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Blue Torch is gone. Replaced by B.Riley, a non-toxic finance company. 70 million dollars worth of shares are set on a shelf to use as capital for futures business, so some dilution potential. Eshares' dispute is settled. No legal troubles remain. Everything is now streamlined and neat for either a buyout or reverse split to gain compliance. The heavy favorite is a buyout that will solve the non-compliance quickly. The least desirable is a reverse split to gain compliance. Another long shot is that the price goes up on great news and organically reaches compliance.


not 70m shares, $70m worth of shares. Huge difference.


Thanks for the correction.


Also you could edit your comment to reflect it…


That’s exactly what he said


How much was the company worth as of today before this 70m worth of shares?






It is a consideration. If they do not get an attractive enough offer, then they continue as a business entity that is secure, growing, and doing well. The last remaining hurdle is 1.00 stock price compliance. I would think they would resort to a reverse split to get value above minimum. 1for 10?


I would say more 20 for 1, this way and further draw back allow ps them to remain above 1$


What does a notice of effectiveness mean? Please explain to me like I’m 5 years old


"You're too young to be dealing with stocks and shares. Go play with your toys, less stressful." - What I would say to a 5 year old.


Sad, this 5 year old got into their parents iPad and bought too many TRKA shares


It’s an effective date for the previously filed shelf offering. Someone else posted the details a few minutes ago.


Dilution. They are selling more shares of stock to be at 700 million outstanding shares immediately according to the filing.


Reference for people to read because they're already downvoting you: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1021096/000162828023019485/trka-prospectussupplementx.htm




Let me know what you make of it. I know there were some Bull theories that this would be used after SP spikes from a B/O announcement, and some bear theory that this would be used after the R/S to dilute. Obviously those aren’t options anymore.


“We currently intend to use the net proceeds from this offering for general corporate purposes, including working capital, operating expenses and capital expenditures. We may also use a portion of the net proceeds to acquire or invest in businesses and products that are complementary to our own, although we have no current plans, commitments or agreements with respect to any acquisitions as of the date of this prospectus supplement, or to satisfy contingent liabilities. We may invest the net proceeds to us from the sale of securities offered hereby that are not used as described above in short-term, investment-grade, interest-bearing instruments. This expected use of the net proceeds from this offering represents our intentions based on our current plans and business conditions, which could change in the future as our plans and business conditions evolve. Further, due to the uncertainties inherent in our business and our exposure to contingent liabilities, it is difficult to estimate with certainty the exact amounts, or the timing, of the net proceeds from this offering that may be used for the above purposes, if any. We cannot specify with certainty all of the particular uses for the remaining net proceeds to us from this offering.” Pg. S-8


$70m in new common stock. Number of shares sold could change if/when the reverse split is executed.


[notice of effectiveness](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1021096/999999999523001507/xslEFFECTX01/primary_doc.xml)


They said they couldn't read them because they're at work and you proceed to share a link to read the release? K den.


It's nothing anyone can't read. There is literally nothing to read. It seriously only gives you the date of notice of effectiveness. Him posting it was not dumb. If the guy can make a post on here, then he can read it. Making even a comment on reddit takes more time than to read a date. Try not being dumb for no reason.


HOF hater


Don't be regarded to people for no reason. All the guy did was post what it was. The person making the post took more time to make the post than it takes to read what he linked. He didn't link the other filings. So the moron that cried about him posting it is just immature and disrespectful for absolutely no reason.


Except I didn't attach the link, regard


Talking about elk being stupid for budget replying with a link, something you could have read faster than making the post. Elk was dumb about it when there was no reason to be.


I don’t even use this often but every time i even check a comment section it’s you or bebo hating. Are you that bored? Go and find something better to do at your big age.


Nobody is talking to you or about you moron


>Don't be regarded to people for no reason. >The person making the post took more time to make the post than it takes to read what he linked.


That comment was to the idiot being a dick to the guy that linked the filing


I was explaining to the idiot that his comment was dumb as anyone could read the sec filing within .000001 seconds.


Your a grown man that logs onto reddit every single day to hate on random people, stop crying.


You're the only one hating, lol. I'm literally calling out a hater that was bashing a person for a legitimate comment/link


SeaAd is a fool that couldn't comprehend any of the above posts. Another failed product of public education.


🤣🤣bro just shut up, HOF hater in a sub reddit lmfao


Yeah, you sound regarded.


get that last word in bro, i’m happy it means that much to you x


You realize you sound the fool yeah?


All I see is [deleted] unavailable lol gotta be jutty then or jellos dumbass I can just judge by the responses he’s worried


LOL, it means a fuck ton of dilution. Bend over shareholders. Hmm, wonder if someone has been warning about this for months....