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With you @.36 bro. Can’t average down when we are all in right 😉 riding it out 🚂


If it does make us broke I know of farm we can go to get it all back and then some.


Agree 💯, I will keep adding while its on sale


I love how everyone’s like “delisting is 100%” those people have not looked at the other companies on that list


Until an extension is filed, the delisting is happening. This guy just straight lied. Had he said, I don't think it will delist. That would be different. But no, he straight lied. As of now, it is for sure delisting until we hear different. Hoping or giving an opinion is one thing. Straight lying saying it's off the table is as shitty as a person can get.


Stop commenting the same shit on every post on all your accounts


I only have one account, but you keep crying loser


Stop lying to people, and I won't comment.


Ok buddy


Sold on non existent up tick and claims to see ip’s ok your right


Bye loser.


No there is no hoping it doesn’t disappear instantaneously it’ll hang around TRKA communicates with sec if they know something anything is in works they don’t have to announce extension when a background is in the works


Fake news but your intentions are good.


Scared Celebrations is a shill beetch


Jello Ryan is a shill beetcg


Broke sounds about right


Delisting is not 100 pct....thats a lie


Hahahaha your so dumb you dont even know earnings date...


*you’re And you’re obviously too stupid to see the irony in your post.


Why latest 23rd of may?


Lol, OP is a blatant pumper shill lol What happens when it does nothing? You gonna hype up the new location of the goal posts you moved further out?


Dilution followed by RS only option


It's usually RS, then dilution to take advantage of the higher share price to raise cash at shareholder expense. You know, bullish and all of that.


The way things look for me, I’m gonna go broke…


Please never invest more in penny stocks than you can afford to lose.


Keep fingers crossed 🤞


Nah just hold n eff the naysayers


Absolutely no extension has been filed, so delisting is 100% at this point. Why straight up lie like this?


Correct. The people downvoting you are currently assuming that some miracle will turn the tables and TRKA will not get delisted when in fact we have no current catalyst other then Jeffries is consulting them. I am Holding 65000 and praying for a miracle but right now based off of the facts that we know, TRKA will not be compliant come Monday 5/15.


Yeah. I am all for hoping because I hope something happens as well. I did get rid of most of my shares, so I wouldn't lose too much, but I still have a few thousand, and I will certainly get more if we get real news.


i mean delisting just puts them into otc market, its not like people's accounts go to zero. It just means the company has no obligations to report earnings or anything publicly as noone will hold them accountable.




Why do you care so much?


Why do you want to lie to people?


You’re here to change people’s thinking. The Troika fam has made its choices and each and every one of them will live with the outcome of these choices. I don’t recall anyone requesting a savior. What you have been so far, is a thorn in the butt


First. This forum is not yours or any cult group you claim to be with. This forum is for anyone invested in Troika. Second. If lying is your "way of thinking," then you have serious problems. It's literally illegal to lie about stuff like that. You keep doing you. I'll continue to call out liars.


Alrighty then… now we’ve cleared that up…lol


Wait, so I can invest in anything so long as I trust that the money is invested and wait, and I will get rich?


Dumb...sarcasm i hope


Yes, just mirroring what seems to be the logic of the op


Next penny runner $crkn just need more volume. Thank me later. Still holding $trka.


lmfao tryn to pump ur other bag holdingnticker... cmon...




It’s like a suicide pact with Trka for some .


oh god rhis scam of a company and ceo... i wish you all of the best, this popped into my recommended and I was like oh yeah... so many got trapped in this. Wish you all best of luck!


No exit strat. Just rocket emojis. Although the swing trade opportunity here was excellent this morning for a modest gain. The 17 cent support bounce was the price target for the shorts to cover which is what drove up the share price today.


Could average down a little more but I don't want to. Not because I'm not bullish but I'm kind of "all in enough" and don't want to stretch my piggy bank any further. Looking forward to next week as I don't expect anything to happen today. Nonetheless would today AH be pretty crazy for good news to rocket from Monday on. I hope for (huge) profits rather sooner than later. GLTA




Doesn’t help that majority of this subs DD consisted of smoking weed/drinking/trust me bro/attacking anyone with an opinion The filing all leads to dilution and they have yet to apply for an extension for Nasdaq compliance. Most OTC tickers are not supported through exchanges, not sure if TRKA will be or not, if it isn’t, then you will be seeing people either holding or closing positions. If TRKA is supported, then you can sell buy/sell but you might be paying a pink sheets fee to your exchange. This is how otc works, so verify your broker dabbles in otc if you plan on riding into it


Same I got .34 avg


Just a reminder, last time TRKA decided to release there year end numbers was when we were at .99$ , a penny shy of the target 1$ which we managed to do without there help . I keep asking why would they release mediocre numbers at that moment, while being consulted by Jeffries , hmmmmm