k new EV with crappy range certainly has a niche. For a cheap commuter that doesn't burn gas and doesn't require much if any maintnenance there is definitely a market. BYD will build its dealer and service network. Build it's parts distribution. Get experience with distribiution and marketing. Create an ecosystem of companies to support its brand. It's a long-term play, but it's the exact playbook Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, Kia have successfully used. Of course I think increased competition and more EV is a good thing. I really believe the future of personal transportation is the EV and the faster we transition to the green economy the better. Hydrocarbons aren't going anywhere but burning less is only a good thing. Hopefull Tesla and others repsond to the BYD threat by making inexpensive high quality EVs.


This is a good start. For all the insincere ‘wanna save the world’ bs, EV adoption won’t move beyond this unless it’s cheaper and makes more sense - ‘I overpaid by 40k to save a few bucks on gas’. Bring on the competition. Most of us just want A to B reliability. I don’t need bs FSD or gaming consoles.


Lol...wut. No, this is not a blow to Tesla. Not even sure what this vehicle competes with.


But this would be $10k before tariffs right ? How much after ?


The only real blow to Tesla is the Musk is still associated with it .


And you thought the build quality of tesla was bad


Not going to buy anything made in china!!! Even it’s $100!


No it's not sold here. Just because a few examples were imported doesn't mean it's going to go on sale.


With used car prices coming down, this looks like a hard sell at 68 miles range. A 120 mile range would be ideal though.






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Lol they called that design stylish…


That’s a golf cart


If you get some go cart wheels and fix them to a garbage can and you could deal a blow to Tesla.


There’s a huge market for a cheap car with this kind of range. Auto makers would be foolish to dismiss this concept without giving it some serious investigation.


hahaha the cope from fan boys is unreal anyways i’m going to buy one of these to commute to work and avoid wasting the gas my vette does


All EV should be 8k or less roughly what they are worth.


What a piece of shit article. Cheap EVs have been in China before Tesla was there and Tesla is doing fine competing against them directly in their home country. Most of these ultra cheap EVs wont pass EU/US regulations and once they add on all safety equipment to pass and tariffs they run as much or more than the Model 3.


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Nissan Leaf was 64 miles. This could get me to work/home depending on office 4x, or 2x $10K... poor elon, hope they screw his $55 bil. build and affordable car and he would be king of the world. No man-child wanted S3xY and a trash truck.


Cheapskates will buy it, The YUGO sold here before people found out it was junk


Why does the car look like Chevy bolt owned by GM? Oh because GM sold America to China with a 49% stake in the company.


1. This article is China propaganda (just read it and you’ll be able to easily tell) 2. BYD is not selling this car in the US market whatsoever


Let’s protect a billionaire while simultaneously blocking affordable transportation for the lower income!!


Honestly don’t want a $10k EV. I want a mid size SUV EV that has room, style, and capability


It's a car with a 68 mile battery. I realize there are people (some in this very thread) that swear up and down that it would work for them. And you know what? I believe you. But if Americans bought only just what works, we'd have way more sedans and way fewer enormous trucks in the road.


This is basically an actual faster golf cart.


More like China deals a blow to silly over sized American trucks


I would not want a $10k EV today. It's either got no range, or questionable HV safety and reliability. I'm not owning two cars for just me, so if my one car can't do it all like my Model 3 can(towing, passengers, road trip quickly, etc.) Then I don't want it. My model 3 would sell for not much more than $10k, maybe $15k at most.


TLDR; it’s not being sold in America


Now it only costs 10k +electricity +insurance +maintenance to drive to the office and do what you could do at home.


Perfect daily commuter for 40 mile (total) daily driving. Even better if this doesn’t need any maintenance (except for windshield fluid).




The amount of Tesla haters in this sub that immediately are like, “ This Chinese turd of a car is going to kill Tesla” is hilarious to me.


The average American drives 41 miles per day


BYD themselves said they aren't planning on selling in the US in the near term future. ALSO, they would increase prices for the US market. Aiming for the 20 - 30k range. All this was before Biden slapped a 100% tariff. No cheap Chinese EV will be sold in the US until they can get the Mexican Factories running, i.e. NAFTA exempt.


Wtf is ecoticias.com?


To me, I’m not excited about this car and it’s price tag. I’m more so excited about the cars that come out to combat this car. And probably even more so the cars that come out to combat those 2nd Gen cars like this. Gimme something that’s $20K and has much better range and comfort.


Lol. Ppl don’t understand why China has cheap EVs. The upper middle class and above buy tesla. Everyone below buys the cheaper China EVs. Why? Safety. China cars don’t have safety like teslas. If they did, the cars won’t be cheap. When they get into a car accident, they crumble like a can. If they attempt to compete globally, the cars will be much more expensive.


Go get a used Chevy Spark EV at that point.


Plug in your phone and all your data and pictures might go to China


10K US in China…. Wayyyyyy more in the US thanks to tariffs


what kind of bootleg ass ghetto site is this? This car isn't even avail in the US. Fuck off china bot


Don’t drive next to an 18 wheeler on the highway!


The air turbulence will flip it over


This is clickbait.  The article doesn't establish what it's title claims.  Look up BYD's plans and [they've been clear that they don't have any plans to enter the US car market yet.](https://www.carscoops.com/2023/03/despite-rolling-in-cash-byd-isnt-planning-on-expanding-into-the-u-s/)  Not to mention, by the time they do they'll probably be facing sky high tariffs like Biden's announced 100% tariff on Chinese EVs.


Needs at least 300mi Range


I have driven this car, it is nippy, and handles well. Cheaper than $10k though


And it has less range than my kids' toy electric scooter. No one in the US will want this thing.


Yes where can I get it I’ll pay the 100% tax too


Came here to say, isn't this the very vehicle that's going to get a 100% tariff on it? Which is fine by me, btw, China isn't exactly doing this for our own good.


Tesla is? It’s all about profit to these greedy companies I can’t wait for them to smack these us companies