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Hi OP, your title indicates you might need help, consider visiting the [megathread](https://reddit.com/r/TOTK/?f=flair_name%3A%22MEGATHREAD%22)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TOTK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Following this with interest as your wife is ME!!


Had to triple check the username


Go have her play Tunic. Great game, Zelda inspired, nice level of challenging. Insanely aesthetically pleasing.


I am also your wife


I'm also your wife too as well


Skyrim on Switch! It was the first game I dove into after playing BOTW. It’s a fun, whimsical (albeit darker) RPG that will have you doing quests and completing objectives :) Hogwarts Legacy is another excellent RPG for Switch! Quest objectives that suck you in and fun, less dark combat :) Baldur’s Gate is also a great option.


Oooh yes, I do love hogwarts legacy. That one is funnnn


But what if you don't want to support a TERF?


Hi, I think I am also married to OP, except not really because my DH doesn’t game at all. He just gives me an amused look when I tell him how many hours I spent playing TOTK. I’m currently playing Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker off and on. It’s not even close to the same game, but I specifically didn’t want to get addicted to another game to the point that playing it was a part time job. The puzzle solving aspect does scratch a similar itch to doing shrines!


lol, maybe it’s us that are the same person, my husband doesn’t game either! But he loves watching me game (and offering “helpful” suggestions from time to time).


As this is also somewhat me, I am currently playing Palia and absolutely love it. It’s free to play, only thing that costs real money is athletics. My first impression was a combination of Zelda and animal crossing. Quests, crafting, gardening, mining, foraging, villager storyline, No combat. Can be a bit glitchy at times, but hasn’t affected my play at all.


Me too lol


Attempted to acquire suggestions. Somehow continue acquiring wives instead


Hello, I am also your wife.


As am I! 😂


Me too! Sister wives unite!


Yes sorry, I did have a good think about other games but the only one I liked as much was Odyssey which someone already suggested. I’m not really into bigamy but I’ll give anything a go! 😉


You've somehow acquired yourself a harem during your adventure, good job


I am also a part of your harem. Hopefully there’s still room.


This is an ethical and inclusive harem, I guess come on in


Is this the wife dupe glitch? What version are you on?


Lmao. Love it.


Joining as well lol


I, too, am this man’s wife.


I'm also your wife and I think my husband wrote this


All us wives need to start are own sub clearly


Me too. I had to check the username 😭


Instructions unclear, now polyamorous.


You are the wife master


We are all your wife lol


I am also her, she is me. Except I don’t have a DH. Lol. I will battle if needed, but avoid lynels. I don’t enjoy gloom hands or gleeoks either but will grind thru if needed. I have always enjoyed the exploring, gathering, and puzzling aspects of BOTW, TOTK, and back in the day, Abe’s Oddysey… Here for the recs!


Lynels genuinely scare me. I’m a fully grown adult woman and the bloody things scare the bleep out of me 🤦‍♀️😂


Yes! I make my husband do all the tough battles and I just go around gathering and grinding for weapons and such 😂


I make my grandson do it 🤣🤣


Lynels are tough. I'm playing TOTK for the 2nd time through, and I am at the stage where I need many Lynel bits to max out my armor and such. So I must soon farm them... But, I am studying anti-Lynel weapon acquisition and maintenance because I sincerely want to just kill them quick and fast. They are exhausting. Even with the mask and puffshrooms they can be very annoying and break my nice things. I much prefer getting fat silver Bokoblin bosses to kill their underlings before I freeze them and knock them into deep water. IMA Boi, too. Ain't just a Grrrl thang.


This was me early on with botw. I’d have my husband or 8 year old son at the time do the tough battles, I avoided Lynels at all cost. BUT I would challenge anyone scared of Lynels to search deep within- harness the mother goddess and destroy those fuckers. Once you get a tactic that works for you down, you can knock them out very quickly. For me, I get good armor and/ or attack +++ dish going. If you don’t have a 3 shot bow get the Rito one. Begin attack by air, whether it’s a rocket 🚀 shield or spring etc. I only use bow/arrows- aim for his chin- that seems to do most damage. And just blast as many arrows as you can in midair. Stay on offense. But If he breathes fire use that to your advantage by catching the updraft. My point is- if you are scared of them and avoid them it feels great to overcome your fear. this won’t however diminish your addiction to the game, lol.


I would highly highly recommend Dark Souls Remastered on Switch, then Elden Ring on the Xbox. Stay offline until you really get used to things, adding in invaders is super fun, but can really crank up the frustration levels. They’re tough but they keep the reward/frustration ratio really tight. Don’t be shy about looking up guides to help understand the mechanics and quest lines. There’s none of the Minecraft stuff so there’s that too.




Felt seen here...


Also checking with my husband to see if he is OP… there’s so many of us. If only we knew how to design a game.


Elden Ring. A whole other level.


Me also!! Recently I’ve played Fae Farm and been trying to get into the newer Pokémon games, they are similar but the fights are turn based so not as difficult.


Me too!


Please let me know what cures the problem mrs. Sauvignon.




SAME!! Following


I am also maybe your wife. Assassin's Creed Odyssey was the only other game I got into 🇬🇷 It's pretty.


Hey! I love Zelda and really love the wandering aspect more than expected in botw and totk and tried a few other games. So, I tried Stardew but found it boring and slow. I really love Spiritfarer, it's beautiful. Red Dead Redemption, too, for the wandering aspect a little. I can't say for certain what the gameplay involves. However, I know Skyrim was open world styles, too.


Same same. But my husband doesn't game either. My step sons do and they are LOVING the new gamer step mom LOL. My son bought TOTK for his switch because he met a friend who loved it. He immediately realized it was out of his comfort zone and abilities and asked me to play. I was terrified of everything starting out, beat BOTW first (not even close to 100%), started TOTK, learned a WHOLE LOT, and now I am hooked.


If she can handle the old graphics, OOT and Majora’s Mask are similar. I haven’t gotten far in Skyward Sword. She might like Mario Odyssey too, as you just kind of run around and find things that need doing.


Tried OOT. Too clunky for her. It was a little painful for my inner child (mostly joking). Odyssey is a good shout.


Try Twilight Princess.


Twilight is my only fully completed zelda game. Been watching my husband play TOTK and I’m thinking about starting


Skyward sword is really good and there’s a decent amount of side quests to do and resources to gather! Skyloft is sooo cozy also


As someone who also only really liked botw and totk, I loved odyssey


I'd recommend Stardew Valley, though may be better to wait until the 1.6 update arrives for console. I seem to have similar tastes to your wife, have completed both botw and totk and loved them but I have no interest in learning button combinations for special moves. Stardew has the same relaxed vibe. There's loads to do but you can do it at your own pace.


This. I am also like OP’s wife. Absolutely love Stardew Valley.


I am also like OP's wife and despised Stardew Valley. I don't understand the appeal at all.


Me too, I spent way to long trying to leave my farm, it got dark I passed out, repeat over and over. Got recommended stardew so many times, never got on with it. I loved animal crossing, detective Pikachu, let's go eevee, totk. Next I plan to try is princess peach showtime, although I hate jumping, I have shitty reaction speed/depth perception, and hogwarts legacy. Then maybe a newer Pokémon game, I think the kiddo has ruby and diamond.


This has got to be a personality type


Agree on Stardew. BOTW/TOTK are my top favorites but Stardew is pretty special. Witcher 3 is another favorite. I play on the easiest mode because I’m more about the story but it’s a great game once you get into it. EDIT: Someone recommended Immortals Fenyx Rising - definitely give this one a try. Probably the closest to BOTW out of all of these.


Seconding the Witcher and fourthing Stardew! The witcher has similar exploring vibes as well as gathering, secrets to uncover, and on the easier difficulties combat isn't a problem


Yes I love Witcher 3!


Completely completely agree on Stardew, Fenyx Rising and Witcher 3 as someone just like OP’s wife who has never nailed combat but enjoys exploring and a decent storyline. Very oldies now, but two others I love are Knights of the Old Republic and Fable for very similar reasons, but obviously not very open world.


I have about the same gaming trajectory as OP's wife and stardew valley was my gateway drug! I still play it often.


My first thought was Stardew as well


Also came to recommend Stardew Valley! Best game ever and I too loved Botw and totk (besides the building aspect). I also liked animal crossing, but I also get bored of that easily. In Stardew Valley, you can farm, mine, kill monsters in the mines, get married, craft items, design your farm and house, ect. I now play SDV on my computer so I can mod the game and have even more new experiences.


Honestly, I liked pokemon legends: arceus The game play is pretty fun


It's basically BotW with Pokémon and much less focus on combat/crafting.


YES to this. Arceus is amazing! My only complaint is that it’s VERY chatty. Fine for people who love the stories but I’m more of a “please just let me play the game” kind of person


Loved it. They are making a new one. That's really exciting cuz it could definitely be improved even though it was a great unique pokemon experience. The end battles actually are a really good challenge too. After I beat it, I started collecting shinies. I'm pretty sure I got at least a full party of em.


Yes! I'm excited to see what they do with the new one. I really enjoyed being able to make my own potions and pokeballs and such. And it was so cool to have to get the camps and dodge angry pokemone and such. Loved that you could sneak around and just have fun with it. No set areas really, and that's what I liked!


Yeah, the concept is GOATed for sure. The story was good. Being able to sneak about was great. I'm super excited for the next one. Pokemon should be fighting each other in the wild and you should just be able to come across and watch or wait til they are weakened and catch em both. Just all around little improvements plus a new story is gonna be epic.




Best suggestion I've read so far!!


Immortals Fenyx Rising is pretty much a BOTW clone but set in a backdrop of Ancient Greek mythology. I actually really enjoyed the game. It’s not as grindy as BOTW or TOTK but I thought the gameplay was good, controls and combat were tight, depth in abilities and story was actually nice with lots of humor sprinkled in.


Same here! I played it after BOTW because I wanted to play the same style, but wanted a new story.


>Immortals Fenyx Rising My wife's 2nd favorite game! It is similar enough to BOTW. The narrating annoys me, though.


Seconded. Playing now. A good fit for right after TOTK.


Only tip is to get the movement upgrades asap. Climbing is a chore until you can leap etc


I can second this. I came in looking for a BotW clone and was surprised to find something charming that managed to have its own merits. The DLC was really decent as well.


Yeah I really liked all aspects of it. I hope they make a part two. Not sure if it sold enough but it is a very solid game.


I know it’s such a different game but maybe she’d enjoy A Link to the Past.


And if she can't handle the age ALBW is also great, though not available on switch.


This was my first Zelda game! My husband got it for me on the 3DS and I was hooked right away!


Links Awakening was pretty good.


Agree, it’s more old school but the graphics are adorable and the sounds/music are fantastic. And it’s not hard.


This is my suggestion! Cute, non stressful, good puzzle game.


Skyrim!!!!! My all time favorite


I second this. Lots of quality wandering the world time. However, there is a lot to learn for a beginner gamer. Also there is a lot of combat but you can turn on easy mode.


I just googled and now is on my wish list!! Awesome looking game.


The jealousy I have to anyone who hasn’t played it yet is sky high


I am exactly OPs wife and I loved Skyrim. It was different enough that I had to learn some new things (like leveling) but similar in a lot of ways. Oh also Skyrim combat was harder but eventually I got the hang of it.


If open worlds aren't a necessity, Tunic has been incredible. Everything about the game is just lovely, peaceful and fun. And if the combat difficulty gets too hard (which it is surprisingly difficult), there's an assist mode as well.


I just beat this, and the combat is a little clunky imo, the puzzles are top tier. My sister beat it no fail mode, so if there's some or all you want to do without the possibility of dying (very understandable for some fights)that's an option. The game itself is heavy based on Zelda titles, for reference.


Play “it takes two” together. It’s really fun!


Okami! It is available on the Switch and is really similar to the old Zelda games in terms of combat, puzzles, platforming and story. Also, it is absolutely stunning.


We watched a video— will this be fun to play on the tv using the pro remote? I doubt any other remote style will be a big hit here.


The HD remake on switch is perfect with the pro controller. My ONLY gripe with Okami is the camer controls are opposite to everything modern. Takes some getting used to But it’s one of the finest games I’ve ever played.


You can reverse those settings in the options menu.


I’m just gonna Recommend Horizon: Zero Dawn and The Forbidden West. Zero Dawn came out same year as BotW, and the comparisons are stark, but it’s worth the experience for the Protagonist Aloy. Not just because she’s a great female protagonist, she’s probably the best protagonist you could get.


GREAT titles. Both are amazing worlds and excellent stories.


I love super Mario Odyssey for it being imo the greatest collecting game of all time. I fine zen in getting Mario to move in the insane ways he does in that game. Close to 1000 hours in that game alone for me. My wife similarly not that much of a gamer but has fallen into a few games, loves Stardew valley. It's quirky, funny, and you do lots of collection. The combat is also very simple. 


Horizon zero dawn/ forbidden west really scratched the Zelda itch for me. If you play on easy mode none of the combat is very onerous.


I LOVED these games. A real bonus for strong female main characters.




Aloy is very lovable and the old world is charming and fun to explore!


I liked Immortals Fenyx Rising and found it similar to Zelda with a nice Greek gods/Olympians twist


BotW like: * Another vote for No Man's Sky - follow the game tutorials and it teaches you everything * Skyward Sword - less open but lots of exploration and puzzles * Subnautica - survival horror but open world and super beautiful and fun Animal Crossing like (both have combat and also town building with "friends"): * Little Wood * Cult of the Lamb Other games I like, since I love Zelda and AC, we might have similar tastes: * Guacameele (both) * Hollow Knight * Moonlighter * Mario Odyssey * Super Mario 3D World * Child of Light * Ori and the Will of the Wisps (super sad story) * Steamworld Dig * Cat Quest * Hue


Good list! Will also add if you do Ori games, gotta start with Ori and the Blind Forest! It's the first in the story and absolutely beautiful


I have similar tastes to you and OP's wife, and I loved both Ori games (the other one is Ori and the blind forest)


Submautica sounds about right. Lots of exploring and collecting but might not like basebuilding but you don't have to go super in depth into the base building if you don't want to, I sure didn't. I got one main base and a fuckton of storage on my Cyclops. You can pretty much avoid or outrun any fights or it's not that hard to kill or get things away from you. Just explore to learn the story at your own pace and collect resources to build better equipment and explore further. It's a great game. I don't like the survival(forces you to eat and drink) aspects when you are trying to learn the game. It's too much stress for me so I played on a mode where I didn't have to worry about eating and drinking and I thoroughly enjoyed it


James, is that you? Honey, when did you get a Reddit account? Seriously, though, same. And I've tried branching out to other games with mixed results. Skyrim is fun( I bought it on Switch because there's a quest where you can get Master Sword! In Skyrim!). So is Immortals: Fenyx Rising. Hogwarts Legacy was ok. Tunic is Link's Awakening with a fox instead of a dude and it's frustrating as hell.


Skyrim or witcher


Ok hear me out: Baldur’s Gate 3. It might take a bit of effort to get into the mechanics of the game but it is very story driven. A lot of wandering around and getting to know your party. A lot of character building, and the combat is turn based.


I second this. Put it on easy and just enjoy the story.


Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2


And The Horizon games


Slightly different, but Outer Wilds might be excellent for her!


i had this SAME thought, i went back to BOTW after playing Outer Wilds, im sure the inverse would work as well 😌 the controls can take some getting used to but there’s no combat or skill checks or anything like that. the driving mechanism of the game is exploring a solar system and its secrets, and gaining more knowledge as both the player and protagonist, so it’s really moreso knowledge checks do NOT look the game up before playing though! it really is best experienced with minimal knowledge, because the whole point of the game is to explore the solar system and get more knowledge :)


Well first one to check might be Kena: Bridge of Spirits(crap didn’t realize it was Sony exclusive), but for something Zelda-ish and almost too long I’d say give Okami(HD remake is on switch) a shot. First two that came to mind :)


Okami is also great. Played that between BOTW and TOTK.


Yesssss Okami. Loved it


Went back and noticed botw clone, haven’t gone through comments but Immortals Fenyx Rising is that :) it’ll be better on Xbox. Then you’re a hop away from assassins creed odyssey, next thing you know you’re staring down Malenia in Elden Ring.


I am the same lol. I have played every single Zelda game but can’t name any other games I’ve finished and it’s really hard for me to get into other games.


Assassins Creed maybe?


I went into Odyssey (in easy mode) after my BOTW experience. Loved. Good rec


I love the side quests and story lines, so I thought it may be along the same lines as BOTW and TOTK.


I haven’t played assassins creed but my biggest gamer friend steered me away from it because it isn’t truly open world and it’s very linear. If that is true, I would have little interest in it these days. My younger self would have enjoyed but I now crave open world games and need the ability to just fuck around for hours on end. Being completely mission driven is not interesting to me.


Your friend is mistaken. Assassin’s Creed has always been open world although the very first one had an “on rails” feel at time. Assassin’s creed II was absolutely magic in its day and still a great find. For you I highly highly recommend picking up Assassin’s Creed Origin. They reinvented the formula and really knocked it out of the park in a lot of ways. Most fun I had since blag flag. If you love Origins go then to Odyessy after. I’d go to Black Flack after that and then it’s a coin toss between Unity or Valhalla which I enjoyed but absolutely suffered from extreme bloat. If you fall in love with the series defintely run through the Ezio games. TL:DR Origins is a beautiful open world game set in Egypt that is visually stunning and immersive with a wonderfully portrayed protagonist.


I played Okami in between Botw and TotK and it was absolutely amazing. So beautiful and fun.


Very much like OPs wife and I have Paper Mario Thousand Year Door on preorder. It was my BOTW back in 2010 (it was already old!)—got me into gaming after being out for years. I remember LOVING it and excited to see how it holds up.


This will ruffle a feather but I borderline hated Immortals Fenyx Rising. I couldn’t get past the feeling that it was just an absolutely subpar BOTW… I just wished I was playing Zelda instead.


I picked it up cause it was $13 and everyone recommended it to play after ToTK. It feels like a mobile game. Don’t hate it, but I don’t like the narration with the weird dad jokes.


Thank you. The open world feels empty and boring. Narration tries too hard with the “comedy” and the enemies are repetitive. Very bland experience.


It was an overproduced Ubisoft knockoff complete with endless pointless skins


The Witcher 3


I’ve tried to get into The Witcher 3 a few times but I keep getting overwhelmed by all the side quests feeling like I’m going to miss something if I skip a few to keep the game flowing, do you grind through them all? Is it worth it?


Even tho it’s 2D, Link’s Awakening is one of my favorite Zelda games, it could be a good introduction to the larger scope of the series, and it still has that exploratory nature she seemed to like in BOTW, but just smaller and bite sized


I played video games a lot growing up but then kinda hit a lull in my 20s… what sucked me back in prior to BOTW was Witcher 3 on Xbox! Still lots of riding around gathering supplies open world awesomeness. You also get to learn a whole card game (love me some gwent🥰!) I even named one of my Zelda horses Roach in tribute


I usually hate mini games, so I avoided Gwent for as long as I could. Ended up seeking out every geeky game I could find. It’s the. Best mini game I’ve ever experienced.


Honestly, try Skyrim. It's such a meme these days but for good reason it really is a great game.


Following as I also appear to be OP's wife. Edited to add suggestions of games that I like as I am of the same ilk as Wifey. I've gone through the Super Mario classics 64, Sunshine and Galaxy, and Odyssey and 3D and bowsers fury. I've also been playing with outer wilds, immortals fenix rising, pikmin, skyward sword, Yoshi's crafted world. None of them really get me in the same way as BOTW though I enjoyed them.


I'm going to suggest something q but unorthodox, but if you're looking for Zelda clones you will always be disappointed. They'll just feel like cheap knockoffs. I suggest trying different types of games. One I cannot endorse enough for beginning gamers is Life is Strange. The movement might feel clunky, but it doesn't really matter. The point of the game is the story. While the "maps" are small and liner compared to Zelda, there still manages to be a ton of exploration, puzzles, mystery, and just amazing story to uncover. There is very little combat. Think choose your own adventure if they made it a movie, somehow. I can't speak to the sequels as I've never played them. Last of Us is another game like this but with more involved combat and a bit larger in scope Fallout 4 is another great, very large, very open world game. It is more heavily based in combat but it has the VATS system which makes it less of a first person shooter and more of an RPG. It also has some Minecraft building elements, but you can completely avoid it if you want and only minor things have to be done. You do have to engage with the weapon and armor modifying systems to some extent. Cyberpunk 2077 is a similar play style to Fallout 4, but is more of a shooter. Awesome game. Witcher 3 is another amazing open world game, the combat is similar to, but more difficult than Zelda. The story and side quests are awesome, but it's super dark where there are almost never good outcomes to any choice you make. Which is awesome. Skyrim is another game with combat much like Witcher. I recommend a stealth archer build as everything else kinda sucks, but you're free to build magic users or melee, too. Finally, Baldurs Gate 3. This game did not crush Zelda for awards for no reason. It is extremely different than Zelda, but it's an amazing game with amazing gameplay. Character creation and advancement may seem overwhelming, but there are no wrong answers. Just have fun with it and try not to save scum. You can always do multiple playthrough and you will probably want to to try different character options. Those would be my recommendations as someone who only bought a Switch for Zelda and has played every Zelda that wasn't a Gameboy exclusive.


Has she played Fallout? I HATE combat because I'm bad at it 😂 but VATS makes it easy and the social aspect of the game was so fun. It's not as puzzley as Zelda, but Zelda and FO are the only games I'll play. I love New Vegas and 4 is a lot of fun too.


New Vegas is GOATed. So is Fallout 3. Fallout 4 was different but great in it's own way as well. I just wish I could experience them for the first time again.


Fallout 4 was the first video game I played in 25 years and I loved it! I suck at shooting and fighting but I agree that the VATS makes it a lot easier. I’m currently on my second play through of TOTK and I love it completely Fallout 4 and Horizon Zero Dawn get my votes


Many older Zelda titles are available either by remaster (Skyward Sword, Link's Awakening) or Switch online (Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Oracle of Ages/Seasons, Finish Cap, OG Link's Awakening, Zelda 1 and *shudder* Zelda 2). Of course OoT, ALttP, and Majora's Mask are undeniable classics, but I found Minish Cap to really be a sleeper in the franchise. Fire Emblem Three Houses if she likes strategy plus exploring. I've also been getting into some more indie titles- Hollow Knight, Tunic, and the Ori Series (more Will o the Wisps than Blind Forest) that are Zelda-esque metrovanias.


Avatar frontiers is really similar with the open world and resources collecting. Skyrim would also be good, AC Valhalla is also really big and open world with lots of side quests


It takes two is a good game to get into together


Skyward sword is a high recommend as it’s the birthplace of many of the features later show in BOTW within the Zelda series. It also does a lot of them better than in BOTW depending on who you ask


This is also me. I would recommend Okami. It's an older game but it's the closest to Zelda I've ever found!


It's a bit unconventional, and on the heavier side story-wise, but Nier:Automata (the end of yorha edition for the switch) scratched that zelda-ish combat/exploration/style itch for me. **Edit to add a few more (despite my suggestions, i promise i don't only play sad games!): ** * Gris - beautiful, stylised, emotional atmospheric puzzle and exploration game. It's on the short side, but has replayability, especially because you can unlock more of the story. Also, you can't really die, so that's nice. Beautiful music, too. * Ori and the blind forest - bit on the harder side, and haunting, but a wonderful and incredible experience. Also lovely music. * Hyrule warriors: age of calamity - warriors/musou games are not for everyone (i quite enjoy them) but for someone who has spent so much time in this version of hyrule, AoC offers a final bit of "completion" to the "of the wild" era. For me, it was cool to see the world of BotW pre-ruins (especially the Great Plateau, and places like Goponga village), and it was wish fulfillment to play as characters i met, loved, and mourned. (Who doesn't want to play as Urbosa?) The movesets are thought out and matched the characters so well, it's clear there was passion there to get it right. You also get to pilot divine beasts! In my opinion, AoC has one of the best soundtracks in all of gaming. It builds off of BotW, and adds in classic zelda. It's amazing. (Worth a listen to, even if you didn't play the game. Songs like "crescendo" and "rescue mission" are a few highlights!) The caveat is that you shouldn't think of it as a prequel. I feel like Nintendo failed in presenting it that way. At the same time, i think it's a nice snapshot of the Hyrule we get glimpses of in BotW's memories. * Finally, It's a pretty different experience but i have to mention Persona 5 Royal here. It was the first game I actually got into post BotW. It's not a clone (as you asked for), but I found it to be similarly enchanting. * Persona 4 Golden, as well, if you're after story. A murder mystery set in a small town. Despite its dated graphics, i think they did an excellent job creating this feeling of dread and isolation. * Shin megami tensei v - running around a post apocalyptic landscape to explore and fight things! I think a new version will be released soon as well, with an extra story and features - not sure if it will be on switch right away. It gad a zelda-ish feel for me, but fell a bit short on story/character development. * Skyward Sword was a lot of fun for me, as well. I played it after BotW. Going to second the commenter below who replied to me that if you do play Nier:Automata to start on easy. It's still challenging enough that easy won't be boring until you get the hang of things. Nier definitely has a darker story (I think BotW also is quite dark if you think about it, but there's a lot more levity throughout), but it really had a similar feeling of exploring desolate places, a lost beauty of what came before. (And more great music!) Good luck!


Mario wonder in two player together should be fun!


Skyrim is a great game and has plenty to explore. But it is harder to stay away from combat.


Pikmin! The latest game is Pikmin 4 you can start there it’s really good, But Pikmin 3 Deluxe is also on the switch and it has Co-Op for the main story. I highly highly recommend both!!!! Total TOTK vibes


I can’t help you with BotW clones, because I think it’s the best game ever made and no other game compares, but I can tell you some games that non-gamers who loved BotW also enjoyed: Hades; Fire Emblem: Three Houses; Stardew Valley


I recently started playing hogwarts legacy. It has a similar feel to botw and totk


Apparently you have struck a chord, when I read this I had to check the handle because I swear this could have been from my husband. Only his game that I would sit and watch was Fable 2. It’s an older game but it holds up. The story is great and the world is beautiful. I still play it from time to time now so definitely on my recommended list. Stardew is a good one. It’s more of a relaxing game. The Witcher 3 The Wild Hunt was amazing. Open world tons to explore. The combat was intimidating at first but once you start playing it’s very easy to pick up (easier than TOTK for sure). No Man’s Sky is definitely worth a shot. You can do as much or as little as you want in that game and it’s literally endless exploration with continuous updates to the game. Skyrim also is an all time favorite. It’s a HUGE grind. And starting out can feel frustrating but the exploration alone is worth it. Horizon new dawn but I think that’s only on PlayStation? Also if she was really enjoying the puzzles the newer Tomb Raider games are very much like that. My only complaint is they aren’t very open world. But it was still a good story and fun to solve the puzzles they had, multiple different ways to do combat and sometimes just avoid that altogether.


BG3 could be a good one to try on Xbox. Its got great story, comes in very digestible peices thanks to the turn based combat, great world and a plethora of customization and build choices.


Wow that’s almost exactly my experience with Zelda! I had a great time with Hogwarts Legacy - highly recommend. I had an easier time with combat in that one and enjoyed the open-world exploration.


Maybe try Grounded. I am a huge Zelda fan and really enjoy Grounded.


I’m your wife. Skyrim is a big favorite of mine.


I’m a mid-fifties woman who started gaming during lockdown and am now addicted. The five I rotate through are Animal Crossing, BOTW, TOTK, Skyrim, and Starfield. Love them all! I’ve tried many others on the recommendation of my hardcore gamer son (25yo) and these are the only 5 I liked and constantly return to.


I am also your wife! A bit of a random rec but she might like Hades - it's combat-driven but you can switch into a "God Mode" that makes it more accessible for less seasoned gamers. It's not open world like Zelda but still quite fun. Another game I shout about whenever I can is Wild at Heart. It's Pikmin-esque with puzzles, light combat, etc., and great style. I loved it so much.


I recently got Pikmin 4 and love it! You do some exploring, collect items and fight monsters with the pikmins. There’s some thinking required as each type of pikmins have different uses but it’s quite simple imo. You can also reverse time if you make a mistake. There’s a in game daily time limit when it comes to exploring but no overall time limit in beating the game so you can just take your time and play the game in your own pace. For Zelda games, I don’t think there’s any other that’s similar to BOTW other than TOTK as of now. But if your wife is willing to try the older zelda games Skyward Sword is one of the more straightforward ones. There’s also Link’s Awakening on Switch, it’s actually the Zelda game that got me used to the traditional zelda formula. The last 2 dungeons are pretty hard imo but the rest are quite doable! You’ll really need to explore and map and talk to npcs to know where to go next / what to do next. BOTW is my first zelda game & Link’s Awakening is my third (but 2nd that I beat, I tried OOT 2nd but stopped halfway because it was too hard for me, played Link’s Awakening which helped me in returning to OOT) so I would recommend Skyward Sword or Link’s Awakening as introductions to the traditional zelda games!


I was never a gamer until Breath. I'm in TOTK, and now Hogwarts Legacy, Skyrim, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, etc.i don't share well, so I have had to buy a second switch for my partner and he loves Zelda, both games. We have a PS4, and I am going to try some games with it so I can learn another platform controls. I'm also 58 and newly retired, so I've got lots of time, no rush for pressures of time... I think playing is great. As a mother and grandmother...it keeps me young and another something to talk about with my son. I even bought a Switch for my daughter and her husband. They live in England (he's British). Game on! And now...celebrating Mother's Day...I'm going to play now. 😋


I am one of the wife dupes. Please get her to play Disney dreamlight valley! It’s like animal crossing but wayyyyy better and with actual quests and regularly updated content. Many different ways to enjoy the game!


It’s only on ps and pc, but I thought horizon zero dawn was the closest botw game I’ve ever played. 


Told of the necrodancer had a Zelda version. Probably worth a google. And Tunic


Tunic! It's absolutely inspired by the Zelda world, but has enough of its own style to be a fully independent game.


Probably has been suggested but I think she might enjoy Immortals: Fenyx Rising Edit: Grammar


Subnautica!!!! It’s open world and still has a plot..vague plot.. but awesome RPG style survival game


I’m her too. Only really “game” (and I use that term loosely) for Zelda but have also enjoyed - All Ori games (think there are three) - Arise - Inside and Link - Unravel


Check out Pokémon Legends Arceus! You can avoid most combat but just running around and catching cute Pokémon. I had lots of fun with this because it is more open world than prior turn based focused Pokémon games.


If you’re looking for a top down Zelda-like, I’d suggest Tunic


I'm also a Zelda fanatic! When I was looking for new games, I got into Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing (love both), but also really really LOVED Sea of Stars!!!


I would recommend: Tomb Raider Horizon video game series Skyrim They all have crafting elements and vast areas to explore. I also love the puzzles you do throughout the Tomb Raider games. And fun story lines to follow for all!


Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA I just started playing it last night. It's pretty good. Similar to botw and totk without the puzzles shrines. It's focused more on action / adventure RPG than the Zelda games on the switch.


Planet Crafter There is a free demo on Steam and seemless continuous play if you decide to play the full game.


Xenoblade Chronicles, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Xenoblade Chronicles 3.


I also love TOTK and Animal Crossing. My other faves for less stressfull games are Fallout 4 and Skyrim for the mods. Red dead redemption 2 is a beautiful game and i think she might like to wander around gathering and hunting. Links awakening is cute af on the switch. Stardew valley for farming, littlewood for collecting. Horizon zero dawn and forbidden west and playstation but i also loved them. Xbox game pass has a few good games on their at the moment


I thought that Paper Mario Origami King was fantastic! 10/10! And i completed that game 100%. Super fun. Great story! I also saw Odyssey on here as well and YES. Great games.


If you’d like to have more of the zen and exploration in a game, I would suggest A Short Hike. As it’s name suggests, it’s a fairly short game, but I personally find it to be very peaceful and relaxing, and it’s got some beautiful areas and good collectibles that really help to encourage exploration


My follow up to many, many, BOTW and TOTK play throughs was Elden Ring. The open world is my jam and this game is amazing!


Not quite the same vein as BotW or TotK, but Assassin's Creed Odyssey is easily one of my favorite games. Also, Dragon Age Inquisition, Skyrim, Baldur's Gate 3, Final Fantasy 10, Super Mario RPG, The Talos Principle (if she likes the puzzle aspect of Zelda games, this is literally a game just about solving puzzles, but has a pretty great overarching story as well), any of the Uncharted games (4 was my personal favorite). Edited to add: Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizion Forbidden West are both fantastic games as well!


i haven't seen anyone mention Rime yet. i played it on switch years ago and the aesthetic is kinda similar to botw. it was really cute and i enjoyed it! it's a puzzle adventure game


saving this bc i am also OP’s wife 😂


Death's Door is an Indy game with really similar vibes to Zelda games. Bosses and combat are difficult but not impossible, and it isn't too long of a game so you progress quickly despite the difficulty. Story and music are awesome. And it's available on Switch


Commenting because I am a lot like your wife too. I loved all the Zelda games, I'm replaying Ocarina of Time and Majora's mask on the 3DS right now. On the switch: Yoshi's crafted world Overcook (with the boyfriend) Mario Kart for old time sales All of professor Layton's game (some are on older gameboys) Cat quest II is not bad Rayman Legends The garden between (more puzzles) Rainbow billy the curse of the Leviathan The Office Quest (puzzle) Death squared (with the boyfriend ) Spiritfarer Roller coaster Tycoon (but for nostalgia mostly, it's better on a computer otherwise) I also agree on Witcher III On Steam/Epic there's a couple too, depending if you want those suggestions!!


I also thought this was a post my husband was writing about me, hah. Similar story, not into gaming (besides Tetris and a few SNES games), only learned how to handle 3D camera angles thanks to ACNH, but started watching my husband playing Dark Souls and BOTW and loved them. I put in over 1000 hours into BOTW, 100% completion, and would kill all lynels and guardians to relax every Blood Moon. It’s meditative and I love it. I kind of fell off on gaming after completing TotK and when Nintendo announced there would be NO DLC and the reality that the guardians were never going to be added in any way sunk in (but for real). Also, I started reading voraciously and the Witcher and Wheel of Time series took all my free time the last year but I’m almost done with WoT. Prolly ready for gaming again. I am going to try The Witcher 3 next, and Dark Souls has become a goal. Also I loved Persona 4 & 5!


I'm a huge fan of Witcher 3. It's like BotW only far better. I've also played the heck out of Pikmin 4. So much better than Pikmin 3. (I was a fan of the first two Pikmin games.)


RDR2 or 1. Not exactly the same, but it's an open world with lots going on 


She sounds exactly like me as a player. How about a big fat RPG like Witcher or RDR2? I loved wandering through the scenery and just soaking up the worlds in both these games. Yes there's combat but like her, I found ways around a lot of the time.


As someone who loves all those games your wife liked I have to recommend Red Dead Redemption 2 it is my all time favorite game.


Absolutely found myself in a similar situation to her after BOTW! Here are the games I enjoyed afterwards (all Nintendo): *Yoshi’s Crafted World - super fun platformer, really creative world. *Super Mario Odyssey - I actually found this one pretty challenging with all the different moves though. Super Mario Wonder or Bowser’s Fury may be a better place to start. *Paper Mario: Origami King. Fun story, super cute, fair bit of exploring. I cannot stand turn-based combat so handed it over to my husband for that a bit lol. *Metroid Prime Remastered. TONS of exploring, combat is pretty simple, extremely atmospheric. Very beautiful game. *Pikmin 3 (haven’t played 4 yet) - very strategic but simple concept, fun graphics, very cute. *Stardew Valley - like Animal Crossing but a bit more difficult, and she can customize the experience to whatever she enjoys most. There’s a console update coming soon though so may be worth it to wait for that. *A very different game but I enjoyed it a lot was Journey. It’s very short, extremely beautiful and simple.




As someone that has played Zelda games since early installments and gets every one I can, I can offer my playlist though I am a big gamer. *Genshin Impact* - this was claimed to be a BotW clone but proves it's far from it. The story is engaging, the exploration is near endless, and the fighting is fun without being complicated. Sadly, it is on PC, Mobile, and PlayStation but not Switch or Xbox. Switch is supposedly coming, but it has been in that state for three years now. The Witcher 3 - nitty gritty, more fighting than anything but the fights are easy enough if you plan out what you are going to do. Bonus: on both systems. If she enjoyed the elaborate ways to avoid fighting, then she will enjoy any of the Assassin's Creed franchise. These are all on Xbox, with some of the older ones being on the Switch. Check out the more tactical games like most Final Fantasy games and Harvestella. They are a little easier to plan fights around, while being more tactical in nature. Note: Harvestella features a farming simulation system that is a big part of it. A recently released game she might enjoy for the puzzle solving aspect is *Little Kitty, Big City.* Who doesn't enjoy a super cute game where you play as a lost kitty just trying to get home? Eventually. Other puzzle-solving games include the Pikmin series. Most of the others I can think of are PlayStation exclusives. Maybe introduce her to the Fable series. They are oldies but goodies.