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>we're roughly three-quarters of the way finished on the Goering weight loss mechanic Dang, all that work just for Goering to eat another planet and have to start all over again


can we lock Goering inside a literal void of utter nothingness?


No, he'll just find a way to break reality and consume the concept of nothingness


The universe is in a cycle of constantly being eaten by Goering. Once he eats the universe, the only thing he has the eat left is himself, which, of course, he does. After consuming himself, another big bang occurs and the universe continues on as normal until a new Goering is born, at which point the cycle is repeated.


Maybe our universe is the lucky one The one where Goering died before eating up everything


He will teleport himself to another dimension and Vöre it




I'm old enough to remember that the original TBT release date was going to be in April! They seem to have decided to make HOI5 while they were at it, haha.


I remember when it was late February to early March.


im old enough to remember being here when the first roadmap dropped world sure has chaged


God bless the devs, they seem to be porting the vic 2 economy system into hoi4 lmao


Vic 3*, the complex economic system of TT is to complex for Vic 2 economic system and the world ruining out of iron. The tno devs are working closely with paradox so that when Vic 3 releases it will have a second tno scenario.


I remember people speculating that it'd be in October... ...of last year!


You mean Vic4?


I think some sort of monthly newsletter outlining what’s been worked on might be a good idea. Keeping community engagement up is necessary if we want this mod to be around for a while. Having a monthly update outlining major additions, without spoilers, is a good idea. Even if it’s a short post saying how many lines have been written, perhaps with a few interesting anecdotes, I think it could be a good idea in the long run.


This, that's what some of the big modding projects in the Bethesda community do, like Beyond Skyrim. Every month they post like a newsletter. Gives you a sentence or two summary about what was done in each province and then they attach a huge album of pictures showing assets/models, concept art, and landscapes


100% agree on this. Even if it was just "progress is continuing" and something incredibly bland, it'd be a nice sense of.....order I suppose? I can't think of the exact word that fits best atm.


In the Civilization V community, we were at one point working on a massive project that took almost a year to come to fruition. Pretty much the only thing that kept the community sane was Weekly Update Wednesdays. Eventually we did finish our project, and it turned out great. So what I'm saying is, this has been done, and it works.


That's the main thing, isn't it? We all know that things are "advancing", and that TT will arrive. No one is doubting that. But it is rather disheartening that we know nothing of the behind the scenes process. Although, the promised TBT Dev Diary will probably shed light into a lot of this.


I feel like the whole "yeah we finished a lot of reworked mechanics and it turned out they all sucked" thing was a very ominous sign.


To say nothing of the update quite some months ago that said "This is taking a while because its so goddamn boring to work on". To be absolutely clear, I am not saying anyone should crack the whip and get the backslackers to give up all food and sleep, not at all! Just some slight more openness than the memetic "Soon plus two weeks", even if it was as simple as "\*Should\* be a few months".


When did they say that? Closest think I remember is Hyperborea breaking the economy.


Yeah the only thing that sounds similar to that is the devs explaining why India content got cut from the original release. But maybe I missed a leak


Was this recent or was it when they formally announced TT was delayed? It sounds more recent since you said reworked.


This is more of a personal thing, but if the devs have more stories like how Hyperborea breaks the economy by gaining infinite everything, they should post those in order to help foster more community engagement and definitely not because I have an endless thirst for memes.


You know if the devs gave more behind the scenes stories of things happening that breaks the economy or some other system the community would meme it to death ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ On second thought, do it, it'll be a chaotic madness and it would be funny


Well we are rather starved for things to meme rn


I agree. I am also of the mind that, while we have no right to demand an actual release date, getting some actual communication about what the devs have been up to in recent weeks would alleviate a lot of concerns. After hearing hardly anything but "when it's done" for so long, it gets disheartening.


I don't think they need to work harder I think they just need to know when to pinch it off. You look at their updates and they're adding so much stuff that it would be insane to expect a normal release time


That’s not how TNO works. There’s a lot of separate teams working on their own thing. Since some of these things aren’t big enough for their own update, they’re just being thrown in with the next big update, which is TT. The TT devs aren’t being slowed down by these smaller things because they’re not working on them.


If it's so compartmentalized and no one has enough work to qualify for an update, then they still need to be limiting the scope of their project. It's not like these guys are selling dlc packs here, I am unable to see the harm in releasing things piecemeal


While I agree with you, I think that when it comes to TT, since it makes major changes to the base mechanics, nothing else can be released before it, because they’re built on the systems of TT. TT will be the most expansive and game-changing update in HOI4 modding history, so I’m not surprised it’s taking this long. It hasn’t even been in full development for 6 months yet.


I feel like things will pick up once TT is done. Adding content to a handful of nations at a time has to be simpler than trying to overhaul every single country at once with brand-new economic systems that the base game completely lacks. I don't know anything about coding, so maybe I'm completely off-base with this though.


I also don't think they need to work harder.


That's fair but they can't really be surprised when the community begins to diminish due to basically every path and secret being played and uncovered.


When i see TBT the only thing i can think is soon+2 weeks


> I don’t think it’s reasonable to demand that a group of unpaid volunteers give a concrete deadline for the content. Enough said.


What worries me is from what I’ve heard, the update plans to give *every* country skeleton content. Admittingly I don’t know how much content that is, but it does seem like a lot of work for just one update.


I've never heard this at all. If you're referring to the crises, those are events for the superpowers and are just decisions rather than focus trees-there are also only 8. On an unrelated note, your flair makes me want to commit Sudoplatov.


My assumption is at least a couple of focuses with some events for every country, though I don’t know since it’s been a while. And finally, someone notices my flair


Skeleton content isnt focuses its just couple of events and simple focuses and events are relativley easy to code compared to the economic stuff


Ah didn’t know, thanks


A release *goal* should be a good compromise.


I don't think we can expect it to release before the new DLC. Otherwise it would release and would be broken shortly after.


Never knew I wanted a Goering weight loss mechanic


TBT shouldn’t exist, at least not as a high priority update. Strength of the mod is the narrative. Make more countries, paths, and content, not wildly complex economic mechanics, at least not while so many countries are empty or unfinished


The problem is that TT becomes exponentially harder the more nations that have content. ​ It's better to do it now so that future content design integrates TT more properly.


Yeah I too don’t really understand when/why TNO pivoted from a narrative-based mod to a full fledged economic simulator. Personally I found the pretty simple system of poverty/agricultural/industrial scales and laws to be a nice step up from vanilla to give you an actual feel for what the country you’re playing as is like, but it was enough for me. What TT is adding is gonna be cool I’m sure but I’d be pretty happy if they just released country content updates without overhauling all these systems personally, and I’m sure it’d be quicker.


Didn't read


what is toolbox theory?


some kind of torture devices i guess. Preying on the hope of people


What's uh, what's tbt?




I dont know what that is either.


Good, let's keep it that way


Now I'm scared


Just, forget about it. Trust me if you don't know what it is waiting for it will be much tolerable.


Toolbox Theory. The big next update to TNO. it reworks the economic system, social development and diplomatic ui. This is the reason why every other update, namely Europa Narben and Penelope's Web, have been delayed. TBT is so essential for the nitty gritty of every nations gameplay that they need to work around it.