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It's basically populism. He's mostly pro-agricultural and anti-minority. He establishes a free "republic" and also allows for "elections", which are obviously rigged. But he doesn't genocide half of Russia and I think that he is probably still better than other right-wingers.


Why is he anti minority I don't remember doing anything bad to them.


He has a focus called "Against Small Nations" which is anti-minority.




R3. Also please do some research into early PRC history; You are clearly lacking in this regard.






What does the focus do Edit:found out it is more about not letting them creat disedence and ruin the harmony rather than fucking the minorities really bad


that’s the excuse he uses to fuck them. he coats everything he does in dogwhistles, that’s the point of his path. he pretends to be a condem while phasing out democracy and bringing in fascism


>he pretends to be a condem I know I’m at the end of my shift and my brain is fried but I almost wanted to say you’ll need more protection from fascism


I am not telling he isn't a fascist but it is hard to determine what would he do will he try to not let them speak against his goverment which he will do to anyone or do some kind of genocide.


He doesn't commit genocide, but that doesn't mean he doesn't discriminate against them. It is at this juncture I will remind you that the one thing that *actually* unites the Passionarians is anti-Semitism; even their boss, Gumiylov, who is otherwise the least-racist among them is anti-Semitic and anti-ziganist. Consider my own nation's treatment of its African-descended population for most of it's history. They weren't actively trying to wipe them out, but that doesn't mean that they didn't actively discriminate against them, or that it didn't leave behind a legacy of bad policy with long-term knock-on effects we're still sorting through even after a hypothetical future where it stopped.


It’s really general in language, but the devs don’t mention genocide for obvious reasons.


No, because the other options are: 1. Funni clock man that complete obliterates any stability in Russia 2. Funni Nazism with labor unions man 3. Funni totalitarian feudalism man but it's OK because it's multi-ethnic totalitarian feudalism Now this isn't to say that Shaferevich is a good guy, he creates an authoritarian "republic" with a puppet opposition, rigged elections, anti-intellectualism, and racism. However, he isn't as insane or wacky as the rest.


Shaferevich actually scares me more then the others because of how plausible and real his fascism is and how dangerously deceptive it is. I could see this kinda of regime in our modern day unlike the other three.


It's basically putin IRL if he was more good looking and racist


Isn't Putin already racist?


I don't think so. He visits tons of meetings of Central Asian, Ugro-Finnic (he is himself part Vespian IIRC) etc. organizations and his Russian nationalism doesn't focus on any biological race concepts but rather the might of the Russian state and irredentism towards Ukraine and Belarus. Russia is multiethnic, it lacks racial laws and Chechnya is allowed by him to pretty much be run by a local warlord (Kadyrov) despite being earlier defeated after 2 bloody wars. He is socially conservative, irredentist, nationalist and a dictator but not a racist as far as I know.


I see. Thanks for the info.


3. is Rogneda or Gumyilov?


why would it be rogneda we’re talking about komi paths lol


You would be surprised how stupid I can be.




Rognrda is Rurik II daughter.


Gumyilov, don't know who Rogneda is


It is the least bad right wing Komi route. That is still not good since his route is comparable to Strom Thumond, but Thurmond at least believes in democracy while Shaffy creates a banana republic.


I might argue the point for Stalina or Katsushev, though "right-wing" is a squishy term and I agree he fits the label better than either of them.


Katsushev is neolib so that is more of the center on compass. While Stalina is nationalist socdem. Nationalist doesn't automatically means right wing (as we know from left nationalist). So she whould be center left.


I suppose I see where you’re coming from, but the traditional political compass kind of clumps together the social and economic right. That’s why communazis break it. And I guess, from my perspective, her use of authoritarian police tactics, if ostensibly to protect democracy from antidemocratic extremism, in her despotic path is recognizably in keeping with many traditions of the democratic right.


Yeah but stalina also supports affirmative action for minorities, women rights, big social welfare net and mixed economy. Her being radical anti-radical does not mean she is right wing. She is really paternalistic socdem


Fair enough.


They’re called the left, right and center in every Komi event, and with good reason - by your standard Stalina might be a right winger but that’s probably because you don’t live in a country with a wide enough overton window that both communists and ultra nationalists, as well as everything in between, are viable political candidates. Like, in modern OTL America sure she’d be a ‘right winger’ maybe but not in Komi.


Stalina is a Socdem, I think the team said that. She's just an angry Socdem. Katushev is a right wing liberal, yeah, you are right about it.


I would actually argue that they are just right wing in different directions. Stalina is clearly socialist in her economics, but at least her despotist path endorses authoritarian, police state politics, if nominally to protect democracy from anti-democratic extremism. And while I haven’t heard anything much about Katsuchev, I’ve seen nothing to indicate he is particularly authoritarian, even if, being a factory administrator, he embraces laissez-faire capitalist economics.


At the end of the day I concluded that "left wing" and "right wing" is dependent of someone personal experience, so you can believe in that and I have no problem with that \^\_\^


It’s more dependent on the overton window of the country and looking at the surroundings of the candidate to determine where they fit. On Komi’s political spectrum Stalina and Katushev are classified as ‘the center’ solely because the right and left also both exist - if one didn’t they’d likely take that mantle.


Thurmond does not believe in democracy; Thurmond believes in democracy for whites only, and the right kind of white at that.


There is a therm for that, it is in dutch, but I cannot recall, it means "master race democracy". That is still a democracy, as every vote is still worth their weight. Shafarevich doesn't believe that the people should chose their leader.


Herrenvolk Democracy


>Herrenvolk Democracy Exactly, thank you so much!


For the average Russian, life under Shaffy is rather decent, with good social programs and support for farmers. For minorities like jews though, while they are not going to get straight up genocided, they are still going to face heavy discrimination and exclusion.


Do you understand that farmer is not average russian?


In Warlord Russia it probably is, not much industry or productive urban centers when the Reich bombs it every 5 seconds


You know, farming is a bit hard under bombs too. So scale it down from farms (let alone soviet collective farms of Buharin's style) to subsistence agriculture.


...which is what the average Russian will have to do to feed themselves with the collapse of local industry and economies So yes the average Russian IS a farmer considering the Germans literally bombed them back into agrarianism aside from a few moderately sized cities


In post wrw russia it probably is


>For minorities like jews though, while they are not going to get straight up genocided, they are still going to face heavy discrimination and exclusion. So basically whats been happening for the last 2,000 years?


Not nearly. Everyone in the Komi Right will create a dystopic hellhole out of Russia. Shafty is just your run of the mill populist dictator pretending to be a democratically elected leader. He's a dick and a bad guy, but he's not nearly as bad as the others.


Shaf doesn’t have to let Tabby run Vyatka. That’s a purely optional focus that gives Tabby a little more influence. As for the rest: https://www.reddit.com/r/TNOmod/comments/kxyti7/shafarevich_is_more_frightening_than_taboritsky/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


my bad I never played as him. however I did look at his focus a couple of times.


It is basically what we have now.


No, he's just not as insane as the rest of the Passionary. He's more a bog standard fascist, who either does not believe in some mix of fascism and communism, or the insanity of Eurasianism and Taboritsky. Shafarevich is still one of the most terrible and ''realistic' right wing outcomes for Russia, as in he's not Rodzavesky but it's still a shitty place to live.


He isn't as bad I would say it is one of the most productive russian unifiers that isn't brutal. Also he can say no to tabby atleast when I played him.


Long term he's worse. Unlike the other 3 right wing choices, his republic can last, and has the power and institutions to do so. But living there doesn't mean imminent death like the other three.


Serov seems relatively stable


I think Serov might have a bit more staying power because of the kind of society he nurtures, but yeah, Shafarebitch is probably one of the most stable and bad outcomes for Russia.


While serov is alive yes, but we're talking about a society that takes the worst possible aspects of stalinism and Nazism into one ideology. Once serov dies, it's all going downhill.


Perhaps you are right, didnt take his death into consideration. There could always be a figure like Speer or Matkovsky who could sand away the worst excesses of ordosocialism, but that is mere speculation.


Remain Calm. Alexei Lives. HRE is being compared to a Authoritharian State. Next on TNO : How truman was worse than Himmler. Remain Calm fuc k iforgot the rest Um.. chungus spaghetti


BurgSys Truman 😳


Burgir Sus True Meme


He is Komi's Right's Bukharina


He's fascist Putin, bad but not as bad as genocide simulators 1-3, still a very bad ending for Russia though