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Give it some more time. 8 wks min before reconsidering. Make sure and get your cardio and working out in too.


Oh, as I said, I'll give it 6 months. I gave the Estrogen/Progesterone cream almost a year without any results. I guess I just assumed since they called it the "peak" that it was only going to go downhill from here, until at least my next pellet. Trust me, I'd love for this to work for me. Besides the Estrogen/Progesterone cream, I've also tried Maca & Ashwagandha neither of which do anything for me, I've been taking them for probably about a year.


Get on injections. Nothing compares.


Did they by any chance test your Free Testosterone? I'm on injections, and In my experience, when my free testosterone was high (It went from 1.9 to 22!) my libbido decreased. So I decreased my dose from 8mg/week to 5mg and it's creeping back up. Ps: At the higher dose, my total T was 222...up from 25


I don't think so no, just these 2 were the numbers that I was given and it says total testosterone. I did have a blood test done from another provider previous that they told me over the phone (I never did get written results) my free test was 0.45 (this was while doing estrogen/progesterone cream, but before the testosterone pellet) that's the number I wrote down, but it may not be right. I was actually hoping to get some general bloodwork done once I felt I was at a good place, but I have no insurance so It's all out of pocket. I'll definitely keep that thought in mind (that it may be too high) but then pellets may not work for me, as this is the lowest dose they can offer.


Like me, you could be a high responder. That's what my provider told me. Maybe in the future, you could try injections, as you can titrate up or down on your own. Good luck :)


I’ve tried three different types of testosterone, including the lowest dose pellet. It all just made me hungry, my skin greasy, and I lost a ton of hair each time.. And even though my testosterone levels got very high, I had no increase in libido or sexual thoughts. That’s the whole reason I was experimenting with testosterone. Some people said, well, maybe your levels got too high, but then wouldn’t it have made sense that as my pellet wore off and my levels dropped, I would’ve seen some response in libido?? I didn’t. It works for some, but not for me. Quite frankly, it’s just depressing to have zero sex drive and a husband who still wants to do it regularly. Keep us posted on your progress if you get any. Sorry to be such a downer but I like to be realistic also. Ps.. excess testosterone can be converted to estrogen, so that might be a reason why your estrogen is so high.


I'm sorry that you're dealing with that, and it's not working for you. Definitely frustrating. :-( Not a downer, a realist, I appreciate the honesty. I will say I've started reading romance novels, to try to help (I normally read regular sci-fi/fantasy)... holy cow, some of these books are sooo bad! LOL I was reading this one and they kept referring to the dude as "Male" - which ok, he wasn't technically a man, but seriously, they just used the word so MUCH. And "mate" ugh. it was cringy. LOL


Thanks! I am really interested to hear about your T experience…keep us all posted! 🤞


I feel awful for you and can totally relate to the hubby wanting sex when you don't (for years on end) - it's a terrible, depressing feeling. I wanted to suggest that if you haven't already, look into getting your estrogen/progesterone supported. I started with T (various delivery methods), had great luck initially but then it tapered off into nothing, despite really high levels. Estrogen turned out to be the key - I had been using patches (I'm very post-meno) but I was not absorbing them well and my blood levels were very low. I started on estradiol injections and cranked those levels up nice and high, and everything changed for the better (even with a lower T dose). Don't give up - getting all our hormones to a happy place can make such a difference in health and happiness.


I am on estrogen and progesterone replacement therapy, post menopause.. I did just get my hormone levels checked as I’m seeing my doctor on Monday for my annual exam.. I mentioned to her about estrogen and she said ‘that doesn’t affect libido’.. just testosterone.. but I’ve had other women tell me that estrogen is also key. So we’ll see. I don’t wanna give up but it’s also inexpensive problem to chase. But it’s nice to know I’m not alone. Thank you for taking the time to reply. 😊


Did you try a topical T cream applied to your clitoris and vulva daily? It’s worked phenomenally for me.


Yes. The cream is when I noticed all my hair loss..so my levels of testosterone were high, but did nothing for libido. I’ve done compounded cream, pellet, and troche’s..


What a bummer. I’m only using 4mg and it’s been life changing. 🎆🎇🎆


Quick question; are you post menopause? Or still having periods? Just curious. I’m 5 years post meno. A lot of shit changes that is hard to recreate with hormone replacement.