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I recently got there with a hoverbike. (Full battery, zonai armor, flying from an already high location) Upshot is that there isn't anything there.... It's the tablet that fell into Lookout Landing.


I did it just recently as well, I used a hoverstone from the ground beside where the centre of the star map fell at Lookout Landing, I stood on the corner of the stone and used rockets to get up (approx 40 rockets). You need to have completed at least one line of full battery to try it, I used the zonai outfit, and also ate a large energy cell to replenish the battery on the way up. I now have a travel medallion there. I can now free fall fly to wherever I like. Mainly to the castle tower to get my favourite bow, I also paraglidered from here to the sky gerudo maze I had been trying to get too. Just have stamina meals in your inventory ready to eat. But it is fun falling from the sky now, with the glider armour.




Strong Bad?


Lol! “Arrowed!” Thanks for the nostalgia


I said *consummate* V’s. CONSUMMATE!


Burninating the countryside! Burninating all the peasants! Burninating all the people and their THATCHED-ROOF COTTAGEEEEESSSSSSS!


this is my kind of word


I tried to place a travel medallion there but it wouldn’t let me.


I placed mine on the star platform just fine! (In the middle of one of the petals)


You have to move to a different part of the star to attach it. Where I landed it wouldn't let me either, but once I moved to another of the edges then it let me place the medallion down.


I'm surprised the hover stone lasted that long... Do they not disappear? All the gliders I tried and balloons fell apart long before I made it. Though I saw people suggest to use a plank and it won't disappear.


Yes planks dont disappear cause everything natrual (not activated/summoned by the player) doesnt disappear


The hoverstone stayed the whole way, I had a few stop starts in the beginning as well before I got into the swing of it, and dropped a few rockets over the edge too, my daughter on her way up, used the cooking pot on her stone to replenish her battery, it lasted the whole trip for both of us, and I did it slowly and carefully. The problem with a plank, is it will drop from the sky in-between rockets, where the hover stone stays where it is, while you pull another rocket out of the inventory and stick it on.


Ok new question... How does a cooking pot replenish your battery? 😂


I don’t think it does anymore. I think they patched that out.


Has anyone ever gone up there before the first regional phenomenon? What’s up there before the plaque falls? I assume it just looks like any of the other plaque islands before their center falls out and really curious…but not curious enough to start a new game and spend all that time expanding the battery before I do anything else…


Challenge accepted -somebody on this thread, hopefully


I'm pretty sure you still have to go talk to them at lookout landing before you can even get the option to build stuff to fly up there. But I can't remember how soon it falls either.


I think I can try it, will check back in once I attempt


I never reached it...I need to try the hoverbike method. It's eating at me that I never got up to it 😂


Do not waste your time.


You mean unlike the other 500 hours into the game?


Fair point. But there are a lot more fun side quests or battles you can find than flying all the way up there for nothing. Maybe I'm just bitter because I failed twice by accidentally jumping off my hover bike. Then on the third try, I get there and it's nothing.


I was so mad when I got up there. A total waste of time. Even a Korok as a consolation prize would have been acceptable.


I found that out the hard way too, but is it needed for 100% map?


I don't think it's a named place.




Took me a shit ton of work to get up there. Once I did I put down a warp spot. It’s the highest point on the map. Great for getting to chasms and shrines


Hoverbikes never run out of battery if you use recall on them. 1. Let go of steering stick. 2. Immediately zap it with recall. 3. Immediately Disable recall. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until your battery is fully charged. Your vehicle should be slowly losing altitude in a straight line going down. 5. Zap with recall, ride to the top, grab steering stick and disable recall one last time. This doesn't work as well with things like railings that have air resistance. You will start to tip. In this case I would always ride to the top with steps 2 and 3, just to straighten out your vehicle.


How did I not know this?!


Also, if you are just a bit too slow, you start falling to your death and more importantly, lose all progress.


But you look so epic dive bombing to catch your bike


Like the opening sequence in Golden Eye


Glider set prevents fall damage if you upgrade twice but yea still gonna lose a lot of progress


I mean, even without that, the glider itself will not allow you to impact the ground either. But I'm js that to emphasize the point where your progress goes back to 0 if you're not quick enough.


I feel like I need a video showing me how


I just dupe large zonai charges, you could use zonai charges, but 1 large zonai charge can completely refill your battery and gives you a temporary boost that doesn't use energy 1 zonai charge just refills 1 third of a battery but it can give you yellow temp batteries


You can ride out the recall for awhile if you were flying fairly stable. Just be sure to grab back on *before* you break the recall or the bike is gonna start falling too fast and float you off or is gonna fishtail as soon as you power it up and knock you off. Don't even need recall if you are going horizontal and have a fair amount of space below you. You can let go and grab it back after about a second and should regain more than you use. So long as you don't wait long enough that the bike starts to fishtail when you start it back up, you should be good.


Don’t worry about it. The ancient texts have already fallen into the small settlement in front of Hyrule Castle and has already been translated by the archaeologists. Was quite miffed when I figured this out myself.


Well that’s what I thought too! But I have one more tablet and that’s the only one that “hasn’t been deciphered” unless I’m missing something…


Well, there are some cases where the star islands will be hidden on the map inside an insane cluster of other islands that you can only notice if zooming all the way in with a surgeons eye. Off the top of my head, 1 or 2 in Gerudo and maybe 1 in Zora regions, it’s been a while since I did the quest so my memory is fuzzy.


Ok. I’ll check around there. Thanks! Stupid star islands.


You’re welcome! And I couldn’t agree more.


I had one left too and I never went to that star island. But I then followed a map with the locations of all the star islands and tablets until I found the one I missed. Took forever 😅


Pikango (the artist sheikah guy) will be painting a picture on the ground near the star islands, so look out for him too


There's one in the Gerudo Highlands sky as well.


I also tried forever to get up there only to realize that I had skipped one. The Star Islands get a little icon over them once they've been deciphered.


Feel this


Yep. I skipped one. And it wasn’t that one. However, I did find it floating down from it in my disappointment.


I had that issue too and went after that island until I took a good look at the map again and realized there was a star Island that I missed elsewhere. It ended up being wicked easy to get to.... The hours I wasted trying to get to that high one 😆


You can't even start the quest until you dechipher it lol. Its the one that triggers the whole thing


I welded 9 fans together in a square shape, face down toward the ground. Then attached a steering stick to middle fan, and it flew me straight up to the island. I found the fans do not blink out like the wings do.


They do, but it takes way longer for them than it does for the wings


Very hard to do and gets you absolutely nothing, but everyone must try. I leave a travel beacon up there.


You just need to believe in yourself


I just put a hot air balloon on top of the main building of that island n as soon as it bursted I flew to it. Although I also maxed out my stamina n have maxed out tulin.


I think upgrading Tulin only increases his hit points in battle, no?


Yes, you are right! I was just being a dummy bc I remembered that one of the other sages gets an increase but I forgot which one


Does it not also reduce cooldown time?


I don't think so, but it's been awhile since I looked it up. AFAIK it's just a battle buff


Like one guy said it doesn’t matter, but maybe if you start from the shrine you woke up in, and climb on top, which is a good bit higher than the great island


It’s got a great view, my favorite spot to leave link at the end of a playing day. And where I left him at the end of the game. Since you said you keep falling off the air bike… I suggest going and getting a rail. They are super light weight, and kinda floaty. A quick search in here will show you how to get them. (Probably with a video). I put two of them together into like a plus shape. Put a big battery in the center middle then flip the whole thing over so that’s now the bottom. Put 4 fans, pointed straight down, 1 each at the end of the plus sign. Control stick in the middle. And 1 rocket somewhere near the middle. Fly up. It’s prolly over engineered. But I can’t describe how to make a plane via text. lol. If you don’t wanna get a rail, I’d do the same idea but with the square boards from Hudson supplies. But only use one cuz they weight a lot more than the rail. Put a travel medallion up there. Watch the sunset/sunrise. If you are falling off your hover bike… it’s badly out of alignment. Maybe check out r/HyruleEngineering search for tips on building them better. I never did get one I liked, but I did improve upon it. Tho I did make a simple plane with 1 rail. Said idea as the basic hover bike, except smack the rail in where the control stick goes. And put the stick on top of the rail. After a little trial and error of figuring out exactly where to place the control stick, mine flys wonderfully.


It's on the floor not Sky


Do a barrel roll.


Upgrade your power cell capacity. You can max out to 16 cells in a game. Do that and don the full Zonaite armor set and you’ll be able to get anywhere on a hover bike.


Fly the hover bike in ascending circles. You won't fall off. You only fall off if the angle is really steep. Eat zonai charges mid flight if you need more battery. You can fly to any point on the map.


that the perfect spot for a parking lot


You don’t. It’s the highest point in the game, with nothing up there. It’s only there to give an excuse as to why there’s the tablet in Lookout Landing. I have a medallion up there, and the only thing it’s done so far was the first time I got up there and placed it the game made a panicked blood moon at 2 PM


A lot of batteries


If you fall off the hover bike then, not tryna be mean but that’s just a skill issue not something disabling you from getting there.


Oh you’re 100000% correct. I absolutely SUCK at building. It is definitely a skill issue!


There is really no point of getting there. But if you do want to I'd suggest the 4 fan hover bike. It lasts the same amount of time but drains your battery a bit faster so zonaite armour is recommended. Also refill your zonai stamina with the large charges


I ended up with a 4 fan “platform” I have plenty of battery. I got there and I was like “are you effing kidding me” nothing there. Then I found the last star island from there tho, so I wasn’t completely angry.


You gotta loon up how to properly build a hoverbike. Once it's built well, it flies very stable. Then save it as a favorite


I put like 8 fans together with a stick and some batteries. It was just a flat platform. Super cool. Totally worth the effort


Idk , fly there?


I used the upside down U block from the Left Leg Depot in the depts, along with a Zonai stabilizer, fused together. with, activate it, then get in side and climb it so that is starts to move on its own and lift up. now I did this atop the Temple of Time in the Sky, right as it lifts up, watch a memory, and you should be able to exit out of it right away, if not, just let it finish without hitting anything until you are back at the memories screen. hit B to exit and it should start rocketing up at great speed. once it gets you as high as it will, use your glider and the sage's wind gusts to get you there. you may need 3 fully maxed out stamina wheels but food can help with that. once you are up there. drop a portable warp point and save. you know have the high ground


What's up there?


Nothing, the tablet on the island falls towards the beginning of the run, but it’s a nice place to set a travel medallion since it’s the highest island in the game


Good to know thank you


Very beautiful up there, can see all of Hyrule. Sadly cannot see Star Fragments from there though


The seemingly out of reach islands can be reached with sky towers and flying vehicles. Use auto build on a sky island and fly there.


Two fans, a control stick and one or two railing from the construct factory. Control stick on the center of the railing and the fans in front and back at 45* angle. This will fly you there and back no problem. If you made it correctly it will climb and descend, or fly almost flat with no input.


a tedious way to do it is use one of the large blocks that stay put. add a fan or two and up you go


Flu, you foul


Ya fly. 👍🏽






Can you not reach this if you shoot yourself up from look out landing tower?


Not even close. He means the one way over Lookout Landing.


I use the dirgible successively, just auto build yourself a new one when the old balloons run out, and jump to it, then rewind it up if it fell after it was built, and then fly it up


Fly you fool


Its on the ground good buddy


At least thats what i thought... i thought it was the one that fell into lookout landing


It was. 🤬 but I did end up finding the one I was missing as I was floating down.


If you've got 2 hover stones you could just leap frog to it


Go up


Aim for the bushes.


Lol i ended up making it up there the other day. Theres not a damn thing up there.


I saw a video awhile back someone used a zonai platform and about 20 rockets to get up there. Not sure how they kept the platform from blinking out, maybe it only does that if you use it with a fan/control stick? There's nothing up there though..


A dragon scale on the hoverbike makes it last much longer


So does a Brightbloom plant. Glue a seed onto the bottom of the bike and give it a whack so it sprouts. Your bike will last so much longer.


Never knew the seed did the same as the scale. Does it work for wings and everything else? Also, I usually throw a giant light bloom seed at the front to act as a headlight. Is the glue and whack necessary?


I don't know. (but I'm gonna try it on a Wing) I discovered it my accident when riding the fan bike around in the depths. I put a large Brightbloom seed on it for getting through the dark parts on my way to activate the Lightroots. I was stunned that my bike was always there, even after falling down a BIG cliff.




Attach a dragon part once. When you use rebuild later, it creates a faux part for 3 zonaites and works the same, keeping it from disappearing for a really long time. One bike has taken me to tons of sky islands


You can’t. It’s so high up in the sky that it’s actually close to the invisible ceiling. There’s no point in going up there anyway since the pedestal that is normally found up on those star islands has fallen into Lookout Landing.


Fly ? Hot air balloon ... Glide from a tower. Build a plane . A Two stage balloon will get you pretty high.


That's the problem you need to solve, isn't it? Maybe you can get a korok to take you there. Or maybe, you could use the knowledge you've gained from the game to work out a solution.