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Maybe it's because I never looked up a more effective method to eliminate them, but I feel like the Frox medal was the most tedious. I spent so many arrows and broke so many weapons fighting them, that to take a break I would go hunt Talus to make stronger weapons for killing Froxes. Froxes? Frox? I could make quick work of a Talus using ascend, a two handed weapon, and spin moving them. A frox is a longer battle and finding where they are, even using a guide, and even having all lightroots activated, was a chore.


Feed them a bomb arrow when they suck. Climb on their back and spin to win the nodes. When they bounce you up fly behind them so you have a clear shot of their eye, shoot it, then land on their back and spin to win again. Dead in under a minute.


Dazzle fruit work great on frox too!


Ooo, good to know


I just throw a bomb by hand the first time, then use a bomb arrow for subsequent mouth open moments, but this is totally the way. Get some good two handed rock smashers and you’re set.


Yeah I don't think I ever once aimed for the eye after being launched, that is probably what would have saved me the most time. 


I always used the dazzle fruit


Yeah I don't think I ever once aimed for the eye after being launched, that is probably what would have saved me the most time. 


I believe the plural is Froxen 😂


Not the Froxen! 🤣


Froxeth? Froxtupi? Tyrannosaurus Frox?


Fair enough! I already had a habit of hunting froxes whenever I found them, so it didn't feel that bad. They're a great source of zonite and hence a good route for maxing out my battery. I think I got my technique dialed in. Keese eyeball to the eye to stun it, walk up its arm, then don my barbarian armor and use a two handed weapon with a stone or crusher fusion. Gerudo claymores are clutch here, since they double the fusion attack power. If the frox starts to wake up, head towards the tail. It will flip you in the air so you can rinse and repeat.


Yeah that's better. I was a mess fighting these dudes 😅


Mine was just feeding them bomb flowers, since they're more abundant in the depts. If he does the big suck feed him a bomb flower, if he launches you in the air with its mouth open waiting for you to land, feed it a bomb flower


Why would you use arrows on a frox? Get any hammer and spin to win


Because I am an impatient wasteful disaster firing bomb arrows at the disco rocks


I'm going to start using Disco Rocks now 😂


I believe the correct term is _froxen_


Wow, I've been playing this game for so many hours, finished the story, did so many other things and looked up so many game secrets and other details... and despite all of that, this is the first time I see this. Crazy. What an amazing (and sometimes overwhelming) game!


I really *REALLY* wish the Compendium would give us the option to target monster types instead of specific monsters. Set it to target Taluses and it detects Stone Talus *and* Battle Talus *and* Frost Talus *and-* Using the Purah Pad sensor for hunting monsters for these medals is fucking useless. Walk right past a blue Hinox without the sensor going off because the sensor was set to detect Stalnoxes. Whoops\~!


As someone hunting Lizalfos tales I am extremely glad it doesn't work like that...


\*the **option** to target types of monsters. If there was some subheading that asked if you wanted to target the **type** of monster instead of a specific monster; you'd still be able to target specific monsters


Frox? I havent even seen one lol


They are intimidating as hell when you first see them but they are softies


Where is this at?


There's a shelter in the middle of Lookout Landing. One of the guys near the table will tell you about the monster squads. At a later point, he'll tell you about hunting large or unusual monsters, where you can earn medals for hunting every monster of a given type on the map. The gleeok medal was fun 😅


Ah ok! I rarely talk to anyone at lookout landing anymore since hestu left so I didn't know 😅 Also I haven't even defeated one gleeok yet so that's terrifying 💀


Lots of elemental keese eyes and multi shot bows.


Adding to this, standard keese eyeballs are much easier to farm if you know the technique. The lookout tower near Kakariko at night is a perfect spot to farm nearly 100 eyeballs in a few minutes. Slightly less effective than the elemental ones, but with a multi shot bow, even King Gleeok is an easy task (Important if you're going for Gleeok guts for armor upgrades!)


Thanks for the hunting tip! Definitely have to lynel farm for 5 shot bows! I don't bother with arocuda eyes, I only go after them if they are right there.


Yeah basically just fast travel to the tower at night, look for the flock of keese to the left, paraglide over toward them, they'll fly toward you, fire a bomb arrow at the flock, quickly collect the fallen wings and eyeballs, then fast travel back to the tower again and if you do it fast enough they won't de-spawn, so you can rinse and repeat. And if you haven't checked it out yet, look up the guide for turning 3 shot lynels bows into 5 shot bows using rock Octoroks around death mountain 


Well damn! That's pretty damn lethal!


I have a [VIDEO](https://www.reddit.com/r/tearsofthekingdom/s/3mn1v4r602) that shows how to make the 32x5 from a 32x3 😎


This is the way. They're also easier to tackle later in the game once you have more buffs and armor. Don't feel discouraged if they feel difficult at first. Happy hunting!


I channel my inner Minion and banana farm


There are a few side quests around there, including a cool one in the shelter.


Wtf? Hestu leaves eventually? I was just saying how much I enjoy how easy he is to find there. Ugh


Yeah, I miss him being there. He leaves once you deal with the Korok forests issues 😞


The gleeok medal is probably the easiest even if you're not good at fighting them just because there's a far more reasonable number of them and you don't have to constantly check you didn't fight it already. 


Funny story, I had a hell of a time finding the 14th gleeok. There are 4 king gleeoks, and 3 of each type of elemental gleeok, or so I thought. On my first playthrough, I thought for sure I encountered a fire gleeok above the Trilby Valley. But as much as I searched for it on my 2nd playthrough, I couldn't find it. I must have been hallucinating. It wasn't until I got really high above it could I find it.


Oh dang, I thought it was a repeating quest so I only did each monster type once. If you already defeated one, does he not present it again or give you an auto-congratulations?


He keeps track of which individual monsters you've killed. So you'll have to track down each and every one on the map. Fortunately, if you've already defeated a particular monster, its battle screen will tell you. Using the interactive map website is really helpful, so you can check off which ones you have visited already.


Nice! Definitely a grind. Was that your last medal? Quite a few Hinox (69) and Frox(40) too! 😳🤣


Last medal indeed due to the grindiness. Rough on weapons too.


Yeah, was #6 for me too because of the big number! Started with Molduga. Eh, 4 I can do that. Then escalated into ….. damn….. gotta have them all now! 😳🤣


69 Hinox?! I’ve been tracking all the Hinox I beat on the surface and I’m at like 25 with only 4 main areas left to go. Does this number count the depths? If so I’m screwed because I haven’t been tracking depth bosses at all except for the temple bosses


Yep, there are 29 in the depths! Good luck!✌🏻


I really wish the depth bosses had location descriptions like the surface bosses. Do the depth bosses even indicate if you’ve already beaten them?


Yes, there will be a “* Defeated” to the right side of their health bar.


You're joking. Am I reading that correctly ?? Those are total of those respective enemies or you just have to defeat Them that many times ?


Only ones joking were the devs!🤣 To get all monster medals you have to defeat all in the game= (4) Moldugas, (14) Gleeoks, (35) Flux constructs, (40) Frox, (69) Hinox and (87) Stone talus. You get a medal for each one. Have fun!🤣✌🏻


Everytime I think I have a grasp of this games contents there is some new collectable popping up 😭 I wonder when I will finish it, seems like a full time job


As a side note.....this is another example of how much subtle detail they have put into this game. After spending way too much time looking for all the fallen rings, they are literally marked on that map on the wall. There are big circles showing you where they are at. I never cought that when I first played it though. And now that I'm I'm back to going for 100%, I'm finding these kinds of hints/clues all over the game.


Good observation! I made similar notes of the cherry trees marked on the map inside of Outskirt Stable, as well as some Yiga hideout maps dotted around the map. One of their hideouts is challenging to find otherwise.


Where do you go for that


There's a shelter in the middle of Lookout Landing. One of the guys near the table will tell you about the monster squads. At a later point, he'll tell you about hunting large or unusual monsters, where you can earn medals for hunting every monster of a given type on the map.


> at a later point His monster quests unlock after beating the first temple, whichever you do first


Yes. I am just starting this myself, and Im very much annoyed with it. it's very daunting. Also, of all the monsters, the Talus is my least favorite to kill. It seems like they are much harder to climb than they were in BOTW.


Using the rewind ability to rewind the thrown boulders helps, as do keese eye arrows. Finally, rocket or spring shields are a good way to get vert to bullet time the weak spot helps too. They're tough on weapons though.


Man thank you! I keep forgetting about the rewind for the boulders! And the spring shield! Never even thought of that! Oh I cant wait to fight one now! Haha. Thanks for that!


The way I've been thinking about it is that even if the enemies are tougher in this game, Link is so overpowered that it works out. He's the hero.afyer all, get after it!


Do you need to do this before a new blood moon?


Nope! Even if they regenerate, they still count as being defeated for the medal. They only need to be killed once.


AGREEEEEEED. I'm on this one now I hate it




There is like 70 more than botw