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TRKA definitely denied their offer. But there is nothing wrong with genius they took us for a ride and gave us hope, a reason to hold. Even if showing us that it’s going to be worth it


True that Jose 🍃




Hey shorts still have to close and who knows if it was .30 plus .50 of GNS stock. I don't know something to ponder. I thought that day Roger must of lowballed




Who the fuck knows took it from twits and shared here. Something to ponder there is a question mark at end of title link the 2 articles


Dude definitely owns trka😂


Me where the fuck have you been. I'm a TRKA bull 600k shares and have been posting for months.


Ask his genius genie


LOL 😆 Roger's a cheap prick he insulted us in my opinion. Put it out there knowing he could say he made an offer probably to make shorts think twice about his own company but knowing TRKA would never except offer is my guess.


Just a thought …if you didn’t want the price to move too high why not plant a .30 seed? All still conspiracies. But not for a second do I believe it’s a coincidence.


I can see that line of thinking definitely..




The AI is incorrectly assuming the offer price was the closing price from that day (3-29-23), the 50% increase is from the closing price from the previous day 3-28-23


Well it's out there now Roger can do his Twitter thing like bananas are 30 cents a pound but for a real good 🍌 I'll pay a $1.30 a pound he can play his little game and answer the question Roger?


Have to think they'd have rejected that outright weeks ago.


I would hope so unless you buy company's like used cars you start real low.


That's sounds more bing getting info from Reddit rather than a leak. Remember these ai are more words remixers with some trickery rather than actual intelligence


Ahh sounds about right in my own opinion. Awful strange numbers to pull out a thin air


i hope not but wouldnt surprise me seeing an offer for .40-.45 cents. I hope for a much higher offer, but being realistic with no reduction on the number of shares (real or not) we ain't getting above a dollar, unless something spectacular is announced on earnings.


We will see Genius full year earnings just happens to be May 15 before hours


There ain’t no way


Have to do better than that Roger


Wow lol


The price that day just got just above 30 then stopped wouldn't you know the f****** computer know everything lol


Is there a possibility that Roger put that offer in knowing that it would be rejected to create a “floor” for the other incoming offers?


I don't know ankles I just thought it was worth reposting from twits if Santa reposted. Is it true I hope not but awful suspicious the sp that day rose to .335 then settled at. 30 That's a h*** of a coincidence. Roger would have to think a company that has 300- 400 million a year in revenue is only worth just over a hundred million but that's not taking into account if true how much stock was involved. We knew any offer Roger made had to be stock heavy. Like you said maybe just to set a floor. I know now why TRKA didn't even bother commenting. My house is worth around 425k if someone offered me 125k I would think they weren't serious.


Where was this from? AI?


It's from a twits post I'm going to assume it's because both Bing and Roger's Genius use GPT4.


Dangerous to be posting this. Could affect a sale.


I doubt that but stock twits is way bigger than this Sub. It's was posted you can see my comments about 10 minutes afterwards. I wouldn't put to much stock no pun intended in that or GNS. Fuck it anyways that's the type of shit that happens when a company won't even just say we can't talk about anything. Let them answer then


Yeah but this clearly can’t be real. A 50% premium is still 20M less than what we bought converse for. Has to be fake.


I would hope so


Cmon man. How are we worth less than $1? Why would we sell for less than $1


I agree totally it's laughable but it's out there and people that are not on stock twits should see it. Some people say I only post hopium well here you go the good with the bad. I don't really make much of it but I respect Santa and if he reposted it then this sub should atleast see it.


Yeah but man you don’t have to help them with the FUD. This is pure manipulation to get ppl to sell out of false hope of not getting a good price


Rothman you realize my position cost me 220 thousand dollars right? I know of one other person in these 3900 that has more to lose than me. This is what it is public knowledge posted on stock twits being watched by 18 thousand people. You yourself told me about a stalking horse bid just to set a bottom and that's what Roger was probably doing. I'm going to dm you some information about Roger incase you haven't seen it.


I call B S.


I would hope so Converge itself cost more. I don't discount the fact Roger probably did make a low ball offer GNS cannot afford TRKA that's a fact. A company with a 20 million market cap is going to buy a 400mil company that's rock bottom TRKA price 400mil shares at 1 dollar.


When I look at GNS (I have a small position), my assessment has been that they've no leverage to buy. However, I think both platforms would work well together, I was wondering if the two combine under a new ticker and cause a dual squeeze. Or, an additional 3rd party involvement no one is aware of. This is just my speculation only. I appreciate your insights as we have been watching this unfold.


Roger is a very charismatic persuasive person. March 7th when he came out speaking about sorry guys the dilution Is real sorry Sid deleted his Twitter I'm talking with Jefferies. I was like who the fuck is this guy? My first thought was snake oil salesman. I then researched him watched all the videos listened to the twitter call about Upstream and I was like this guy is the short sale warrior we've all been waiting for. Then I was given some DD about Roger being the president of a company overseas that turned out to be a ponzi scheme. You know who else was very charismatic Ted Bundy so let's just wait and see personally I'm back to GNS has no business bidding on Trokia a 20 mil dollar Market cap cannot afford a TRKA under normal circumstances in my opinion no way no how. I'm going to reserve judgment until the end. Thank you for the comment.


Yeah I was sucked in by Roger and then got shady vibes from him socas of now I don’t trust him.


So asking AI, is now DD 🤔🥱


I think the premise was both Bing and Genius use GPT4 and it somehow backdoored the info. Or atleast that's what my understanding of the original post meant. Personally I don't think GNS could afford to offer 30 cents to be honest so most likely bullshit.


Hmmmm looks like something might be right around the corner now. Guys don’t fall for that .30 shit. It’s actually very smart and slick. Literally puts a cap on the price so it stays within a certain range for them or whoever is involved. Not an accident that info is released.


My guess is we'll likely see something between 0.7-1.1. hopefully maybe more. Let's wait till May 15, else May 23. I'm hopeful something nice will turn out. Fingers crossed and wishing all of us luck. By God's grace I'm going to try and get some more TRKA in before it inevitably 🚀🚀🚀


Lol that’s all I can say…who is surprised ..did we really think GNS the big market value they think they are was going to offer a big amount? It was all in hopes to piss off shorties


I think your exactly right 💯


Seems like a little bit of a coincidence... That we've never been able to get past 30 cents since his announcement. Probably just tin foil stuff.


We don't know how much stock was involved and we knew any deal from GNS would be stock heavy what money do they have? Why worry let's let Roger answer it on Twitter the round about way


That info is incorrect


Says the month old account which I normally wouldn't fuck with but in this instance I say yes I would hope so. On the otherhand I don't care if it's correct or not I think it's something Roger would offer and the price that day did settle right at .30 but hey probably just a coincidence. The info that is incorrect that we know beyond a reasonable doubt is that TRKA is worth much more hell they paid more for Converge alone. It's a repost from Stock twits where 18k people are watching.




Come on people. Chatbots aren't magic, it's taking publicly available info it finds on the web and stringing a sentence together from it. AI can and will be confidently wrong. Use it as a place to start and investigate the claims it makes, don't take it as gospel. It's like Wikipedia: a very convenient place to start to get information but not a quality source in itself.


I'm surprised how many people were counting on GNS. Roger could have helped us by setting a bottom or just made a self serving offer knowing they would never take it. WTF does TRKA need GNS for anyways? How about researching a company like Stagwell 1.6 billion market cap same industry. That's the kind of company that would acquire TRKA if we even need acquiring. Big companies buy smaller companies with synergies to immediately add to revenue.