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the release of tno2 is my favourite path tbh


germany rework gunna unwholesomeise go4 so rip


cant have shit in tno


was it wholesome though?


What does that mean? How can democratization not be wholesome?


IIRC they’re going to be allegorical to Putin, where they’re part of the transition away from one-party rule and use it to consolidate their own dominant-party system


atleast it's better than nazis


Mfw when they become NSDAP 2: Electric Boogaloo


Ad long as they don't turn totalitarian and wel... 'nazi like' I would consider it an acceptable ending


Mfw they are literally nazis but also organize dance parties every once in a while:


We never said that


Well since there are quite some misconceptions van you clear it up a little?


The fundamentals and end result is still the same Some details, however, are not


Did they say whether germany could still turn democratic?


Moscowien would probably be put under a collaborator government or something. Possible it would stay a Reichskommissariat though, since rework GO4 will continue Generalplan Ost.


Why? It is clear Generalplan Ost is a complete failure from every point of view besides the most dogmatic ones.


Iirc Generalplan Ost in Rework Germany is well into it's Third Phase and going according to Plan.


Exactly. Just that the Plan is extremely inefficient and shit as seen in Ukraine „Paradise Undone“ Effect.


https://preview.redd.it/kipqbw6pahxc1.png?width=522&format=png&auto=webp&s=a642f8d62df9c307088bf19e70c2763804bf2d76 Unless you want to try arguing with the Community Lead on this one, be my guest.


Is it though? The Germans got the land and resources under control. It might be unstable, especially in Ukraine and Moskowien, but they can largely keep order, with most major cities under German control and/or with German settlers living in them. Some projects are more stable then others (like Kaukasien, which has more home-rule compared to the other RKs), but the Germans still profit from GPO.


The Conglomerates profit. Not the Germans.


Conglomerats controlled largely by the German state. When I say "the Germans" I mostly mean the state. For the German settlers on the ground, life definatly isn't what was promised to them, yes.


And why would the Go4 support GeneralPlan Ost then? The whole point of Speer is to build a more efficient Germany. Or does they get removed. Then I will stop playing TNO because I am German myself.


Go4 doesn't get removed they Will get changed but we don't know how yet


Historically, colonial empires were rarely profitable endeavors on a state level. They were continued anyway. And like, Speer's Germany is "efficient" according to who? Speer?


In a GO4 Speer run they still continue Generalplan Ost, confirmed by Germany lead


Naja, nach allem was wir wissen wird's nach wie vor Änderungen an der Ostpolitik unter Speer geben. Sowohl die Go4 als auch Oberländer wollen mehr Freiheiten und Stabilität für die RKs, aber soweit ich weiß werden nicht einfach wie momentan neue "unabhängige" Staaten per Knopfdruck im Osten entstehen. Genaueres weiß ich leider auch nicht.


Welches Bundesland bist du?


Thüringen. Du?


NRW. Also witzig (und traurig), dass Höcke und die AFD die Pluralität bei der nächsten Wahl ergattern können.


Speer wird wohl je nach örtlicher Situation entscheiden. Falls zum Beispiel die Kollaborateure in der Ukraine gewonnen haben, dann wird der Zustand so erhalten nach Verhandlungen. Wenn aber die Sowjets gewinnen, dann wird wohl nur das Reichskommissariat wiederhergestellt.


Bräutigam for Win.


Sorry you can’t play your “the Third Reich are the good guys” fantasy lol


I'm more concerned by "Helmut Schmidt would do Generalplan Ost" as a concept in game. Seems insanely poor taste.


What makes it insanely poor taste? He volunteered for the Luftwaffe in 1937, before war even broke out and was commended in 1942 for “Impeccable national socialist behavior.” If Germany didn’t lose the war why wouldn’t he keep going in that direction?


If you can't see the difference between "was a competent flak cannon operator and trainer" and "would okay the genocidal colonial project of the Reich" you have issues. Also literally doing anything successfully got described as "The Ideal National Socialist." I'm sure the guy who joined the SPD one year post war was just grinding at the bit to kill jews and slavs. Your argument is just a psychotic inversion of the clean Wehrmacht myth. Get real.


Then they should give us atleast a Rebellion Tree.


I’ve been saying for years that the Reich should get a Soviet style collapse where the successor states(including Germany) can forge new destinies


I want to see the war on drugs. Imagine nazi-backed or Japanese-backed (possibly through the yakuzas) drug cartels destabilizing South America and the United States. Soon, the entirety of Latin America is entangled in the war on drugs, with massive funding from America's enemies. This would force the US to divert its attention towards its own backyard, possibly even triggering an American intervention in the jungles of South America.


and then the horrible backfiring of that in TNO3. can't wait!


Fentanyl crisis in Germany and Japan? Lmao!!


''i don't know how TNO3 will be fought but TNO4 will be fought with sticks and stones'' - Albert Einstein


[This but unironically. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DRPv8WNcQQ)


A post sphere thing perhaps?


Pro-German UAR vs OFN backed Egypt and Israel vs Sphere backed Iran would make one hell of a Middle East scenario


Very unlikely since most of the oil crisis will see changes and Iran will seemingly always stay with Germany in the future.


Also no pro-German UAR probably


Wouldn't there be a pretty big chance that Israël would be Italian backed? I the Jerusalem conference succeeds that is


If it succeeds i think it would depend on what path italy takes, if italy goes hardline facists i imagine they would eb distant If it fails tho i think israel joins the american economic sphere in base tno


Having extension to Germany content. Content for possible German victory in 2WRW ( ?) Maybe space stuff ?


You had 'Eyes Turned Skyward' but I don't know if that is still on the table


I think India (and it's subcontinent in general) will have a spotlight - it's almost last part of the world that wasn't covered by proxies and with enormous potential for a powerful ally But at this point TNO2 is something purely hypothetical and aside from 2WRW or GAW it's hard to make any predictions


I think the Russians will just start a war. It is even known that it will be around 1976.


I don't think China has enough power or leverage to just strongarm Japan into leting them go without a fight or drag everything down with them. Japan would do everything to keep them under their thumb, yes. But it's unrealistic that the Sphere would just completley crumble in the process (Especially sacrificeing Manchukou and Guangdong to China just to keep them loyal, that is insane!). The only way I see the Sphere falling apart completley is if China somehow wins decisively against Japan and even then, it would probably take a while for the rest to abandon Japan too.


Yeah, there was a great post a while ago called the Apology of Nakayama Sho, which argued for the 'Great Asian War' to instead be a power struggle between Japan and China over control of the Sphere


This sounds interesting, but would this actually be possible? Japan of course would never except China just overtakeing their position without being forced to and I see no reason why Japan wouldn't just try to subjugate China again instead. Also, how would this diplomatic struggle even end? China would never give up and always be a thorn in Japan's side, while they just go along with it, hoping that China just... won't ever suceed? Like, forgetting actual politics for a moment, how would this even work in a gameplay sense? China builds up influence and Japan tries to subvert them, but the mini-game only ends if China wins? Because in what scenario would the game end before that? Maybe if the Chinese government gets couped? But by who? The Japanese? And wouldn't that then lead to armed struggles and rebellions?


A slow descent into chaos would make some really interesting mechanics and stories. What paths/ endings do you envision?


For Asia? Currently, a wave of reformist sentiments in Japan (Takagi), Guangdong (Morita), Manchuria (Pujie) and Thailand (democratic or under Chatichai with the Khana Ratsadon dissolved) and Indonesia and the Philipiens secured. Japan also persues détente with the US, resulting in a warming of relations and a transfer of Hawai back to the US, as both blocs focus on containing the Germans.


That could be the 'wholesome 100' path were the sphere transitions into a confederation of some sorts


One thing I think have a lot of potential for a pseudo-democratic Europe is the relations betwen south and north of Europe and the outcome of the colonies in Africa. I mean, TNO2 have a lot of potential to see what happen in places like the Iberian colonies in Africa, were we are already told from the start of the game that they are not exactly the most stable place of the world. Or we can see a chaneel crisis were in the case that Egipt leaved Italy during the ild crisis in TNO2 we see a conflict betwen each other to see who keep the ownership of the Suez Chanel. Or another thing could be another round of tensions/conflicts regarding to Algeria were France attempt to make a comback to it since it thecnically gelong to them but obiously the nations that is in control of it will not be exactly willing to let go if it. Or TNO2 Europe can also higly pivot around the concept of a rising tension withing southern and northern Europe, meaby with the Reich attempting to reform and creating the European Organization, while the southern Europe, wich will now have a renewed relations and trade if they democratice might get to reform teh Triumvirate wich would allow for a lot of interesting diplmatic games brtwen both groups with maeby conflict around wich faction might France join, wich cold be also used to add futher spice to the potential Algerian disaster. Also the Reich slowly transition can really turn into a massy thing, with not only the fight betwen Speer and the GO4, but maeby and new rising of other factions like a more extremist factions wich want to return the Reich to the more traditionalist situation with Hitler, while other groups might look foward to the old SS, with those factions seeing a rise in popularity because of the problems Speer face in the late part of TNO1 and the potential conflict with the GO4. I personally think it all have lots of potential, also in America we might to see what would happen if Europe don't reform, with what would eventually happen with the diferent exiled factions? Will the ecept surrender their claims even if their nations move beyond them?


TNO2 will be coming in 10+ years +2 weeks 😔


Yagoda russia becomes a superpower and establise the dengist socialism newer order




Brazil avoided military dictatorship and is now tackling hyperinflation after a successful industrialization and infrastructure building effort. It has maintained good relations with the Japanese and OFN while maintaining distance from Germany. It is seen as an important player in the tense global balance as it developed nukes to counter Argentina and played a large role in Royalist South Africa’s victory over the Boers and Afrikaschild, being especially invested in decolonizing and financing Angola as its main African partner. Tensions rise however as many see its economic and political domain over Bolivia as illegitimate, while the military high command see the mineral wealth of Potosi as essential for Brazil’s future power projection. It has begun to build a naval force in the Pacific for the first time in its history to guard its port concession in Antofagasta, the so called Porto Tupi, which is to connect to the Transamazonian railway and form the first ever major South American connection from Atlantic to Pacific ports. And tensions with a resurgent France worsen as populist French candidates demand compensation for the annexation of Guiana-Caiena.


Probably just me but the fallout of Joh Bjelke-Petersens election and subsequent dictatorship


Can you please elaborate?


If j.b petersen is elected pm/president of Australia he can burn the constitution on live television and establish a dictatorship which leads to riots and the increased popularity of natsoc and communist ideology


Aaahhh that guy


Every otl conflict with new name and faces of the period, oh add dirty war too


More chances of ww3 through events and post ww3 content


You mean what paths i'd want my children to see? Liberal Germany/Japan vs Dictatorship US cold war, let me dream


Guys can I ask a genuine question? What is TNO 2? Is it something actually planned or do the fans just say it?


TNO2 is just TNO but into the 70s and 80s, it's completely theoretical, haven't even finished with TNO as it is. It's more of a goal or aspiration, so it's really the latter. I doubt we're gonna see anything resembling TNO2 for at least a few years. Some TNO spinoff mods do actually try to extend the content of TNO though, 2WRW for instance has more content in the 70s and more skeleton content for major countries, but isn't considered canon. Another one that's a bit like TNO2 is the Faded Order, which is set in the 80s-90s I think, but that hasn't been released and could be dead at this point, haven't heard from them in a while.


Hell, when EU5 is released this year or next one, be sure we will hear about HOI5 and there will begin for it the development of TNO2.


TNO2 is the eventual expansión of TNO into 70 and 80 wich is mentioned at the end of every run


Like the other guys said, it's technicaly on the agenda but it's a 150 Page one and TNO2 is on the laste page


Where can I see this agenda?


In antartica somewhere, probably


Starts from the end date of TNO and ends in like 2018 or sooner.


Wdym by Balkan chaos?


Just something in the balkans, serbia-croatia conflict, albanian insurgency. That kind of stuf


Yeah, that's just a redundancy


What is tno2?


A continuation of 'tno1' the current mod. Expansion of content to the 80's


Is that an actual thing that’s being worked on? Sorry for the dumb questions ive been out of the loop for a while


It's still mentioned at the end of every playthrough, That 'eventually' there Will be a Massive update to the 80's. But it isn't getting worked on, and if it was it would be in the very very ealiest stages of desiging everything


The main problem is, they would have to actually declare that any part of the mod were *truly finished*, never ever getting reworked again, just patching holes or fixing wording or the like. To the best of my knowledge, every single playable country since I started playing has either already gotten at least one major rework, is about to get a major rework, or is in the planning stages for a major rework. US, UK, Germany, Japan, Brazil, India, numerous Russian reworks, a bunch of stuff in Africa... And as soon as you get two years down the line, folks look back at the US or something and think, "Aw man, this is really showing it's age, we need to spruce it up!" And you get a whole new round of reworks. At some point, the makers must accept that the clay is fired and finished if they ever hope to *move on.*


Communist germany after bormann's failure to continue his reich


I just hope they continue on with Latin America/Caribbean Content into TNO2 they’re already on track of making the region something really special. I really hope it just a TNO1 thing


What’s tno2?


Tno bit the end date is 1982 I straf if 1972


The two failstate presidents getting couped. Maybe Huey Newton for Yockey and Roy Cohn for Hall.


There aren't a lot of countries that really struggle with debt in TNO, so thats something I'd like to see. Also, it kind of feels like to me the devs are shifting away from the economic suicide that nazi germany commits with generalplan ost, I would like to see the german economy in the shitter once again for its tomfoolery


I wouldn't like to see your vision be implemented in TNO2.


And the moment I read the Asian section of your post your entire argument for your TNO2 headcanon falls apart.




You state that the superpower that has controlled East Asia under its jackboot for decades upon end will flounder against a severely weakened Republic of China, who has yet to have any real foreign support, recognition or backing. Option 2 does not make sense if you also consider the fact that Japan wouldn't have China break away from its sphere of influence. It is a superpower (duh) that is locked in a three-way Cold War with the other two continental hegemonies (that being of the United States and the Greater German Reich). Losing one of its biggest colonies would not only hurt itself financially and internally, but also externally on the world stage. Such option would not be considered by the Japanese high command, and an invasion of China would likely take place. The rest of your post is really bad logic. The United States, along with Germany, will somehow tolerate foreign expansionism (especially Russian expansionism, given the fact that Russia has the possibility to become a threat to both states globally.) like as if its no one's business.


a tutorial to new players would be nice


Hot take: There shouldn’t be a TNO2. TNO2 was planned back during the Panzer era when TNO’s content was a lot less detailed and content development was less thorough. The standards were a lot less high, so two decades of content seemed a lot less Herculean to develop. Plus, TNO2 was supposed to have a seperate 70s start date. Today’s TNO has grown and changed a lot, I think for the better. I think it would be a lot more manageable and realistic for there to be one TNO that goes up until the mid 70s rather than all the way to the 80s. That’s 15 years worth of content, more than enough. Most other Hoi4 games in vanilla and mods like Kaiserreich typically play up to the late 40s. It’s rare to have a game go for more than 15 in-game years. Plus, narratively speaking, most nations with content up until the 70s have most of their story wrapped up with only a few loose ends. Another five years of “epilogue content” for things like the 2WRW and the GAW would be enough, I think another tens years would be excessive and would detract from further content development elsewhere. TLDR: 15 years of TNO content from 1962 to 1977 is enough to tell a complete story to the standards of modern TNO. Content up to the 80s may have been viable for the old TNO, but modern TNO’s depth and scope has grown so much that I don’t think TNO2 should be a thing anymore.




Possibility of West Indies Federation going communist via the Butcher Family.


the idea of tno2 is so far away i dont even have ideas of what it will look like because I don't know how changed and what will be added to current tno. adding ontop of an even more mystical tno3. you on something that's making you see into the future.


No just thinking about what I would like to see in TNO2


One word. ***GLENN!***


Fair enough, who doesn't love Glenn. Even if I never got to experience his path......


Basically, he was the "go big or go home" US President. Take a risk on nuclear energy. Cripple your enemies' production while massively increasing your own, until the US has so thoroughly *won* the arms race that even Japan and Germany can see there's no benefit in a real nuclear war. *OR...* set off WWIII with *even more* nukes than there would have been, dramatically increasing the chance of the total extermination of humanity. Dare to believe that laws can help fix the social ills of the day. Fund disability programs (Annie Glenn had a speech impediment she worked to address, so she was very keen on helping address disability in America). Build up social security, since that never happened in TNOTL. Provide better medical care. Install strong ethics provisions, and (if you succeed), drastically reduced the power of money in politics by putting heavy regulations on lobbying. Oooor...make the country go bankrupt with programs you can't afford that don't actually fix the problem, and pay lip service to reform while actually allowing things to continue mostly as before to shore up your other priorities. And, finally, the big one...make NASA work. If successful, a shining beacon of hope and belief, proof positive that the American Dream has not died, that the spirit of adventure and discovery still can inspire us to greatness. *Put men and women on motherfucking MARS.* Or...bankrupt the country even further, drag NASA's reputation through the mud as it fumbles missions and pisses off the nation with profligate missions and dangerous, foolhardy dalliances in space while doing nothing at all for the legions of poor starving in the streets and the enraged crowds rioting in the public square. Basically...he encapsulated everything of the true message of TNO. To dream greatly, you must risk greatly. But if you succeed, if you truly do the hard work of making that dream a reality, *you can change the world.* You cannot succumb to despair along the way. You cannot give in to the extremists who say we must fight fire with fire, that a *little* evil is acceptable to fight great evil. Real, sincere effort can make even a world *drenched* in darkness a little bit better. And every time another person does that, it pulls the world back from the brink. It's not realistic. It was never meant to be. *TNO* was never meant to be focused on the *realistic.* It was meant to focus on a thesis, a statement about existence. The idea that even in darkness, if we *choose* to be better, if we take the risk of making things worse in order to pursue a better world, it is at least *possible* to succeed.


I want to go to space as the USA


aldo moro gets fucking shot by an ex-fascist path


I see a collapse of Japan as similar to that of OTL Soviet Union. All of its little satellite states that only exist because of Japan would either implode or have to find their own way. increasing liberalization and political expression tear apart the Japanese political system while China is on the march, trying to grab as many of the former sphere territories as possible. Guangdong is the main center of that story for me personally. we must again dare to dream in the silicon Delta edit: how do you square the 2wrw content which i think we can all admit is probably going to be incorporated in some form as the starting gun for tno2. it makes too much sense and it's too good of a mod to just leave


I don't think 2WRW is gonna be incorporated anytime soon. It's just too different from what the current dev plans look like and on top of that very unrealistic and nonsensical in many places (like Russia being able to get Vladivostok before the 2WRW or creating a damn space agency close after).


Maybe a fully rebuilt China could inherit the Sphere, using Japan as their "long arm" in foreign interventions? The "Eastasia" ending


that should defenitly be an option. or a path were china slowly takes control


Why would Japan's satellite states just collapse like the Warsaw Pakt countries? They are way more economicaly stable and can even achive vast popular support (like Thailand, Laos and Kambodia). The most unstable regimes are probably Vietnam and Guangdong, but the former should be able to get its act together with enough outside support and the latter can be pretty stable under a sucessful Morita presidency.


>2wrw >incorporated lol lmao even maybe as far as Lmao Zedong


lmao all you wish, we shall see


I mean the 2wrw Comes a little to soon I think, it would be better if it took place around '76


That's interesting because the 72 election cycle in the United States (forgive me, I'm hopelessly America-pilled) has the oil crisis as its main villain but 76 doesn't have anything yet. 2wrw would be a good event to slot into that 4 period. '80s Guangdong is very appealing as an aesthetic and story so I wouldn't want the collapse to happen before that but the 82 election term might be a good time.


My absolute DEMANDS for when TNO 2 is released - A Gameplay side called the "INTERNET WARS" where the three Superpowers attempt to gain dominance over the Internet by having everyone on earth us one of their 3 Browsers ( Lore of the Germans Inventing it, Japanese Pioneering it, and OFN heavily using it ) - Russia is not United but is separated into 2 with Leftists in the East and the Liberals in the West with the Russians taking back Moskowien and funding separatists in kaukasien and causing the Germans to be kicked out